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first lesson regardless of age
Single Lesson
Ten Lessons
valid for 30 days
1 Month Unlimited
valid for 30 days
3 Months Unlimited
6 Months Unlimited
5 classes for
valid for 6 months
Special Discounts
Special Discounts for Ages 65+older & 25-under
Single Lesson
1 Month Unlimited
2015 Exceptions to Schedule
Closed on Easter, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Fourth of July
5:00A, 7:00A, 9:30A, 4:30P, 6:30P
5:00A, 7:00A, 9:30A, 5:30P
5:00A, 7:00A, 9:30A, 5:30P
5:00A, 7:00A, 9:30A, 6:00P
7:00A, 9:30A, 6:00P
7:30A, 9:30A
8:30A, 2:00P
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get started?
Classes are 90 minutes long. All class times are for beginners. Just show up for any class. First-time students should arrive 15 minutes early. Be prepared to work hard and sweat. Women should wear leotards or shorts and top. Men should wear shorts or swim trunks. Eat light the day of class and avoid eating three hours prior to class time. Water, a large towel and mat are needed for class. These are available for rent or sale in the studio.
What if I'm not flexible?
Yoga is not about how flexible you are, it is about stretching your body and spine. The most important aspect of yoga is that you try and take your body to it's physical limits.
Why is the room heated?
The room is intentionally heated to warm your muscles, prevent injuries and allow for a deeper workout. Sweating helps flush toxins from the body.
What should I wear?
Women should wear leotards or shorts and top. Men should wear shorts or swim trunks.
What should I bring?
Water, a large towel and mat are needed for class. These are available for rent or sale in the studio.
Is there etiquette for yoga?
Absolutely. We practice yoga etiquette to show our respect for ourselves, our peers and our teachers.
Other Info
Arrive early to class. Classes start and end on time. Please be on your mat with everything you need two minutes prior to the teacher entering the room.
Stay until the end of class. It is important for your health and the energy of the group.
Honor the silence of the room, especially during savasana. Please no talking, moaning or loud noises in the studio.
Be a good role model. Practice your stillness and discipline between the poses. No advanced postures in the front row. Notice if you are in front of a beginner. They will follow you.
Leave no trace. Please deposit trash, recycling, mats and towels in their proper place. Bring home your clothes, water bottles and equipment. Please apply baby powder at home.
Please no perfume, cologne or heavily-scented lotions in class. Did you in five people have negative reactions to scented products?
Follow along with the teacher.
Try your best in each posture in the Bikram Series. If you think you can't do a posture, set it up. Please reserve additional postures or postures from other disciplines until after final savasana.
We are happy to help you modify any challenging postures. We do not, however, use props in the Bikram Method.
Come to class sober. Please do not attend class after using any recreational drugs or alcohol.
About us
Ayanna Brown
Ayanna Brown, director of the Bikram Yoga College of Southern Indiana is a certified instructor of the Bikram Yoga Method. Bikram Choudhury personally trains and certifies his instructors to ensure that his methods and philosophy are preserved and properly taught. Bikram Method Yoga instructors complete an intensive nine-week training session requiring over 500 hours of study.
Few of us ever do the poses "perfectly". Instead, it will have to do with how well you understand what you are trying to accomplish in each pose, how you try to accomplish your goal, and how supple your muscles and joints have become in comparison to the point at which you began. In Yoga there is no standard of comparison except yourself. To be 'Perfect' in Yoga is to do the best you can do.
Who Bikram yoga is for
Indiana Bikram allows students ages 10 and up. Young or old, it's the perfect lifelong fitness program.
What is Bikram yoga?
Bikram Yoga is a twenty-six asana series designed to scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons, in the order in which they should be stretched. The series takes 90 minutes to complete. Bikram Yoga's twenty-six posture exercises systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to one hundred percent of your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order, just as Nature intended. Proper weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health, and a sense of well-being will automatically follow.
How quickly you progress will depend entirely on you - upon your natural ability to a small extent, but mostly upon the time and effort you give to Yoga. It will have little to do with how "perfectly" you can do the poses.
24 classes weekly, door opens 30 minutes before class. Check our website for specific class times:
About Us
Bikram’s Yoga Program is the most exciting and effective Yoga program in the world. You will sweat, strain, laugh, and do more for your health, self-image, and well-being than in any other thing you can do . It is the perfect lifetime fitness program! This program of twenty-six ordered postures is designed to enhance the mind, strengthen & reshape the body by balancing & fortifying all bodily systems. The postures are specifically designed to massage, stimulate, relieve tension, manage weight, work out stiffness, release trapped energy, revitalize, and assist in overcoming many physical & emotional problems & disorders.