GymStars provides quality instruction in a safe, clean, and fun environment so that every participant can reach his or her full potential and reach for the stars! Offering classes for students from the time they are walking through age 18! Programs include:
Programs By Age
Find classes and events by age.
2 months to 9 months
Teddy Bear Picnic
9 months to 18 months
Birthday Parties
Teddy Bear Picnic
19 months to 24 months
Birthday Parties
Teddy Bear Picnic
2 years old
Birthday Parties
Teddy Bear Picnic
3 years old
Developmental Gymnastics
SuperHero Training Class
Birthday Parties
Teddy Bear Picnic
Kids Play Night
Day Camps
4 years old
Developmental Gymnastics
All Star Cheer
SuperHero Training Class
Birthday Parties
Teddy Bear Picnic
Kids Play Night
Day Camps
5 years old
Developmental Gymnastics
Team Gymnastics
All Star Cheer
SuperHero Training Class
Birthday Parties
Teddy Bear Picnic
Kids Play Night
Day Camps
6-18 years old
Developmental Gymnastics
Artistic Gymnastics
Team Gymnastics
All Star Cheer
SuperHero Training Class
Birthday Parties
Kids Play Night
Day Camps
18 years to 22
Tumbling based on experience
Gymnastics for 2 months to 9 months
"The Advantage They Deserve" We offer 20% Multi-Class and Family Discounts.
2 months through 9 months! We are proud to announce we are now offering a new and exciting program for infants as young as 2 months! It is a 30 minute parent involvement class. This introductory class is geared to helping your infant develop their nervous system from naturally releasing their primary reflexes, which will in turn help them later on when developing: Posture & balance, Gross & fine motor coordination, Visual & auditory processing, Cognition & language. Brain priming movements help transition the infant from using their primary reflexes to movement exploration. Our new program is to help infants learn to use movement exploration through tactile stimulation, visual tracking, balance, eye & hand coordination, their auditory senses and all while having social interaction with their peers. We can give your infant the building blocks that will help them develop their nervous system for higher learning. In addition to the physical development this class can bring your infant, it also gives you and your baby a chance for some fun bonding!
"The Advantage They Deserve" We offer 20% Multi-Class and Family Discounts.
9 Months through 18 months! A 45 minute parent involvement class where your child will enjoy climbing in, out, up, down, over, around, and through to develop muscle control, hand eye coordination and socialization skills, while having a ton of fun. This loosely structured, exploratory class will use the 'event of the week' to introduce your children to beginning gymnastics.
19 through 24 months! A parent-child interactive 45 minute class. Instructors guide parents, who in turn assist their child while they experiment with basic gymnastics skills using obstacle courses, beams, bars, trampoline, tumbling, music, swings, ladders, tunnels and more. Group games, provides the social component of interacting with other children which is invaluable. Designed as a traditional class, this group is being prepared to move into the StarLites class.
StarLites is a 45 minute parent involvement class where the children learn age appropriate gymnastics skills incorporating vault, bars, beam, floor, trampoline and swing. Parents help the children through exciting and challenging activities which help your child's motor and sensory skill development.
Time: 11:05 am-11:50 am; Age: 2 - 2; Openings: 0; Instructor: Morgan J.
Gymnastics for 3 years old
We offer 20% Multi-Class and Family Discounts.
45 Minute Class for boys and girls age 3. No parents needed here! Imaginations soar pretending there are mountains to climb, rivers to swim, canyons to jump and vines to swing on, teaching kids that a challenge is fun. More physically challenging skills give kids stronger bodies and sharper minds as well as a clearer understanding of their body's capabilities and limitations. Age appropriate gymnastics skills are taught on the vault, bars, beam, floor, trampoline and swing.
A 60 minute class that continues to build beginning gymnastics skills on the vault, bars, beam, floor, trampoline and swing. Side skills are used to teach students a strong independent work ethic. Children also learn that learning is fun, exciting and rewarding.
