a different selection of this spanish sugar bread sandwich available daily. warmed and cut into an open-faced sandwich. toppings may include ham/swiss, salami/pesto, curried chicken salad, hummus/brie, herbed goat cheese/bacon or duck/balsamic. a house favorite
“in cooking, as in all arts, simplicity is the sign of perfection.” -Curnonsky
Flour Pizza is a simple pizza shop located in the Western Gateway of Des Moines. We are open for lunch Monday-Saturday from 11-2. Flour is the newest venture of chef/owner Carly Groben, who opened Proof (www.proofrestaurant.com) in 2008. At Flour, grab a slice, or two, from our selection of over ten ever-changing bakery-style pizzas. Our pizzas are baked in 18? by 26? aluminum sheet pans, which are cut into 16 rectangular slices. The pizza crust is made using our homemade focaccia dough, which is mixed and hand-stretched daily. Not in the mood for pizza? You can also opt for a fresh-tossed salad, a sugar bread sandwich, or something sweet. Enjoy your lunch at one of our handmade hickory community tables or, grab it to go. We take call-in orders for carry-out.