this champagne of ceylon estate tea has an excellent light flavor
the “queen of teas” grown high in the himalayas. a blend of first flush and autumnal teas from the finest gardens
English Breakfast
historic researchers trace this china black’s heritage back to the teas the british drank in the 1800s
Irish Breakfast
from the assam valley of india. a true irish favorite
Lovers Leap
lovers leap is one of the best tea estates in sri lanka. this estate is high in the clouds - a place where jilted lovers threw themselves from the cliffs
Panda One
an aromatic flavor that is emphasized with milk
Queen Catherine
named after catherine of baraganza of portugal. when she became the wife of england’s king charles, she introduced the british to tea drinking. this tea was blended in her honor
Queen Elizabeth
a blend to honor her majesty queen elizabeth ii. this blend of indian and ceylon teas stands up to milk and sugar. long live the queen!
Russian Country
a blend of four black teas with a touch of lapsang. this tea has a smokey flavor. ask your server why it is smokey
Tippy Yunnan
a full-bodied black with a slight fruity taste
Flavored Black Teas
Apple Crunch
Black Currant
Butterscotch Caramel Toffee
Caramel Apple
Chocolate Kahlua
Cookies And Creme
Duke Of Cardiff
blended to honor the one-hundredth anniversary of the city of cardiff in wales. an amber cup with a currant aftertaste
Dunmore East
named after a small fishing village in the county of waterford. it offers a malty flavor with a fruity aftertaste
Earl Grey
legend says this tea was a gift from china to the earl charles grey. flavored with bergamot
French Carmel Creme Brulée
“ooh lala...this tea is fabulous”
a decadent blend of chocolate and hazelnut
Monk’s Blend
created by tibetan monks to help them stay awake during long hours of meditation. the leaves are from the top three growing regions in sri lanka. this tea is medium-bodied, with a sweet, toasty flavor
Peaches And Creme
Pomegranate Mango
Royal Wedding
a truly royal treat, with hints of mango, kiwi, strawberry and raspberry
Strawberry Margarita
Victorian Earl Grey
a very flowery flavor
White Chocolate Mousse
Green Teas
Dragon’s Well
china’s most famous tea. boasts a distinctive sweetness
Hyde Park Green
a light green flavored with fresh pear
Lemon Green
pineapple green
Tilly Mints
a wonderful green with spearmint
Tropical Green
a tropical fruit salad in a cup
Oolong Teas
Formosa Oolong
from the island of formosa, this is the most oxidized oolong available
Iron Goddess Of Mercy
a light character with hints of orchids
White Teas
Mutan White
this rare white has an abundance of silvery white buds and green leaves. it has a delicate flavor. excellent with sweets
naturally withered with a toasty character. the leaves stay in the pot with this tea
Yummy Berry
flavored with wild berries, this herbal is sweet with a slight tart character
The Wavertree - Our Full Tea
seasonal soup or savory, salad, assorted tea sandwiches, scones with cream/curd/jam, fresh fruit, assorted dainty desserts, pot of tea
Per Person$21.00
He Merseyside - Our Light Tea
assorted tea sandwiches, scones with cream/curd/jam, fresh fruit, assorted dainty desserts, pot of tea
Per Person$19.00
The Liverpool - Our Lunch Special
seasonal soup, savory, salad, pot of tea
Per Person$12.00
The Piccadilly
seasonal soup, salad, crusty roll and butter, pot of tea
Per Person$9.00
The Nantwich - For The Sweets Lover
assorted dainty desserts, pot of tea
Per Person$10.00
The Southport - Our Cream Tea
scones with cream/curd/jam, fresh fruit, pot of tea