Your face, more than any other physical feature on your body, is the first thing people notice about you.
Your facial expressions are also a reflection of your personality and they determine how others perceive you. Unfortunately, in addition your face reveals your true age and although you may feel young and vibrant, sometimes the lines and wrinkles on your face betray you. Aging is an inevitable part of life and there is nothing wrong with wanting to look refreshed and young throughout the process. With the help of Dr. Daniel H. Lin, a skilled board certified facial plastic surgeon and Diplomate of American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, you can expect the best possible surgical outcome with natural-looking results and minimal recovery time. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery located in Los Angeles, California, he offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures that will restore a gorgeous, healthy appearance to your face and body.
When you are young, the fat in your face is evenly distributed with pockets that plump up your forehead, temples, cheeks, mouth, and area around your eyes.
As you age, the fat loses volume and slumps downward so your features fall and the skin that was once smooth and tight gets loose and baggy. Other parts of your face may sag too because those areas gain fat especially around your chin, neck, and jowl area.
Even if you have great genes and look much younger than you are, you cannot stop your face from aging but today there is hope.
Dr. Lin specializes in facial plastic surgery to help women and men enhance their natural beauty and feel good about the face they see looking back at them in the mirror. Every cosmetic procedure has its own unique set of advantages and this will be discussed thoroughly during your first visit. To learn more about how Dr. Lin can help you recapture a more youthful appearance, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery and let us schedule your complimentary consultation.
Unwelcome Occurrences on Face
Forehead Wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles come in two types: vertical and horizontal. Vertical wrinkles occur between your eyebrows above your nose and horizontal wrinkles occur across your entire forehead. These wrinkles are caused by sun exposure, gravity, normal aging, repetitive facial expressions, and muscle movement.
Eye Wrinkles
Wrinkles around your eyes develop in the form of crow’s feet, under-eye bags, and tear troughs. Crow’s feet are wrinkles that form deep lines beginning in the outer corners of your eyes before working outward. Muscle movements such as squinting and environmental factors cause these wrinkles to appear. Tear troughs and bags are usually the result of gravity as fat deposits recede.
Neck Wrinkles
The most common wrinkles that occur on your neck are horizontal lines known as “Venus’s Rings.” Usually the first wrinkles to form, they are caused by sun exposure and normal aging.
Lip Wrinkles
Lip wrinkles typically bother women the most because they are visibly unattractive during communication. They appear as vertical lines that begin in the lips and run into the surrounding skin. The cause of lips wrinkles is usually age because during this process, your body slows down collagen production and that is the substance that gives your skin plumpness and firmness.
Chest Wrinkles
Wrinkles on your chest are easy to hide with clothing but when you wear a bathing suit, they are a nuisance. Chest wrinkles are usually horizontal and they occur when fat deposits decrease with age and gravity allowing the weight of your chest to fall.
Other Procedures
Even if you have great genes and look much younger than you are, you cannot stop your face from aging but today there is hope. Dr. Lin specializes in facial plastic surgery to help women and men enhance their natural beauty and feel good about the face they see looking back at them in the mirror. Every cosmetic procedure has its own unique set of advantages and this will be discussed thoroughly during your first visit. To learn more about how Dr. Lin can help you recapture a more youthful appearance, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery and let us schedule your complimentary consultation. Some of the procedures Dr. Lin offers include:
Eyelid Surgery
Asian Eyelid Surgery
Endoscopic Brow lift
Facial Implants
Asian Rhinoplasty
Revision Rhinoplasty
Brow lift
Lip Augmentation
Asian Eyelid Surgery
Upper eyelid surgery is usually performed to address the aging of excess skin that causes a tired or narrow eye appearance but there are other reasons.
Asian Eyelid Surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or double eyelid surgery, is one of the most requested surgeries by people of Asian ethnicity in the United States. It is estimated that over 250,000 Asians a year undergo upper eyelid surgery to create a double fold, thus making this the most common procedure performed on Asians.
The anatomy of the Asian upper lid differs from that of the Caucasian eyelid and the difference is in the position of the eyelid fold.
Approximately half of the Asian population has eyelid creases similar to the Caucasian eyelid crease but the remaining may have little to no crease in their upper lid. A Caucasian lid crease, which is about 20% larger than an Asian eyelid crease, is slightly different in both shape and size and typically it tapers closer to the eyelashes as the fold goes out laterally. The Asian eyelid typically starts at the crease very close to the eyelashes and as the crease gets further away from the nose, it gets larger.
Asians who do have a crease above their eye have very different looking eyelids than Caucasians.
This difference has been described as a ‘single eyelid’ or lack of an upper eyelid crease while Caucasians with visible creases or folds in their upper eyelids are known to have “double eyelids.” Several procedures have been developed to address this situation and Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. is proud to offer Asian Eyelid Surgery, also called double eyelid surgery, for Asians who wish to add a crease to their upper lids. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery located in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Lin’s aim is to create a natural-looking fold in the upper eyelid when the eyes are open. He understands that most people of Asian origin are seeking a look that is natural, resembling an Asian eyelid with a natural fold to maintain their ethnic features, although some do want a more Western look where the fold is more distinguished. Depending on whether you have a very low crease or no crease at all, Dr. Lin will customize your Asian Eyelid surgery to produce the symmetry and function you desire. By evaluating your anatomy and listening to your expectations, Dr. Lin will be able to determine which procedure he feels will give you the best results for what you are hoping to obtain.
The Asian Eyelid surgery is similar to a blepharoplasty where the skin around the eye is reshaped and the scar position is nearly identical.
The difference between the two procedures is that in order to create a crease above the eyelid, the tissue between the skin and the supportive structure of the eyelid has to be removed. The skin is then fastened to the underlying structures giving the appearance of a crease and this is popular with many Asians because it gives the overall impression of larger eyes. One approach in creating a crease is by placing sutures from the inside of the eyelid to the underside of the skin on the outside of the eyelid to form a crease. Another approach to make an incision on the skin of the upper eyelid at the height of the lid where the crease is desired and once the incision is made, some of the fat beneath the skin is removed. The skin is then sutured to the muscle creating a crease and if there is excess skin or fat, this will be removed at the same time. During an Asian Eyelid surgery, the height of the existing crease can be heightened or an eyelid with no crease can be transformed to have a crease.
The Asian Eyelift can be performed either under a general anesthesia (asleep), or a local anesthesia (awake).
The surgery itself takes approximately one hour depending on the patient’s eyelid anatomy, amount of fat, size of the underlying support structures, the symmetry or asymmetry between the eyelids, and the amount of skin to be removed. A virtually scarless operation, your eyelids will be swollen with possible bruising but your results will be visible in as little as one week with the final results appearing after 1-2 months.
In the past, for many cultures the changing of one’s body was not considered acceptable culturally and spiritually.
Fortunately today, more and more Asians have broken traditional barriers and elect to have cosmetic procedures to help them feel better about the way they look. Changing social restrictions throughout the world enables plastic surgeons to treat more Asian patients and Dr. Lin is proud to have that opportunity. Asian eyelid surgery is a specialty Dr. Lin has trained extensively in and he is familiar with the newest techniques allowing him to offer his patients the widest range of surgical options available. After your Asian double-eyelid procedure, your eyes will look wider, larger, and less “sleepy” looking. If however you want an even wider eye, Dr. Lin can use a technique to address the outer side of your eyelid in conjunction with the double-eyelid procedure and removal of the “epicanthal fold”.
When considering the blepharoplasty techniques that will be used to correct your eyes
it is important to understand that the goal of double eyelid surgery is not to westernize an Asian face, but to create a crease that looks natural. For more information or details on Asian Eyelid Surgery, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let one of our friendly staff schedule your complimentary consultation. This surgery has proven to be a rewarding surgery for thousands of Dr. Lin’s patients and it is becoming more and more popular in the younger generation as well. If you think you are a good candidate for Asian Eyelid Surgery, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us help you look and feel your best.
Asian rhinoplasty
The Asian face is uniquely different from other races and requires special methods to enhance the appearance without creating an unnatural result that does not fit naturally with one’s ethnicity.
Dr. Daniel H. Lin, owner and director of Shine Cosmetic Surgery, offers a vast array of facial cosmetic surgery procedures and he is considered an expert on Asian facial plastic surgery. Although traditional Western techniques are appropriate in select cases, Asian facial cosmetic surgery requires cultural sensitivity and unique strategies that preserve a natural appearance while still enhancing beauty. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is often referred to as “nose reshaping” or a “nose job”. Patients choose it to improve the appearance and proportion of their nose to enhance facial harmony but the surgery also corrects impaired breathing problems caused by structural abnormalities in the nose. The goal of ethnic rhinoplasty is the same as “conventional” rhinoplasty, which is to refine the nasal contours in order to improve the harmony between the nose and the other facial features. The difference in ethnic rhinoplasty however requires advanced skill on the part of the surgeon because of several special considerations.
The Asian nose has several distinguishing features when compared to the Caucasian nose.
Typically, the Asian nose has thicker skin, with a deeper and flatter radix, and a lower or sometimes depressed nasal bridge. The tip of the nose tends to have a broad dome while both the tip and the nostrils can be thicker skinned, wider, and have more fibro-fatty tissue. The columella, or underside of the nose, tends to be minimal and darker skin tones are more prone to scarring and that is why the surgeon has to pay special attention to the placement of incisions and post-operative incision care. In addition, pigmented skin is more prone to skin discoloration after surgery and that means that the surgeon must know how to create the incisions and reshape the skin and cartilage for the best possible results. Dr. Lin is one of the more experienced Los Angeles ethnic nose surgery providers and he is qualified and highly skilled at addressing all of the unique aspects of ethnic rhinoplasty.
During your consultation at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin will carefully evaluate your skin type, tone, and thickness.
He will assess your cartilage and nasal bone and explore the unique anatomy of your nose. Dr. Lin will then ask you to explain your expectations and how you would like your nose to look after rhinoplasty. By understanding your concerns and goals, together you will select the best surgical techniques for your unique situation and at the end of your pre-surgical consultation, Dr. Lin will give you a list of things you need to do to prepare for your Asian Rhinoplasty procedure.
Dr. Lin performs ethnic rhinoplasty under general or sedation anesthesia depending on your unique situation.
If extensive nasal reshaping is needed or if this is a revision rhinoplasty, general anesthesia might be more appropriate. After your surgery preparation, Dr. Lin will perform an incision within your nose or across the thin strip of skin between your nostrils. For most ethnic rhinoplasty treatments, the outer incision is needed because it allows Dr. Lin to open your nose and perform comprehensive reshaping. If you desire to increase the height of your nasal bridge, Dr. Lin will add cartilage to achieve this goal and the cartilage is often taken from your nasal septum or ear. Depending on the extent of your nose reshaping, the procedure can take from 1-2 hours.
As a leading Asian Rhinoplasty provider, Dr. Lin is dedicated to helping all of his patients achieve the best possible rhinoplasty results.
Because ethnic nose surgery is a particularly complex procedure, Dr. Lin carefully monitors you throughout your recovery stage. Within the first week after surgery, a splint is applied to help maintain the new shape and initial swelling will subside within 1-2 weeks, at which time you will be able to resume breathing through your nose and return to work and a light regimen of activities. Within one month, most of the swelling will subside and your nose will begin to reveal its new shape. Dr. Lin will ask you to adhere to your follow-up visits to monitor your progress and that will give him the opportunity to address any concerns you might have while avoiding complications. Due to his extensive skill and experience, Dr. Lin’s ethnic rhinoplasty patients achieve outstanding aesthetic results and they are thrilled with their new appearance. If you are of Asian descent and you desire to change your nasal contours, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery and schedule your consultation today with highly skilled ethnic rhinoplasty provider, Dr. Lin. He is looking forward to explaining your nose surgery options and he wants you to know that choosing a surgeon experienced in successfully performing Asian rhinoplasty is crucial to achieving all of your aesthetic goals.
Brow Lift
The effects of growing older are inevitable and often your brow and forehead areas are the first to show the signs of aging.
When you look in the mirror and see unwanted frown lines above your nose and in the middle of your forehead, you look and feel older than you really are. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a procedure that allows Dr. Lin to access the muscles causing your furrow lines. Raising your brows will minimize the creases that develop from age, genetics, and stress by smoothing wrinkles across your forehead, elevating droopy eyebrows, reducing excess skin above your upper lids, and by repositioning your sagging brow.
Based on new advances in medical technology, different methods are used to perform this procedure
and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery a brow lift can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures.
There are two methods to lift your forehead and eyebrow areas
including the: Traditional Brow Lift; The Endoscopic Lift.
The traditional brow lift technique, or coronal brow lift, involves one continuous incision beginning at the level of your ears extending up around your hairline.
This technique is more extensive than endoscopic surgery and can produce more dramatic results in patients with a significant amount of excess tissue.
During the endoscopic lift, Dr. Lin will make a few tiny incisions so there is virtually no scarring.
He will insert a miniature camera on the end of a thin tube (scope) into one of the incisions to see the surgical area and make very precise adjustments to your muscle and tissue. Dr. Lin will use small anchors to secure the tissue and because the cuts are smaller, this procedure is less invasive so you will have a shorter recovery time.
Swelling and bruising are to be expected on your forehead and eyes after your brow lift surgery however, this always varies between patients.
Any symptoms will begin to resolve during the first week after surgery and your forehead may also have decreased sensation that will also improve over time. Most patients resume minimal activity between 7-10 days and complete recovery occurs in approximately two weeks. Depending on your preference, Dr. Lin uses either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation and this will be decided before your procedure.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Lin will discuss your current health, medical history, and overall aesthetic goals.
He will evaluate your forehead region and have you make a series of expressions so he can decide how to best correct your unique situation through an individual plan. Dr. Lin will listen to your concerns and depending on your skin quality, the amount of excess tissue, as well as the position of the inner, middle, and outer portions of your eyebrows, he will recommend the type of surgery that will give you the most rewarding results. Your conversation will also help Dr. Lin understand your expectations and together you will determine whether they can be realistically achieved.
If you are considering a brow lift in the California area, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us schedule your appointment with Dr. Lin.
In addition to a brow lift, our practice offers many other rejuvenating options to lift, tighten, and smooth your facial appearance. As a leading cosmetic surgeon in California, Dr. Lin has the experience and expertise to create a beautiful and natural-looking you. Brow lift surgery will restore your youthful appearance and many satisfied patients leave our facility feeling more refreshed and alert than they have in years. For more information, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us help you decide if brow lift surgery is right for you.
Cheek Implant
Prominent cheekbones have always defined the classic notion of beauty because defined cheekbones enhance a facial profile by improving the overall proportion and harmony of the face.
As early as our thirties, many of us start to notice unwelcome changes in the mid-face and if you have lost the distinct cheekbones you once enjoyed when you were younger, a cheek implant may be a solution for you. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin performs cheek implant surgery (malarplasty), also known as malar (high cheek) or submalar (low cheek) augmentation to dramatically improve your facial contour by restoring your once prominent facial features. As you age, your cheeks start to look sunken emphasizing the hollows under your eyes. Marionette lines start to become deeper and nasolabial folds become more noticeable as your cheek fat pads descend and Dr. Lin uses specialized techniques to restore a more natural look to your mid-face.
Cheek implants can rejuvenate your facial profile if you have conditions
that include: Cheeks that are flat looking, hollow, and lacking contour; Deep lines that have developed between your nose and the corners of your mouth; Your face is out of balance with your other facial features; You have lost the fullness and youthfulness in your cheeks; Your smile lines are making you look older.
A cheek implant is an anti-aging surgical procedure that safely and effectively corrects the problems listed above.
Dr. Lin typically performs cheek implant surgery using IV Sedation however if it is combined with other surgical procedures, MAC (monitored anesthesia care) may be used. After you are sedated and comfortable, Dr. Lin will use the surgical technique discussed during your consultation that best meets your individual needs. Cheek implant surgery is performed through an invisible, intra-oral incision in the upper gum in your mouth and through this incision; Dr. Lin will create a pocket in which the implant (prosthesis) is situated. You can rest assured that Dr. Lin is highly skilled and experienced in positioning the implant to achieve precise placement and your desired aesthetic results. He will sculpt and augment the area to maintain proper balance, restore proportion, and enhance your appearance and most swelling will subside in 10-14 days after your surgery. Complications are rare and any discomfort is easily managed with medication. Your results will be visible within a few weeks after your swelling completely subsides and your internal sutures will dissolve on their own.
Dr. Lin performs cheek implant surgery using his skills and expertise to effectively address visible age-related changes to your mid-face area.
To enhance the results of cheek implant surgery, Dr. Lin may also recommend adding injectable fillers such as Radiesse®, Restylane®, Perlane®, or Juvéderm®. Some patients also choose to combine other facial enhancement procedures such a blepharoplasty or a facelift with their cheek implant surgery. If you are tired of looking in the mirror and being disappointed with the appearance of your mid-face, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today to find out if you are a good candidate for a cheek implant.
Chin Implants
A strong jaw line has always been considered a distinguishing factor for attractiveness
and that is one of the reasons chin implants are considered one of the fastest growing plastic surgery procedures according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The goal of chin implants (mentoplasty) is to balance your facial profile by enhancing a weak chin and improving overall facial harmony. A weak chin will often make the face look too pointy and the neck appear too fat. Ideally, your face should be divided into equally proportioned thirds in the upper, middle, and lower parts. Each of these parts should have proportional prominence and when the lower part of the chin is either to short vertically or receded, a chin implant improves the vertical height as well as the projection of the chin.
The ideal size of the chin is somewhat subjective and depends on other factors such as the height of the individual and the overall size of the face and nose.
It has been said that in a profile view, the front of your chin should come close to a vertical line drawn from the vermilion border of your lower lip or red line and the front border of a weak chin is usually set back significantly from this ideal red line. Chin augmentation surgery can make a huge difference to men and women with underdeveloped chins and jawlines. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin is proud to make a difference in his patient’s lives by adding shape and size to a weak or receding chin (Microgenia). He understands that chin implant surgery enhances aesthetic attractiveness leading to a marked increase in confidence and self-esteem.
Using IV sedation anesthesia, Dr. Lin performs chin augmentation by placing a synthetic implant over the bony chin to improve the balance between your chin and the rest of your face.
The implant is inserted through a small incision under your chin in a crease that serves as a natural camouflage. Alternatively, an incision can be made inside the mouth, between the gum, and the lip depending on the patient’s needs. The materials of choice for chin augmentation are Silastic (medical-grade silicone rubber) and Gore-Tex and because the implant will rest directly on top of bone, it will feel like an extension of the bone itself. Chin implants stabilize over time and do not reabsorb so the results are permanent and in situations where there is excess neck fat, liposuction can remove it during your chin implant procedure. A chin implant takes approximately 30 minutes and although you may experience minor discomfort, this is easily controlled with medication. Swelling around your chin will improve within 4-5 days and most patients are able to resume their normal routine at that time although it is recommended that you avoid chewing hard foods for approximately one week.
After chin augmentation, the position of your chin will be closer to the ideal line and your neck will also appear thinner and more sculpted as well.
If you are considering a chin implant, Dr. Lin encourages you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery and schedule a consultation. During your meeting, he will listen to your concerns and discuss your options and together you will decide if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. Dr. Lin understands that there is a great variety when it comes to individual features of the chin, neck, and lower jaw so he will customizes a treatment plan designed specifically for you. If you have inherited a profile with little or no chin, a chin implant may be the perfect solution you have been looking for so please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
Protruding ears often cause self-consciousness and a lack of confidence in appearance that is hard to bear.