Time: 10:05 am-11:05 am; Age: 4 - 4; Openings: 0; Instructor: Morgan J.
Gymnastics for 5 years old
Shining Stars
We offer 20% Multi-Class and Family Discounts.
Shining Stars
A 60 minute class which is strongly skill based using vault, bars, beam and floor. Shining Stars prepares each child, physically and mentally, for the higher skill levels. Two events of the class are conducted in the StarBurst gym and the other two events are taught in the Rising Star gym preparing them for their grand promotion into the Rising Star Program.
Time: 4:30 pm-5:30 pm; Age: 5 - 5; Openings: 3; Instructor: Taylor E.
Some experts say that the greatest benefits of gymnastics training for children are the physical: the amazing power, the unparalleled balance, and injury preventing agility and grace. Other experts say that the benefits are to the mind: the perseverance, the poise, the confidence, the attention to detail, the concentration. Which is right? Our experts know. The answer is, without a doubt, both. In fact, professional gymnastics training is a requisite for all kids who want to learn how to become the best they can be in life. Sound gymnastics training is for all kids.
Rising Star Gymnastics
ur Rising Star program is based on the USAG Jr. Olympic Program as well as at least 30 years of experience teaching gymnastics to kids. This program is designed to provide a non-competitive, achievement-oriented program of progressive skills, conditioning and flexibility. Evaluation and Documentation: Each student will receive an appropriate skill Star Chart to place on their bedroom wall so progress can be easily tracked at home. When the skills have been successfully completed, the student will receive stars to take home and place on their Star Chart.
Which class?
We use school grade to determine your child's class time. Considering each child's experience and skill level we subdivide each class into logical training groups. This approach offers both an excellent training situation for the kids, plus a carpooling opportunity for you. Also, it allows us to be more flexible regarding personal scheduling problems. Please let us know if we can help in that regard.
What to Wear to Class
Girls should wear a leotard. Boys should wear a T-shirt and gym shorts. Warm-up suits or sweats are fine for cooler weather. They should be bare footed during class.
Please note
No lose or baggy clothing; No food or drinks in the gym; No jewelry; Please leave valuables at home; No gum in the facility.
"GymStars Stockton Only" Rising Star GIRLS Schedule
In our Tumbling & Trampoline program we break down every skill into manageable increments, enhancing safety and making learning easier and more fun.
Tumbling/Trampoline and Cheer Tumbling: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced (5 to 18 years)
These classes are designed for school aged children and is a must have for the backyard trampoline enthusiast, the cheerleader, or the child who wants to move into any sport that requires aerial awareness. The curriculum is based off of the USASF Levels 1-5. Level 1 is taught in the beginning class including cartwheels, handstands, back walkovers, front walkovers and back hand spring preparation. Our intermediate class teaches levels 2-3 which will include learning back handsprings, round off back handsprings, back tucks and front tucks. In Advanced tumbling you will learn the level 4-5 skills. Included are layouts, standing tucks, fulls and double fulls.
What To Wear To Class
Girls should wear a leotard. Boys should wear a T-shirt and gym shorts. Warm-up suits or sweats are fine for cooler weather. They should be bare footed.
Please note
No loose or baggy clothing; No food or drinks in the workout area; No jewelry (please leave valuables at home); No gum in the facility.
Benefits Found Nowhere Else In Sports!
Tumbling/Trampoline is FUN and enhances children's fitness faster than perhaps any other activity and the benefits go beyond that:
There is no better activity than tumbling/trampoline to train spatial awareness, a critical skill in all sports.
Additionally, spatial awareness is considered one of the eight intelligences and has been linked to enhanced cognitive development.
The inherent FUN of tumbling/trampoline disguises the amount of energy being expended!
Unlike so many children's activities, when tumbling and on trampoline, children eagerly sustain an activity level that leads to genuine fitness including: cardiovascular health, leg and core strength, calorie burning and weight loss.
At the bottom of every bounce on the trampoline, gravity is 2 to 5 times body weight.
