Our raw juices provide the body with an excellent source of minerals and vitamins, while delivering the daily recommended serving of fruits and vegetables
Strawberry Kiwi Juice
12 oz. Strawberry, kiwi, apple, ginger and lemon
Carrot Juice
Carrot, apple, lemon, and ginger
Our smoothies are made fresh to order to help boost your daily needs
Strawberry Bananza Smoothie
Strawberry, banana, almond milk, and hint of stevia,
Juicy J Smoothie
Oranges, strawberries, pineapple, almond milk, and hint of stevia.
Our detox system gives the digestive system a break while nourishing it with the needed vitamins and minerals to flush toxins out of your body
Activated Coconut Carbon
Activated carbon powder, lemon, honey, and distilled water. Trap toxins & chemicals in the gut and more. Delicious toxin removal
Gallon Detox
Distilled water, apple cider vinegar, lemon, honey, and cayenne pepper. Great way to give your digestive system a break for solid foods! Reset- Renew- Restore with our Gallon detox
Ginger Shot
Freshly juiced ginger
Turmeric Ginger Shot
2 oz. Freshly juiced ginger with a dash of turmeric
Made baby spinach, tomatoes, red onions, whole egg carrot fine nuts Parmesan cheese and cranberry
Spinach Berry Salad
Spinach, tomatoes, whole egg, Parmesan cheese, carrots, red onion, pine nuts and delicious cranberries
Freshly made parfait. Greek yogurt, strawberries, blueberries and granola. Guilt free healthy treat!