In early 2007, Don and Dianne Decker purchased the American Legion Post 130 Golf Course. Renovations started immediately in March of 2007, with a total over haul of the facilities that included new carpet, paint, decorations, wood fixtures, bar, mirrors, bathrooms, kitchen and many others. During these years, Iowa Central Community College partnered with the Decker family to provide a quality facility to the Fort Dodge area, as well as start 3 new programs and a hands-on learning environment for the students of Iowa Central Community College. These programs were Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management and Turfgrass Management. In January of 2011, Mr and Mrs Decker decided to donate Willow Ridge Golf Course and Restaurant to Iowa Central Community College, and since that date, the facility has been under full management by the college, and fully utilized by the students as a learning environment. These students work under a full time staff of employees and assist in areas such as Food Preparation, Customer Service, Event Planning and Golf Course Maintenance and Beautification.