This compresses every cell in the body helping the lymph and other circulatory systems eliminate toxins from the body.
Tumbling/trampoline also helps
the vestibular system, optical tracking and peripheral vision, fear management, concentration and attention to detail, and so much more.
Level: 1 BEG; Time: 6:35 pm-7:35 pm; Age: 7 - 14; Openings: 0; Instructor: Taylor S.
Gymnastics based movement and development classes for Preschool aged children 2 months to age 5.
Rising Star Gymnastics
Non competitive Gymnastics classes for ages 6 and older. Classes divided by gender (boys ro girls), skill level, and school grade level.
Invitational Gymnastics
Our Developmental program is designed to nurture the natural abilities of talented gymnasts who are not yet ready for a competitive gymnastics program.
Competitive Gymnastics
GymStars' artistic gymnastics program encompasses all levels of competition. Offering level 2 comulsory team all the way to level 10 optional team.
Other Info
Why Take Gymnastics?
Gymnastics is a fun, energizing and powerful sport. Some experts say that the greatest benefits of gymnastics training for children are physical: the amazing power, the unparalleled balance, and injury preventing agility and grace. Other experts say that the greatest benefits are of the mind: the perseverance, the poise, the confidence, the attention to detail and the concentration. It all boils down to gymnastics training is without a doubt a must for kids who want to learn how to be the best they can be in life.
Why Gymnastics is Great
By Debra Em Wilson, MA, Reading Specialist With the sport of gymnastics now on video games, children may think they are experiencing the wonder of gymnastics from a two dimensional TV screen, but what does a gymnastics club have that the boxed video version lacks? Of course there are the obvious answers. Real people. Real hands full of chalk. Real precarious landings. Real twists and flips. The brain wires for learning through whole body movement that video games cannot begin to replicate.
Flip on Focus
Any time a child participates in activities requiring the movement of large muscles and the compression of joints, this is referred to as heavy work. Heavy work is a term used in the therapy world to describe the types of activities that help focus the brain. The number one prescription for children who need to improve focus control is exercise that includes heavy work activities. Dr. John Ratey, author of Sparks, calls exercise "Miracle-Gro" for the brain. Vaulting, hanging, flipping, climbing, and leaping are examples of phenomenal heavy work opportunities for children. Focusing with ease leads to learning with ease. Gymnastics not only improves focus but also builds the foundation for academic skills like reading and writing.
Our Teachers
Our teachers are specially selected and trained to safely bring out the best in each child by encouraging each child to exceed their perceived limitations. It is our very special teachers who have made GymStars the place for kids to be!
Other Info
Star Chart Reward
system provides our students with incentives and rewards for learning new skills. In addition, it provides the students and parents with a tool to track their achievements. Students receive a "Star Chart" poster, for each level in our Elite Cheer program. We test and record the progress of our students every day. Approximately every 12 weeks, the students receive their stars with instructions of where to place the stars on their Star Chart. The Stars represent skills passed. This week is called Star Reward Week. Students are promoted to the next level once they have completed their chart. At this time, they will receive their new Star Char and are awarded with a certificate of achievement and a medal.
Elite Cheer Curriculum
Our Cheer curriculum is based on the USASF All Star Cheer Program as well as at least 25 years of combined experience teaching cheer to kids. The U.S. All Star Federation (USASF) is an organization set up to govern and regulate the sport of Cheer in the World. We use their levels as our basis, and then designed our program to provide a learning environment that is FUN.
Cheerleaders Are Great Athletes
No doubt about it With many of the same benefits of gymnastics and dance plus a unique team element, cheerleading has developed into a challenging and exciting sport!
Little Dippers Cheer (3-5 years)
Little Dippers Cheer is great for those that are just catching the cheerleading bug. The focus is on fundamentals of cheerleading including tumbling (forward/backward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, backbends and kick-over's, etc), stunting, motions, dance, jumps plus they get to put it all together to learn routines.
