In the early 90's, a young entrepreneur named Carlos Shimabukuro arrived with his wife to California. Mr. Shimabukuro came from Peru, land of the Incas, full of hope and ideals. Soon he was working hard in this great and generous state, eager to make his dream come true. His hard work paid off and he opened a Peruvian Restaurant in Redwood City in 1994. The name of this restaurant: "Estampas Peruanas". His focus was on providing great food in a warm environment and with superb customer care. Few years later "Estampas Peruanas's" reputation was established when it was ranked the only Peruvian restaurant in the top 100 restaurants of the Bay Area. Carlos Shimabukuro says: "We want to give our customers a place where they can feel Peru". Eight years ago "Estampas Peruanas" embarked in yet a new venue by presenting top Peruvian artists. Some of the best singers and comedians from Peru have been providing first class entertainment in the most exquisite shows as many Peruvians living in the area have witnessed. Artists are too many to enumerate: Lucia de la Cruz, Los Quipus, Bartola, Los Morunos, Cavero and Aviles, Giomar Antonio, Abanto Morales, Maritza Rodriguez, Tulio Loza, Betina Onetto, Neda Huambachano, Pepe Vasquez, Jorge Luis Jasso, Iraida and Pilar Valdivia, Lalo Izquierdo and Marina Lavalle, to name a few. The rapid growth of our restaurant "...has all been posible thanks to the generosity of our clientele, to whom we are very grateful. " says Carlos Shimabukuro.