Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's in Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Desert Beauty Succulent Garden
Bring the serene beauty of the desert landscape to any room of the house or office with this glorious growing gift. Filled with sculptural succulents, the versatile weathered slate pot is sure to be a favorite. This garden includes green sedum succulents, a large green echeveria succulent, small green echeveria succulents, and small natural river rocks. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Sphere of Tranquility Terrarium
Send them the gift of tranquility with this peaceful terrarium garden of schefflera and dracaena, accented with deep black river rocks. Green schefflera, green compacta dracaena, and variegated green compacta dracaena are arranged with black river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a glass bubble bowl.
Forever Yellow Kalanchoes
With their petite yellow blooms and large, shiny leaves, these glorious kalanchoe plants add a ray of sunshine to any room! This pretty arrangement features yellow kalanchoe plants. Delivered in a weathered brown round pot.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Summer Nights by Teleflora
Flower power rises several degrees in this brilliant array of hot summer flowers in a cool blue contemporary glass cube vase. Send this gift of indoor sunshine to someone close to you. The radiant bouquet includes orange Asiatic lilies, orange alstroemeria, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, solidago and orange spray roses accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Teleflora's Washed in Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Uniquely Chic
Uniquely beautiful and uniquely bright, this is a bona fide bombshell of a bouquet. Brilliant blossoms are perfectly arranged in an exclusive cube vase. Orange roses, hot pink roses, spray roses and carnations are joined by glowing orange asiatic lilies and bear grass in a delightful vase. This unique arrangement is delivered in a cube but it's definitely not for squares.
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl.
Teleflora's Tropical Punch Bouquet
Glow for it! Capture the magic of a tropical sunset with this gorgeously glowing bouquet. Lush lilies and roses in radiant shades of orange and yellow are presented in a golden Mirrored Cube for a touch of instant glam. Soft orange roses, asiatic lilies and miniature carnations are arranged with yellow alstroemeria and green button spray chrysanthemums. Delicate oregonia and pittosporum add contrast. Delivered in a Mirrored Cube.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Blue Caribbean
Martinique, St. Maarten, any tropical paradise is the perfect setting for this explosively colorful bouquet in a chic blue contemporary cube vase. Can't go just now? Bring the island home. The exciting bouquet includes yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Delightful Dots Bouquet
Looking to delight someone special this spring? Connect the dots with this cute, colorful gift of sunshiny lilies and pretty pink roses! Presented in a sweet ceramic cube vase with a charming hand-thrown look, it's the perfect Easter décor piece. This delightful mix includes dark pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and huckleberry. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Teleflora's Pretty Perfect Bouquet
Color outside the lines with the bright, beautiful hues of this pretty perfect bouquet! Presented in a cobalt cube, this gift of sunny yellow gerberas with red carnations and purple asters is a bold statement of love and friendship. Yellow gerberas, red carnations, purple matsumoto asters, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with huckleberry, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a blue cube.
Teleflora's Happy Dots Bouquet
Dots what friends are for! Brighten a friend or loved one's spring day with this delightfully dotty gift. Filled with a happy mix of pink, green, purple and yellow blooms, this charming ceramic vase has a fun hand-thrown look and a playful spirit that makes everyone smile! This happy arrangement includes hot pink roses, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, variegated pittosporum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Summer Samba
Just like a lively samba, this bouquet is an uninhibited celebration of summer. If flowers could dance, these would be burning up the dancefloor. Yellow roses, asiatic lilies, orange dahlias and alstroemeria, yellow daisy spray Viking chrysanthemums and oregonia are delightfully arranged in a clear cylinder vase. It will definitely inspire a samba celebration!
Take Me Out to the Ballgame Basket
Dads, grads, boys and baseball lovers of all ages will think you're an MVP when you send this winning basket. Full of ballpark favorites and more, perfect for a picnic or a pick-up game in the park. You'll score a home run with this yummy basket that includes a real baseball, of course. Peanuts, pistachios, Cracker Jacks, three different kinds of pretzels and good old-fashioned root beer are teamed up in this basket. Anyone will have a ball with this gift!
Sunny Siesta
Know someone who could use a little pick-me-up? Sending this pretty summer arrangement will definitely do the trick. Light orange roses and alstroemeria, yellow asiatic lilies and orange gerberas are delivered in an organza ribbon-wrapped cylinder vase. Siesta or fiesta - it's all good .