Super Stars Cheer is great for children who want to become a high school cheerleader. They will get to learn everything they will need to know including tumbling (handstands, cartwheels, round offs, backbends, kick-over's, back handsprings, etc), stunting, motions, dance and jumps plus they get to put it all together to learn short all-star routines.
Devo Elite Cheer is a 90 minute class that will prepare your cheerleader for competition cheer. Most of the class is spent on tumbling(handstands, cartwheels, round offs, backbends, kick-over's, back handsprings, etc), all while learning elite stunting, motions, dance and jumps plus they get to put it all together to learn short all-star routines. The Devo Elite class will teach them to work as a team which will teach them to work together to achieve group goals. If competitive cheerleading is in your future, then this is the class for you!
We teach traditional Ballet technique, positions, and terminology. Ballet is a highly technical form of dance, with a vocabulary based on French terminoligy.
Contemporary dance is a popular form of dance that incorporates classical dance, modern dance, ballet and Jazz. Its focus is on strong and contolled legwork, contact-release, floor work, fall and recovery, and improvisation.
This class starts with 30 min of traditional Ballet technique, positions, and terminology and ends with 30 min of Jazz technique, turns, leaps, & more!
Hip Hop is a style of dance primarily performed to Hip-Hop music. We teach rhythm, isolation of movement, breaking, popping and locking, and much more.
Modern Jazz has its roots in caribbean traditional dance and other Latin American dance styles. Isolation, low center of gravity, syncopated rhythm, and high energy are all important charachteristics in Jazz music.
This class is 30 min of Jazz technique, turns, leaps, & more! And then 30 minutes of Tap dance, using the sounds of tap shoes striking the floor as a form of percussion.
Lyrical dance combines the technical elements of ballet with the freedom, fluidity and expressiveness aspects of jazz and contemporary. Lyrical dance is subtle and dynamic, all while focusing on musicality and emotion through movement.
Magical Movement
Magical Movement introduces simple dance steps and vocabulary, develop music appreciation, ignite power and excitement of imagination, remove inhibitions and social blocks, builds self confidence.
Tap dance is a form of dance characterized by using the sounds of tap shoes striking the floor as a form of percussion. Tap focuses on musicality, and is considered part of the Jazz tradition.
Our Teachers
Our Teachers
Our teachers are specially selected and trained to safely bring out the best in each child by encouraging each child to exceed their perceived limitations.
Description: Intermediate Ballet-Must be invited to this class and must be enrolled in a current dance class; Time: 4:30 pm-5:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 6 - 18; Openings: 6; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Invitational Dance-Must be invited to this class and must be enrolled in a current dance class; Time: 5:30 pm-6:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 6 - 18; Openings: 8; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet/Contemporary; Time: 4:00 pm-5:00 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 4 - 8; Openings: 3; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet; Time: 5:45 pm-6:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 3.5 - 5; Openings: 3; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet/Contemporary; Time: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 4 - 8; Openings: 4; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet; Time: 11:30 am-12:15 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 3.5 - 5; Openings: 5; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet; Time: 5:30 pm-6:15 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 3.5 - 5; Openings: 2; Instructor: Toni L. Savannah M.
Description: Ballet/Contemporary; Time: 6:15 pm-7:15 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 5 - 8; Openings: 4; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet/Contemporary; Time: 7:15 pm-8:15 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 7 - 14; Openings: 0; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet; Time: 4:30 pm-5:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 4 - 9; Openings: 1; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: 3yrs Ballet; Time: 5:30 pm-6:00 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 2 - 3; Openings: 2; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet/ Contemporary; Time: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 5 - 10; Openings: 7; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Ballet; Time: 11:00 am-11:45 am; Gender: Both; Age: 3.5 - 5; Openings: 1; Instructor: Toni L. Janie M.
Description: First half hour is in Dance Room and the second half hour is in the Cheer Room.; Time: 3:25 pm-4:25 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 6 - 12; Openings: 8; Instructor: Trayshaun K.