In adults as well as young children, rude stares, taunting and teasing, and cruel nicknames can result in long-term and damaging psychological effects. Otoplasty, or ear reshaping surgery, is a procedure designed to reposition or set back protruding ears. Misshapen ears represent the most common congenital abnormality of the face and neck region and otoplasty is the surgery used by plastic surgeons to reduce the prominence of the auricles also known as ear pinning or ear setback. Fortunately, at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin brings his skill, experience, and training to every otoplasty he performs on children and adults. Patients travel from California and beyond to seek his services because he provides the safest and most effective plastic surgery procedures available while achieving the best possible outcome. Dr. Lin uses a variety of techniques to provide his otoplasty patients with exceptional results and ears that will complement the natural symmetry of their face.
Dr. Lin realizes that ear surgery patient’s ears are different and that is why otoplasty may refer to the correction of a number of different ear conditions
that include ears that protrude excessively, ears that have abnormally shaped cartilage, earlobes that are stretched out or torn from earrings, and earlobes that droop as a result of age and gravity. During embryologic maturity (before birth), the unborn child’s ears project straight out and away from their head. By the ninth month of development, the ears normally assume a position closer to the head and develop natural folds however when development stops short of completion, the ears become prominent and lack the usual folds. Some ears appear unusual due to a large cartilage bowl and lop ears are a result of weakness in the cartilage of the upper ear lobe causing the ears to flop down instead of lying near to the head. Some patients have both a large cartilage bowl as well as weakness of the cartilage and treatment involves surgical repair of the deformed cartilage. An otoplasty can correct numerous ear problems and following surgical correction, the visual and psychological improvement is dramatic and rewarding to the patient, family, and Dr. Lin and his professional team as well.
Otoplasty is performed through skin incisions made along the back of the ears in which Dr. Lin will reposition the cartilage before holding it in place with permanent sutures.
In some cases, an appropriate amount of skin behind the ears may be removed as well to compensate for the new position of the ears. With adults, otoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia although children may require hospital-based anesthesia depending upon their age. There is usually little discomfort after otoplasty surgery and swelling is minimal subsiding in 5-7 days. The decrease in the space behind your ear is a normal occurrence after repositioning and incisional scarring is not noticeable because the incisions are made behind your ears. Although most patients may return to light work or school after a week, you should protect your ears for at least two months and as with any surgery, it may take up to a year for the healing process to complete. Once the ears have healed, it will be almost impossible to distinguish them from “normal” ears.
For children, pinning the ears is a common technique used during otoplasty to achieve the desired result
but adult patients may select a different approach as many wish to reshape or reduce the size of the ears to help them appear symmetrical with the contours of their face. While your ears help you hear, listen, and understand, when you have protruding, disfigured, or large ears you feel unnatural and otoplasty will bring back balance to your entire face by recreating the natural shape of your ear. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin will give you compassionate and expert attention and during your consultation, he will listen to all of your concerns and answer any questions you may have. Dr. Lin looks forward to helping you escape the struggles you have endured with your ear issues so whether it is shape, placement, or size, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
As time passes, the skin on your face loses elasticity leading to sagging skin, intense creases, and deep wrinkles.
When these changes occur, frown lines develop and your brows begin to droop making you look much older than you really are. Fortunately, by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon such as Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D., there is something you can do about your aging appearance. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery located in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Lin offers the most recent technological advances in medicine including the endoscopic brown lift. Endoscopic refers to the small viewing instrument that uses a camera to see beneath the tissue and this allows Dr. Lin to view images of your body’s internal structures through very small incisions instead of the normal ear-to-ear incision. With the endoscopic brow lift, Dr. Lin will make three or more tiny incisions at your hairline and use the endoscope to guide him when removing the muscles that produce your frown lines before he repositions your eyebrows at a higher level.
There are two types of traditional brow lifts: endoscopic and open.
Technology has created many developments for less invasive procedures in all surgical specialties and the endoscope has been a key advancement supporting this trend. The endoscope is currently used in a variety of reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgical applications however the endoscopic brow lift was the first procedure to gain widespread acceptance. Although the endoscopic brow lift has become a popular procedure in the past few years, not all plastic surgeons are experienced in endoscopic brow lifts so when considering this procedure it is crucial that you choose someone with experience. Board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Lin is one of California’s leading plastic surgeons and commonly performs the endoscopic brow lift procedure satisfying hundreds of patients.
Also called a forehead lift or eyebrow lift, a brow lift corrects skin wrinkling and loss of tone that causes your eyebrows to sag giving you a hooded appearance.
A brow lift softens the deep creases across your forehead, reduces the horizontal frown lines at the top of your nose, and improves the vertical lines between your brows. An endoscopic brow lift is the only plastic surgery procedure that can increase the distance from your lateral brow to your upper eyelashes resulting in a more youthful, refreshed appearance. With this procedure, the positioning of your eyebrows can be equalized dramatically softening what might appear to be a tired or angry look. Dr. Lin often combines a brow lift with the division of the glabellar muscles, which are the muscles that cause scowl or frown lines. If Dr. Lin feels using a combination of procedures would create a more aesthetically pleasing brow for you, he will discuss your options during your first visit.
Endoscopic brow lifts have several advantages
including: Smaller incisions; Less chance of infection; Fewer sensation changes; Less numbness and itching; No compromise to your hair; A more natural result; Longer lasting outcome; Brow lifts also have the additional benefit of addressing the area below your eyes.
Brow lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to lift the tissues of a descended forehead and restore the natural arch of your eyebrows.
Typically, an endoscopic forehead lift requires the same steps as the traditional procedure with the difference being the incision. During your brow lift, the endoscope is inserted through one of the small incisions, allowing Dr. Lin to have a clear view of the muscles and tissues beneath your skin. Using another instrument inserted through a different incision, your forehead skin will be lifted and the muscles and underlying tissues are removed or re-contoured to produce a smoother appearance. Your eyebrows may also be lifted and secured into their higher position by sutures beneath your skin’s surface behind your hairline. When your lift is complete, the scalp incisions will be closed with stitches and the area will be washed accompanied by gauze and an elastic bandage. The surgery takes approximately 1-2 hours, usually under IV sedation and a local anesthetic.
Recovery time is shorter with the endoscopic technique and you should be able to resume your normal routine within one week.
In approximately three weeks, almost all signs of your surgery will no longer be visible.
A brow lift can treat
Glabellar creases or furrows; Descended brow; Droopy eyebrow; Asymmetric brow; Crow’s feet; Misshaped brow; Furrows above your nose; Furrows between your eyes; Excess tissue on your upper eyelid; Interference of vision; Forehead lines; Frown lines caused by contraction of the corrugator muscles between your eyebrows and over the bridge of your nose.
There is no need to suffer from a tired-looking face any longer.
If you wish to improve the appearance of your forehead and upper eyelid region, Dr. Lin can assist you in achieving the look you have always wanted. His knowledge and experience combined with his artistic flair will help you obtain long lasting results. If you are interested in an endoscopic brow lift, you can rest assured that Shine Cosmetic Surgery has the experience and expertise it takes to offer you a beautiful and natural outcome. The endoscopic brow lift is an advanced technique and a significant improvement over the traditional form of brow lift surgery. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon Dr. Lin performs endoscopic brow lift surgery as well as many other cosmetic surgery procedures. For more information on the endoscopic brow lift, contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let our friendly staff schedule your complimentary consultation. Dr. Lin is committed to giving you a rewarding experience that does not end when you leave the operating room so when you choose Shine Cosmetic Surgery, you will receive a long-term relationship that will help you love the way you look for years to come.
Eyelid Surgery
When you first meet someone, the most visible characteristic you notice about them is their eyes.
Likewise, when you look in the mirror and see your reflection, the first thing you notice about your own eyes is the changes that start to occur as you age. Droopy eyelids, bags, obstruction, narrowed eyes, and a tired appearance are just a few of the factors that make you look and feel older than you really are. Even if we do everything possible through diet and exercise to maintain a youthful appearance, the seemingly inevitable changes that take place around our eyes as we age eventually betray us. Because our eyes are so much a part of our daily interaction with others, the way they look is important because that is what people focus on when we communicate. Fortunately today, at Shine Cosmetic Surgery under the direction of Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D., your appearance can be easily improved with eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty. An outpatient procedure that removes the excess skin and bags from your eyes, recovery is quick with all signs of surgery gone in approximately 3-4 weeks.
Sometimes called an eyelid lift, eyelid surgery is a delicate operation that rejuvenates the skin and muscles around your eyes
and can be performed on both the upper and the lower eyelids. During eyelid surgery, excess skin is removed and fat is repositioned. The repositioning of fat can simultaneously diminish puffiness and fill hollows and eliminating the excess skin and tightening the muscles will smooth wrinkles and folds.
Eyelid surgery is a relatively short procedure, taking only one to two hours to complete.
Most patients are able to resume non-strenuous activity in 1-2 days and because the incisions are tiny, recovery is quick. There is usually minimal pain associated with this type of surgery while slight swelling and bruising of the eyelids varies with each patient. Although eyelids primarily sag and droop in older years, today many young people are choosing to have eyelid surgery to correct eyelids that sag as a result of genetics.
The key to a good outcome when having eyelid surgery is to know which procedure, or combination of procedures will offer you the best results.
Because of this, during your preoperative evaluation Dr. Lin will examine your medical history, access your facial structure, and discuss all of your expectations and goals. Dr. Lin knows that beauty is not only skin deep and he has expert knowledge regarding the soft tissue, muscles, nerves, cartilage, and bones underneath your skin. He understands how these structures relate to each other and how they change over time and because of this, he is able to give you an individualized treatment plan that will last for years to come.
Whether he is correcting your eyes or performing a full facelift, Dr. Lin is an expert in performing a variety of cosmetic procedures
that will diminish the visible signs of aging in your face and body. If you are interested in discovering how a blepharoplasty may be able to restore vitality and youth to your eyes, Dr. Lin invites you to schedule a personal consultation with him at Shine Cosmetic Surgery where he will explain all aspects of the surgery thoroughly. There is no reason to wait another day so please contact us and let our helpful staff schedule your appointment: an appointment that is the starting point for giving you back your beautiful eyes and making you proud of the way you look.
Upper Eyelids
Aging, genetics, sun exposure, and years of consistent muscle movement (such as blinking) cause your upper eyelids to droop. Misplaced pockets of fat distort the natural contours of your eyes creating wrinkles and folds of skin where your eyelid was once smooth and firm. The results of symptoms range from a subtle fold of extra skin in your upper lid or having so much skin that it rests on your eyelashes causing an obstruction of vision. Another reason for upper eyelid heaviness is that your eyebrows start to descend with age and as they do, they push the skin just underneath your brows onto your upper eyelids. During upper lid blepharoplasty, Dr. Lin will make a tiny incision along the crease of your upper eyelid to provide access to the area being treated. The incision will be made in the natural crease of your eyelid so there is no visible scar. He will then remove an ellipse of skin and sometimes the excess fat that is giving your eyes their puffy appearance before tightening the skin and sealing the incision with fine sutures. For an optimal outcome, it is sometimes recommended that your upper eyelid surgery be combined with a forehead lift since drooping eyelids can originate from a heavy brow.
Lower Lids
Lower eyelid surgery at Shine Cosmetic Surgery addresses bags, dark circles, and loose or wrinkled skin that appear beneath your eyes. Many people simply have too much extra lower eyelid skin and the puffiness underneath their eyes makes them look old and tired. Lower eyelid surgery can correct this by improving the tone of the skin beneath your eyes resulting in a more refreshed look. There are two types of lower lid blepharoplasty. In most cases, Dr. Lin will make an incision just below the lash line of your lower eyelid to remove fatty tissue and skin before tightening the skin and muscles of your lower lid. If you do not need to have the muscles of your lower lid trimmed, Dr. Lin may perform what is called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. In this procedure, the incision is actually made inside your lower eyelid making scarring completely invisible. Laser skin resurfacing or a chemical peel to rejuvenate your skin’s elasticity and restore your youthful texture can enhance the results of lower eyelid surgery.
Bags or puffiness beneath your eyes can be treated with eyelid surgery.
There are several reasons for this condition stemming from the tissue that holds back the fat living around your eyes. Because of many factors including aging, genetics, and environmental exposure, the tissue eventually weakens allowing the fat to push outwards. To correct this, Dr. Lin will make an incision on the inner surface of your eyelid and remove or reposition the extra fat leaving no outside scar.
Wrinkles and excess skin of the lower lids can be corrected in several ways.
Dr. Lin will excise the extra skin through a tiny incision hidden just underneath your lower eyelashes and once healed, this incision is almost invisible.
Dark, under-eye circles are caused by a variety of reasons including genetics, allergies, and increased fat deposits.
While blepharoplasty is designed to surgically remove the fat deposits underneath your eyes, if this is not the cause of your dark circles eyelid surgery will not eliminate the issue.
Prominent eyelids can be corrected with eyelid surgery by reducing excess fat around your eye and inserting stitches to make your eyelid crease more pronounced.
Facial Fat Grafting
In our modern world of constant changes and advanced new technologies, fat grafting is one of most exciting developments in facial plastic surgery available today. Since the beginning of time, the aging process is a challenge we all have to endure but medical breakthroughs are improving the way we look and creating solutions that were once considered impossible. Plastic surgery not only enhances a person’s appearance, it also increases confidence because if you look better, you feel better too. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin is excited about facial fat grafting because the procedure enables him to restore the naturally beautiful attributes that make up the human face. Facial fat grafting can improve age-related or other imperfections on your face including:
Contour depressions
Deep skin folds
Depressed scars
Recessed scars
Thin lips
Sunken cheeks
Laugh lines
Facial folds and creases
Fat Grafting Procedure
The fat grafting procedure basically involves three major steps:
Fat removal with liposuction
Preparation of the fat
Injection of the fat
Other Info
he primary reason for aging is the loss of subcutaneous (under the skin) tissue, especially fat, which directly contributes to skin laxity.
Fat is considered the ideal filler because it is living tissue that exists in your own body. Fat transfer (medically termed fat grafting) is a procedure where your own fat tissues are used to increase volume in the internal areas of your body. Facial fat grafting, also called autologous fat grafting and micro-lipoinjection, involves harvesting fat from other areas of the body such as your abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, which are most similar to the texture of your face. Fat graft transplantation is based on rejuvenation similar to dermal filler soft tissue augmentation except that facial fat grafting uses human fatty tissue. Facial fat grafting is also significantly different because it restores and rejuvenates the outer appearance of your skin thanks to natural growth factors. Another great advantage of fat grafting is that it has the potential to last longer than synthetic fillers and it reduces any possibility of infection since the tissue comes from your own body. There is also research that states fat grafting increases collagen production thus speeding up the healing process.
Facial fat grafting is performed on an outpatient basis and both the area from which the fat is taken
and the treatment site will be numbed using a local anesthetic. Dr. Lin will use a small needle attached to a syringe to remove fat from the donor site and once removed, the fat is processed to remove excess fluids. The fat will then be re-injected under the skin beneath the targeted wrinkle using another needle and this process will be repeated until the desired correction has been achieved. The re-injected fat and stem cells cause new blood vessels to form supporting the fat graft and this process can lead to long-term solutions that will delay the need for complex surgery for years to come.
Face Lift
As you age, the skin on your face loses its elasticity causing it to droop.
Lax muscle tone, facial creases, displaced fat, and sagging skin can make you look tired and old creating a lack of confidence. The muscle and tissue beneath your skin begin to descend and your cheeks appear flatter, which deepens the folds or creases that occur from your nose to the sides of your mouth (nasolabial folds). This declining tissue builds up in the lower part of your face, causing a heavy appearance and the lower portion of your jaw loses definition making it appear that the bottom part of your face is blending in with the upper part of your neck.
Obviously, all of the conditions listed above are unwelcome signs of aging but fortunately there is a solution.
A facelift can dramatically rejuvenate your appearance by diminishing the signs of aging in your face. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery located in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. can perform a facelift to correct the laxity in your face by tightening your underlying muscle and removing excess fat deposits. The surgery will involve the precise removal of excess skin and the tightening of remaining skin for a youthful, yet natural look. Through his years of extensive training and unsurpassed expertise, Dr. Lin thoroughly understands the aging process and he offers procedures that will effectively make a lasting change in your appearance that you can be proud of for years to come.
A facelift is not a very exact term because it does not lift your entire face.
A facelift is a facial surgery option that targets the middle portion of your face around your eyes and upper cheeks. The original facelift operation pulled the skin of the face and neck upwards causing several problems. Skin stretches and since it was an operation involving only the skin, it would eventually stretch back out after several years. Surgeons now know that the underlying problem of the aging face is not the skin but the tissue underneath and pulling the skin upwards did nothing to correct or fix the problem.
Over the years, the facelift continues to evolve and the procedure has changed from merely lifting the skin to more complex deeper plane lifting techniques.
Many different techniques are available today with outcomes that are consistently reliable and satisfying and the key to a successful facelift is to tighten your underlying tissues with a vertical pull without removing too much skin. Unnatural looking face-lifts are caused by excessive skin removal and that is why you should entrust your surgery to Dr. Lin. Patients in the California area and even around the globe seek Dr. Lin’s services because of the reputation he has earned for his natural and beautiful facelift results.
Like most surgical procedures Dr. Lin performs, due to advanced technology a facelift requires IV sedation or local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia.
Incisions will be made in front of and behind your ears and sometimes they may extend into your scalp or the lower portions of your hairline. Once Dr. Lin makes the incisions, excess skin and tissue is removed and underlying structures will be adjusted and “lifted”. Muscle tightening as well as liposuction of your neck and jowls may be performed and your excess skin will be removed or repositioned before being sutured in place. To complete your surgery, Dr. Lin may place surgical drains under your skin at the incision site to prevent fluid build up. Preventing fluid build up reduces swelling and facilitates healing and the drains will be removed after several days. Your sutures will be removed one week after your surgery and swelling and bruising typically lasts 7-10 days. Although most patients report minimal discomfort, pain is common in the first days after your surgery and it is important that you receive adequate rest. You should refrain from any sort of strenuous activity and as the weeks progress, you will be able to return to normal activities as instructed by Dr. Lin.
How long the results of your facelift lasts are as individual as you are.
A facelift procedure will turn back the clock but facial aging will continue at a normal rate. For this reason, typically patients consider another facelift in six to ten years although many people never have a second procedure. Ideal candidates for facelift surgery should have good overall physical and mental health, as well as realistic surgical expectations.
With just one procedure, your facelift can achieve the following results
including: A more redefined jaw line; Restoration of the fuller cheeks of your youth; Softening of your nasolabial folds; A more slender, smoother neck; Your lower eyelids will have a more youthful appearance.
Shine Cosmetic Surgery offers several cosmetic procedures depending on the extent and type of change you seek.
A traditional facelift addresses the deep layers of your face but for those with less extensive issues, a mini-facelift may offer the level of rejuvenation you need. A mini-lift tightens your jowls, cheeks, and neck using less extensive incisions. Though traditional and mini-facelifts provide great anti-aging results, they may not address all of your aesthetic facial issues. In some cases, Dr. Lin may recommend a combination of procedures such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery, or neck lift for a more complete cosmetic transformation.
