Kids Club is available upon request. Call the RWC in advance to see if staff is available.
Elevated Track
3 lane Elevated Walking/Jogging Track (9 laps per mile)
Yearly Membership Cost
Adult Couple
Adult Single
Senior Couple
Senior Single
Young Adult
Walking Pass
6-Month Walking Pass
Youth Day Pass (4-18)
Adult Day Pass (over 18)
6-Month Walking Pass
Business Partner Yearly Membership Cost
Business Partners / Payroll Deduction.
Adult Couple
Adult Single
Senior Couple
Senior Single
Young Adult
Walking Pass
EFT Monthy Membership Cost
Adult Couple
Adult Single
Senior Single
Senior Couple
Young Adult
Walking Pass
Iowa Lakes Community College Students
ILCC Students Get a Discount
Check with the RWC front desk for special discounts for Iowa Lakes students.
Gift Certificates
Need Shopping Ideas?
Don't forget about the RWC Gift Certificates and Membership Gift Cards. They make great gifts. Give the gift of health this year. Gift Certificates are available in any amount. Gift Cards may be purchased for any membership type. Contact Bob Grems, RWC Director for additional information. The RWC will mail your Gift Certificates and gift cards for you if you would like.
Membership Definitions
Includes spouse or domestic partner and children (custodial and/or non-custodial) ages 18 and under or still in high school. Foster children and foreign exchange students residing in the home are included in the membership. Note: Young adults ages 19-22, whether attending college or not, are NOT included in the family membership.
Adult Couple
Includes married or domestic couple residing at the same residence.
Adult Single
Those individuals ages of 23-64.
Senior Couple
Includes a married or domestic couple residing at the same residence, where at least one partner has obtained the age of 65.
Senior Single
Includes individuals age 65 or over.
Young Adult
Includes individuals ages 19-22.
Includes children ages 4 through 18, or over 18 and still in high school.
Walking Pass
Includes walking track usage only. Note: With intended use for adults and seniors.
Child Day Pass
Includes an individual one day pass for children ages 18 and under.
Adult Day Pass
over the age of 18.
Family Day Pass
Family is defined as spouses or domestic partners and their children ages 18 and under or still in high school.
Membership Policies & Procedures
You may purchase a membership by either paying the full amount fee up front or signing up for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or Payroll Deduction through a participating RWC Business Partner.
No memberships will be billed on a month to month basis.
You may use cash, check and/or credit card for initial payment or full payment of membership.
Memberships are based on a yearly agreement. Cancellations will not be granted except for special circumstances.
Your membership begins with full year payment, or first month payment if using EFT or Payroll Deduction, and activation of your membership card.
Memberships are non-transferable and cannot be frozen at any time.
You may upgrade your membership at any time by signing up to either pay the difference or increasing your EFT payment.
Membership level reduction will only be allowed when your membership is up for renewal.
When age is a factor in determining a membership category, you must have obtained the age at the time of purchase.
Children of parents that do not live with them must be declared up front on their membership information in order to obtain family membership privileges.
You may be asked to show verification of information when purchasing a membership.
Energizers+ After School Program
RWC/ELC SCHOOLS. Regional Wellness Center & Demoney Elementary School. The first month's payment may be made at the time of registration with deposit or by the first day of EnergizersPlus, August 19, 2014
ELC Students in PreK through 4th Grade for school year 2014-15 (Limited to 40 participants per day)
Homework Help, Daily Snacks, Fitness/Swimming and Fun Activities/Games, Guest Presenters, Projects, Crafts, Literacy and Hands-on Activities
Monday-Friday (Note: program is not available on non-school days); After School- 5:15pm (Includes Wednesday and weather related early outs)
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at the RWC; Tuesday & Thursday at the Demoney Elementary School
Increase Student Achievement; Provide Additional Academic Help; Provide Healthy Activities; Keep Kids Safe; Help Working Families
There are no options for less days or less time due to cost restraints of the program. The first month's payment may be made at the time of registration with deposit or by the first day of EnergizersPlus, August 19, 2014. The total tuition for the program is divided into 9 equal payments as follows:
RWC Members
for Preschool Students(/month/child)$110.00
for Preschool Students(/month/child)$135.00
A non-refundable deposit of $100 per student is required at time of registration to hold a spot in the program
Items Needed for our EnergizersPlus (E+) Program
Dear RWC Members:
We have been very honored and appreciative of all past donations to YOUR RWC - whether it was in the form of a monetary gift or a material donation.
Because of your generosity, we have been able to fund several new programs, provide our users with up-to-date equipment, keep our memberships and fees at affordable rates and keep your facility looking in a manner we can all be proud of
Last year, YOUR RWC took on the EnergizersPlus Afterschool program to meet the needs of over 50 students that needed after school care.
We learned from last year and want to make the program even better this year for the students and parents. Each week we host the program participants for 12 hours. Part of the program is providing homework help for the students while the other portion includes activities - swimming, gym or outside games, and classroom activities
We are writing on behalf of the E+ program and have identified some needs that we have for this year's programming.
The following are items you may have and are no longer using that could help us provide better programming for this year: Reading books, games, puzzles, and activities for students ages 5 though 10 - these do not need to be new, just in good, clean condition ready to be used by the students. A clean, used refrigerator to store our after school program snacks in
If you have any of the above items and would be willing to donate them to YOUR RWC, please contact Bob and he will make arrangements for you to drop them off or for us to pick them up.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of these donations. Cordially, Bob Grems, RWC Director and the E+ Staff
Tiny Tot Football
Tiny Tot Football returns to Your Regional Wellness Center this fall! This year Tiny Tot Football will be led by the RWC's Program Coordinator, Derek Domino, a former college and professional football player. The Tots will have a blast learning the fundamentals, while playing the game they love. Sign up today for some fun filled football action! Supervised walk/bussing will be pro-vided from Demoney toYour RWC after school
5 years old- 2nd grade
Tuesdays: September 9, 16, 23, 30 - 3:45-4:45pm
Investment: $12 members or $17 public
Both Boys & Girls Welcome
Flag Football
Boys and Girls in grades 1st through 4th! Flag Football gives young players a fun and exciting opportunity to participate in non-contact, continuous games while having fun. Volunteer Coaches will provide practices and game supervision. 2-3 coaches per team to share responsibilities. General Information:
Games: Saturday mornings in September/October
Where: Green space south of Your RWC.
