Ashtanga is a traditional form of yoga that follows the same pattern of postures each time it is practiced. This class pulls together all of the yoga fundamentals to create an energizing moving meditation. Class is taught in a warm room, accompanied by soft music or not music at all.
Slow Burn
Slow Burn is an inward journey and practiced with the eyes closed. This class includes yoga flows, and longer holding postures. Class is held in a warm room accompanied by relaxing music.
Hot Vinyasa
An energizing, dynamic class, that links breath with movement, while incorporating a continuous flow of postures. The teacher will guide you through a series of postures to create a flow, then each student moves through the flow at his/her own pace. Class is taught in a heated room, accompanied by upbeat music.
Healthy Backs
Healthy Backs is a restorative yoga practice that is ideal for beginners, or anyone seeking healing and relaxation. This class will slowly move through the basic yoga postures, and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Class is taught at room temperature, accompanied by relaxing music.
Candlelight Yin
Candlelight Yin is an ideal way to melt away the stress of the day. The teacher will guide you through simple movements, then right into longer holding yin postures. Class is held in a dark, warm room, accompanied by candlelight and soft relaxing music.
Teacher Training
Fall Teacher Training Immersion.
Friday Night Freakout
Black Light Yoga Party and Halloween Celebration. Join us for a fun evening of black light yoga, then cool down with some old fashion apple dunking. *Don't forget to wear white or bright colors and be prepared to have a freaky fun Friday evening.
Empower Yoga Studio opened in June of 2014. Our goal was to create a space where everyone would feel comfortable exploring, and experiencing yoga. We have classes for the new student as well as the advanced practitioner. On our regular schedule we offerer 33 classes per week and are open seven days a week. We also offer specialty programs like Yoga For Beginners, and a variety of workshops. Yoga teacher training will be offered in January of 2015. Empower Yoga is a registered RYT 200 school with the Yoga Alliance.