45 Minute Appointment: Customized by skin type and condition, Experienced, licensed estheticians, Thorough deep pore cleanse, Improve skin tone and texture, Clean, exfoliate, and refresh the skin, Control and lessen acne outbreaks, Maintain healthy, vibrant skin
30 Minute Appointment: Gently remove outermost layer of dead skin cells, Vitamins and minerals used to protect skin, Soften fine lines and wrinkles, Reduce effects of sun-damage, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation, Maintain healthy, vibrant skin. Result driven Vitamin C and enzyme peel to treat all skin types including rosacea and sensitive.
Arctic Berry Peel
45 Minute Appointment: Experienced, licensed estheticians, Improve skin tone and texture, Clean, exfoliate, and refresh the skin, Improved collagen growth. Organic berries mixed with plant based enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids, stem cells and peptides are used for tightening and toning the skin. Contraindications include retin-a use, pregnancy, sensitive, active acne.
Dermasound Ultrasonic Facial
1 Hour Appointment: Electric current facilitates the removal of impurities from skin, Detoxify the skin for better circulation, Soften fine lines and wrinkles, Lift, tighten, and firm skin, Reduce fine wrinkles and sun-damage, Nourish skin and stimulate tissue. A 3 step treatment utilizing state of the art technology to deep clean pores, infuse products deep into the cellular layer and stimulate collagen and elastin fibers to reduce pore size, plump fine lines and reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. Good for all skin types. Contraindications include pregnancy and pacemaker.