Description: W 4:15 Hip Hop 5-8 yrs; Time: 4:15 pm-5:15 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 5 - 8; Openings: 0; Instructor: Trayshaun K.
Description: Hip Hop; Time: 5:45 pm-6:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 3.5 - 5; Openings: 3; Instructor: Trayshaun K.
Description: Hip Hop; Time: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 7 - 14; Openings: 9; Instructor: Trayshaun K., Dewayne D.
Description: Hip Hop; Time: 7:30 pm-8:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 8 - 18; Openings: 3; Instructor: Trayshaun K.
Description: Magical Movement; Time: 3:30 pm-4:00 pm pm; Gender: Both; Age: 2.5 - 3; Openings: 4; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Magical Movement; Time: 11:00 am-11:30 am; Gender: Both; Age: 2.5 - 3; Openings: 2; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Pre Hip Hop 2.5- 4 year olds; Time: 5:15 pm-5:45 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 2.5 - 3.9; Openings: 6; Instructor: Trayshaun K.
Description: Magical Movement; Time: 6:00 pm-6:30 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 2.5 - 3.9; Openings: 0; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: Magical Movement; Time: 10:30 am-11:00 am; Gender: Both; Age: 2.5 - 3; Openings: 3; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: PreTap 3-5 yr; Time: 12:15 pm-1:00 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 3 - 5; Openings: 2; Instructor: Toni L.
Description: PreTap 3-5 yr; Time: 4:00 pm-4:45 pm; Gender: Both; Age: 3 - 5; Openings: 5; Instructor: Morgan J.
Why Take Karate?
Learning Karate is like learning how to live. It teaches you patience, and how to compete with yourself. It teaches you how to win a conflict without fighting. This is known as the "Wiseman's Art". You learn how to defend yourself when you have no choice. With the unpredictability of the community and the new stresses of peer pressure on your young children, Karate gives them the tools to handle all of these issues and maintain their own place with the confident mind developed in Goju Ryu Uchiage Kai Karate.
Benefits of Karate
Life Skills
Role Modeling, Confidence, Respect, Discipline, Positive Attitude, Sharing, How to win conflict without conflict, Desire to be the best you can be.
Karate develops both sides of the body equally through our forms called "Kata"; the time capsule of self defense techniques over 2000 years of history.
Develops balance in mind and body working with others and developing the physical ability to set your proper foundation to deliver the power of Karate at an instant.
Timing develops in the body and in the mind as the openings to our opponent's weaknesses as well as recognizing your opponent's strengths.
GymStars and Tibon-Goju Ryu deliver the best in martial arts training.
We have developed National, International, Pan-American, and World Class athletes who have represented the United States all over the world. GOJU means hard soft style of Karate. We use the hard style of Okinawan/Japanese straight line linear angles in fighting and the soft style angels of redirection and the yielding of Chinese Kempo. We offer classes for ages of 3 to 16. We teach beginners to black belt including weapons training of the Yamani Ryu Okinawa Kobudo System. "Our commitment is to develop excellence in self-confidence, respect and discipline in all students so they develop into the best they can be." Sensei Tibon.
We offer 20% Multi-Class and Family Discounts.
Classes listed are for GymStars Stockton only. We are only listing While Belt classes for open registration. All Karate classes are for both genders. When you register the system will show -0- tuition. This is because the tuition is highly discounted if you enroll into more than one class per week. After you submit your registration we will send you an email with the exact tuition rate based on the number of classes per week you sign up for. Monthly tuition is: 1 class per week is $80, 2 classes per week is $90 and 3 classes per week is $100. Karate Uniform fee is $40.
For children with special needs. In addition to providing fun and physical activities; gymnastics or cheer programs for children with special needs provide physical health, self-esteem, and have cognitive benefits!