First Practice: Thursday, August 28th at 6:30pm
First Game: Saturday, September 13th
Time: Games begin at 9:30am
Practices: TBD by Volunteer Coaches
Cost: $20 members/$30 public (includes t-shirt)
Coaches: Volunteer Parents of Participants
Dancetastic 2014-15
We are excited to announce that Your RWC will be continuing the Dancetastic Program for the 2014-2015 school year! We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join the program. Dancetastic will continue under the direction of Ms. Nicole Jungers. Dancetastic is a fun and economical way for you to learn both Jazz and Tap dances (Hip Hop also for Dance 5/6) and be able to show off your abilities in several public performances throughout the program. The program will run from September to April. This year the program will be broken into six different sections based on a participant's age and experience. Classes are also set at a maximum of 20 participants in each group again to ensure that all participants will receive the proper attention to refine their dance skills. Dance sections are as follows:
Dance 3
Dance 1
Dance 5
Dance 4
Dance 2
Dance 6
Age Groups
The following are suggested age groups for each section - Ms. Jungers will adjust students up or down based on experience, age and maturity level:
Dance 1
3-4 years old
Dance 2
5-6 years old
Dance 3
7-8 years old
Dance 4
9-10 years old
Dance 5
11-13 years old
Dance 6
Open: by instructor invite only
Dancetastic fees
If finances are a concern, please contact Bob Grems, RWC Director to discuss your situation. Tap shoes will be $21 while Jazz shoes are $26. Dancetastic fees this year will include the cost of one dance T-Shirt. Investments for the programs are:
Dance 1 & 2
two payments of $120 with registration and $80 by Nov. 15th
Dance 3 & 4
two payments of $140 with registration and $80 by Nov. 15th
Dance 5 & 6
two payments of $150 with registration and $100 by Nov. 15th
Tiny Tot Volleyball
Participants will learn the fundamentals of Volleyball at Your RWC during these staff led activities, while having plenty of fun with other participants. Supervised walking or bussing from Demoney is provided
When: Tuesdays, Oct.7, 14, 21, 28
Time: After School -4:45pm
Age: 5 2nd Grade
Investment: $12 members / $17 public
Both Boys & Girls Welcome
Youth Volleyball
Youth Volleyball is taking place at Your Regional Wellness Center this Fall! Participants will get the chance to refine their skills and continue to work on basic fundamentals of Volleyball. This program will provide guidance in a fun and safe atmosphere! Supervised walking or bussing provided from school to Your RWC
Grades: 3rd-6th
Where: RWC
Thursdays: Sept. 11, 18, 25, & Oct. 2, 9
Time: 3:45-5:00pm
Cost: $15 members or $20 public
Celebrate at the Rwc
for the best birthday party spot in the area, come to the rwc in estherville! the rwc offers two birthday bashes to choose from with one sure to meet your needs! each birthday bash includes a reserved room for eating, opening gifts and use of the pool and gym! with one of the birthday bash packages at the rwc, you are sure to have a birthday to remember and treasure! choose from:
Big Birthday Bash
the big birthday bash includes pool and gym use during open times and a reserved room for two hours for up to 10 people. an additional fee of $4 per person will be charged for parties over 10, with the maximum room capacity of 18. a minimum of one chaperone per 10 children is required. food brought into the facility is limited to cake, ice cream and beverage. (unfortunately we can not allow birthday candles in the facility.).
Ballistic Birthday Bash
the ballistic bash is a party customized for you. it includes food, beverage and decorating options all provided for you by the rwc. relax and enjoy the party with everything provided for your convenience and enjoyment. ask to see a ballistic bash menu for more details.
Other Facilities
one of the other many uses our facility can accomodate:
Birthday Parties
Business Meetings
Church Groups
Lock Ins
Family Reunions
Weight Loss/Lifestyle Challenges
Athletic Team Practices
School Groups
Youth Tournaments
Boy/Girl Scouts
Quilt Shows
Christmas Parties
Graduation Receptions
4-H Activities
Head Start Groups
Scuba Diving
Post Prom
School District In-Service Meetings
Model Train Show
Just About Anything
contact the rwc for dates and times available for birthday bashes. the slide is open limited hours, so check for availability when planning your party.
Tae Know Do
Tae Know Do
This program is for all ages (ages 4 & older) and physical abilities, held at Your Regional Wellness Center. The Chang Hun style of Tae Kwon Do will teach defensive techniques, falls, rolls, take downs, balance, and discipline. These skills will be taught with a balance of fun and effective teaching strategies within the family oriented martial arts program. Day: Monday. Session: October 13th- December 15th (10 Sessions). Times: (Tenative Based on Numbers) Ages 4-5 at 6:00-6:40pm, Ages 6-7 at 6:40-7:20pm, Ages 8 and up at 7:30-8:30pm. Program is open to RWC Members and Public.
The Mission of the Regional Wellness Center is to provide quality opportunities for wellness, education, recreation,and social activities for our members and area residents of all ages.
The Regional Wellness Center will become a comprehensive community based organization making health, wellness, fitness, and social opportunities available to our residents of all ages and guests to our community.