Considering whether a facelift is right for you can be an overwhelming decision but if you are ready to see a younger looking person when you look in the mirror
board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lin invites you to explore your options by scheduling your complimentary patient consultation. Dr. Lin will take the time to listen to your goals and together you will determine if combining procedures would be advantageous. He understands that facelift terminology is confusing and he advises that you be aware of promises that sound too good to be true. Untrained surgeons can leave you with an unbalanced, extreme, or artificial appearance and he urges you to thoroughly research the credentials of a physician before you choose to have a facelift or any cosmetic procedure. Dr. Lin is an expert at modern facial procedures, bringing state-of-the-art techniques and unsurpassed care to his patients so to learn more about looking and feeling your best, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Facial Implants
In a world with so many different types of people, it is impossible to objectively determine the “perfect face” because beauty is easy to notice but hard to define.
Around 300 B.C., the Greek mathematician Euclid identified the “Golden Proportion,” as the ideal face. His definition was based on the formula of the face being two-thirds as wide as it is tall, with a nose no longer than the distance between the eyes. During the European Renaissance, renowned artists used the same equation to create their masterpieces when painting human faces and years later, scientists adopted this mathematical formula to help explain why some people are considered beautiful and some are not.
There is no doubt that we live our lives based on our physical appearance, which affects how we see ourselves and how others see us as well.
Having distinguished facial features, defined contours, and natural angles that are proportionate create structural harmony and since few of us are born with the facial attributes we hope for, today more people are turning to plastic surgery. According to new statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the overall number of cosmetic procedures has increased over 162 percent since the collection of the statistic data first began. Helping you achieve improved facial features is the ultimate goal of facial plastic surgery procedures and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery; Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. understands that one of the most important aspects of your appearance is your facial profile.
A harmonious balance creates the aesthetics of your face and the appearance of your face is determined by three basic components
that include your skin, your soft tissues, and your underlying facial bones. When your face is disproportionate, it significantly affects your overall self-image and facial implants can change the characteristics that are making you unhappy. Facial implants are designed to define your face by increasing projection and creating more distinct features through enhancement or augmentation of the physical structures that make up your face. Facial implant surgery is completed through the insertion of specially formed solid, biocompatible materials and the precise type and size of facial implants best suited for you will be determined during your consultation with Dr. Lin. At your initial meeting, he will thoroughly examine the features you wish to change and evaluate your expectations and goals.
Facial implants are designed for reconstructive or rejuvenative purposes.
Available in a wide variety of sizes and styles, facial implants will benefit you if you are bothered by a weak jaw, small chin, thin lips, or lack of facial contour. While any area of your face can be augmented with implants, the chin, cheeks, jaw, and lips are the most common sites.
In the past, cosmetic surgeons concentrated on making patients look tighter instead of naturally younger.
Contemporary cosmetic surgeons however appreciate the importance of volume in facial aging and they utilize implants to restore fullness. If symmetry among facial features is your goal, it is important to remember that everyone’s face to some degree is asymmetric and your results may not produce complete symmetry. Dr. Lin’s commitment is to make your face beautiful by creating balance and proportion and to do this; your procedure may be performed alone or in combination with other facial contouring procedures.
The success and safety of your facial implant depends on being completely open and honest during your consultation with Dr. Lin. For this reason, he will ask you numerous questions about your health
and lifestyle and he will encourage you to voice any and all concerns at that time. As with any cosmetic procedure, the decision to have facial implant surgery is personal and you will have to decide if the benefits of facial implants will achieve your expectations. Dr. Lin will also explain any risks associated with facial surgery, the details of the procedure, and what to expect during your recovery so you will fully understand the cosmetic surgery you are about to undertake. If you are ready to look in the mirror and see a more proportionate, attractive face, we encourage you to learn more about Facial Implants by contacting Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Other Facial Implants
Chin Implants
Chin implants can increase the size and projection of your chin if it is not in proportion with your forehead and mid-face. A recessed chin has also been described as one that seems to disappear into the neck rather than appearing as a distinct facial feature. A chin implant can correct a weak chin and make it more proportional to the rest of your face. Chin implants involve inserting the implant into a pocket in front of your jawbone and the incision is made either along the lower lip inside your mouth or just below your chin area. Inserting a chin implant can takes approximately one hour and after your surgery, your chin will be swollen, firm and possibly bruised. Using cold compresses will significantly lessen the swelling as will keeping your upper body elevated when resting. Correction of a Double Chin (submental lipectomy) treats excess skin, fat or muscle beneath your chin. During this procedure, Dr. Lin will make a small incision underneath your chin through which liposuction will remove fat in this area. The muscles that cause bands can also be cut or sutured together and correction of a double chin is often performed along with a standard neck lift or cheek lift. A chin implant may also be recommended to compliment the overall basic shape and balance of your face during this corrective procedure.
Cheek Implants
Cheek implants increase the projection of your cheekbones and add volume to areas that need to be recessed. For cheek implants, Dr. Lin will make an incision inside your mouth or along your lower eyelid into which the cheek implant is inserted. Cheek implants have numerous advantages over other methods of restoring midface volume because fillers dissolve and sag over time. Cheek implants are fixed to your cheekbones with micro screws so they will always remain in place and never droop. If another cosmetic procedure is being performed at the same time as your cheek implant, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery, the implants will be inserted through those incisions. Cheek implants are used to create a more dramatic appearance to your face, giving more pronounced contour to your cheeks, and the surgery will take approximately one hour. When considering the available options for midface rejuvenation, nothing rivals the versatility of cheek implants.
Jaw Implants
Jaw implants increase the width of the lower third of your face and is popular because much like the chin, a weak jaw can be thought of as one that is not well defined and distinct from the neck. Jaw implants are incorporated through incisions made inside your mouth on either side of your lower lip where the implant is inserted. Jaw implant surgery takes approximately 1-2 hours.
Lip Implants
Lip Implants will add fullness to thin lips. Full lips are often associated with youthfulness and sensuality and as women age, their lips thin. Lip implants are generally performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Dr. Lin will make small incisions in the corners of your lips to insert the implant or graft and the implant will then be held in place with sutures. The procedure for all facial implants follows a similar pattern and the results are visible almost immediately. Initial swelling will subside over the first week with the use of cold compresses and continue to dispel for the following 2-4 weeks. Swelling from facial implants should go away completely in 1-2 months as your final results appear. The best way to ensure a positive outcome is through follow-up consultations with Dr. Lin at Shine Cosmetic Surgery.
Different Steps for your Facial Implant Surgery
In summary, the different steps for your facial implant surgery are:
Step 1 - Anesthesia
Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure and the choices include IV sedation and general anesthesia. The best choice for your treatment will be decided during your pre-operative consultation.
Step 2 - The incision
For a chin implant, the incision may be inside your mouth, along the crease that joins your lower lip and gums, or just underneath your chin. The specific area to be augmented in your cheek will determine where an implant will be positioned on your cheekbone. Cheek implants are commonly placed through incisions in your mouth. Jaw implants are generally placed through the mouth with incisions inside your mouth, further back along your jawline, or at the crease where the inside of your cheek and gums meet.
Step 3 - Closing the incisions
Your incisions will be closed with absorbable sutures or stitches that will be removed within 1-2 weeks following your surgery.
Step 4 - Enjoy your results
While the initial outcome of plastic surgery with facial implants is noticeable almost immediately, it may take several months for the swelling to dissipate.
Revision Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is a common type of reconstructive and cosmetic nasal surgery performed on the outside or inside of your nose.
People choose nasal surgery for many reasons including to improve breathing, to correct congenital or acquired deformities, to cosmetically change the size and shape of their nose, or to repair nasal injuries from trauma. Revision rhinoplasty, also referred to as secondary or tertiary rhinoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to correct problems resulting from prior nasal surgery. While revision rhinoplasty can improve both aesthetic and functional issues, it is often a very challenging procedure and requires a surgeon with specific training experience. Dr. Daniel H. Lin performs revision rhinoplasty surgery at Shine Cosmetic Surgery providing his patients with the highest level of skill and expertise possible.
Operating on a nose the second time is much more difficult because the tissues of the nose are often scared and the natural surgical planes are not easily identifiable.
Dr. Lin has a complete understanding of the anatomy of the nose and during your revision rhinoplasty, he will not only repair any external deformity that resulted from the previous surgery, he will also correct any breathing problems not been addressed at the time of the original surgery. Besides having to know the anatomy so well, very often during a revision rhinoplasty procedure there is a need for grafts to be applied to the nose in order to substitute for tissue that has been removed or injured. Dr. Lin will reposition cartilage and replace missing structures and if grafts are required from another area of the body, he is an expert in knowing what types of grafts to use and he performs this procedure delicately so as not to create additional deformities.
Dr. Lin performs revision rhinoplasty as an outpatient procedure using IV sedation or general anesthesia.
He often requires an open approach in which a small incision is made on the skin between your nostrils. A revision rhinoplasty can take two or more hours to complete which is typically longer than the initial rhinoplasty. Although patients may undergo some discomfort, swelling, and bruising following their revision rhinoplasty, it is usually less than experienced after their primary rhinoplasty procedure. Work and many other normal activities can often be resumed one week after your revision rhinoplasty, though strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks.
If you have had an initial rhinoplasty surgery that did not turn out as you expected, fortunately the good news is that Dr. Lin can give you the outcome you deserve.
During your consultation, he will encourage you to discuss what you dislike about your nose and what you hope to achieve through surgery. He will examine your nose thoroughly and discuss your medical history and if it is determined that you are a good candidate, he will explain your options and the details entailed with a revision rhinoplasty surgery and recovery. Because revision rhinoplasty is a highly customized and individualized surgery, your consultation with Dr. Lin is very important so please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Your nose is one of the most important features on your face because a proportional nose harmonizes and balances all of your other features.
If you have a nose that is too large, wide, or round, it becomes the center of focus and does not allow your other features to excel. Your entire face can be improved dramatically by changing the shape of your nose to better fit your face through Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job.
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct an irregular nose and it is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures at Shine Cosmetic Surgery.
Under the direction of Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D., Rhinoplasty is usually chosen for aesthetic reasons however it can also be performed to correct birth defects and breathing problems. Although Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular procedures in facial plastic surgery, it is also considered to be the most complex operation in cosmetic surgery. Dr. Lin understands that nasal anatomy and facial structure vary from person to person and that is why Rhinoplasty must be individualized for each patient who visits his practice. Through his several years of experience and hundreds of procedures performed, Rhinoplasty is one of Dr. Lin’s specialties. During any cosmetic surgery he performs, Dr. Lin is committed to determining the best aesthetic solution for your facial anatomy and to perform the procedure that will maximize long-term results. Through Rhinoplasty, plastic surgeon Dr. Lin will enhance your nose to match your facial structure so that it will appear beautiful and natural.
While most people are happy with the new look of their nose after surgery, the fact remains that among cosmetic surgery procedures Rhinoplasty has one of the highest rates of patient dissatisfaction.
Dr. Lin believes that this is a result of the lack of communication between surgeon and patient during the planning process and that is why he insists on a complete and thorough consultation. As a facial plastic surgery specialist with a strong aesthetic sense, Dr. Lin is highly experienced in refining the outcome of other surgeons’ work and he has the trusted reputation to create excellent results through Revision Rhinoplasty that are more in line your initial expectations. Revision Rhinoplasty is a procedure Dr. Lin performs for individuals who are seeking a redo from a previous nose job that did not live up to their ideal expectations.
During your Rhinoplasty, general anesthesia is used so that you will sleep and remain comfortable throughout the procedure.
Local anesthesia with intravenous (IV) sedation is also an option for some patients. After your nose surgery, it is perfectly normal for your nose and eyes to be swollen and bruised and how much bruising or swelling you experience will depend on the complexity of your surgery. It is crucial that you follow Dr. Lin’s instructions because this will improve the healing process and you should also attend all of your scheduled follow-up appointments so that he can assess your progress. You should also keep your head elevated during the day and while sleeping, as this will greatly reduce swelling and recovery time. On average, nose surgery patients are usually able to return to work in 10-20 days, depending on their specific surgery, and results vary with each patient.
Shine Cosmetic Surgery is very proud to have made such a positive difference for so many of our patients who have decided on Rhinoplasty.
If you are considering Rhinoplasty, feel free to contact our friendly staff and let them schedule your complimentary consultation. Dr. Lin would be pleased to discuss the details of nose surgery and how this procedure might be right for you so please call today if you are self conscious about your nose and you desire to improve your overall facial appearance.
Number of Ways
Patients elect to have Rhinoplasty for many reasons and your nose appearance may be altered in a number of ways including:
The overall size may be increased
The overall size may be decreased
A hump may be removed
The angle of your upper lip and nose may be altered
The bridge of your nose may be narrowed or reshaped
The width of your nostrils may be reduced
The bridge of your nose may be modified
The tip of your nose may be reshaped
The tip of your nose may be raised
An elongated nose can be shortened
The technique chosen for your surgery will be determined by your anatomy and your desired results. The two major techniques for nose surgery are:
Open Rhinoplasty
Open Rhinoplasty; also know as Open Structure Rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure that places a small incision between your two nostrils called the columella. This provides Dr. Lin the opportunity to visualize the internal structures of your nose and place sutures precisely where they are required. This exposure allows for the absolute best control in contouring and strengthening your nasal structures. The disadvantage of open rhinoplasty is that the post-operative swelling may take significantly longer to dispel however the scar from your procedure is quite small and will fade rapidly.
Closed Rhinoplasty
A Closed Rhinoplasty, also known as endonasal, incisionless, or scarless rhinoplasty, is a technique that uses incisions on the internal lining of your nose. Since closed rhinoplasty does not require an external incision, it does not disturb the tissues as much as the open technique and you will heal more quickly.
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular procedures performed at Shine Cosmetic Surgery.
Many women are unhappy with the way their breasts look for a variety of reasons and breast surgery can have a life altering impact by helping you look and feel your very best. Whether you are trying to restore what has been lost during pregnancy or weight fluctuation, you are unhappy with the shape or size of your breasts, or you need reconstructive surgery after an injury or illness, the decision to undergo breast surgery is a very personal one that can improve your figure dramatically and help restore your self-confidence.
Thanks to recent advances in breast surgery technology, today there are many options available to enhance breast appearance and each one can be tailored to fit your individual goals.
From a small, natural look to a more voluptuous and sensuous enhancement, it is very important to take the time to explore all of your choices so that you arrive at the best plan for you. Dr. Lin and his professional staff at Shine Cosmetic Surgery believe that an educated patient is the best patient and they will spend as much time with you as necessary in customizing your procedure to address your specific anatomy. If you have been wishing you had more beautiful breasts, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery and let us schedule your complimentary consultation. During your first visit, Dr. Lin will explain the various types of breast surgeries used in our California practice and which procedure would benefit you. We encourage you to voice any questions or concerns you might have and for more information, please call today and take the first step toward realizing your dream. Breast surgery procedures remain some of the most sought-after cosmetic operations available today and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery you will find the skills, experience, and compassion you are looking for.
Breast Procedures
The breast procedures offered by Dr. Lin at Shine Cosmetic Surgery include:
Breast Implants
Breast Lift
Breast Lift with Implants
Breast Reduction
Breast Implant Revisions
Breast Augmentation
As a woman, there are many reasons you may want to have larger, fuller breasts.
Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is the use of implants to fulfill your desires regarding enhancement to your breast shape and size. This procedure is commonly performed for patients who wish to transform their natural breasts or to restore changes that have occurred as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, disease, illness, or natural aging. The primary reason that women seek out breast enhancement surgery is because they feel their breasts are too small. Heredity basically determines the size of your breasts and inadequate breast volume may be present following puberty. Increasing breast size with implants not only enhances the body proportions of a woman who feels her breasts are inadequate; it also balances pre-existing differences in breast size and symmetry.
During your consultation at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin will listen closely to your concerns and expectations.
After a thorough examination and evaluation, he will design a surgical plan tailored to your individual needs and discuss it in a conversational style that you will feel comfortable with. Shine Cosmetic Surgery takes great pride in their customized approach to breast surgery and Dr. Lin will gladly address all of your concerns and let you know what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.
There are a number of issues regarding breast implants that require discussion prior to your breast augmentation surgery
including: Type of Implants; Size, Shape, and Texture; Incision Technique; Implant Location; Implant Profile.
Type of Implants
All breast implants have an outer shell made of silicone elastomer but the inside filler material is composed of either sterile salt water or silicone gel.
Multiple studies have been performed on both FDA approved implants types and both are proven to be safe. Saline and silicone implants have advantages and disadvantages and the most recent studies have shown a higher patient satisfaction rate with silicone implants. Patients claim that silicone feels more natural with a flesh-like, real tissue consistency although sometimes it can migrate out of the capsule and into the breast tissue causing small areas of scar tissue known as granulomas. Silicone can be processed into three forms: a fluid, a gel, and an elastomer, which is a solid rubber-like compound.
Saline implants have different advantages than silicone as research shows that saline implants have a presumed lower rate of revision surgery than silicone gel implants.
The scar for saline implants is also shorter since saline implants can be filled after they are placed, allowing a smaller incision. The cost per pair of implants is also lower since repercussions from a rupture are not a concern. If a saline implant shell does rupture, the saline normally leaks out and is absorbed by the body within a day or two. The primary disadvantage of saline implants is that they tend to look round and they feel stiff and unnatural, particularly in women with modest breast tissue. Large saline implants also have a higher rate of downward displacement than silicone because they are heavier. As with all options, the type of implant you choose is a personal decision and the risks and benefits will be extensively discussed during your consultation with Dr. Lin.
Size, Shape, and Texture
Additional options to consider when having a breast augmentation are shape, size, and texture.
Deciding upon the right implant size can be the most challenging part of your operation because cup size is not standardized. Typically, implant sizes range from 6 -18 fluid ounces (200-600 ml) although smaller or larger implants are also available. As the volume of the implant grows, so does its diameter and projection.
The shape of implants can be round, oval, or teardrop and the outer shell can have a smooth or rough texture.
Round implants have several advantages since they rotate freely under your breast without aesthetic consequences. Implants that are not round are always textured so that the implant adheres to the surrounding tissue to minimize the chance of the implant turning upside-down or sideways. Round implants will look the same when rotated in any direction and therefore do not need to have a rough surface.
Because the breast has greater fullness toward the bottom, some feel that teardrop implants provide a more natural result.
Because of their design, teardrop implants must be positioned with the fullest portion at the bottom of your breast. One disadvantage with teardrop implants is that they may rotate following your surgery and to reduce this risk, all teardrop implants are all textured. If a teardrop implant rotates sideways or upside-down, surgery must be performed to correct the position. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, a range of implants is available to provide everything from a smaller, more natural appearing breast to a large, more voluptuous appearance. Dr. Lin will take the time during your consultation to consider all of your goals and to match those with your anatomy to help find the best implant for you.
Incision Technique
The length of your scar will vary depending on which type of incision you choose to have. Because saline implants are filled after they are placed, Dr. Lin can use a small (1-2 inch) incision. Silicone implants are pre-filled by the manufacturer however so the incision must be long enough to accommodate the implant (2-3 inches). Usually, scars from breast augmentation fade but occasionally they may become wider. The final outcome of your scar depends on your individual healing process and it may take 1-2 years for your scar to fully mature. Each type of incision mentioned above has their advantages and disadvantages and Dr. Lin will extensively discuss the options with you during your consultation. Four incisions are most commonly used for breast augmentation:
The Inframammary Incision
The Inframammary Incision is made under your breast hidden along the natural skin crease. This incision heals inconspicuously and allows Dr. Lin excellent visibility for surgery. One disadvantage is that if it heals poorly, it will be visible when you are wearing no clothing. If Dr. Lin needs to lower your breast crease for optimal positioning of the implant, another possible problem is that your scar will show under the surface of your breast rather than in the crease. Asymmetric breast creases are very common in women before surgery and asymmetrical positions of scars should be expected after surgery as well. One main advantage of this incision location is that it helps Dr. Lin achieve better breast implant position symmetry. Risk of infection is also slightly lower when the implants are placed through this incision.