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Picnic in the Park
Life will be a picnic for whoever's lucky enough to receive this gift. It's a lovely basket that's chock full of fabulous flowers. Peach spray roses, large yellow sunflowers, miniature green hydrangea, purple stock, hot pink matsumoto asters and more are delightfully arranged in a charming wicker basket.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Nature's Best Bouquet by Teleflora
Celebrate the natural beauty of love with the natural beauty of snow white lilies and sky blue delphimium, artfully arranged in a modern vase of natural bamboo. This beautiful bouquet features white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, white lisianthus, light blue delphinium, white larkspur, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Large Natural Bamboo Vase.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Burst of Sunshine Bouquet
An island-inspired burst of sunshine and happiness, this beautiful bouquet of yellow roses and colorful orchids is a gift they won't soon forget. This unique bouquet features white cymbidium orchids, purple dendrobium orchids, yellow roses, spiral eucalyptus, galax leaves, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a natural bamboo vase.
Teleflora's Garden Pitcher Bouquet
A Mother's love grows as bright and beautiful as a garden! Honor her unwavering devotion this Mother's Day with this 2-in-1 gift: a luxurious mix of lavender roses and pure white lilies, hand-delivered in a charmingly rustic, Provencal style ceramic pitcher that's food safe for years of happy pouring! This garden-inspired bouquet features lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Garden Pitcher.
Beautiful in Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Teleflora's Garden Blossom Bouquet
Sunny yellow roses shine amidst a luxurious garden of white and purple blooms in this glorious Mother's Day bouquet! She's sure to adore these awe-inspiring flowers and the wonderfully rustic, Provencal-inspired ceramic pitcher in which they're delivered. But she'll love your thoughtfulness most of all! Yellow roses, white alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented by fresh huckleberry and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Garden Pitcher.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Smile and Shine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send a shining smile to someone special with this bright bouquet! The happy mix of roses, alstroemeria and asters are presented in a popular mercury glass vase - a glittering gift for now and forever. Includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, matsumoto lavender asters and white chrysanthemums, accented with statice and huckleberry. Delivered in a large Mercury Glass Julep.
Teleflora's Bubbling Over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Serene Spring Peony Bouquet
Put a stylish spin on spring celebrations with this chic bouquet of perfect peonies, carnations, and stock. Its creamy color scheme and vintage-inspired milk jug vase bring sophisticated serenity to any occasion! This serene arrangement features white peonies, light yellow carnations, light yellow stock, lavender waxflower, dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass milk jug vase.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Pretty and Posh Bouquet
Inspired by ocean sunsets, this gorgeous gift of radiant pink and peach blooms and sparkling turquoise glass is sure to delight! Peach roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink carnations, peach miniature carnations, pink stock, pink waxflower are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Turquoise Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Daisies and Sunbeams
The song says, "The sun'll come out tomorrow," but why not today? Whatever the weather, this sunny bouquet of yellow, peach and white flowers will brighten any day instantly. Perfect for a birthday, thank you or just because. This sunny bouquet includes peach roses, yellow spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and solidago accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Teleflora's Pretty Teatime Bouquet
Pour on the charm! This elegant, Dutch-inspired teacup and saucer set is a pretty-meets-practical way to send a cheerful yellow and blue bouquet. This delightful arrangement features yellow spray roses, miniature white carnations, blue delphinium, seeded eucalyptus, and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Dutch Garden Teacup.
Teleflora's Blossoming Romance
Love is in the air. Or if it isn't, it will be when you surprise her with a gorgeous array of light pink spray roses, fragrant white lilies and other favorites in a sparkling glass vase. You know when she'll love it the most? When it's a total surprise. This lovely bouquet includes light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender stock and lavender waxflower accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass rose vase.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Floral Spring Iris Bouquet
This luxurious mix of hydrangea, roses, tulips, lilies and irises brings the glory of a fresh spring sky to any occasion! What a majestic mix of blues, yellows and whites, gracefully gathered in a classic glass vase. Purple hydrangea, yellow roses, yellow tulips, white asiatic lilies, blue iris, lavender freesia, and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with white sinuata statice, bupleurum, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Gathering Vase.
