We hope that this site will entertain you as well as inform you about the basic goings on at the restaurant. After our christening party on April Fools Day in 1989 its been one yuck after another atwhat has affectionately been labeled by most law enforcement agencies as, 'The Yankee'. We've mutated into an institution of debauchery and merriment known to many and tolerated by most.
Our "crack staff" will attempt to cater to most of your reasonable, and to some unreasonable needs with a jolly smirk and a look of parental concern, but we really do mean well. Honestly.Eventually you'll probably get most of what you need and in some cases things that you don't need. Hopefully. We attribute it to the Ghosts.We hope that you will find the answers to any questions that you might have and we look forward to your feedback, if its positive. Please take time to sign up on our mailing list so that we can keep on informing you of upcoming events tothe list of things that we consistently forget to do.