The Areolar Incision
The Areolar Incision, also known as the Peri-areolar incision, is performed around your nipple and it is designed to conceal the scar by placing it at the junction of your breast and nipple (areola) skin. Typically, the incision extends halfway around your areola and because of the natural color transition in this area, the scar is not easily seen. Many physicians use this incision but a qualified surgeon, such as Dr. Lin, should only perform it because the nipple is the focal point of the breast and any flaw will be obvious. This incision also imposes a slightly higher risk of nipple numbness and infection and because areola size limits incision size, women with small areolas may not be candidates for this incision.
The Axillary Incision
The Axillary Incision, also known as a transaxillary incision, is an incision performed under your arm using an endoscope or a small rod with a fiber-optic camera on its tip. Surgeons report having achieved good cosmetic results with this technique although because silicone implants arrive pre-filled from the manufacturer, large silicone implants may be difficult to place through this incision. The scar from this technique is well hidden when your arms are at your sides but it will be visible when wearing a bathing suit.
The Trans-Umbilical Incision (TUBA)
The TUBA is a procedure where your implants are positioned through a small incision inside your belly button. This technique is only an option for saline implants, as silicone is too large to fit through the incision. It is typically used only for subglandular placement, as subpectoral placement through the belly button runs the risk of implant malposition and hematomas. Patients feel there are more advantages than disadvantages with this technique even though subglandular saline implants may ripple or wrinkle.
Implant Location
Implant Location
Independent of the type of incision you choose for your breast implant, the location of your breast implant is another important factor to consider before having breast augmentation. Implants can be placed in one of two positions: below your breast gland and above your pectoralis muscle known as subglandular or below both your breast gland and muscle on your chest wall known as submuscular. In either technique, they will be centered under your breast. The subglandular placement offers several advantages because the operation involves less discomfort and faster recovery since the pectoralis muscle itself is not disturbed. After this procedure, your breasts will immediately appear more attractive because swelling is minimal. Disadvantages of choosing a subglandular position include a higher risk of capsular contracture and greater interference with mammography. In some cases, patients with thin skin or petite breasts may feel the implants through their skin and they are more likely to have rippling and wrinkling. Large implants may shift downward and the possibility of nipple numbness and infection are slightly higher. Submuscular, or subpectoral placement, offers the advantages of a lower possibility of rippling, less chance of downward shifting, a lower rate of capsular contracture, and less interference with mammography. With a submuscular placement, women with small breasts may obtain the best cosmetic results because more padding is provided between the implant and your skin.
Implant Profile
The volume you select will objectively determine the implant profile most appropriate for your surgery.
Round implants are made roughly in the shape of a doughnut and they come in three different variations: low, medium, and high profile. For any given volume, a low profile implant will have a greater diameter and lower projection than a high profile implant of the same volume and the medium profile will be between a low and high profile implant. Again, this is an objective issue that you and Dr. Lin will discuss in detail during your consultation.
Your breast augmentation procedure will most likely be performed under general anesthesia and your actual surgery will take approximately 1-2 hours.
In the operating room, your skin will be cleansed thoroughly and monitors will be placed on you before the anesthesiologist administers anesthesia to put you to sleep. Drapes will be placed around your body and Dr. Lin and his professional team will begin your breast augmentation surgery. After your procedure is over, once you are awake and stable you will be transported to the recovery room. The amount of discomfort felt varies with each patient and on average discomfort is moderate. If you do experience pain, Dr. Lin has several options to help alleviate your distress. Swelling is usually at its peak 3-5 days after surgery and starts to improve after that. Most patients do not bruise after breast augmentation however if you do, it will subside within a week. Your stitch lines will be covered with gauze and you will wear a soft surgical bra for protection and support. After 5-7 days, the gauze dressing will be removed it will be recommended that you wear a surgical or sports bra for several weeks. Your absorbable stitches will dissolve in 2-4 weeks.
Initially, your breasts may appear firm and too high on your chest but as your swelling subsides, your implants will lower slightly assuming a more natural appearance.
Most patients return to normal leisurely activity immediately following breast augmentation although you will be instructed to minimize your arm movements. You will be able to resume your normal routine and work within 1-2 weeks after surgery depending on the type of work you do. Any aerobic exercise should be avoided for three to four weeks and after six weeks; most activities can be resumed carefully as directed by Dr. Lin. You will see Dr. Lin the day after your surgery and approximately 4-5 days later depending on your healing process. You will then be scheduled for another visit in two weeks and approximately three months after your surgery you will be released from Dr. Lin’s care. Of course, if you have any concerns you may follow-up with Shine Cosmetic Surgery at any time.
Shine Cosmetic Surgery is an international facility of excellence dedicated to cosmetic plastic surgery of your face, breast, and body.
Dr. Lin understands that breast surgery requires not only scientific technique and skillful precision; with every patient he utilizes creative artistry and good taste to help them achieve the most natural and optimal results. Dr. Lin has extensive training and experience with many types of breast augmentation procedures so if you are unhappy with your breasts, he understands the impact those negative feelings can have on your life. Please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us help you change your self-image with enhanced breasts that you can be proud of.
Breast Augmentation w/ Lift
You deserve to feel good about your breasts and if you do not, it can negatively affect your confidence and self-esteem.
As time passes, pregnancy, nursing, fluctuating weight, and gravity can have adverse effects on your breasts, causing them to droop and sag because there is too much skin for the underlying breast tissue. A breast lift (Mastopexy) is a procedure that corrects sagging breasts by removing excess breast skin resulting in the tightening of the surrounding skin. A breast lift alone is adequate if you have sufficient breast tissue and do not want to look larger. If you have small breasts and insufficient tissue however, it is difficult to shape your breasts properly with a breast lift alone and a breast lift with implants is a suitable alternative. In addition, you may require implants to restore your breasts to their natural shape and size and patients that have a breast lift with implants may find that their results last longer. A breast lift with implants has numerous benefits including the ability to lift the breasts off your stomach, making it appear smaller. A breast lift with implants also gives fullness on the top and most women covet an ample bosom: especially when wearing revealing clothing where they can proudly display their attributes.
There are several degrees of breast lifts that are dependent on your individual anatomy and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery; Dr. Daniel H. Lin looks forward to exploring
and discussing all of the options with you. During your consultation, Dr. Lin will examine and measure your breasts and determine which procedure, or combination of procedures, will suit your cosmetic needs based on how severely your breasts sag, the elasticity of your skin, and the breast size you desire. He will decide whether or not an implant is recommended with your breast lift and since the nipple and areola will be moved higher, he will also discuss where they will be located after your procedure. Knowing that every patient has unique needs and desires, Dr. Lin will prepare a specific plan designed for your body type and since both saline and silicone breast implants are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Lin will decide the best shape, surface texture, and size depending on the breast shape you want to achieve.
Your breast lift with implant surgery will require sedation and Dr. Lin’s goal is to use the shortest incisions to minimize scarring and optimize your results.
The procedure typically takes anywhere from 1-3 hours and during surgery, Dr. Lin will remove the excess breast skin, tighten the remaining skin, and insert breast implants to restore your breast shape and size. The breast lift procedure also involves raising sagging breasts and nipples to a higher, firmer position and it can reduce the size of your areola or the darker skin around your nipple. Combined breast lift with augmentation surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure so you will be allowed to return home the day of your surgery. Within the first week, you should be able to return to most of your normal activities however exercise and strenuous activities will be limited for 2-3 weeks depending on your healing progress. Following your surgery, detailed instructions will be given to you for your postoperative care and activity and it is important that you to follow these instructions in order to minimize any complications.
When performing any cosmetic surgery, Dr. Lin always strives for the “natural look” and during your breast lift with implant surgery
he will create breasts that are as close to perfect in size and shape while balancing them to your hips, shoulders, and waist for a proportionate match. After your surgery, you will begin to experience the benefits of your new breasts as not only will they appear more youthful in shape and position, others will notice and that will increase your self-confidence. If you do not like the way your breasts look and you want to learn more about breast lift with implant surgery, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Breast Implant Removal
When a woman undergoes a breast implant procedure, it can enhance her figure and self-esteem and it is crucial that she is satisfied with her results.
Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved saline and silicone breast implants as safe, durable, and long lasting, occasionally there are circumstances when breast implant removal is desirable or necessary. Sometimes patients get their implants replaced because they want to alter their breast size or shape while others who originally chose to have saline implants placed over their muscle (subglandular) may decide they want new gummy bear implants placed under the muscle (submuscular) to achieve a more natural look. For whatever reason, if you are a woman who is unhappy with your breast implants, Dr. Daniel H. Lin offers breast revision surgery, also referred to as a “re-do”, to correct the look of your previously augmented breasts. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin offers surgery for women who want a breast implant exchange (from saline to silicone or vice versa), to increase or decrease the size of their implants, or to remove their implants altogether. You may be a candidate for removal of breast implants if you desire to have previously placed breast implants removed for medical or personal reasons and basically, breast implant removal is ideal for customizing the look of your breasts after your initial surgery to ensure that your breasts look and feel the way you want them to.
For the rare occasion where a patient with breast implants is diagnosed with breast cancer, breast implant removal without replacement may be the best option.
Breast implant removal involves surgically re-opening the breast using the same breast augmentation incisions as the original procedure.
By removing and reinserting the implant through the same incisions used for the initial breast augmentation, no new scarring should result from breast implant removal although reopening the incisions means that they will need to heal again. Breast implant surgery can be performed under local anesthesia if just the implants are being removed however is if capsules or scar tissue around the implants are also being removed; sedation and local or general anesthesia will be required. Dr. Lin will remove the breast implant and any capsules (scar tissue) present around the implant. The scar tissue removal (capsulectomy) may be required if the breast implants are not being replaced, if new breast implants are being inserted in a different position, or if there is evidence of silicone breast implant leakage.
Dr. Lin has extensive experience performing breast implant removal and capsulectomy procedures resulting in natural appearing breasts.
When new breast implants are not replaced after your original implants are removed, the skin may be permanently stretched and Dr. Lin may recommend a breast lift (mastopexy). This procedure is necessary to remove excess, sagging skin and position your breasts in a natural, aesthetically pleasing location. The breast implant procedure typically takes one hour with an additional hour of recovery time before leaving the surgery center. Swelling and minimal bruising in the area may last up to three weeks and you can return to work in a few days depending on your healing capabilities. Complete recovery from breast implant removal may take a few months and it is important to know that breast implant removal will return you to a smaller breast size and shape. In some cases, this outcome may be undesirable and fortunately Dr. Lin is able to perform other plastic surgery procedures to provide more satisfactory results if necessary. Patients whose breast implant removal surgery involves implants placed under the pectoral muscle will generally have slightly longer recovery times than patients whose surgery involves implants placed over the pectoral muscle.
Breast implant removal can correct unexpected cosmetic problems that occur months or years after your original breast augmentation.
Dr. Lin understands that every patient has a different reason when they seek breast revision surgery and he personally works with you to design a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. Breast implant procedures vary widely and they can be simple or extremely complex and for this reason, Dr. Lin’s goal is to resolve your problem while providing a satisfactory aesthetic outcome.
Dr. Lin consistently offers his expertise and experience in plastic surgery to patients in California and beyond so please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery
if you are interested in receiving more information on breast implant removal. Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape the normal structures of your body in order to improve your appearance and self-esteem so if you are concerned about some aspect of your breast implants, we encourage you to call and let us schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Lin today. During your meeting, Dr. Lin promises to give you a realistic expectation of your personal outcome and he will answer any questions or concerns you have about breast implant removal or any other procedure offered at Shine Cosmetic Surgery.
Benefits of Breast Implant Removal
If adequate post surgical care is received, breast implant complications are rare but some conditions breast implant removal can benefit include:
Implant wrinkling
Capsular contracture (hardening of the tissue around the implant) and other complications after breast augmentation
Bottoming out (a drop in the location of the implant)
Implant malfunction or trauma, including implant rupture, leak, or deflation
Implant rippling or shifting
Breast ptosis, or sagging
Implant out of place
Nipple out of place
Poor healing and scarring
Change in size preferences
Change in implant type
Areola reduction
Changes from the effects of pregnancy or drastic weight fluctuations
Breast Lift
A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a procedure used to raise and reshape sagging breasts.
As a woman ages, her breasts begin to lose their natural shape and firmness due to loss of elasticity. Having children or fluctuations in weight can also cause your breasts to lose tone and volume and a breast lift offers women the chance to restore their breasts to a more youthful shape. Under the direction of Dr. Daniel Hung-Sun Lin, at Shine Cosmetic Surgery he along with his caring staff look forward to helping you achieve a bust line you can be proud of. Because breast skin is responsible for holding your breast in position, when it becomes lax it will give way to breast ptosis also known as breast droop. When your breast skin is tight and has good tone, it will hold your breast high but when it becomes loose or stretched out, it will allow your breast to sag. A breast lift will reshape your breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue.
Before you consider the different options available for breast lift surgery
Dr. Lin feels it is helpful to understand what conditions might require this type of surgery.
The three conditions generally identified with sagging breasts
Although every situation is unique, not all of these require a breast lift to restore youthfulness to your breasts. Usually ptosis is the only condition that warrants a breast lift, as the insertion of breast implants will restore fullness to your breasts in most cases of Empty Sac Syndrome and pseudoptosis. it includes:
Empty Sac Syndrome
The Empty Sac Syndrome refers to a breast that has lost fullness due to age, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. In this case, the nipple and areola have not fallen in relation to your breast crease so there is no need for a breast lift. Breast implants alone should provide enough volume to restore the youthful appearance of your breast.
Like the Empty Sac Syndrome, pseudoptosis is a condition where your breast lacks fullness. In this case, your breast may appear full below the nipple but it lacks fullness above the nipple. In most cases of pseudoptosis, your nipple and areola are positioned so that a breast augmentation with breast implants will be sufficient to restore youthfulness. During your consultation with Dr. Lin, together you will decide if a breast lift is right for you. If it is determined that it is, he will discuss the different types available and the type you choose will depend on the degree of ptosis your breasts have.
If you have been diagnosed with ptosis, in most cases you will need a breast lift to correct your condition. Ptosis is the term used when describing sagging breasts. Medically speaking, ptosis is the definition used for breasts that sag low enough for the nipple and areola to be out of position in relation to your breast crease. Medical experts have recognized three digress of ptosis including:
Mild ptosis (grade I)
Mild ptosis is you’re your nipples have dropped to the level of your breast crease.
Moderate ptosis (grade II)
Moderate ptosis is when your nipples have dropped below the level of your breast crease.
Advanced ptosis (grade III)
Advanced ptosis is when your nipples sag so much they actually point towards the floor.
The types of breast lifts available at Shine Cosmetic Surgery
After your breast lift procedure, once your incisions have been closed and taped a surgical bra will be applied. Postoperative discomfort may be greatly reduced through medication and a return to normal light activity is possible within several days. Scars are the greatest drawback to the breast lift surgery and any woman considering a mastopexy must realize that she is exchanging her saggy breast cosmetic problem for another cosmetic breast problem, which are scars. Most scars fade over time however and women with sagging breasts feel the benefits of a breast lift outweigh having a scar. Whether or not you need a breast lift can only be determined during your consultation with Dr. Lin. At your exam he will take specific measurements to verify where your nipple and areola are positioned in relation to your breast crease or inframammary fold. He will then use those measurements to decide if fullness can be restored with breast implants alone or if a breast lift is required. If you are interested in a breast lift to help make your silhouette more pleasing, Dr. Lin at Shine Cosmetic Surgery can help. After your breast lift procedure at our Los Angeles practice, you can expect firmer and shapelier looking breasts for years to come. For more information or details, please contact us today and let us schedule your complimentary breast lift consultation. it includes:
The Crescent Breast Lift
Also known as a crescent lift or nipple lift, this breast lift is a simple procedure that corrects mild ptosis. Dr. Lin will remove a crescent shaped piece of tissue above your areola then he will raise your nipple to a higher position.
The Benelli Breast Lift
The Benelli breast lift, also known as a donut mastopexy, circumareola breast lift, and apex lift, is considered less invasive than other types of breast lifts. It will correct mild to moderate ptosis and during this procedure, Dr. Lin will remove a donut-shaped piece of tissue from around your areola before reattaching the remaining tissue.
The Vertical Mastopexy Breast Lift
The Vertical Mastopexy Breast lift, also known as the lollipop breast lift, LeJour lift, and modified Benelli, provides more lift than the Benelli for patients with moderate ptosis. During this procedure, Dr. Lin will remove a donut-shaped piece of tissue, like in the Benelli breast lift, but in addition he will make a straight incision from under your areola to the breast crease. The vertical mastopexy provides more lift than the Benelli but less than the Full Mastopexy.
The Full Mastopexy Breast Lift
The full mastopexy breast lift, also known as an anchor lift or inverted-T, will correct severe grade III ptosis. During this procedure, Dr. Lin will make an anchor-shaped incision that starts at the base of your areola and travels to the bottom of your breast meeting your ribcage. Dr. Lin will then cut out a crescent-shaped piece of skin above where your breast meets your rib cage removing and re-positioning your nipple so that it sits in a more youthful position.
Breast Revision
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic plastic surgery in the world and with the popularity of breast augmentation surgery
it is inevitable that there will be some women who want or need a revision. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin finds that most women are happy with their breast augmentation results however he often treats women who have had a bad experience with their original breast augmentation elsewhere. While there are many qualified surgeons around the county completing breast augmentations satisfactorily every day, unfortunately some doctors who perform breast augmentation do not have the training or skills necessary to achieve the best results.
Besides dissatisfaction with their original breast augmentation
there are other reasons women seek breast implant revision surgery including: Appearance; Different size; Different type of implant; To correct implant problems.
Whatever the reason, each breast revision surgery performed at Shine Cosmetic Surgery is tailored to meet your individual needs
and the specific technique used will depend on the concern or concerns you have that need corrected. Although breast augmentation revision and breast augmentation have many similarities, they also have many differences. Breast augmentation revision is generally more complex than primary breast augmentation and because of this, it is crucial that during you consultation with Dr. Lin you spend the necessary time discussing your case to ensure that your breast revision gives you the results you desire. Dr. Lin understands that the patient/doctor relationship is critical to the success of any surgery and he will help you feel confident about voicing all of your questions and concerns.
Any surgical procedure should be considered carefully and a breast augmentation revision procedure, no matter how simple, is still surgery.
As a breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Lin will help you make the best decisions and he will only perform revision breast augmentation after the long-term benefits and risks associated with revision surgery have been fully discussed. Dr. Lin’s ultimate goal when performing your breast implant revision surgery is to restore your natural appearing breasts while giving you long-lasting results. If you have had a previous breast augmentation surgery (augmentation mammoplasty) and you are dissatisfied with the results, Dr. Lin is a specialist in breast enhancement surgery and he has helped many patients achieve satisfying results. To learn more about breast implant revision, call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and discover that from the moment you enter our doors, you will be treated with compassion, respect, and exceptional care.
