Menu of Services Available by appointment, Monday through Saturday
Skin care services by Licensed Esthetician Julia Smirnov!!! Young Living oils available ! Learn the many benefits of essential oils!
1/2 hour
Concentrating on specific problem areas
One Hour
Full body
One & ½ Hour
Full body & specific problem areas
Couple's Massage
Treat yourself and a friend, as we have 2 treat-ment rooms, you'll experience simultaneously
Reiki Session
A Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation to promote healing. Fully clothed
Approximately 40-45 Minutes$40.00
Hot Stone Massage
70 Minutes$90.00
Raindrop Technique
Combines essential oils with special massage techniques to add greater therapeutic benefits
Ionic Foot Detox
Start off the New Year right while you relax in a soothing 30 min. foot bath that will revitalize and improve overall health by removing toxins!
Gift Certificates & Group Sessions also available!
Reflexology Facts
What Is Reflexology ?
Reflexology is a science which deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to all of the glands, organs and parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly can help many health problems in a natural way, a type of preventative maintenance. Reflexology is a serious advance in the health field and should not be confused with massage.
Is Reflexology New ?
The idea behind Reflexology is not new - in fact, it was practiced as early as 2330 B.C. by the Egyptian culture. Reflexology as we know it today was first researched and developed by Eunice Ingham, the pioneer of this field. Her first book on the subject was published in 1938. And since 1942, Reflexology workshops have been conducted year round.
What Is the Ingham Methodâ„¢ ?
It is the combined work of the late Eunice Ingham and her nephew Dwight C. Byers, the world's leading authority on Foot Reflexology. Mr. Byers, director of the International Institute of Reflexology®, and/or his hand picked instructors conduct on-going workshops on a worldwide scale to both laymen and professionals.
What Does Reflexology Do ?
The Ingham Method® of Reflexology is used primarily for relaxing tension. Doctors agree that over 75% of our health problems can be linked to nervous stress and tension. Reflexology improves nerve and blood supply, and helps nature to normalize.
What Special Equipment Is Needed ?
Only the hands are used, making it a safe, simple, yet effective method without the use of gadgets. Let your fingers do the walking.
Can Reflexology Make a Condition Worse ?
No, it will not make any condition more acute. Reflexology helps to normalize body functions. A Reflexology session relaxes the stress that can affect your health. It is a safe effective way to Better Health.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal life energy.
Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. This healing art is an effective delivery system. The Reiki practitioner serves as a vessel that supplies healing energies where they are most needed. Reiki's ki-energies flow out of the practitioner's body through the palms of the hands while they are touching the recipient's body.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy".
So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.
Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class.
This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.
What to Expect During a Reiki Treatment
You will be asked to lay down on a massage table, couch, or bed. You will be fully clothed except for your shoes. You may also be asked to remove or loosen your belt so that your breathing is not restricted in any way. It is best to choose loose-fitting garments to wear on the day of your appointment. Wearing natural fabrics is best (cotton, wool, or linen). You may also be asked to remove any jewelry (rings, braceletes, pendants, etc.) prior to the session, so consider leaving these items at home. Relaxing Atmosphere: Reiki practitioners will often create a relaxing atmosphere for their Reiki sessions, setting the mood with the use of dimmed lights, meditative music, or bubbling water fountains. Some practitioners prefer to be in a place that is completely silent, without distraction of music of any kind, to conduct their Reiki sessions in.
Healing Touch
The Reiki practitioner will place his hands lightly on different parts of your body. Some practitioners will follow a predetermined sequence of hand placements, allowing their hands to rest on each body placement for 2 to 5 minutes before moving on to the next. Empathic practitioners will freely move their hands in no particular order to the areas where they "feel" Reiki is most needed. Some Reiki practitioners do not touch their clients. They will hover their lifted palms a few inches above the reclined body. Either way, Reiki energies flow where they are suppose to. Reiki is a smart energy that automatically flows where the imbalances are in your body regardless of where the practitioner's hands are placed.
Phantom Hands
Because Reiki energies flow to where they are most needed there is a Reiki phenomenon called "phantom hands" that you may or may not experience. Phantom hands feel as if the Reiki practitioner's hands are touching one part of your body when they are actually elsewhere. For example, you may be able to see that the healer's hands are actually placed on your stomach, but you could swear that hands are touching your legs. Or, you may feel as if several pairs of hands are on your body at the same time as if several people are in the room with you.
Massage and Cancer
If you are suffering from Cancer and are curious on the benefits of massage and questions related to alternative or complimentary therapies please take a few minutes to read the following information. How can Massage Therapy relieve your discomfort? Many cancer patients find that when traditional medicine does not help to ease their pain related to their cancer, massage therapy can help to temporarily relieve their pain. As your body relaxes and releases built up tension, the renewed energy and physical stress reduction can last for hours and days after a massage therapy session.