We help our students
Improve muscle control and coordination
Build critical thinking and decision making skills
Encourage communication and socialization
Build confidence in themselves and their abilities
Program include
We offer 20% Multi-Class and Family Discounts. This program is designed to accommodate children with a range of developmental disabilities, including:
Time: 5:30 pm-6:30 pm; Ages: 6 - 12; Openings: 3; Instructors: Philip E.
We are excited to announce our new Soccer program for preschool aged children. This program is designed to teach skills that will prepare children for team soccer.
Superhero Training Class ties fantastical elements of fantasy through superheroes with real world social and personal development blending physical activity and ideals of citizenship to shape children into the real heroes of the future. The program is rooted in gymnastics skills and social development. The goal of the program is to teach children to behave like superheroes both physically and mentally. While strengthening and training their bodies they will equally learn the ideals of what it means to save the day, come to the rescue, serve as an inspiration to others, etc.
Why offer Superhero training?
Children love superheroes! We find the children enrolling into Superhero Training Classes usually do not thrive in the regular programs. This is mostly attributed to a lack of social development for the children. Things like taking turns, following directions, lining up are covered in the regular programs, but not all children are receptive to the delivery. In the Superhero classes, the structure is both more fast paced and exciting and those same social skills are tied into something the children are interested in which increases their retention and allows them to develop socially. There is a strong focus on self-esteem and positive thinking.
This class is available to both boys and girls ages 3 and up.
What To Wear To Class
Girls and Boys should wear a T-Shirt and gym shorts. Warm-up suits or sweats are fine for cooler weather. They should be bare footed. During class they will get a chance to fly high in a special superhero cape. Please Note:
No Loose or baggy clothing
No food or drinks in the workout area
No jewelry (please leave valuables at home)
No gum in the facility
Hair must be pulled back
Class Schedule
Our SuperHero Training Class consists of two age groups. We offer a group for ages 3-5 and then a group for 6 and up. We offer 20% Multi-Class and Family Discounts. "GymStars Stockton Only" SuperHero Training Class:
GymStars Day Camps combine various activities, educational resources, and social interaction into a fun week long experience. Every week has a different theme, and every theme has a different set of activities!
GymStars Day Camps offers a dynamic experience melding educational, physical, social activities into a weeklong fun experience.
Drawing on our years of experience teaching children multiple sports as well as various other educational recourses both internal and external, we were able to develop week long camps that help children maintain active minds and bodies. We offer a vairiety of themes for each camp. Click below to get detailed information about each week.
Our energetic Camp Counselors are excited to deliver a fantastic camp experience for your child!
Day Camps Schedule
Morning camp: 8:30am-12:00pm; Afternoon camp 1:00pm-4:30pm. 12:00pm-1:00pm included whan you sign up for both. Early drop off (7:30am) and late pick up (6:00pm) are available for an additional fee. Early bird discounts are available when registering at least 2 weeks before the camp starts. Sibling discounts also available.
1 Camp Full time
Time: 8:30-12:00 or 1:00-4:30.
2 Camps full time
Time: 8:30-4:30.
Single Day Camp, AM or PM
Time: 8:30-12:00 or 1:00-4:30.
Single Day Camp, AM & PM
Time: 8:30-4:30.
World's Greatest Birthday Parties
Full Service, Private Birthday Parties!
Our most popular being our full service 2 hour NOVA party where everything is provided for you!
This party allows you to be the parent instead of the party planner. Your party will start with an hour of fun, fun, fun out on the gym floor doing activities that include but are not limited to: Obstacle courses; relay races; pit play; bounce houses; trapeze swing; super swing; trampoline and group games.
All of which are run by two birthday party coaches
This will be followed by an hour in the party room, where you can sit back and relax while those two coaches handle everything from serving food and cutting the cake to making a gift list for your child's thank you cards. Your party will also include: decorations; set up; clean up; digital invitations; digital thank you cards; pizza; punch; ice cream; paper plates/napkins/forks; party favors; 8x10 color picture; shirt for the birthday child.
