Time: 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm; Instructor: Jennifer Abrahams (Sub for Sabine Keagy)
All Levels Vinyasa*
Time: 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm; Instructor: Renee Hamilton (Sub for Katie Williams)
Class Description
All Levels Vinyasa*
In this dynamic practice yoga postures are linked together using the breath to create a seamless flow of the poses. This continuous flow builds a strong body and clear mind. This class is suitable for students already comfortable with basic yoga postures. These classes without asterix are room temperature, with are warmed to 80 - 85 degrees
Led Ashtanga Vinyasa
The Primary Series: In this dynamic practice, yoga postures are linked together using the breath to create a seamless flow of the poses. This continuous flow builds a strong body and clear mind. This class is suitable for students already comfortable with basic yoga postures, but open to all levels
Yoga asana (postures) balanced with meditative reflection. Our Hatha Yoga class does not involve sun salutations or fast transitions. All levels welcome
Soulful Flow*
Soulful flow is the perfect class for athletic recovery or if your are looking for a slower paced vinyasa to restore your body and mind. The first half of class will be a gentle vinyasa style practice to unwind the body with a longer restorative second half of class to calm and quiet the mind
Level 2 Vinyasa*
For the intermediate student, this dynamic yoga practice links together postures using the breath to create a seamless flow of the poses. This continuous flow builds a strong body and clear mind. This class is suitable for students already comfortable with basic yoga postures. This class is warmed to 80 - 85 degrees
Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga is a therapeutic practice of conscious relaxation that supports mental, emotional, and physical health in the body. Instead of using muscular strength and movement, the body is encouraged to stretch and open by being more passive and receptive. Students will rest in poses longer, and both inner and outer stillness develops gradually in a safe, quiet environment. The focus is on gentle actions and breath formulas that enhance circulation, quiet the mind, and reduce tension. This process is facilitated by using props whenever possible in postures that promote healing and well being
Strong Yogi
In this Level 2 class we will strengthen the connective tissue around your joints, increase your core stability, and play with variations of traditional yoga poses designed to match flexibility with strength. While this is an excellent class for flexible, even hypermobile bodies, learning how to strengthen a muscle while you're stretching it can aid less flexible bodies to gain more range of motion and increase elasticity in their muscles. Let's become strong yogis!
Hatha Flow
The exploration of precise alignment within the asanas along with attention to the breath creates a practice to help balance the body and calm the mind. This class incorporates the fluid movements of sun salutations and linking breath and movement
Yoga Basics
Do you want to start yoga, but feel intimidated or don't think you are flexible enough? This class is a safe place for you to get started! Simple stretching and breathing exercises will allow you to gain the benefits of yoga without any prior experience. Build strength, flexibility, confidence, body awareness and an understanding of yoga etiquette and philosophy in a supportive environment. Let go of any tension during extended relaxation at the end of this class
Vinyasa Level 2/3*
This is a vigorous vinyasa practice with deeper exploration of the poses. These challenging classes are designed for the more experienced student
Mysore Ashtanga
The "Mysore Style" is the traditional way of learning Ashtanga yoga. In this all-levels class, students receive individualized instruction and are guided through sequential groupings of increasingly advanced postures, linked by vinyasa and breath. This allows for a highly dynamic, deep, and transformative practice which opens both bodies and minds. Please note: Mysore Ashtanga requires separate payment to Bend Ashtanga Yoga. Your Yoga Lab class packs, monthly unlimited, $30 intro special, free class cards, or drop ins do not apply to Monday - Friday Mysore classes. You may use your Yoga Lab account for the Led Ashtanga Vinyasa on Sundays at 8:30AM class only. No exceptions
Healing Vibrations Meditation Group
Consider this an alternative meditation class. It is not only about creating a calm mind. It's about rewiring your brain and expanding awareness. Learn tools to transform old, limiting beliefs and subconscious emotional patterns. Tap into your highest good. Tune into your heart energy and learn to lead with it. Learn tools to create coherence, balance and wholeness in your life. Please pay at the door. Sliding scale $5 - $20. (regular Yoga Lab class packs, monthly unlimited, drop in, free class cards, and gift certificates may not be used)
Intro to Ashtanga Yoga 4 Class Series
This verbally led 4-class series will introduce students to ashtanga vinyasa yoga in a smaller class setting (3-8) to learn the basics of ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga yoga as taught by S.K. Pattabhi Jois is a practice of breath, postures, meditation and lifestyle principles that give experience and insight as to our Real nature or Self. Clarity of mind and health in the body are added benefits. Students will be given the fundamentals that can help them to become familiar to study in the ongoing Mysore style classes. $50 includes one month of yoga... the 4 Intro classes, plus an additional 2 weeks of unlimited ashtanga yoga classes following the series (these ashtanga program classes are 7AM - 9AM, plus Sunday 8:30AM at The Yoga Lab). No prior experience in ashtanga sequences is needed for led classes or Mysore classes, teachers will guide your practice. You can also take the series if you are already familiar with ashtanga but want to work on the basics
*Indicates that the class is warmed to 80 – 85 degrees F to promote a healthy sweat without overheating. Single class Drop in: $16; Noon classes (M-F only) are $8 cash or check drop in or use your class pass/unlimited membership
The Yoga Lab is a collaborative effort among friends and yoga teachers to offer Central Oregon insightful, grounded, and fun yoga classes. Several years ago, Ulla, Rebecca and Aleta met in the Bend yoga community and starting teaching and practicing together. The Yoga Lab is home to Bend Ashtanga Yoga which offers Mysore style morning practices 5 days per week and a led primary series class on Sunday mornings.