How Massage helps your recovery
Massage therapy has been shown to increase blood flow circulation and increase healing in surround tissue that is affected by surgery or radiation. Massage therapy can help to reduce swelling and aid in healing tissue in scarred areas. The healing properties also aid in decreasing muscle tightness and increase muscle and skeletal flexibility. As your body relaxes during massage therapy, the reduction of pain and stress allows the body to begin focusing the healing process on other areas of the body.
Research Evidence
"A growing number of health care professionals recognize massage as a useful addition to conventional medical treatment. Some studies of massage for cancer patients suggest that it can decrease stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and fatigue for many patients. These potential benefits hold great promise for people with cancer, who deal with the stresses of a serious illness and some unpleasant side effects of conventional medical treatment. While some evidence from research studies with cancer patients supports massage for short-term symptom relief, additional research is needed to find out if there are measurable, long-term physical or psychological benefits. While massage appears promising for symptom management and quality of life, available scientific evidence does not support claims that massage slows or reverses the growth or spread of cancer. In a 2005 review of research, Deng and Cassileth reported that massage therapy has been shown to reduce pain and anxiety in randomized controlled trials. Large, well-controlled studies are still needed to determine the long-term health benefits of massage. Meanwhile, most patients feel better after massage, which may result in substantial relief. In a 1999 publication, the National Cancer Institute found that about half of their cancer centers offered massage as an adjunctive therapy to cancer treatment." – American Cancer Society (
Are there any possible problems or complications?
"People with rheumatoid arthritis, cancer that has spread to the bone, spine injuries, osteoporosis or other bone diseases that could be worsened by physical manipulation should avoid physical manipulation or deep pressure. Manipulation of a bone in an area of cancer metastasis could result in a bone fracture. Also, people who have had radiation may find even light touch on the treatment area to be uncomfortable. People with cancer and chronic conditions such as arthritis and heart disease should consult their physicians before undergoing any type of therapy that involves manipulation of joints and muscles. It is important to have massage given by trained massage therapists, and to be sure they know about your cancer and its treatment. Generally, gentle massage and bodywork can be adapted to meet the needs of cancer patients. People receiving radiation treatment should not have lotion or oil used on the areas on which radiation was used. Even without radiation treatment, a few people have allergic reactions to oils used during massage. Another concern for people with cancer is that tissue manipulation in the area of a tumor might increase the risk that cancer cells might travel to other parts of the body. It may be prudent for cancer patients to avoid massage near tumors and lumps that may be cancerous until this question is clearly answered. It is important for people with cancer to let their medical care provider know they are receiving massage. Massage should be provided by a trained professional with expertise in working safely with people with cancer and with cancer survivors. Family members and other caregivers can be instructed in certain massage techniques as well."
CranioSacral Therapy
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
Craniosacral therapy uses the rhythm of the craniosacral system which will enhance body functioning and alleviate pain. The craniosacral system is made up of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the spinal cord and brain. Since this system influences the performance of the spinal cord and brain, it can cause a multitude of disabilities including: scoliosis, severe pain, vision impairment, large or small motor difficulties, and other possible ailments. Craniosacral therapy is a method of detection and correction that helps your own natural healing to remove these negative effects of stress on your central nervous system.
How is CranioSacral Therapy Performed?
Using a light touch, the practitioner observes the rhythm of the craniosacral system to find restrictions and imbalances. Following the detection of the restrictions, the therapist uses manual techniques to relieve the pressure between the brain and spinal cord. This session can last from 15 minutes to an hour, and can be used in alone or with other therapy techniques.
Learning More about CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is taught by the Upledger Institute, which is a health center that is dedicated to the progression of innovated techniques that complement normal care. To learn more about Craniosacral Therapy, visit
What is SomatoEmotional Release?
With SomatoEmotional Release, the therapist uses imaging and dialoguing techniques that guide the patient through a normally challenging encounter with long-held emotions. Commonly the body will return to the same position it was in when the injury was sustained. When this happens, the therapist can feel the tissues of the body relax as the energy cysts, which are intense feelings that may have occurred at the time of injury, are expelled. The body returns then to its optimal levels of functioning
What Conditions Does CranioSacral Therapy Address?
CranioSacral Therapy helps strengthen your body's ability to better take care of you. It helps alleviates some of the following conditions:
Orthopedic Problems
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Learning Disabilities
Emotional Difficulties
Central Nervous System Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
Infantile Disorders
Migraines and Headaches
Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Motor-Coordination Impairments
Stress and Tension-Related Problems
Fibromyalgia and Massage
Fibromyalgia is a condition that has symptoms such as widespread pain and other symptoms that limit your daily activities. Along with medical attention, massage therapy can help manage this pain. Massages are relaxing, often reducing pain, and improve the quality of life.
