Location: Keniezire, South Kivu. Elevation: 1500-2000 masl. Varietal: red bourbon. Process: natural, dried on raised beds
12 oz.$17.50
2 lbs.$40.00
5 lbs.$92.00
Peru Llacta
Location: huaynapata, yanatile, cusco. Elevation: 1800-1900 masl. Varietal: typica and pache process: washed and sun dried on raised tables
12 oz.$17.50
2 lbs.$40.00
5 lbs.$92.00
Bird Dog
This coffee was chosen as a golden bean bronze medal winner in 2016. Fazenda cachoeira, Campos das vertentes, Brazil la chorrera, Cajamarca, Peru suke quto honey, guji, Ethiopia kayon mountain natural, guji, Ethiopia dimtu, guji, Ethiopia
12 oz.$16.00
2 lbs.$34.00
5 lbs.$80.00
Chickadee Decaf
Ethiopia scfcu sidamo natural. Honduras capucas. Sumatra smallholders
12 oz.$15.00
2 lbs.$32.00
5 lbs.$78.00
Early Riser
Current composition diaz farm, cajamarca, peru la chorrera, cajamarca, Peru dimtu, guji zone, Ethiopia
12 oz.$15.00
2 lb.$32.00
5 lb.$78.00
Map 40 Mokha Java
Ethiopia limu burka gudina. Ethiopia guji shakisso farm. Ethiopia banko gotitit natural. Papua New Guinea ax smallholders.