Examples of More Complex Breast Augmentation Revisions
The different procedures used in breast implant revision surgery are dependent on the complexity of your specific case. Multiple problems may require the use of various surgical techniques to restore a more natural appearing breast and Dr. Lin will spend as much time as necessary to educate you regarding your full range of implant choices. Breast implant revision surgery that involves exchanging implants for new implants with a different fill, size, profile, and texture can be considered straightforward because Dr. Lin does not need to perform any major work on the existing pockets. In this procedure, your surgery and recovery may be quick and similar to your original breast augmentation. In other cases, if your surgery is complicated, the procedure will take longer and your recovery may be more involved. In more complex types of surgery, Dr. Lin may need to perform some corrective surgery in addition to the implant exchange and some examples of more complex breast augmentation revisions include:
Symmastia occurs when two implants touch one another in the center of the chest. Correcting symmastia can involve extensive work to the existing pockets to ensure that the implants remain where they are supposed to as they heal.
Capsular Contractures
The body normally forms a layer of scar tissue to hold the implant in place after augmentation known as the implant “capsule.” Usually, this layer is soft, pliable, and cannot be felt but in some cases, it can become thicker and less elastic. The amount of scar tissue in the capsule and its thickness will determine how hard the breast will feel. Correcting capsular contracture may involve completely removing the capsule (capsulectomy) and moving the implants from the current position above or below the muscle to a new pocket.
Changes in Breast Tissue
It is not uncommon for a patient’s breasts to go though changes after a breast augmentation. Surgical correction may involve altering the capsules, changing the position of the implant, changing the implants themselves, and tightening the breast tissues.
Implant Coverage Problems
If the breast tissue covering the implant is too thin, rippling can appear through the skin referred to as traction ripples. These are typically seen in implants placed above the muscle and treatment is focused on trying to provide a thicker coverage that can be attained by moving above muscle implants to partially below the muscle, called a site change.
Bottoming Out
The term bottoming out means the inferior migration of augmented implants and one reason for this condition is the malposition of the implants. This means that the implants are placed too low during the original augmentation and the inframammary folds open and the implants fall right after surgery.
Double Bubble
Double bubble is a descriptive term for a postsurgical complication that can occur after breast augmentation with breast implants. This condition occurs when an implant drops behind the natural fold (inframammary crease) where the lower breast meets the chest, rather than forward into the breast. This shifting creates an unnatural indentation or line across the bottom (lower pole) of the breast and when seen in profile, double bubble is said to have a “four-breast effect.” Fortunately, double bubble is a relatively rare complication that is correctable in most cases.
Changing to a Smaller Implant
Some patients choose to decrease their implant size after their initial surgery and if a patient chooses to do this, it is not as simple as placing a new implant. The capsule that surrounds the implant may need to be tightened with internal suturing (capsulorrhaphy) and the skin may need to be tightened or lifted.
Breast Implant Deflation
Saline implants can leak or “rupture” and treatment includes removing the deflated implant and replacing it with the same or different size.
Implant Malposition
The capsule that surrounds the implant ideally allows enough room for a soft and natural feeling breast but if it is too large, it will allow the implant to move farther than it should leading to implant malposition. Treatment involves repairing it with either internal sutures or a breast lift.
It is extremely rare when someone is naturally blessed with the “perfect body” and when you do not like the way you look, it can have a negative impact on your life.
How you see your body on the outside plays a large role in how you see yourself on the inside and feeling good about your self-image changes your entire attitude. Fortunately today, there are many effective options available to improve any areas of body image concerns you might have. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery located in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Daniel H. Lin safely administers a variety of treatments that will make you look and feel your best. During your consultation, Dr. Lin always takes the time to discuss any misgivings you have about your body before suggesting a cosmetic plan that will help you. Because everyone’s body shape is different, various treatments may be recommended and you can rest assured that Dr. Lin and his highly qualified team will help sculpture you the beautiful body you want and deserve.
Plastic surgery offers people an opportunity to enhance or to restore different parts of their body to a more attractive state.
When dieting and exercise is not enough, body-shaping procedures designed to permanently reduce sagging skin and unwanted fat deposits can help you achieve a leaner physique. For every cosmetic surgery he performs, Dr. Lin considers the procedure a work of art by recognizing your natural attributes and combining technological ability with artistic skill. He always takes into account the ideal proportions you need to improve in the targeted area as well as the surrounding areas. By working with you to attain a figure that compliments your natural beauty, Dr. Lin is able to achieve true harmony with an outcome you will be proud of.
From liposuction to breast augmentation, plastic surgery allows you to attain your ideal figure.
Whether you want to return your body to its youthful size and shape or you are seeking to make your body more proportionate, Dr. Lin can help you reverse the changes that occur with aging and other factors. Dr. Lin is a Diplomate of American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon and he has vast experience and training in performing all aspects of cosmetic body surgery. He looks forward to answering all of your questions and concerns before formulating an individualized plan designed just for you.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, we are dedicated to ensuring that your visit to our state-of-the-art facility is a comfortable and rewarding experience.
If you are bothered by stubborn areas of fat or unhappy with your figure in general, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today to set up your personal consultation with Dr. Lin. Together you will decide which body procedures will enable you to feel better about your physique and health and still be yourself.
Shine Cosmetic Surgery offers the following body procedures
Laser Liposuction
Tummy Tuck
Brazilian Butt Lift
Body Lift
Arm Lift
Many people feel self-conscious about the appearance of their arms.
Looseness of skin in the upper arms can occur as a result of significant weight loss, gravity, aging, and thinning skin. Exercise may strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone of your upper arm but it cannot address excess skin that has lost elasticity or weakened tissues and localized fat deposits. Despite a healthy lifestyle, some people cannot get rid of their heavy or saggy upper arms so they hide them by wearing clothing that has sleeves because of the embarrassment they feel. The upper arm can be a very troubling area and for those patients seeking help for this problem, arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) is the answer for you. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin, performs arm lift surgery because he believes it is often a perfect solution to reshape and beautify your upper arms. Arm lift surgery removes sagging tissue, reduces excess skin and fat between your underarm and elbow, and creates a more toned and proportionate balance to the rest of your body.
During your arm lift procedure, general anesthesia is used and Dr. Lin will make an incision on your upper arm where he will remove excess skin and fat before tightening the inner tissues.
The length of the incision and pattern depend on the amount and location of excess skin tissue to be removed. Incisions are typically placed on the inside or on the back of your arm and they may extend from the underarm (axilla) to just above your elbow. If fat is to be reduced during your arm lift, recontouring your arms can sometimes include both liposuction and the surgical removal of excess skin which will leave you the benefit of less scarring.
Dressings will be applied immediately after your surgery and your incisions will be closed with absorbable stitches.
Following your arm lift surgery, you will need to wear special compression garments and the average time of healing and recovery is 2-6 weeks. During this time, your arms will need to be elevated, kept straight, and repetitive arm movements should be avoided during your initial recovery period. Depending on your healing progress, Dr. Lin will instruct you when you will be able to resume exercise and your normal routine.
The smoother, tighter contours that result from arm lift surgery are apparent almost immediately although initial results may be somewhat obscured by swelling.
An arm lift procedure at Shine Cosmetic Surgery will reshape the underside of your upper arms and the results are long lasting, although as your body ages it is natural to lose some firmness. The decision to have any cosmetic procedures is very personal and arm lift surgery with Dr. Lin will reduce excess skin as well as tighten and smooth the underlying supportive tissues that define the shape of your upper arm. The results are extremely satisfying and you will finally be able to wear sleeveless clothing because your arms will be toned and firm once again. If you want to find out if arm lift surgery is the answer for you, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and never hide your arms again.
Brazilian Butt Lift
The buttocks are considered a very important feature in the female form.
Until recently, if you were born with flat buttocks you had no options for a rounder, fuller shape without buttock implants. Fortunately, due to recent advancements in micro fat grafting there are now options available to naturally augment your buttocks and help you achieve a shapelier and more rounded derriere. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, located in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. encourages you to consider a Brazilian Butt Lift if you want to add more volume to your buttocks. Autologous micro fat transfer, the delicate technique used in the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, is the process of taking your own fat from other parts in your body before it is transplanted into your buttock area.
During the first step in your Brazilian Butt Lift, Dr. Lin will carefully liposuction fat with a low pressure aspiration method from appropriate donor locations on your body
such as your abdomen, thighs, love handles, or arms. Once the fat has been removed, it will be carefully separated from the other material removed during your liposuction. Next it will be washed thoroughly and prepared for sterile injection. The small pearl drops of purified fat will be re-injected in different layers of tissue, close to blood supply and spread throughout the targeted area. Since the fat no longer has the means to support itself, it must absorb nutrients from the surrounding tissue in order to stay alive and approximately 50% permanently survives. This method of layering will create a smooth, more rounded buttock with no irregular places showing through the skin. The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure can take anywhere from two to four hours depending on how much work is required.
The recovery from a Brazilian Butt Lift is similar to liposuction and most patients are able to return to work in five days.
Your buttocks will not feel any discomfort but it may take up to one month until you feel completely normal. After your surgery, you will be able to sit the next day but you must wear a body garment for four to six weeks. The Brazilian Butt Lift carries a minimal risk of complications since your own fat is used and it is safer because there is no risk of an implant rupture or capsular contracture.
An increasingly popular procedure, butt enhancement surgery is frequently performed at Shine Cosmetic Surgery for those who want to achieve a curvier, more youthful physique.
Dr. Lin is a Brazilian Butt Lift expert having learned how to perform the procedure from the surgeons who invented it. Dr. Lin is also highly qualified as he is a Diplomate of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery as well as a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon. Using the latest technology, his body enhancing procedure is designed to dramatically restore the youthful contour and shape of your buttocks. If you are interested in learning more about the Brazilian Butt Lift, we encourage you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery where our professional staff is looking forward to setting up your complimentary consultation.
Laser Liposuction
Liposuction plastic surgery began in 1980 when French and Swiss physicians first presented their techniques of “lipolysis.”
Although at the time their development was considered revolutionary, by today’s standards their methods now seem almost primitive. Since every person’s situation differs, there is no one perfect method for liposuction although the newer innovations have improved the overall optimal outcome. With so many variations available, as with any surgery the most important factor when considering a cosmetic procedure is the expertise and experience of the surgeon performing the work. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery located in Los Angeles, Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. is a Diplomate of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery as well as a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon. He is committed and passionate about staying current on all advances and technology and his medical training and artist’s eye will give you the results and quick recovery you deserve when having cosmetic surgery.
The basic technique of liposuction involves the removal of fat through a hollow metal tube, known as a cannula, is passed through the targeted fatty tissue.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, besides the traditional methods used Dr. Lin is also proud to provide the most modern laser assisted liposuction treatments available today. Our experience in liposuction contouring and the use of our laser equipment ensures safety and superior results for our patients when they are trying to eliminate stubborn fat. Under the direction of Dr. Lin, our highly qualified staff is committed to understanding your needs and helping you decide the right treatment plan that will bring you the best results. During your consultation, we will help educate you about laser liposuction and discuss any possible risks and complications as well as your care before, during, and after your procedure. Laser technology improves accuracy and the quality of results gives Dr. Lin the ability to make the desired differences to your body shape.
Laser liposuction is best known by the brand names Smartlipo and ProLipo.
Smartlipo™ implements laser technology to destroy fat cells by using a special laser-tipped surgical instrument. With this technique, Dr. Lin is able to target fat and cause less trauma in surrounding blood vessels, nerves, and tissues. Most patients need only local anesthesia when receiving the Smartlipo™ treatment and the procedure eliminates areas of fat almost anywhere on your body.
ProLipo stands for “laser-assisted tumescent liposuction” and it is ideal for reducing fat deposits on any area of the body that stores unwanted fat.
ProLipo™ is an FDA approved, minimally invasive laser-assisted procedure that involves the use of fiber-delivered laser energy to the targeted fatty tissue. ProLipo™ requires the use of tumescent local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia or intravenous (IV) sedation. With ProLipo™, tiny incisions are made in your skin and a small laser is used to first liquefy before gently removing the fat. Unlike traditional liposuction, ProLipo™ is minimally invasive and does not involve stitches so there is little downtime. Your recovery takes only 2-3 days and your results are evident within one week. In addition to ablating fat, ProLipo™also tightens your skin through its collagen remodeling effects.
We offer additional laser liposuction techniques at Shine Cosmetic Surgery so for more information, we encourage you to call and schedule your complimentary consultation.
We are committed to providing next-generation cosmetic results to our patients and laser liposuction is a minimally invasive way to get rid of your unsightly fat.
Laser Liposuction can treat areas
including: Under chin, jowls; Back of neck; Upper arms; Upper back (bra line); Upper & lower abdomen; Love Handles and Flanks; Hips and Waist; Inner and outer thighs; Buttocks; Inside of knees; Ankles; Male chest (enlarged breasts).
There are benefits to both traditional and laser liposuction
however with laser assisted liposuction some of the advantages include: Rapid results; Minimal swelling; Less bruising; Improved accuracy; Enhanced safety; Less Invasive; Does not require general anesthesia or IV sedation.
As with traditional liposuction techniques, some pain, burning, stiffness, and temporary numbness may occur.
Once your 30-60 minute procedure is complete, you will be able to leave Shine Cosmetic Surgery center seeing noticeable results after just one session. You may be instructed to wear an elastic garment over your treated area for a few weeks to keep your skin tight and firm.
Fortunately, you can now finally improve your physique without surgery or pain.
Laser Liposuction uses a laser to liquefy and remove unwanted fat in targeted body zones and in addition to removing fat, laser liposuction’s thermal effect causes your skin to contract. This results in firmer, smoother skin to further enhance your expectations and goals. As with all of our cosmetic procedures, our surgical team at Shine Cosmetic Surgery utilizes every precaution possible to give you excellent and safe results.
Shine Cosmetic Surgery prides itself in serving our satisfied patients by making you feel at home the moment your walk through our doors.
We believe everyone deserves to be beautiful and that is why Dr. Lin is so pleased to share the latest technology of laser liposuction with his patients who have experienced the frustration of stubborn fat deposits. Dr. Lin specializes in using techniques that minimize scarring and produce lasting results so if you are looking for an effective way to get rid of problem fat areas permanently, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Liposuction, also known as Lipoplasty, is a procedure that reshapes your body by permanently removing excess fat deposits.
Even if you watch your diet and are physically fit, for a variety of reasons localized fat deposits can appear on your body causing you to look unnatural and out of proportion. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that has been used in the United States for almost 20 years and it is equally effective in both men and women. Good candidates for liposuction are patients who are of average weight for their height and have unwanted, specific areas of extra fat. During your initial consultation at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, after carefully evaluating your areas of concern Dr. Lin will help you determine whether liposuction is right for you. He will individualize the procedure depending on your needs thereby helping you achieve a more balanced and attractive body.
Through our advanced liposuction techniques at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin and his professional staff can safely
and expertly enhance the appearance of almost any part of your body including your: Neck; Chin; Upper Arms; Chest; Breasts; Abdomen; Waist; Hips; Buttocks; Love Handles; Upper Back; Saddlebags; Thighs; Inner Knees; Calves; Ankles.
Most patients at Shine Cosmetic Surgery undergo liposuction surgery with intravenous (IV) sedation anesthesia.
A soft tube will be placed in your airway for protection and you will be unaware of the procedure that is being performed. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, all of our anesthesiologists are board certified and highly experienced, as we believe the choice of your anesthesiologist is as important as your choice of plastic surgeons. During your liposuction procedure, Dr. Lin will make a small, inconspicuous incision in your skin at the area that is to be treated. A tumescent fluid consisting of lidocaine and epinephrine mixed with saline will be injected prior to your procedure to minimize pain and reduce bruising. After infusing this sterile solution, Dr. Lin will utilize the basic liposuction procedure (tumescent liposuction) by suctioning out the fat using a hollow metal tube (cannula) that is passed through your fatty tissue.
Depending on the number of sites involved and the amount of fat removed, the procedure can last from 1-2 hours.
After your liposuction, you will be fitted with a compression garment that you will wear approximately four weeks to reduce swelling and compress your skin to its new shape. The healing process for each patient differs but most are able to return to work 4-7 days after their procedure although it may take up to two weeks to resume exercise and normal activity. Complications after liposuction are rare and all of the potential risks involved will be discussed in detail during your consultation.
The result of your liposuction is a more shapely and firm physique, which can be permanent if you maintain a healthy weight.
Most people report that liposuction inspires them to improve their overall fitness because of their new feelings of pride and confidence in their body. It is important to keep in mind that liposuction has limitations however as it will remove fat from under your skin but it will not eliminate fat that is inside your abdomen or under your muscle. Liposuction is designed to primarily target localized pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise and it is not intended as a method for overall weight loss. Liposuction offers significant physical and mental benefits so if you are interested in learning more about liposuction and how it can help you achieve your body contouring goals, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Mommy Makeover
Bringing a baby into the world is one of the most rewarding and unforgettable joys a woman can experience.
The accompanying physical changes resulting from pregnancy, birth, and nursing however can leave a mom feeling less than satisfied as she loses confidence with the way her body looks. By definition, a “Mommy Makeover” is a term referring to a combination of surgical procedures performed at the same time to reshape and tighten a mother’s body, reversing the physical changes brought about by pregnancy and childbirth. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin performs a mommy makeover to restore or improve, a mother’s post-pregnancy body because he understands how hard it is for new moms to lose all the weight they gained during pregnancy.
After having their baby, some new moms feel that they still look pregnant in the abdominal area because the weakened muscles and the excess abdominal fat appear as “fullness”.
This can cause serious psychological issues and although eventually many new moms may get rid of the excess weight, the loss is often not proportional to the amount of fatty tissue in a given area. All or some of the changes that occur after having a baby can make a mom feel unattractive and fortunately, a mommy makeover can address these issues and give a new mom back a body she can be proud of.
Cosmetic Procedures
The combination of procedures you and Dr. Lin choose for your mommy makeover depends on your overall expectations and the unique impact childbearing has had on your particular body. The length of the surgery varies based on the amount and type of procedures Dr. Lin performs and your mommy makeover can be one or two separate operations, again depending on the procedures chosen. During your consultation, Dr. Lin will listen to all of your concerns before recommending a plan that best suits your needs so please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us schedule your “Mommy Makeover” consultation. A mommy makeover, or restoration, may include a number of cosmetic procedures including:
Breast Augmentation
Breast size generally fluctuates throughout the process of pregnancy and breastfeeding. These changes compromise the skin’s elasticity and this causes the breasts to sag. Once a mother no longer needs to store breast milk, it is common for the breasts to lose volume and they can actually become smaller than their pre-pregnancy size. Breast augmentation surgery will create an attractive contour to the breasts and restore volume while correcting severely deflated breasts. Some new moms benefit from breast implants to counter the droopiness that occurs as a result of stretched-out skin. Breast augmentation is a popular choice because it can enhance any woman’s femininity and restore confidence.
Breast Lift
The shape and the size of the breasts adjust to a mom’s body throughout and after pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy usually causes the breasts to increase or decrease in at least one cup size and once a mom finishes breastfeeding, her breasts tend to deflate and sag. Your breasts normally make you feel attractive but their appearance can be negatively affected by pregnancy and nursing. Dr. Lin appreciates the connection between a woman’s body image and her self-esteem and he offers breast lift surgery for moms (and any women) who wish to restore their attractive, youthful breast shape.
