Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that was developed over 2000 years ago. It is an effective form of health care that has evolved into a complete medical system. It is a safe, natural way to effectively treat a wide range of medical conditions. By stimulating the body's various systems, acupuncture can help resolve pain, improve sleep and digestive function, among many other ailments.
By utilizing suction cups to help stimulate the flow of Qi and blood to the superficial layers of the skin, cupping allows the practitioner to address familiar issues like muscular pain by detoxing injured tissue while at the same time increasing fresh blood and oxygen. It can also be used to assist the body in combating viral and bacterial illness such as flu and common cold.
A form of massage used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tui-Na focuses on reducing muscle tension and realigning joints. Tui-Na is usually performed after the acupuncture treatment of musculoskeletal and joint issues.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine to remove stagnation in the body by increasing circulation and breaking down scar tissue. This technique is used very often at Oak Point Health for the treatment of sports injuries and post surgical scarring.
The Benefits of Massage Therapy
For some, massage therapy is a tool to help with injury and rehabilitation.
For others, massage is integral to reduce stress in every day life.
Our massage sessions promote relaxation by easing muscle tension while improving circulation, oxygenating in the bloodstream while removing toxins.
Using deep pressure which reaches the fascia beneath the surface of the muscles our sessions can also release chronic aches and pains.
Our Licensed Massage Therapist is seasoned in Swedish, Deep-Tissue, Pre-Natal, and Medical & Sport massage.
We are happy to tailor a treatment according to your needs.
Our mission is to both provide holistic health options and educate our patients on how to enhance their body’s ability to heal itself, to look and feel its best. The founders of Oak Point Health and Vitality Centre, Dimitri and Anna, provide you with the highest quality care in acupuncture, massage and skin therapy, as well as holistic health counseling. With a well-rounded commitment in holistic health, our treatments address issues at the ROOT level.