GymStars Stockton
GymStars offers the best Birthday Party value in the area! Our parties are PRIVATE, FULLY HOSTED events centered around the birthday child. We have many Party options to choose from all for up to 20 kids:
Full Service 2 hour NOVA Party
Private; This is the most popular Party Package.
2 Hour Nova Party 1.5 hours play 30 minutes in the Party Room
Private; NO FOOD.
2 Hour Customizable Party 1.5 hours play 30 minutes in the Party Room
Private; NO FOOD Please call for the Customizable Items.
1.5 Hour Nova Party
Private; NO FOOD.
2 Hour Customizable Party
Private; Please call for the Customizable Items.
1.5 Hour Customizable
Private; NO FOOD Please call for the Customizable Items.
Other Info
Our parties are extremely customizable
and we pride ourselves in taking the time to understand what you want from a birthday party.
After all, it's the child's day...not ours.
So lets make it special for them and give them a party to remember!
Every party type is designed for up to 20 kids (but can accommodate more) and includes 2 party experts leading the party
a coordinator to ensure quality, decorations, and a T-Shirt for the birthday child.
New add on Feature We now have "Inflatable Package Add On"
If you choose this add on package we set up the Ninja Obstcale Cource/Slide and the Sports Theme. The kids will have a blast with this add on. This add on may only be added at the time of your party reservation becuase we have to increase our staffing to support this add on.
Stephanie; Stockton Birthday Party Director
By the way, that client's son has since had his last 5 birthday parties at GymStars. She kept asking him if he wanted to go someplace else, and he never did. He's 11 now and one of MANY who continually returns to have their party at GymStars! It truly is the World's Greatest Birthday Party.
Chris Curtis; Modesto Birthday Party Director
I once asked a parent why they wanted a party at GymStars. This is what they told me: 'You know, we had a party here a couple years ago, and it was fun. We didn't have to do anything, and at the time it was prefect for our family. Last year my son wanted a party at a local pizza party place. It seemed cheap at first, but when it was done and we got the bill it was over $500! For that I expected the party person to be more attentive. Honestly, she just didn't seem to want to be there. I've never gotten that feeling from GymStars. So the next year, we came back. It's private, it's hosted from beginning to end, and everything you need is provided. Dollar for dollar, I get more at GymStars...and I don't have to do anything.' It warmed my heart to hear that. She was speaking of our 2 hour Nova party.
Jana R
I just wanted to formally thank your staff for presenting TWO great birthday parties for my 6 year old and 12 year old yesterday (Dec. 11th). Both parties were fantastic... Their enthusiasm, organization, and personal skills definitely make us want to return! A great staff makes for a great company!
Kids Play Night
New Themes, More Fun!!!
3 hours of fun filled activities for ages potty trained to 14!!
If your children want to participate in the KPN THEMES
Come dressed in a Themed Costume for EVEN MORE KPN FUN! However please make sure any costumes or "theme" attire is appropriate for playing in. Come see our coaches dress up and get crazy with the different themes!
Don't forget to bring a snack
Ages 3 (potty trained) and older
We do sperate the groups by age
Stockton Prices
Early Bird (up to 2 days prior to event)
Regular (less than 2 days prior to event)
Upcoming Dates
GymStars Stockton 2016
Fridays unless otherwise listed.
February 12th - Mickey and Minnie's Valentine Mystery
February 13th - Sweetheart Social
Saturday, 7pm-10pm.
March 11th - Batman Vs. Superman
April 8th - The Disney Games
April 22nd - Lost in the Jungle
May 6th - Bouncing Blowout!
June 10th - Heroes in a Half Shell
June 24th - Proud to be an American
July 15th - GymStars Birthday Carnival
August 12th - Adventures with Dori
September 9th - Princesses and Dragons
September 23rd - Back to School Bash
October 9th - Monster Mash
October 28th - Spooktacular
Saturday 7pm-10pm.
