Thai food is internationally famous. Whether chilli-hot or comparatively bland, harmony is the guiding principle behind each dish. Thai cuisine is essentially a marriage of centuries-old Eastern and Western influences harmoniously combined into something uniquely Thai.
Thai culinary is an art. A Thai dish contains at least a dozen ingredients. Thai cuisine uses a variety of sauces, such as fish, soy, chili, and oyster. Other ingredients include lime and lemon juices, tamarind juice, coconut milk, garlic, lemon grass, galangal, basil, cilantro, cayenne, and black peppers, bean sprouts, etc. Traditionally, Thais use only fresh ingredients, such as fresh-made coconut milk (Ga Ti) and curry paste (Krung gang) for use in curry dishes. It takes almost a day to make a curry dish. Thai cooking is labor and time consuming.
Thai Herb Cuisine is proudly present our Authentic Thai Cuisine by Thai Chef who have more than 20 years cooking experience.