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Sunflowers
Pour on the fun by sending this dazzling bouquet of summer's brightest blooms! Great if you're invited to a pool party, BBQ or just want to brighten up someone's day. Stunning sunflowers, salal and seeded eucalyptus are beautifully arranged in a brilliant yellow ceramic pitcher. This gift will be serving up fun and sun for years to come.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. Let's hear it for yellow spray roses and cheerful yellow and white daisy spray chrysanthemums plus solidago delivered in an exclusive keepsake vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Outlook Bouquet
Brighten anyone's outlook with this sunshiny array of blooms! A heartwarming choice for a special day, or just because, these glorious roses and lilies are hand-delivered in a fabulous, food-safe pitcher they'll enjoy at breakfast for years to come! This bright bouquet features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white miniature carnations, white stock, seeded eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sunny Day pitcher.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Roses
Want to make any day sunny for someone special? Simply have this cheerful pitcher of bright yellow roses hand-delivered to them and they will bask in its warm glow. Just think: No SPF needed! Brilliant yellow roses and spray roses are arranged in a delightful mix that's delivered in a keepsake yellow pitcher they can use again and again. What a heartwarming gift!
Punch of Color Bouquet
The bright stuff for punching up anyone's mood! Bring happiness to any day with this bold, sunset-inspired blend of hot pink roses and orange lilies in a classic glass vase! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, red miniature carnations, orange snapdragons, and pink heather are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Charm
Fill their cup with happiness! This signature Sunny Day pitcher is sure to pour joy! Filled with beautifully bright gerberas and sweet roses, it's a gift they'll always treasure. Includes pink roses, yellow gerbera daisies and alstroemeria. Delivered in a Sunny Day pitcher.
Teleflora's Upsy Daisy
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day. The bright bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and bupleurum accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow gingham ribbon.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I'm Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Teleflora's Simply Sweet
Sometimes life's simplest pleasures deliver life's most poignant feelings. Take this sweet bouquet. Soft colors, beautiful flowers in a yellow vase that's wrapped in a pretty pink satin bow. Simple? You bet. Special? For sure! Light yellow roses, pink asiatic lilies and alstroemeria, light yellow miniature carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and pink limonium are gorgeously arranged in a pretty yellow vase, complete with a satin bow. Sweeter than sweet!
Teleflora's Daisies and Dots Bouquet
Spread sunshine with this burst of delightful daisies and fresh greens, arranged in a bright yellow vase that's tied with a cheerful polka dot ribbon! This happy bouquet includes white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Ocean Devotion
Sending this brilliant blue and white bouquet will surely garner oceans of appreciation from whoever receives it. Dazzling blue hydrangea, green roses and button spray chrysanthemums, divine white dahlias and snapdragons plus huckleberry arrive in a striking cobalt vase.
Glorious Gratitude Orchid
Show your gratitude for a special someone with this glorious living gift. Simply presented in a clear glass cylinder, these alluring purple phalaenopsis orchids add natural elegance to any environment. A purple phalaenopsis orchid is arranged with natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Oceanside Garden Bouquet
Treat them to a day at the shore, in the comfort of their home! This invigorating mix of yellow roses, white lilies and blue delphinium captures the spirit and shades of the shoreline. Hand-delivered in a bold blue ginger jar, it's a delightful gift any time of year! Sunny yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, and blue delphinium are arranged with leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a blue plastic Ginger Jar.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Forever Green Plant Garden
A gift to grow on! Delivered in a modern tapered tray, this living gift of wispy maidenhair fern and sculptural dracaena plants is sure to freshen up any room. This fresh green garden includes green compacta dracaena, variegated green compacta dracaena, maidenhair fern, variegated pothos, large natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a green square tapered tray.
Full of Love Bouquet
Spring into pink! Delicate roses, tulips and carnations fill a graceful vase with a cheerful expression of your love. It's affection perfection! Includes pink roses, tulips, carnations and waxflower, accented with fresh pitta negra and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a lovely glass vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Fiery Lily and Rose
Spark someone's attention by sending this absolutely radiant bouquet. Full of flowers and fiery beauty, it makes a beautiful gift for any occasion. Features dark orange roses and orange asiatic lilies in a charming glass vase. It's fiery and it's fabulous!
