Dobson's is a power central at lunchtime -- downtown lawyers, politicos and other Eminent Type Personages have done business here since the early '80s while breaking through the pastry crust on the famously delicious mussel bisque. If you think you have no place here, polish your shoes, show up and be proven wrong: Dobson's is renowned for being an exceptionally comfortable place to hang out.
Wood-paneled walls and stained glass lend dignity to the rather narrow room, lending the atmosphere of an old fashioned men's club. (Don't for a minute think that women aren't a presence, too). Within a block of the Civic Theatre and the Lyceum, Dobson's also draws theater-bound patrons at dinnertime, when the menu includes pan-roasted Chilean sea bass or a chicken breast stuffed with ripe olive tapenade. Be sure to make reservations as table seating is limited -- at lunchtime you'll find plenty of people eating at the bar.