Breast Reduction
Many new mothers are concerned that breastfeeding will ruin their youthful breasts but breastfeeding is not the only reason breasts change after childbirth. Pregnancy always affects the breasts because as the breasts prepare for milk production, the milk glands swell replacing the natural fatty breast composition. After pregnancy and lactation, this expanded system of ducts change and as a result increased elasticity, increased softness, and increased sagginess occurs. Some women gain volume during this process and a breast reduction is required to achieve pre-pregnancy size.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
The most drastic visible changes during pregnancy take place around the abdomen. The bulged abdominal area weakens and separates the abdominal muscles, stretching the skin and this stretching can cause ruptures in skin collagen resulting in stretch marks. After pregnancy and childbirth, in the abdominal area many women need a full abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck. A full tummy tuck involves tightening the muscle layer as well as removing excess skin and fat while some new moms only need a mini-abdominoplasty with limited skin tightening. A firm, flat abdomen is considered a testament to a person’s fitness and when new moms have loose skin, excess fat, and stretch marks, a tummy tuck is a procedure designed to restore a fit look and a healthy vitality. Many of the patients Dr. Lin sees for tummy tucks are women seeking help after the impact of pregnancy.
In most cases, liposuction is part of the mommy makeover because it helps to re-sculpt and smooth out the contours in the arms, thighs, legs, hips, and lower back. After having a child, most woman can benefit from cosmetic procedures to correct a double chin, a tummy bulge, saddlebags on your thighs, or other trouble spots that liposuction can correct. Dr. Lin combines his extensive experience and skill to help new moms look fit and firm and liposuction permanently removes unwanted fat deposits that can remain in spite of a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise. Liposuction is not designed to be a weight loss method but it will improve your appearance in many ways.
Thigh Lift
Many people are bothered by loose skin and fat on their inner and outer thighs.
Excess tissue can create both cosmetic and functional problems, especially on the inner thigh, and unfortunately this area rarely responds to diet and exercise. A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat resulting in smoother, better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. If saggy skin on your thighs is limiting what clothing you feel comfortable wearing, a thigh lift at Shine Cosmetic Surgery is the answer for you. Dr. Daniel H. Lin understands that toning your thighs can sometimes be an impossible challenge and a thigh lift involves the removal of excess thigh tissue: both skin and fat. Some people are genetically predisposed to carry excess fat cells in their thighs and others who have lost weight, especially through gastric bypass surgery, may discover that their skin does not conform to their new figure. Fortunately, a thigh lift performed by Dr. Lin can slim down your thigh areas through liposuction and other surgical techniques, creating a more slender appearance.
When considering a thigh lift surgery, Dr. Lin will consult with you to make sure you fully understand the procedure and that you have realistic expectations.
Your thigh lift is typically performed under general anesthesia although local anesthetic with intravenous sedation may be an option in some cases. Dr. Lin normally places thigh lift incisions in the inner thigh, but locations vary depending on your specific needs. Most thigh lift incisions lie at the junction of the thigh and groin, in the crease where the elastic on your underwear rests however if you have extra skin all the way down to your knees, you may have a vertical incision that extends from your groin to your knee placed on the inside of your leg. Dr. Lin will remove excess fat and loose skin before stretching the skin back in place and closing the incisions with fine sutures.
A thigh lift is usually performed on the inner surface of the thighs but it can also include the outer thigh area and buttock with a lower body lift.
It is very common to combine body-contouring procedures into the same operative session and one of the more common combinations involves thigh and lower body contouring. In many cases, liposuction is also used during the procedure but liposuction alone cannot replace a thigh lift if there is too much extra skin. Since a thigh lift removes loose skin and excess fatty deposits, liposuction of this and other areas is commonly performed in conjunction with your thigh lift. If you only have a thigh lift, the procedure will take approximately one hour and you will be able to go home the same day as your surgery. If you choose to combine your thigh lift with other procedures, you may need to stay overnight and all of these options will be discussed prior to your surgery. Most patients return to work within two weeks and there may be some discomfort initially, which is controlled through medication. Dr. Lin will provide a compression garment that will limit any swelling while promoting good skin contraction and you will be instructed to wear this for the majority of your thigh lift recovery period. While some strenuous activities can be resumed in six weeks, full recovery may require four months or longer.
The results of your thigh lift are apparent almost immediately.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Lin will review your medical history and health and discuss your goals for thigh lift surgery to ensure you are a suitable candidate. If you stand in front of your mirror and are bothered by the sagging skin on your thighs, fortunately you can do something about it. Only a thigh lift can correct the excess skin on your thighs so please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today for more information on this procedure and other possible cosmetic enhancements that you are considering.
Tummy Tuck
California plastic surgeon, Dr. Daniel H. Lin, performs a variety of body contouring procedures to help his patients achieve their desired body shape.
From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery located in Los Angeles, California, his combination of compassionate patient care and surgical skill help him create rewarding results for his patients. A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, creates a firmer abdominal profile by removing excess fat and skin. Designed to improve the appearance of the abdomen in both men and women, a tummy tuck can also re-establish weakened or separated muscles.
There are a variety of different procedures that can be used to maximize the appearance and contour of a patient’s abdomen
and Dr. Lin offers numerous tummy tuck procedures to help you select the one that will give you the best outcome. During your extensive preoperative consultation, Dr. Lin will educate you so that you can better understand your goals while creating a customized treatment plan that may include a mini tummy tuck or a modified abdominoplasty depending on your body type. His goal is to provide you a personalized tummy tuck procedure that will give your midsection a more natural and appealing appearance.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, most of our patients who undergo a tummy tuck procedure are recovering from either the effects of weight loss or pregnancy.
Many people who have achieved significant weight loss are left with large amounts of heavy, loose folds of skin around their abdomen. This excess skin can sag and lead to painful rashes along the hips, groin, and pubic area and a tummy tuck can offer relief. After pregnancy, the misshapenness that occurs is caused by two factors: The first is the separation (diastasis) of the rectus muscle from the pressure of pregnancy and secondly, a combination of both the laxity of the muscle and the excessive amount of skin that has not retracted after delivery becomes a factor. Some mothers are also left with an umbilical hernia after their pregnancy, which may be repaired at the same time the tummy tuck is performed.
Performed at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, your tummy tuck surgery will remove excess fat and skin from your middle and lower abdomen.
This surgery can also tighten the muscles of your abdominal wall and dramatically reduce your bulging abdomen. Typically, a tummy tuck surgery takes 2-3 hours depending on the extent of the procedure while a mini tummy tuck takes 1-2 hours. Dr. Lin will make two incisions during your surgery: One long incision above your pubic region extending from hipbone to hipbone and another will be made to free your navel and surrounding tissue. Dr. Lin will separate your skin from the abdominal wall to reveal your abdominal muscles and this will allow him to tighten and pull your abdominal muscles together. Finally, your will be stretched down and any excess skin tissue will be removed.
After your surgery, it is normal to experience some swelling and discomfort for the first few days.
Any pain you experience can be treated with medication and after 5-7 days, your surface stitches will be removed. The deeper surgical sutures will be removed after 2-3 weeks and wearing support garments can replace any dressings on your surgical incisions. It may take several weeks before you start feeling normal again and patients in good physical condition with strong abdominal muscles experience a quicker recovery. Exercise is helpful in improving post-surgical healing, though you should avoid strenuous activity or vigorous exercise until Dr. Lin instructs you that you are ready for it. Abdominoplasty does produce a permanent scar and during the first 3-6 months of your healing period, they may appear to worsen but they will eventually flatten out and fade.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, tummy tuck surgery produces excellent results for thousands of satisfied patients and complications are rare.
Any potential risks will be discussed during your meeting with Dr. Lin and he encourages you to voice any and all concerns and questions you may have. When no amount of diet or exercise helps you achieve the stomach you desire, Shine Cosmetic Surgery offers you the expertise of a plastic surgeon who has perfected tummy tuck procedures to help ensure that you achieve a flat, toned abdomen you can be proud of. Whether you choose to have a partial or complete tummy tuck, at Shine Cosmetic Surgery the overall result will be a flatter, firmer abdomen that is more proportionate for your body type and weight. Most patients lose 5-10 pounds after their surgery and they chose a healthy lifestyle because of their new level of confidence and self-esteem. For more information about this life-changing procedure or any of the other beneficial cosmetic treatments we provide, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
The degree of loose skin, excess fat, or the laxity of your stomach muscle will determine whether a traditional, complete abdominoplasty, a partial mini abdominoplasty, or circumferential abdominoplasty is right for you.
Complete Abdominoplasty
A complete abdominoplasty requires an incision above your pubic hairline, an incision around your belly button (umbilicus), and a tightening of the rectus abdominis muscles or the pair of muscles that run vertically on each side of your stomach’s front wall. Muscle tightening and skin removal are the most important steps in improving your stomach’s contour and liposuction may also be performed at the same time of your complete abdominoplasty.
Partial or Mini Abdominoplasty
A mini abdominoplasty is performed on patients with little skin excess, mild weakness of the abdominal wall, and ones who need moderate tummy contour changes. During this procedure, the navel incision is avoided and again, liposuction may be performed at the time of your mini abdominoplasty surgery.
Circumferential Abdominoplasty
Excess skin or laxity involves not only your abdominal area but also your back region. When there is significant excess fat in your back area as well as your stomach, the benefit of the circumferential abdominoplasty is that both skin and fat can be removed in the hip and back region as well as the abdomen, which improves your overall body contour.
Non Surgical
In today’s hectic world, although people want to look their best they sometimes cannot fit the recovery, downtime, and anesthesia often associated with plastic surgery into their busy lifestyle.
Dr. Daniel H. Lin understands this dilemma and that is why he offers a wide variety of non-surgical treatments at his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Lin is one of California’s premier cosmetic surgeons offering the latest advancements in surgical and nonsurgical procedures in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Combined with his years of experience and a professional, highly qualified staff, improving your appearance no longer has to be a long process thanks to non-surgical enhancement procedures.
Plastic surgery is only one tool in the quest for beauty rejuvenation and in some cases; surgical procedures are not always necessary to achieve your desired results.
The skin is the outermost protective organ on your body and it is constantly exposed to environmental factors, sun damage, air pollution, genetic conditions and injury or trauma. In addition, the natural aging process and internal stress factors also have a negative influence on your skin and this causes unwelcome and permanent changes in your skin’s anatomy including a lackluster complexion, uneven pigmentation, deep creases, thinning texture, the appearance of small capillaries, soft tissue sagging, droopy eyelids, thin lips, volume loss, and offending wrinkles and lines. These changes make you look much older than you feel and when you look in the mirror, sometimes you feel disconnect to the person looking back at you. Although it is impossible to stop the deterioration of facial tissue completely, you no longer have to accept facial aging without a fight.
Non-surgical Procedures
Dr. Lin has treated thousands of happy, satisfied patients because he believes when he helps you look your best, you will feel better about yourself both inside and out. During your consultation, Dr. Lin will customize your treatment plan and you will be amazed at all of the non-surgical options available that will help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals. From restoring your skin’s natural moisture balance to solving more complicated problems such as uneven complexion, sun damaged skin, and wrinkles and lines; your dream of having healthier looking skin without surgery can now be a reality. Dr. Lin is committed to helping you achieve a younger version of your natural beauty with minimally invasive surgical and non-surgical procedures combined with the latest cosmetic and laser technologies so to learn more, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today. Shine Cosmetic Surgery can restore and repair the effects of facial aging and damage through non-surgical procedures including:
Injectable Products
Soft tissue injectables are useful for the treatment of firmly established wrinkles or larger lines resulting from facial aging. Fillers restore volume to your face and depending on the type of filler used and the depth at which it is injected, the treatments will smooth out fine lines on the surface of your skin, augment soft tissues such as your lips, and in some cases they can actually augment facial bone structure.
Certain wrinkles are the result of facial muscle movement referred to as dynamic lines and wrinkles. Commonly found on your forehead, between your brows, and around your eyes, dynamic wrinkles can be successfully treated by relaxing the offending muscles through injections of BOTOX®. This procedure must be performed very carefully however because if interference with the normal function of your muscles occurs, this can lead to a plastic, mask-like appearance. Injectable products like BOTOX® will quickly rejuvenate your appearance and provide immediate results however the procedure is not permanent and they must be repeated and maintained for continued optimal outcome.
Laser Treatments
Laser technology has dramatically changed many areas of plastic surgery and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, laser treatments are available to rejuvenate aging skin, tighten loose skin, or remove unwanted tattoos. Sun damage (photoaging), pigmentation changes, wrinkles, and broken blood vessels can be improved with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial treatments as well.
Skin Resurfacing
Chemical peels, dermabrasion, and laser resurfacing are among the main techniques used for skin resurfacing and adults may have their skin resurfaced at almost any age. You may have certain characteristics that make you a better candidate for one technique rather than another or Dr. Lin may recommend a procedure based on your individual needs.
Skin Care Products
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, we offer many non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures and professional products for your skin care needs. We will discuss with you the importance of initiating treatments to maintain and promote skin health through quality skin care products and you will learn an easy-to-understand approach to a scientifically proven skin care regimen that will help you in your quest to discover beautiful, healthy skin.
Regardless of how committed you are when taking care of your face, premature wrinkles are an inevitable part of life.
There are three types of wrinkles: dynamic, static, and wrinkle folds. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by the contraction of muscles that are attached to your overlying skin. Every time your muscle contracts, your skin bunches together forming lines between your muscles. The most common dynamic wrinkles form across your forehead, on your cheeks, near the outer corner of your eyes (crow’s feet), and between your eyebrows. Static wrinkles are a result of genetics, poor diet, environmental factors, smoking, sun damage, prolonged dynamic wrinkling, and lack of elasticity. Static wrinkles continue to be visible even after muscle contraction has stopped and that is why they are called “static.” The third type of wrinkle is called a wrinkle fold. The cause of this wrinkle is due to sagging of the underlying facial structures and the most common wrinkle folds are the deep grooves between the nose and mouth known as the naso-labial groove.
Today, there are many treatments on the market that reduce and correct wrinkles and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery; we offer the most advanced technology and latest procedures available.
Under the direction of Daniel H. Lin M.D., the cause of your wrinkles will be determined before he recommends an appropriate treatment that will restore your youthful face once again. Most people have a combination of all three types of facial wrinkles but regardless of the degree of correction you need, there is a solution available. Static wrinkles are typically treated with laser skin resurfacing and deeper chemical peels to remove the damaged skin and stimulate new collagen growth while the best corrective measures for wrinkle folds are normally surgical procedures such as cheek or midface lifts. BOTOX®, a registered trademark of Allergan, Inc. and an effective and remarkable treatment for dynamic wrinkles, is a natural protein that relaxes facial muscles by blocking nerve impulses.
Botox Cosmetic’s active skin smoothing agent is a refined botulism toxin and although it is undeniably a toxin
in small doses it is approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and considered safe for wrinkle treatment. Using a tiny needle, Dr. Lin will inject BOTOX® directly into the muscle of the area to be treated, causing the targeted muscles to be paralyzed. The procedure is quick and it will take a few days to see the beneficial results of BOTOX® Cosmetic injections. You will be able to resume your normal routine immediately after your procedure and since BOTOX® is temporary, to maintain your new look they should be repeated every 4-6 months. Minor complications may occur with BOTOX® and any specific risks will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Lin.
Dr. Lin performs all injectable treatments and he is committed to ensuring you are as comfortable as possible during your procedure.
To accomplish this, he goes to great lengths to ensure that all of his patients are as comfortable as possible during their treatments. It makes sense that weakening dynamic wrinkle muscles will cause a reduction in the severity of the facial wrinkles however another advantage of BOTOX® is that it can prevent wrinkles from developing altogether when the product is used before the wrinkles form. BOTOX® works by weakening the muscles of facial expressions and once the treated muscles are weakened, the pull of the muscle relaxes and your overlying skin will flatten out. This approach differs from other treatments because by weakening the muscles with BOTOX®, wrinkles are lessened naturally and often disappear altogether. BOTOX® Cosmetic is also effective in suppressing over-active sweat glands and migraine headaches.
When you look in the mirror, if you are concerned with the lines and wrinkles you see you may want to consider BOTOX.
Frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead creases no longer have to be a fact of life for men and women in California or around the country as Dr. Lin is proud to offer his patients BOTOX® injections. The patients at Shine Cosmetic Surgery appreciate Dr. Lin’s expertise training and skill because it allows them the opportunity to achieve the best aesthetic outcome possible. Call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today to rid yourself of those unwanted lines that make you feel older than you really are. BOTOX® is the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment in the United States because it can make you look years younger so call for your appointment today.
Dermal Fillers
The way your skin looks is directly related to the support structure underneath your skin.
As you age, your natural collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) diminishes causing wrinkles and creases that make you look much older than you really are. Collagen is the most abundant natural protein found in your body providing the foundation to your skin, muscles, tendons, and bones. Collagen is made up of fibers woven together to form a place for new cells to grow and it provides texture, resiliency and shape to your skin while hyaluronic acid provides your skin’s volume. Sun exposure, lifestyle choices, injuries, genetics, and environmental factors also contribute to the premature aging of your skin but fortunately you no longer have to “grow old gracefully”.
Dermal fillers are substances injected just below the surface of your skin to replenish the supporting elements
and it can fill in lines, reduce or eliminate wrinkles, replace soft-tissue volume loss, reduce hollows under your eyes, enhance lips, and raise scar depressions from the inside out restoring a more youthful appearance. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, located in Los Angeles, California, patient safety and comfort is of utmost importance to Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. He is committed to staying current on all medical technology that is why he thoroughly researches and investigates new fillers until he is confident that they are appropriate to use on his patients. He understands that some people are not ready for cosmetic surgery and that is why he offers non-surgical procedures including dermal fillers.
Dermal fillers have individual properties and characteristics as well as optimal performance longevity.
There are basically two types of dermal fillers: temporary dermal fillers and permanent, long lasting dermal fillers. With temporary fillers, touch-up injections are necessary to maintain results and the frequency of treatments depends on the characteristics of the original filler selected. Without ongoing treatments, your body will gradually absorb the temporary dermal filler and your face will return to its original conditions.
Dermal fillers can be used to re-contour your face to some extent and they have become extremely popular because they work well and they are safe.
When you receive a dermal filler treatment from Dr. Lin, all injectables are combined with a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort. If your pain level is especially sensitive however, a longer lasting anesthetic can be used to create blocks that provide complete anesthesia of the areas being worked on. To begin your treatment, the targeted injection site will be cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic before Dr. Lin injects the dermal filler into and below your skin’s dermis with a fine needle. Once injected, the solution will join with your skin’s own properties and start to add volume. To ensure proper placement of the dermal filler, Dr. Lin may massage the injection site and after your treatment, the site may feel overly full but this will quickly dissipate. You may experience some mild side effects including itching, redness, bruising, or swelling, which can be controlled by applying an ice pack. The degree of swelling and bruising varies but most patients return to work the next day although they may need a cover-up.
If you are ready to see how dermal fillers can correct the signs of aging on your face
we encourage you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery and let us schedule your complimentary consultation. Dr. Lin knows that like people, not all dermal fillers are created equal and your treatment needs to be individualized. He will customize a plan to meet your specific needs after evaluating your facial wrinkles, folds, and contours so please call today and discover a younger you.