November 11th - Jammin' in my Jammies
December 2nd - Rebels on a Mission: Star Wars
December 16th - Holiday "Wrap" Up
Teddy Bear Picnic
Fun, open play time for you & your child! Rain flooded the park? Triple digit temperatures melting the swing set? Come and play at GymStars! Activities include: GymStars Stockton now offers TBP on Mondays in addition to Wednesdays from 10:00am to 11:30am Offered at both locations on Wednesdays 10AM to 11:30AM. Ages 5 and younger.
Bounce House
Obstacle Course
Teddy Grahams & Juice Provided
Teddy Bear Picnic
Club Card
Pay for 5 TBP's up front and recieve a Club card for 6 TBP's (recieve 1 free).
GymStars Stockton
Mondays: 10:00-11:30am; Wednesdays: 10:00-11:30am; Reserve your spot ONLINE! Online registration is open until 8am the day of the event. We allow a maximum of 60 participants.
GymStars Modesto
Wednesdays: 10:00-11:30am; Reserve your spot ONLINE! Online registration is open until 8am the day of the event. We allow a maximum of 60 participants.
Field Trips
GymStars is the PERFECT facility to host your next Field Trip. We've been host to a number of schools, Girl Scout Troops, Boy Scouts, sports teams and even a Family Reunion!
1 hour or 1 1/2 hours
Affordably Priced
Excellent Fund Raising opportunity
Very Interactive
Pit Fun
Bounce House
Obstacle Course
Bungee Ride
Cargo Net
Group Games
Hip Hop dance available
Starting at preschool age
GREAT end of the year activity!
Air Conditioned Facility
Developmental Gymnastics
Devo Gymnastics Description.
Developmental Gymnastics
Our Developmental programs are designed to nurture the natural abilities of our talented gymnasts who are not ready for a competitive gymnastics program, but exhibit the desire to be on a competitive team. This program prepares the athlete for a successful gymnastics career. Our trained coaches recognize the talent early on and invite the students to participate in the Developmental program.
Artistic Gymnastics
Artistic Gymnastics: Levels 4- 10 & Elite.
Artistic Gymnastics
GymStars' artistic gymnastics program encompasses all levels of competition. Offering Developmental team as well as high level Optional Team training, we can identify talent early on and provide them with quality instruction in a clean, and safe environment. Our 20,000 sq ft facility is climate controlled and extremely clean. Our athletes train on new, Elite level equipment. Our Gymnasts compete all over the nation, often ranking in the top 3 at every competition. GymStars is home to Regional, State and National Champions.
Our Coaches
Our coaches are specially selected and trained to safely bring out the best of each child by encouraging each child to exceed their perceived limitations. All competitive coaches are USAG Professional Members and USAG Safety Certified.
All Star Cheer
With the All Star squads for Tiny, Mini, Youth, Junior, and Seniors, GymStars Elite has become one of the most respected Cheer institutions in California. We are not the average competitive cheer program. Our teams are comprised of athletes ages 4 to 18 years who are encouraged to achieve their best while having fun. GymStars is home to Regional, National, International, and Grand National Champions.
GymStars Elite Cheer
GymStars Elite Cheer teaches work ethic in a team environment. It teaches more than just cheer skills. They will learn endurance, strength, flexibily, tolerance, responsibility and how to deal with successes and challenges. In our competitive cheer program we believe that the team improves through the individual growth of each athlete. No one is cut and no one is left behind. We create a family atmosphere all while teaching motions, dance, stunts, tumbling, jumps and how to perform in front of a crowd and judges.
Along with being former competitive cheerleaders themselves, our coaches are specifically selected for their ability and aptitude towards working with kids in a competitive environment. They have the understanding and knowledge to inspire the athletes to achieve their best in any condition. All of our coaches are USAG and USASF certified.
Welcome to GymStars. We are pleased that you have expressed an interest in GymStars and we thank you for considering our programs for your children. August, 1998 was the first brainstorming meeting of the founders of GymStars. The most important item on the agenda was creating a list of what kids, parents, teachers and coaches want and need in a multi-sport facility. Here are some of the things we came up with: