Technique that reduces the fluid causing swelling in the brain through manipulation of the soft tissue of the Frontal Occipital lobes and is a powerful detoxifier for the brain and body. This technique very effectively treats and manages: autism, learning disabilities, swelling in the cranium, post-surgery detoxing, scar tissue from concussions, focusing and eye problems, sinus and inner ear swelling, concentration challenges, right/left brain integration, emotional shock and post-traumatic stress disorders, lymphatic balancing, and more.
Releases the core distortions in the body through soft tissue manipulation of the Cranium. Core distortions are the cause of 90% of imbalance, dysfunction, and pain. Once fully released, usually in one treatment, the core distortion will not return!. the soft tissue restrictions holding the distortion can't reform the same way again. The old soft tissue restrictions holding the distortion start unwinding and reforming new balanced supported holding patterns resulting in pain relief.
One hour session$100.00
Massage Package Savings
Purchase One Of Our Packages And Save. The more you buy the more you save!!!!! Note: Packages may not be combined with other specials or offers
Package #1
Buy 3 sessions at list price save $5 on each session for a total of $15 savings (must be used within 3 months of purchase date)
Package #2
Buy 4 sessions at list price save $7 each for a total of $28 savings (must be use within 4 months of purchase date)
Package #3
Buy 5 sessions at list price save $10 each for a total of $50 savings (must be used within 3 months of purchase date)
In the West, basic training for massage therapists is in Swedish massage, which combines a variety of techniques such as effleurage (gliding strokes), petrissage (kneading), friction, and tapotement (light percussion). Other massage modalities, typically learned through continuing education instructors, may encompass some, most, or all of the basic techniques, or draw on other skill sets.