Temporary Dermal Filler Products
Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring protein found in your body that is part of your connective and supportive tissues. You will not experience allergic reactions with HA dermal fillers because they are composed of agents that are identical to what is found in all living organisms. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers offer a safe and effective nonsurgical option for smoothing your facial wrinkles and folds. HA dermal fillers are the fastest growing nonsurgical aesthetic procedure in the United States according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) because it is a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration. HA injections take approximately 15 minutes and there is minimal downtime and recovery.
Collagen Dermal Fillers
Collagen is the most abundant natural protein found in your body and it provides structural support. Collagen based dermal (skin) fillers are made from human collagen and injected just below the skin’s surface to fill in deep folds, smooth wrinkles, and restore the lip borders.
Fat Graft (Fat Injection) Dermal Fillers
A fat injection procedure involves extracting fat cells from the patient, usually in their abdomen or thighs, and then re-injecting the fat under their skin. Fat injections are typically used as a dermal filler to fill in laugh lines or sunken cheeks. A local anesthetic is applied to minimize discomfort during this procedure and some swelling and bruising may occur which can last for several weeks. The longevity of the fat injection dermal filler varies significantly from patient to patient and can last from 6 months to several years.
Best Possible Results
There is a new generation of longer lasting soft tissue injectable dermal fillers and during your consultation with Dr. Lin, after evaluating your individual situation; he will recommend the best procedure for you. Although collagen was the original facial filler that gained popularity about the same time as BOTOX® Cosmetic, more advanced fillers have taken its place and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery we offer several advanced dermal fillers to give you the best possible results including:
Restylane®, which is hyaluronic acid, is a natural polysaccharide that is found in the connective tissues of your body. Restylane® is often used to improve your naso-labial folds (the creases that run from the base of your nose to the corner of your mouth), your marionette creases (the creases from the corner of your mouth to your chin), cheek contours, and lip augmentation to give you fuller lips.
Perlane® is part of the Restylane® family and it is a clear gel formulation of hyaluronic acid that is specifically formulated to add volume. Perlane® corrects moderate folds and wrinkles, as well as lip augmentation and what makes it different is size of the particles and the depth of injection. The gel particles in Perlane® are larger and that makes it a good choice for wrinkles that need a deeper injection. Results from Perlane® are immediate with minimal downtime and it excels in safety because it is made from a product naturally found in your body (HA). In clinical trials, 70% of patients that were treated just once with Perlane® maintained improvements for six months.
Juvéderm® is a smoother consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid that instantly restores volume and hydration to your skin smoothing away facial folds and wrinkles. For defining your lips borders, Juvéderm® Ultra is best and it can also be used to eliminate fine wrinkles around your eyes. Juvéderm® Ultra Plus is used to correct deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines and it can also be used to provide support for the corners of your mouth or to add more volume to your cheeks. Juvéderm® results last for at least six months and in some patients, up to one year.
Radiesse® is known as the “next generation dermal filler” because it not only fills in lines and correct wrinkles, it also adds long-lasting volume. Radiesse® is composed of calcium spheres that are suspended in a water-based gel. When injected with Radiesse®, it stimulates your body to produce new collagen so results last an average of one year. Radiesse® is opaque and has to be injected deeper than the other dermal fillers so it can blend with your own tissues. Radiesse® is effective when correcting deep naso-labial folds, prominent laugh lines, a weak chin, and when adding volume to your cheeks.
When you look in the mirror, if your wrinkles and facial folds are becoming more noticeable than you would like, JUVÉDERM® may be the answer for you.
Injectable fillers have become the foundation of non-surgical facial transformation because they can restore volume to your skin in a way that plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatments cannot. JUVÉDERM® is a semi-permanent injectable dermal filler designed to enhance and augment the soft tissues of your skin. It is made of hyaluronic acid (HA) gel which, is a naturally-occurring complex sugar found in the connective tissues of joints in your body responsible for developing the volume and elasticity of your skin. Like a sponge, hyaluronic acid absorbs water and that is why it is considered your body’s internal moisturizer.
When your skin is young and healthy, it contains an abundance of HA but as you age, many factors such as genetics, sun damage, environmental factors
and the natural aging process reduces the amount of HA in your skin. The lack of HA causes your skin to lose both its structure and volume, creating unwanted wrinkles and folds. Research has proven that HA not only adds collagen to your face, it also helps prevent the deterioration of existing collagen and JUVÉDERM® can replenish your body’s depleting supply and bring back its youthful volume. Since receiving FDA approval in 2006, JUVÉDERM® has become one of the most popular injectable fillers on the market today. Using advanced technology, by cross-linking its HA components into a pliant gel it is easier to flow into your skin. The long-lasting gel essentially binds your body’s elastin and collagen together giving a more natural-looking appearance than its competition.
JUVÉDERM is also one of the safest, most effective injectable fillers because it offers natural results with a very low risk of complications.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D. will inject JUVÉDERM® under your skin to provide a smooth look and feel. JUVÉDERM® cannot correct all types of facial wrinkles such as the ones caused by sun damage nor will it fill in forehead wrinkles. Your skin thickness and anatomy will determine the effectiveness of JUVÉDERM®. A board certified facial plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Lin, is someone you can trust to properly evaluate the appropriateness of which filler is right for you. He has personally administered thousands of injections to his satisfied patients and he is an expert in helping you find the best treatment for you.
JUVÉDERM has quickly established itself as one the most successful means of combating facial problems
including: Correcting nasolabial folds (smile lines); Softening deep folds; Reducing wrinkles; Adding volume to hollow areas; Filling in scars; Plumping up thin lips or augmenting lips that have lost their volume; Filling in marionette lines or the vertical facial wrinkles and folds that form below the corners of your mouth; Treating under eye circles and puffiness; Correcting smile and frown lines.
During your JUVÉDERM treatment, Dr. Lin will cleanse your skin and discuss the strategic injection points your want corrected.
Using a very thin needle he will then inject small amounts of JUVÉDERM® into the mid-to-deep dermis of your facial folds. This process takes only 15-20 minutes and although no anesthesia is required, Dr. Lin may use a topical or local anesthetic to minimize any discomfort. Following your JUVÉDERM® injections, you will be able to resume your normal routine although Dr. Lin will instruct you to avoid sun exposure and strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours. The treated area may feel fuller than normal right after your treatment but this condition will quickly resolve on its own. Depending on your healing process, temporary side effects such as bruising, redness and swelling, may occur but those symptoms will subside in less than one week. Dr. Lin may also recommend that you apply ice to the treated area to reduce swelling and by following your post-treatment instructions, all risks will be minimized.
According to numerous patient trials, JUVÉDERM results are immediate and can maintain your improved appearance for 6-12 months
and even longer if follow-up treatments are administered a few weeks after your first treatment. The number of injections you need will depend on your facial anatomy and the severity of your wrinkles. Allardan, the manufacturer of JUVÉDERM®, offers two alternative brands: JUVÉDERM® Ultra and JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus, which have been reported to last up to one year in some patients. If Dr. Lin feels you are a good candidate for either of these products, that too will be decided during your consultation.
JUVÉDERM is known as the “next generation” in dermal fillers because of the fact that it uses hyaluronic acid.
JUVÉDERM® can be combined with other cosmetic skin procedures such as BOTOX®, chemical peels, and even facelift surgery to further improve your results and the combination of treatments can actually help to stop the formation of new lines and wrinkles. As with all cosmetic procedures, it is crucial that you choose a plastic surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery to perform your treatment as JUVÉDERM® injections given by unqualified providers can be dangerous. Dr. Lin is one of California’s premier board certified cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic injection specialists and you are in good hands when let him perform whatever aesthetic improvement you choose to have. Please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us help you achieve all of your cosmetic goals.
When you are young, collagen gives your skin its volume, flexibility, and strength.
During the aging process, your collagen breaks down allowing your facial volume and elasticity to diminish. The results of this loss are facial wrinkles, sagging skin, and deep lines that rob your face of its youthful appearance but fortunately there is an answer. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Radiesse® Volumizing Filler provides the volume you need to diminish the signs of aging that are making you look old. Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel H. Lin M.D, administers this product to fill in your vertical lip lines, the corners of your mouth, and the nasolabial folds or the parentheses, that run from the side of your nose to the corner of your mouth. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin knows how important it is to trust your face with a plastic surgeon that has extensive knowledge of anatomy as well as vast experience. Although Radiesse® might be considered a simple procedure, any type of injection can deliver less than satisfactory results if performed incorrectly and at Shine Cosmetic Surgery you can be assured that Dr. Lin personally administers all Radiesse® injections to ensure you the most optimal outcome possible.
Radiesse works similarly to the natural collagen in your skin by hydrating the surface making it smooth and more natural looking.
Radiesse® is considered a synthetic compound that does not contain animal by-products and it is made up of microspheres of calcium hydroxyapatite that combine with water-based gel. Radiesse® is made from the same mineral component as your bone and teeth and because it is a natural substance, your body will absorb it over time. Radiesse® has a higher molecular weight causing it to be thicker than other fillers and it is closer to cartilage (calcium hydroxyapatite) whereas JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® are gel forms of hyaluronic acid (HA).
Radiesse® injections are used to
mooth face and lip wrinkles; Enhance your lips; Stimulate natural collagen production; Replenish lost volume; Treat wrinkles and folds; Produce results that last a year or more; Eliminate fine lines; Improves acne scars and other abnormalities that mark your facial skin; Reduce lines between your nose, mouth, and on your upper lip; Fill in your smile and frown lines; Diminish blemishes; Restore your natural contours.
Radiesse mainly works on static facial lines, which are noticeable when you are not moving your face.
Radiesse® Volumizing Filler is unique because it provides structure acting as a scaffold underneath your skin. Radiesse® also stimulates your own natural collagen to grow and this continues for several months, which extends the initial effect. That is what makes Radiesse® different from other fillers because it has been clinically proven to last from 2-5 years.
There are some people that are not good candidates for Radiesse® and that is why Dr. Lin looks forward to evaluating your individual situation and discussing the expectations you desire.
Depending on the thickness of your skin, location and severity of your wrinkles, and the anatomy of your facial features, Dr. Lin will customize a plan to improve your appearance so if you would like to learn more about Radiesse®, he is available to answer all of your questions. Having personally administered thousands of facial injections over the years, Dr. Lin is quite adept at figuring out which injectable filler is best for your face. Radiesse® is quick, comfortable, and convenient, with immediately results so if you are ready to discover what millions of patients worldwide have experienced, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us help you begin your journey towards a more youthful and refreshed you.
When people start to age, the quest for younger looking skin is one of the most common reasons they chose to undergo cosmetic enhancement procedures
While traditional skin rejuvenation techniques involve the use of laser or surgical procedures, there is also a variety of non-invasive skin resurfacing methods available and one of these is HydraFacialTM. HydraFacialTM is a hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection together.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin uses this non-laser skin resurfacing to improve certain skin conditions
including: Fine lines and wrinkles; Under-eye puffiness; Enlarged pores; Uneven skin tone; Blackheads and whiteheads; Hyperpigmentation; Brown spots; Uneven skin texture; Sun damage; Dry or dehydrated skin; Loss of skin resilience or firmness; Oily or acne-prone skin.
The HydraFacialTM system works by using a vacuum based suction tip in order to gently exfoliate and extract the contaminates found in and on your skin.
During the procedure, a solution consisting of water mixed with vitamins and antioxidants will be applied to your face through a sponge-tipped wand that is used to massage the facial surface removing dead skin cells and other impurities. For your skin to retain moisture a special lotion will be applied to your face and this substance is able to draw in water so the new layer of your exposed skin is refreshed. The proprietary serums hydrate and cleanse your skin while also providing your skin the necessary antioxidant protection. The key to HydraFacialTM’s success is that it stimulates, hydrates, and exfoliates your skin all in one treatment. Hydration is the foundation of healthy skin and the HydraFacialTM is a hydrating treatment that is perfect for all skin types including aging skin, ethnic skin, and dry or oily skin. The HydraFacialTM procedure is fast and effective and both men and women love how they look after their treatment because the results are quite impressive.
Each HydraFacialTM treatment takes approximately thirty minutes and the results are almost instantaneous.
To maintain your new look however, several treatments are initially needed and for the most optimal outcome, weekly HydraFacialTM procedures should be implemented for a span of 4-8 weeks. If you would you like to have younger-looking skin without surgery, injections, and painful procedures, the patented HydraFacialTM system is right for you. Please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and let us schedule your consultation with Dr. Lin. During your meeting, he will explain your options and before making a recommendation, he will consider your lifestyle, goals and personal preferences. HydraFacialTM is designed to restore and maintain the health of your skin and Dr. Lin’s patients are thrilled with their more youthful appearance after having the procedure. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, we offer several options that will leave your skin feeling refreshed and renewed so contact us and we will help you determine which treatment is best for you.
IPL Photofacial
Ultraviolet rays from the sun damage your skin and your face, arms, décolletage, neck, or the backs of your hands often receive the greatest amount of harmful UVA and UVB rays.
This can lead to premature aging but fortunately, if your sun damaged, leathery-looking skin bothers you IPL treatments may be a solution for you. Also known as a Photofacial, this process uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to remove skin imperfections and stimulate deep facial tissue. Shine Cosmetic Surgery is proud to offer IPL treatments because they are extremely safe and effective. Administered by Dr. Daniel H. Lin, the intense pulse light of a Photofacial is non-invasive and requires no downtime treating targeted areas almost painlessly. Using today’s new light technology, during your IPL treatment Dr. Lin will release precise dosages of light energy gently delivered through a special handpiece adjusting the levels to meet your specific needs. The damaged tissue will absorb the energy and as the light penetrates below the surface of your skin, it will stimulate the production of more collagen and connective tissue resulting in smoother and healthier looking skin.
A Photofacial (also called Photorejuvenation) is a cosmetic dermatology procedure that treats several different skin conditions by using a broad spectrum of IPL
or laser light to selectively target problem areas including: Brown sunspots (melanin); Age spots; Sun damaged skin; Fine lines and wrinkles; Dilated blood vessels; Redness caused by broken capillaries (telangiectasia); Red blood vessels (hemoglobin); Thin or crêpey skin; Discolorations; Rosacea or general inflammation of the cheeks and face; Spider Veins; Enlarged pores; Liver Spots; Sun-induced freckles; Melasma; Acne scars; Dark circles around the eyes.
During your IPL procedure, you will notice a flashing light, audible tone, and a mild sensation on your skin that has been described as a feeling similar to that of a rubber band snap.
Patients claim the procedure is not painful and after your procedure, post-operative discomfort is almost nonexistent. After your Photofacial, you will most likely experience a mild sunburn sensation and this typically subsides within 24 hours. Treatments usually take 15-30 minutes and your outcome will vary depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment and the area treated. Usually 3-4 total treatments approximately four weeks apart will be recommended to maintain optimal results.
The IPL procedure is extremely safe and effective and if you feel this treatment will help correct your sun-damaged appearance; we encourage you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery.
To learn more about the IPL procedure, we will schedule your consultation with Dr. Lin and he will help you combat the effects of aging and damaged skin in a softer and gentler way. Besides your face, IPL rejuvenation can also be performed and will work great on your chest, arms, hands, and back areas as well. Dr. Lin looks forward to the opportunity to review all aspects of IPL photofacials with you so please call today and let us help you rediscover radiant, beautiful skin.
Laser Skin Tightening
As you age, your skin loses volume (primarily fat) and as a result it starts to wrinkle, droop, and sag.
Plastic surgery has always been an option for patients looking to improve their appearance because it is very precise at addressing and repositioning the underlying muscles involved with aging. Although the results of plastic surgery provide many benefits, the downside of any surgical procedure is the risk involved as well as the long recovery time. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin offers an alternative for his patients who have reservations about surgery. Laser skin tightening is a non-invasive treatment that can achieve amazing results quickly and painlessly. In today’s busy world, laser skin tightening is becoming an extremely popular option because there is no recovery period and it can be applied to most areas of the body. During your laser skin-tightening procedure Dr. Lin will treat the skin conditions you are concerned about without the unwanted side effects associated with surgery.
As a person ages, their collagen production begins to decline which leads to the breakdown of your skin’s support structure.
Fortunately, the advancement of laser therapy has made it possible for you to age and still retain your youthful beauty. Laser skin tightening uses advanced technology that works by repairing your skin’s underlying framework of collagen. When the laser heats the collagen, the collagen tightens and this causes your overlying skin to tighten. Although you will notice an immediate improvement, an added benefit is the tightening and toning effects that continue over the next few months following your procedure. Some people experience temporary redness and a brief change in pigmentation of the area treated but scarring is rare. Results typically last 24 months or longer and for optimal results, most patients require 2-3 treatments but this varies depending on your individual situation.
Skin tightening lasers are effective in treating skin conditions
including: Under eye sagging; Neck sagging; Jowl sagging; Sagging brow lines; Excess abdominal skin; Sagging skin on the arms and knees; Sagging jaw lines; Fine lines and wrinkles.
There are several laser tightening therapies available and during your consultation
Dr. Lin will discuss any of these treatments with you in further detail to help you decide if you can achieve your desired appearance with laser skin tightening. If you are interested in learning more about surgical and laser skin tightening treatments, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today.
Laser Tattoo Removal
The reasons people have for removing tattoos are as varied as the reasons they wanted their tattoo in the first place.
People have applied tattoos to their skin for thousands of years. In ancient times it was customary to rub ash into skin cuts at bereavement ceremonies and tattoos have been found on Egyptian mummies dating back to 4000 B.C. In today’s world, tattoos can be viewed positively or negatively as signs of immaturity and rebelliousness. No matter how one feels about tattoos, over time the ink particles move deeper into the skin becoming duller and blurred. In the late 1970s, laser tattoo removal became available and it was discovered that tattoo inks absorbed different wavelengths of light. The laser’s selective heating broke up the ink particles and this medical breakthrough changed many lives for the thousands of people living with “tattoo regret.”
Tattoos are often sought to symbolize a special memory or time in our life but in some cases, what once was considered a good idea may not have the same appeal as it did originally.
Having a tattoo can cause embarrassment when certain clothes are worn and in some cases, it can even hold a person back from their career. If your tattoo no longer represents who you are, the good news is that laser treatments at Shine Cosmetic Surgery are a reliable solution for permanently removing or lightening tattoos of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Dr. Daniel H. Lin will perform your laser tattoo removal by delivering laser energy into your skin allowing it to absorb the tattoo ink while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.
A laser tattoo removal procedure takes approximately 15-30 minutes and patients commonly report a stinging sensation during their treatment.
Afterward, the feeling resembles a mild throbbing and numbing agents or anesthetics can help alleviate the pain if necessary. Since the laser energy breaks up the ink into tiny particles, during the weeks that follow the procedure your body’s natural healing and cleansing process will absorb the ink fragments. Because tattoos are meant to last a lifetime, multiple laser sessions are usually required and the number of treatments needed will depend on the location, size, depth, color, and whether your tattoo was homemade or done professionally. Typically, 5-10 sessions are required and the treatments should be spaced 6-8 weeks apart to give your body time to eliminate the fragments of ink. The risk of scarring from your laser tattoo removal is very low however minor crusting or bleeding may persist for a few days after each treatment. Laser tattoo removal works best on black and other dark colors because they absorb more of the laser energy although lighter-colored tattoos can also be removed or significantly lightened.
Although you may be apprehensive about undergoing laser tattoo removal, it is important to note that it is a very safe and effective procedure.