What is fibromyalgia?
There isn't a single cause that has been identified with this condition; however physical trauma can trigger its onset. Other causes could be emotional trauma, infections, stress, or sleep disturbances. Most patients that have this condition have pain in multiple sites throughout the body; however, it is likely that it starts in a region such as the back, neck or shoulders and spreads over time. Fibromyalgia may also cause other symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and trouble concentrating.
Massages to create relief
Pain Relief
With fibromyalgia, pain can be caused by lack of sleep, stress, long periods of inactivity, and other emotional factors. By deeply relaxing, massage can help focus your attention to the sensation of a caring touch instead of constantly feeling pain. Massages also increase circulation which cleanses tissues of uncomfortable fluid buildup and inflammation. By increasing oxygen and nutrition flow to its contracted muscles, it allows them to relax.
Stress Relief
Stress can also be a special problem for people who suffer with fibromyalgia, since studies show it heightens pain sensitivity. Massages calm the nervous system, slow and deepen the breath, and relax muscle tension. At a decreased stress level, energy is freed up for other vital functions, and the fading of anxiety are all benefits of massages. Also, with the knowledge there is something you can do to often alleviate your symptoms, it can help you reduce your stress.
Better Sleep
Poor sleep is a common aliment for people suffering with fibromyalgia. After the sensation of a massage, you will feel rested and relaxed and are more likely to experience a deeper and better sleep.
Emotional Support
Your massage therapist will listen and take your symptoms very seriously. Massages give a skillful, caring touch.
Support for Exercise
Constant exercise is essential for improvement. Massages have the potential to make it easier to exercise properly.
Improved Breathing
Many people who suffer from fibromyalgia have shallow breathing patterns that can aggravate pain. Massage therapists can help release your tight muscles that are restricting your breathing patterns and work with you to establish good habits.
Massage, a Gentle Approach
Massages are meant to be enjoyable.
If touch is too painful for you, your therapist will work with you to fulfill your body's needs.
Be aware that any treatment is another input to your system, which could already be overtaxed.
Short and gentle sessions may be best for you in the beginning. Although it may take several sessions to begin to feel the benefits, with regular massage treatment, this may help relieve your pain with fibromyalgia.
Meeting your Individual Needs
It is possible that your needs may change from session to session.
You should be prepared to inform your therapist about your symptoms, changes in health, and medications. You should also inform your doctor that you are receiving massage therapy.
Make sure to tell your therapist what feels good and what does not.
If you desire, it is possible for the therapist to focus in one area and still feel the relaxation throughout your body. Try to give feedback about pressure or tenderness and also fatigue after a session.
Along with massages, you can support the healing by drinking water, eating well, getting adequate rest, and listening to your body's warning signals to slow down and relax.
You might try meditation or yoga to reduce stress level.
Your Return to Good Health
Your return to good health
Over time, you can improve with the right combination of massages and supportive measures. You can move toward better sleep, pain relief, and increased energy. Your therapist will be a caring partner in your journey to return to good health.
Therapeutic Massage for Seniors
Therapeutic Massage for Senior Years
The body constantly fixes itself throughout its lifetime, but with each passing year the process becomes less and less efficient. Even the healthiest of people who remain active into their nineties can accumulate a wide variety of tedious problems. Even though aging is inevitable, you can take measures to preserve or improve your vigor, coordination, flexibility, and strength regardless of your age. Regularly having therapeutic massage can also improve physical and mental well-being throughout your life.
Massage: an honored practice
Ancient Asian cultures commonly refer to massage as a health treatment. Even Hippocrates prescribed massage for athletes and patients. Today, therapeutic massage is commonly prescribed for relaxation and health across the world.
Help for specific troubles
Studies show that a massage calms the nervous system, increases circulation, and helps relax muscle tension. These effects can help many conditions such as- relieving ache from tense muscles, improving the mobility of joints, posture, and coordination. It can also help relieve irritated skin, enhancing deep sleep, increasing healing speed from surgery or sustained injuries. Finally, massages can ease breathing and increase vitality.
Stress: its growing effect
Stress interferes with your ability to enjoy life and is also a hazard to your wellbeing. Research shows that unrelieved stress can not only weaken the body's immune system, but also worsen a large amount of persistent ailments. Such conditions as breathing difficulties, high blood pressure, and insomnia can be attributed to excess stress. Since its effects are collective, managing stress becomes extremely important with age.
Sensible Considerations
Communicate what you need.
Tell your therapist where you are feeling pain and why you are getting a massage.
Your therapist will leave the room while you get undressed. You will have worm covering at all times except for the area receiving the massage.
