Your Source for Ponds, Waterfalls, and Accessories. Design, Installation, Sales, Service. Check out our seminars page with. recently posted schedule of events!
If you're looking for top-quality pond supplies and equipment
come visit us today at Water's Edge Aquascaping, Inc. For more than 14 years, we've been one of the greater Chicago area's preferred destinations for water gardens, supplies, and accessories, offering a wide selection of pond forms, pumps, filters, plants, and fish. Now you can find everything you need for your own oasis, right here in one location.
We have the experience and the know how to create your dream outdoor experience.
With over 80 years of combined experience you can expect the best from Water's Edge. Our designers and installers are not only creative but also conservative. We will sit down with you and design the best possible options when it comes to your project.
We carry a full line of
Pumps including Danner, Tsurimi and Savio
Filtration systems and Ultra Violet Lights
All Pond treatments, Statues, Fountains, Water Plants
And Garden Gifts
Featuring a Complete Range of Supplies for Your Pond or Waterfall
Come visit us today!
Water Conditioning
Plant Care Products
Water Garden Ornaments
Water Treatment Solutions
Servicing all your Outdoor Needs!
Installation, Repair, Filtration, Maintenance, Cleaning, Site Work. Here at Water's Edge we have the experience and know how to complete all your outdoor living needs. With the combined experience of more than 80 years you are "guaranteed the best!"
We will sit down with you and discuss your wants and needs. We have the experience to help you come up with all kinds of ideas when it comes to your outdoor space.
When it comes time to turn your design into a reality, you can expect us to complete the job in a timely and professional manner! By the time we are finished you will be sad to see us go. Have you ever actually enjoyed the company of your contrator?
Now that your project is finished its time to think about maintenance. We offer service contracts for maintance, where we will come back regularly to clean filters, fertilize plants, water test, and add neccessary product to ensure your pond is healthy and looking its best!
Someone else do the job? Not happy with it? Have you become unhappy with how everything looks? We will come fix it up or fancy it up. Over time things happen. Weather, critters, children messing around...whatever the circumstances, we can handle it!
Your filtration is a very important part of your water feature. Over filtration is a waste of money, but insufficient filtration will lead to alot issues. We can help you find that perfect fit. Due to numerous types of filtration, we will help guide you on which type and combination to use to keep your water looking perfect.
Does your pond look like pea soup? Maybe it just got out of hand. Our guys love a challenge. We'll get that mess looking its best.
Special Offer
Special Offer on Ponds, Waterfalls, and Accessories
If you're looking for top-quality pond supplies and equipment, come visit us today at Water's Edge Aquascaping, Inc. For more than 14 years, we've been one of the greater Chicago area's preferred destinations for water gardens, supplies, and accessories, offering a wide selection of pond forms, pumps, filters, plants, and fish. Now you can find everything you need for your own oasis, right here in one location.
We have the experience and the know how to create your dream outdoor experience. With over 80 years of combined experience you can expect the best from Water's Edge. Our designers and installers are not only creative but also conservative. We will sit down with you and design the best possible options when it comes to your project.