A laser is a device that generates an intense beam of coherent light that creates a specific tissue reaction depending on the wavelength of laser light it produces. Laser technology has been used to effectively treat cosmetic imperfections in patients for years and the technology is well proven and documented. If you are considering laser tattoo removal, we invite you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery so we can schedule a consultation with Dr. Lin to determine if you are a candidate. After your laser tattoo removal, we will give you instructions to promote optimal healing and recovery of your skin and following them will help you achieve the best results so please call today.
Liquid Face Lift
Liquid Facelift is becoming a popular term that refers to a complete facial rejuvenation in one hour through the use of facial fillers.
Unlike the standard surgical face-lift, there is little to no down time with this procedure and you will not have any incisions to heal or wounds to recover from. Although a surgical facelift provides permanent results, depending on the materials used a liquid facelift is long lasting and you can resume your normal routine immediately following your procedure. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin is proud to offer Liquid Facelift to patients with busy lives that do not have time for surgery. The Liquid Facelift involves the use of different cosmetic treatments and Dr. Lin will design a customized plan that best suits your unique needs. Liquid Facelift is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes fillers, injectables, and typically the use of BOTOX® to temporarily reduce the signs of aging in your face. Each of the facial fillers used has unique attributes that work in their own special way to contour specific areas, replace lost volume, or help your body regenerate its own collagen.
As you grow older, your face begins to lose collagen and elastin and the Liquid Facelift
can: Lift sagging facial features; Smooth fine lines, wrinkles, creases, and folds; Restore natural contours; Smooth out your complexion; Reduce the appearance of under eye swelling or discoloration; Lift droopy eyelids; Add fullness and definition to your lips; Rejuvenate and soften lines between your brows and around your nose and mouth; Correct some irregularities of the nose, including dips that can be filled to restore the symmetry or hollow areas; Enhance sunken cheeks; Lift drooping jowls; Augment your chin; Improve depressed scars; Improve the condition of aging hands; Fill in chin dimples.
During your Liquid Facelift procedure, Dr. Lin will typically start by treating your skin with a topical or local anesthetic to ensure your comfort. Once you are comfortable
he will inject each area of your face that needs treating with BOTOX®, fillers or other injectables. The entire process will typically take less than one hour from start to finish although in come cases it may take longer. You will be asked to return to Shine Cosmetic Surgery in three weeks for a touch-up treatment with additional filler or BOTOX® and some patients may need more then one session to obtain optimal results. After your initial treatment, touchups are scheduled every 6-9 months and it is important to understand that the effects of a your Liquid Facelift will disappear if your maintenance treatments are not continued.
Over the past few years, there has been a definite trend toward minimally invasive facial rejuvenation techniques
and Liquid Facelift can help you restore a more youthful appearance without traditional surgeries. If you are ready to reverse the signs of aging in less than one hour, we encourage you to contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery. The combination of BOTOX® and dermal fillers used in the Liquid Facelift give patients results they are thrilled with so please call today and let us help you regain your youthful look once again.
Skin Care Products
Healthy and beautiful looking skin requires a continuous commitment to daily skin care and healthy living.
Because of this, Shine Cosmetic Surgery offers physician grade skincare products and custom designed routines to help ensure that your skin remains healthy and vibrant for years to come. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and performs many vital functions and it is never too early or too late to take care of your skin. Your skin also tells a story about your age and health and Dr. Daniel H. Lin believes in the use of skin care systems to restore and maintain the well being of your skin. The products offered at Shine Cosmetic Surgery will treat your skin from the inside out because we use topical agents that work synergistically with proper nutrition to regulate the functions of your skin’s cells.
Every time you get a sunburn or tan, your skin is damaged and a quality skin care regimen can help undo some of the destruction while protecting it from future harm.
The radiation you receive from sun exposure accumulates over time and this radiation is the number one cause of aging.
In addition to skin care products; Shine Cosmetic Surgery also offers more invasive treatments that are highly successful in reversing age and sun damage to your skin.
These include laser resurfacing, surgical chemical peels, and dermabrasion and many of these treatments enable our skin care products to penetrate more deeply and work more effectively. If you would like to learn more about the multiple skin care lines we offer at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, we encourage you to contact us. We will schedule your consultation with Dr. Lin and during your meeting, he will evaluate your skin type, talk to you about any problems you wish to address, and review your overall lifestyle. Using a delicate balance of science and art, together you will choose one of many skin care lines customized to address your particular desires while complimenting your daily routine. You can only buy prescription-strength active ingredients in a physician’s office and nothing over-the-counter can match the strength of our medically proven products. Shine Cosmetic Surgery is proud to carry a full line of physician grade products and if you have never had a skin care regimen, it is not too late to begin one because there is no time like the present to start working towards more youthful skin. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, we want to be your first choice when it comes to cosmetic skin care and life enhancing services so please call today.
The proven effectiveness of a valuable skin care regime include products such as:
Tretinoin Products (Most commonly Retin-A and Vitamin A Derivatives)
The tretinoin group accomplishes many skin care goals however they require considerable patience due to the skin irritation they cause in the early weeks of treatment. If you are persistent however, the long-term rewards are exceptional. Retin-A helps stimulate your skin to turn over and increase your own exfoliation process thus plumping your skin up. This is also the ingredient that causes the most complaints because the redness and peeling can be unsightly. Although previously there was only one strength causing patients to suffer through six weeks of peeling, currently there are various strengths so your regime can be modified. Because Retin-A makes you sun sensitive, it should not be used in the summertime and an excellent substitute is Vitamin C, which can be used in the sun.
Hydroquinone (Most Commonly Used as a 4% Compound)
Hydroquinone is proven extremely effective at correcting the blotchy irregular pigmented appearance of sun-damaged skin. Hydroquinone is significantly effective as a skin lightener and it is a strong inhibitor of melanin production. For over 50 years, it has been established as the most effective ingredient for reducing and potentially eliminating brown discolorations on skin (melasma). Hydroquinone is even more effective when used simultaneously with a tretinoin product or alphahydroxy acid.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid)
Alphahydroxy acid products increase glycosaminoglycans to normalize the hydration of your skin. Alphahydroxy acid products increase collagen or protein in your skin but its greatest asset is the prevention of future sun and environmental damage. Alphahydroxy acid protects your immune system and it has been shown to immediately decrease inflammation after a sunburn. Protection and prevention is much more dramatic when accompanied by formulated topical Vitamin C since a sunscreen alone is not sufficient enough to totally protect your skin.
Topical Vitamin C Products
The latest formulations of topical Vitamin C can penetrate your skin to accomplish levels 20 times higher than what your skin can receive from regular Vitamin C. It has been shown to increase collagen or protein in the skin and it protects your DNA and immune system. This is evident because when your skin is harmed by sunlight, Vitamin C immediately and dramatically decreases inflammation. Vitamin C not only reverses sun damage, it also limits the amount of damage you initially get from the sun.
The skin care agents listed above are highly successful at attaining skin care
Removing solar elastosis that dominate the appearance of sun damaged and aged skin
Promoting the development of new blood vessels
Intensifying the production of the major skin component of glycosaminoglycans that keep hydration in your skin
Increasing the production of new collagen or protein and elastic fibers
Young skin is firm and tight with a fuller appearance yet over time, many factors rob our skin of its youthful qualities.
Age, environmental factors, sun exposure, and genetics all contribute to uneven skin pigmentation, loose jowls, sagging skin, broken blood vessels, scars, rosacea, and pesky lines, wrinkles, and folds. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin offers you a state-of-the-art skin tightening procedure that will turn back the clock in a non-invasive, non-surgical facelift alternative. Thermage™ is a procedure that produces younger-looking skin using radiofrequency (RF) technology. Originally developed primarily for facial skin, Thermage™ is now FDA approved for use on any part of the body, including your eyelids, hands, arms, legs, and torso. Thermage™ is the only FDA approved non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours, and healthier collagen without surgery and injections.
Collagen is the key to skin that looks younger and healthier because it gives skin resilience and elasticity.
As you age, there is a slowdown in the production of the proteins known as collagen that maintain your skin’s integrity. As collagen decreases, your skin loses elasticity and begins to sag and wrinkle and Thermage™ works by stimulating and tightening your existing collagen while promoting new collagen growth in the treated areas. Thermage™ stimulates your body’s own collagen to naturally tighten, tone, and contour your skin and it works the best for healthy people who are beginning to see the signs of aging. Collagen stimulation is your skin’s greatest ally and the revolutionary laser therapy, Thermage™, is designed to diminish the signs of aging by increasing natural collagen in the deep layers that support your skin without affecting the surface of the skin.
Thermage uses radio frequency (RF) energy to safely and comfortably heats the dermis layer of your skin where the collagen rests while at the same time cooling and protecting the outer layer.
This wrinkle reduction technology uses FACES (Functional Aspiration Controlled Electrothermal Stimulation) to bypass the epidermis and stimulate the existing collagen and a patented vacuum system is used to isolate the exact area to be treated in order to produce results that are predicable and precise. Thermage™ causes immediate contraction of collagen, which prompts new collagen production over a period of time and this means that your results will continue to develop for several months after receiving your laser skin treatment.
During your Thermage procedure, Dr. Lin will place a ThermaTip™ on a hand-held device that will deliver energy to the inner structures of the targeted skin areas that it touches.
The energy will create heat, and you will feel an immediate cool sensation followed by a hot sensation, and then cool again. Depending on the areas you are having treated, the procedure usually takes one hour making it a popular “lunchtime” treatment and one session can produce significant results. Thermage™ side effects may include discoloration and swelling however this typically subsides within the first twenty-four hours.
Thermage has several advantages over other skin rejuvenation procedures and because it is non-invasive, you will not have any scars and you may resume your normal routine immediately.
Thermage™ is non-ablative, which means it does not damage the surface of your skin like dermabrasion and other laser resurfacing. Injectable fillers provide temporary facial enhancement for 4-6 months while the improvements from Thermage™ improves your skin’s tone, contour, and texture for years. If you are ready to recapture your youthful appearance, please contact Shine Cosmetic Surgery today. During your consultation, Dr. Lin will carefully examine your skin, review your medical history, and discuss any questions or concerns you might have. If the idea of turning back the hands of time appeals to you, please call and see if Thermage™ is the answer.
About Our Facility
Shine Cosmetic Surgery is a state-of-the-art facility specially designed to accommodate the procedures we perform.
We offer a higher level of care in cosmetic surgery, where medical superiority is combined with luxury and comfort. The moment you enter our doors, you will discover an inviting and private environment where you will feel comfortable discussing your desires and expectations. Our on-site surgical suite is accredited by Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), the leading national level accreditation organization for outpatient surgery center.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, we understand that every one would like to enhance their looks by improving one or more areas of their face and body and we will help make that dream come true.
From facial enhancement to body contouring, Shine Cosmetic Surgery offers the most advanced cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures available. Whether you are a first time patient or a returning guest, our courteous staff at Shine Cosmetic Surgery is also dedicated to making you feel at home from the beginning to the end of your treatment plan. That compassion combined with Dr. Lin’s qualifications as a leader in the field of plastic surgery is what separates us from our practice and others in the industry. At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, our patients know they can depend on us to help them look and feel their best so we encourage you to call and let us schedule your complimentary consultation. We look forward to meeting you so please contact us at (626) 810-6165 today.
Meet Dr. Daniel H. Lin.
A gifted and highly skilled surgeon specializing in facial plastic
and body cosmetic surgery, Dr. Daniel H. Lin is a Diplomate of American Board of Cosmetic Surgery as well as a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon. Raised in Southern California, Dr. Lin offers many cosmetic and reconstructive options by integrating modern technology and surgical excellence. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin is a dedicated surgeon providing quality patient care to clients in Los Angeles County, Orange County, Inland Empire, the east San Gabriel Valley, and several additional California communities as well as areas across the United States and around the world.
Dr. Lin obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California in San Diego and earned his Masters of Science in Engineering Degree from Johns Hopkins University.
He received his medical degree from Western University of Health Sciences/ The College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific located in Pomona, CA. Following his formal education, Dr. Lin began his surgical training in Michigan focusing on Head and Neck Surgery completing four additional years of residency training in Head and Neck Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery.
Due to his creative and artistic nature, Dr. Lin furthered his skills and obtained fellowship training in cosmetic surgery
and plastic surgery of the eye in Tucson, Arizona, under the guidance of Robert M. Dryden, M.D. and several other prominent plastic surgeons. Participating in one of the top residency programs in the country gave Dr. Lin the opportunity to perform thousands of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures qualifying him as a true plastic and reconstructive surgeon expertly trained to deal with all parts of the human body. Body contouring requires a knowledgeable plastic surgeon to determine which procedure or combination of procedures will best enhance your body and you trust that Dr. Lin has a well-earned reputation for innovation in this field of medicine.
At Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin strongly believes in a team approach.
He has assembled a group of assistants and aestheticians that are extremely compassionate and professional. With his staff by his side, Dr. Lin considers patient safety, care, and confidentiality as the number one priority. He makes a point of staying up to date on all modern practices and he is able to provide a full spectrum of both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services that deliver the best results. From the moment you enter the doors at Shine Cosmetic Surgery, you will encounter an honest, open environment with friendly people who promise to help guide you every step of the way through any cosmetic procedure you choose. Dr. Lin is well known for his comforting demeanor and he has helped thousands of patients reshape their bodies and change their lives in the best way possible through the art and science of cosmetic surgery.
Dr. Lin has been a consistent leader in developing better techniques that help create new possibilities in what can be achieved through cosmetic surgery.
His artistic eye and technical advances have patients from all walks of life seek out Dr. Lin for his skill in performing numerous cosmetic procedures.
In addition to his private practice, Dr. Lin is involved in the cosmetic surgery
and medical field as a member of many organizations including: The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; The California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; The American Osteopathic Association; The American College of Osteopathic; Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery.
Certifications & Professional Recognition
General Cosmetic Surgery; Facial Plastic Surgery; Otolaryngology.
Educational & Academic Background
Undergraduate: Bioengineering; University of California, San Diego; Graduate: Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University; Medicine: Western University of Health Sciences; Residency: Michigan State University System; Fellowship: American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.
Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia
Today anesthesia is safer and less stressful than ever before.
Fortunately, newly developed, short-acting anesthetic drugs and highly specialized techniques give patients having cosmetic surgery a lower risk of anesthesia-associated problems and a shorter recovery time. As one of the more accomplished doctors in the Los Angeles area, Dr. Daniel H. Lin is dedicated to enhancing his patients’ appearance and self-image through advanced facial cosmetic surgery procedures. From his state-of-the-art facility, Shine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lin offers a number of treatments that reduce the signs of aging while emphasizing the natural beauty of your face. Dr. Lin also provides reconstructive surgery for people who have had the misfortune of experiencing an injury, accident, congenital deformity, trauma, or other medical condition and he is proud to deliver the latest surgical techniques and technologies. In order to bring exceptional results in the safest manner possible, Dr. Lin focuses on the comfort of his patients and this includes how he approaches cosmetic anesthesia for his surgery patients.
Many doctors make the mistake of using a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to anesthesia but Dr. Lin is unique because he customizes the anesthesia needs for each individual patient.
The common types of anesthesia
Local Anesthesia
Local anesthesia is a type of anesthesia used to numb a particular area of the body or face and unlike general anesthesia; local anesthesia does not induce sleep. Instead, the patient will remain awake with local anesthesia but they will not have any sensation in the anesthetized area and the numbness will wear off shortly after the procedure. Local anesthesia is typically used in surgical procedures that involve a small area and do not require more than a few hours of surgery. Local anesthesia can be administered in the form of an injection, cream, or spray and it is an excellent choice for most facial cosmetic procedures including chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing.
Intravenous Sedation
IV Sedation, otherwise known as “twilight” anesthesia, is sedation delivered through an intravenous line. IV Sedation will induce a state of deep relaxation and patients will not know what is going on around them. After IV Sedation, most patients do not recall the events that occurred during their surgery since the medications used in IV sedation produces either partial or full memory loss. This subsides quickly after the IV sedation is removed however.
Anesthesia Care (MAC)
MAC combines sedation and anesthesia with continuous monitoring. With this procedure, the patient is more comfortable and less prone to anxiety. An anesthesia provider, solely dedicated to the care of the patient, will administer anesthesia care by continuously monitoring the patient’s vital signs and oxygen.
General Anesthesia
General anesthesia uses intravenous medications and inhaled anesthetic gases to place the patient in a controlled state of unconsciousness or a “deep sleep”. Anesthesiologists administer this type of anesthesia and use advanced monitoring equipment to track the patient’s major bodily functions to ensure the drugs are administered in the proper amounts.
Other Info
For patients who prefer deeper level of anesthesia
our board certified anesthesiologists utilize the intravenous sedation method developed by Dr. Barry Friedberg (www. Dr. Friedberg believes that, “If you, or someone you love, is considering surgery, undoubtedly there are many things that may be worrying you. Your anesthesia need not be one of them.” Dr. Friedberg has been a board certified anesthesiologist for over three decades and when you view his website, you will find information that is “clear, understandable, and, best of all, reassuring that you will have a very positive, worry-free experience with your anesthesia.”
In the past, doctors have relied on monitoring your vital signs to determine how you were doing during surgery.
Although helpful, these signs did not directly indicate what was going on with the one organ that is anesthetically medicated: your brain. As a result, your anesthesiologist could not be certain at what level of consciousness you were experiencing and this created risks such as administering too little or too much anesthesia.
In 1992, Dr. Friedberg developed The Friedberg Method that he later enhanced with the addition of the brain monitor in 1997.
Termed as the “Friedberg Method of Goldilocks Anesthesia,” Dr. Friedberg implemented the additional monitor so he could observe how his patients were functioning under anesthesia. With the brain monitor, he could see what degree of “sleep” his patients were experiencing and based on that critical information, along with the usual monitoring of vital signs and blood oxygen levels, he knew the proper amount of anesthetic necessary to keep his patients comfortable. The Friedberg Method of Goldilocks Anesthesia method allows anesthesiologists from around the world to confidently dispense the precise dosage of anesthesia to their patients and for introducing this technique to wounded soldiers on the combat field, Dr. Friedberg received a United States Congressional award.
One of the most common and unpleasant anesthesia after-effects is postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).
With the Friedberg Method of Goldilocks Anesthesia, a combination of two highly effective non-narcotic anesthetics (propofol and ketamine) are used and neither of these substances produces PONV. This allows patients to wake up quickly after their procedure with no unpleasant anesthesia side effects. The Friedberg Method of Goldilocks Anesthesia is backed up by years of reproducible experiences and Shine Cosmetic Surgery is proud to have Dr. Friedberg on their team.
Whether you should undergo your cosmetic surgery using local or intravenous sedation anesthesia will be determined during a consultation with Dr. Lin. If you are nervous about your surgery
and would prefer not to remember anything about your procedure, you need to let Dr. Lin know so he will be able to determine the best anesthesia option for you. If you have been considering cosmetic surgery and you would like to learn more about all of your anesthesia options, please call Shine Cosmetic Surgery today and we look forward to answering any questions you might have.
Shine Cosmetic Surgery is a state-of-the-art facility specially designed to accommodate the procedures we perform. We offer a higher level of care in cosmetic surgery, where medical superiority is combined with luxury and comfort. The moment you enter our doors, you will discover an inviting and private environment where you will feel comfortable discussing your desires and expectations. Our on-site surgical suite is accredited by Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), the leading national level accreditation organization for outpatient surgery center.