Getting on the table
If you need help, your therapist will help you get onto the table. Pillows and cushions are commonly used to help give you support. If you are unable to lie down due to discomfort, your therapist will more than likely be able to accommodate you in some other way.
Special concerns.
Make sure to always tell your therapist if the massage is causing you pain or discomfort. If you get too hot or cold, you can always tell your therapist to either give you more covers or remove some of them.
After the massage.
Make sure that before getting up from the table, you should give yourself a few minutes to relax and reorient yourself from the state of relaxation you are in. Your therapist can stay and help you get up when you're ready.
How much of a massage is right?
How much of a massage is right? Lengths of your massage will depend primarily on your health and reason of getting the massage. Your first appointment should probably be a half an hour or less. Scheduling regular sessions is more important than having long ones. Given experience, your therapist and you will be able to set up a schedule that suits you.
Stress and Massage
Therapeutic massage can create a strong sense of relaxation, which for many, is reason enough to receive one.
A massage elicits the body's relaxation response, which is a response of the nervous system that reverses the effects of stress on the body. Tense muscles relax, breathing rate slows, and high blood pressure returns to its normal state.
Regularly scheduled massages can even help you improve your capability to relax on your own.
It happens because the body becomes more familiar with the feeling of relaxation, which helps you perceive tension as it happens and take the necessary actions required to release it before it becomes problematic.
After massages lower your level of tension, you may find yourself feeling more rejuvenated and relaxed.
These feelings will help create more energy for daily activities, more patience for small irritations, and even a new eagerness for daily living.
When It Is Time to Get a Massage
Massages are nearly always a useful tool for stress relief or any of the conditions stated above.
Massages are nearly always a useful tool for stress relief or any of the conditions stated above. However, due to some conditions pertaining to health, massages should be avoided, or in the least, done more cautiously. Some examples of conditions include osteoporosis, severe arthritis, and thrombophlebitis.
Make sure to always inform your massage therapist about changes in your health.
The question of when to get a massage is answered best by having one. For all ages, massages can give a significant benefit of improved vitality, relaxation, and health.
Lymph Drainage Therapy
The Importance of Lymph Drainage for Good Health
The lymphatic system is critical to the body's ability to drain stagnant fluids, detoxify, regenerate tissues, filter out foreign substances, and allow an individual to maintain a healthy immune system *Asdonk, 1970, Adiar & Guyton, 1982). It is composed of lymph vessels and nodes working in collaboration to complete these tasks. Lymph vessels rely upon numerous tiny muscular units that contract throughout the body to propel lymph flow. The contractions allow the lymph vessels to shuttle many substances to lymph nodes, which can then process them. The actions of these muscular units can be stopped or slowed, due to stress, age, infections, surgery, trauma, or burns. When lymph circulations stagnates, bodily fluids, proteins, cells and poisons may accumulate, which then allow cellular functioning to be significantly comprised. Lymphatic drainage is a hands-on method created to achieve and sustain proper functioning of the human fluid system. Lymphatic drainage techniques today are used as standard scientific practice throughout the world.
Taking Lymph Drainage Therapy Techniques to a New Level
Lymph Drainage Therapy enables practitioners to find the specific rhythm, course, volume and quality of the lymphatic flow. The therapist can achieve excellent precise outcomes in short periods of time. For the clients, the process is extremely pleasurable and creates a deep state of relaxation.
How Lymph Drainage Therapy is Achieved
Lymph Drainage Therapy uses gentle manual maneuvers to help in the recirculation of bodily fluids. The average amount of pressure applied is usually extremely light, around five grams, equivalent to the weight of a nickel. By using this technique, therapists are able to find the specific rhythm, direction, depth, and quality of lymph flow throughout the body. Then, they are able use their hands to do Manual Lymphatic Mapping of the vessels to assess the path of lymphatic circulation, areas of stagnation, and the best alternative pathways for draining lymph fluids.
The Benefits of Having Lymph Drainage Therapy
Due to the nature of the lymphatic system, Lymph Drainage Therapy can provide useful results in the correction of numerous conditions as well as allowing preventive health maintenance for one's body. Lymph Drainage Therapy works to assist the recirculation of body fluids, improves the function of the immune system, and encourages a state of relaxation and balance within the autonomic nervous system. When these actions are completed, the following results may occur:
Lessening of fibromyalgia and severe fatigue
Body detoxification
Regeneration of damaged tissue and improving anti-aging effects
Lessen chronic inflammation ie. allergic reactions, eczema, and acne
Stimulate the immune system for therapeutic and preventive responses
Lessening of swelling and lymphedemas of many origins
Alleviates symptoms of depression, insomnia, stress, memory loss, cellulite tissue, and muscle hypertonus