Duration: 1 hour; Free; "Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages." - Louis Pasteur The guy basically discovered that germs are bad. You should trust him. Tour the Shelburne Vineyard facility and learn the process of turning grapes into wine. Thier eco-friendly, shingle-styled winery building is a warm and welcoming destination with Vermont's beautiful agricultural landscape as it's backdrop. It was built to meet strict "green building" and energy efficiency standards. From the rich cherry Tasting Bar, crafted locally from wood harvested at Shelburne Farms, to the copper lighting fixtures designed by a neighboring coppersmith, to the terrazo floors using local stone, the building is the perfect destination for an afternoon outing, a vacation experience or your special celebration. Next stop, Shelburne Vineyard!
Tour the Shelburne Vineyard and learn about the winemaking process firsthand
Enjoy the beautiful Vermont landscape that serves as the winery's backdrop
Explore the wonderful architecture of the facility
Discover the variety of wines produced at the winery
Note: There is a $7 tasting fee that will need to be paid during the tour
Cancellation Policy: As a courtesy to fellow participants, please provide at least 24 hour cancellation notice.