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Standout Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! This high-fashion mix of bold orange roses and eye-catching blue eryngium, arranged in a frosted art glass vase, is a stand-out gift for any occasion! This chic arrangement features orange spray roses, dark orange carnations, peach miniature carnations, blue eryngium, seeded eucalyptus, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Blue Skies Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Pretty Paradise Bouquet
Take a tropical getaway, without ever leaving home! Inspired by the shades of a tropical sunset, this paradise of bright colors and rainforest textures is a dramatic experience for the senses! This pretty bouquet features dark pink hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, yellow mokara orchids, yellow roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange snapdragons, bells of Ireland, hanging green amaranthus, huckleberry, sword fern, hala leaves, ti leaves, bear grass, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. This feminine bouquet includes light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, pink larkspur, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, israeli ruscus, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a white square vase.
Tahitian Tropics Bouquet
From delicate lavender roses to dramatic red ginger, waxy pink anthuriums to shiny philodendron leaves, this Tahitian-inspired bouquet is a tropical fantasy of blooms to brighten any occasion! This tropical arrangement includes dark pink hydrangea, lavender roses, large pink anthuriums, pink ice protea, pink snapdragons, large red ginger, aralia leaves, calathea leaves, xanadu philodendron leaves, hala leaf, green ti leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a large square vase.
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Teleflora's Colorful Celebration Bouquet
Color their day happy with this bright surprise! Artfully arranged with a Celebrate pick in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details, this sunny bouquet of yellow lilies and hot pink roses celebrates them in style. This joyful bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and sword fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Sweet Tranquility Basket
A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. Brilliant blooms such as orange and yellow roses and spray roses mix with pink matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dazzling green button spray chrysanthemums, salal, pittosporum and more in a lovely rectangular basket with a handle.
Exquisite Elegance Bouquet
Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural bouquet of pale purple orchids, silvery succulents and deep purple hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event! This eye-catching bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender phalaenopsis spray orchids, hanging green amaranthus, bear grass, green ti leaves, and large green echeveria succulents. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, dusty miller, pitta negra, and green ivy. Delivered in a white ceramic cylinder.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Teleflora's Sunsplash
Send this summery bouquet and you'll make a splendid splash! Perfect for birthdays, thank yous, barbecues and beyond. This warm-weather charmer will be welcome everywhere! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, hot pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a cube vase. Lots of splash. Not too much cash!
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Anniversary Flowers
Need anniversary gift ideas? Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts can help! We've got all types of flowers for an anniversary. Nothing says love like surprising your loved one with a stunning bouquet on your special day! Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts delivers to Prattsburgh, NY.
Love's Divine Bouquet - Long Stemmed Roses
Love's divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful mix of red and white roses - accented with Queen Anne's Lace, and adorned with a bold red ribbon - is a timeless gift for your beloved. Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne's lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.
My Perfect Love - Long Stemmed Red Roses
When it comes to romance, the red rose rules! And when it comes to delivering romance in a big way, two dozen gorgeous red roses are a brilliant choice. Twenty-four stunning red roses are arranged with greenery and delivered in a feminine vase.
Endless Romance Bouquet
Endless roses, endless romance! Make a statement with our stunning bouquet of red roses with snowy white blossoms, delivered in a glass hurricane vase that will forever remind her of your love. Includes red spray roses, white alstroemeria and pretty pitta negra. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
Spring Romance Bouquet
Romance buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in an elegant hurricane vase, it's a heartfelt gesture she'll remember through all seasons. Includes pink tulips, white alstroemeria and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
So Enchanting Bouquet
Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of rich red roses and magnificent pink lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care. Includes red roses, pink lilies and fresh lemon leaves. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red Roses
Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say "I love you." Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish glass vase. It's a beautiful way to celebrate a romance that deepens with each passing year.
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses
The spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely.
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Delight your love with this beautiful bouquet of bright white chrysanthemums, precious pink carnations, romantic red roses and more in a radiant red vase. The charming bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations, red miniature carnations and red roses accented with fresh greenery in a stylish red vase.
Teleflora's Heart's Pirouette Bouquet
Her heart will dance when this breathtaking Mother's Day gift arrives! Bursting with blue and pink blooms, this enchanting azure vase is carefully crafted of blown glass in a stunning swirled design, it's a décor keepsake like no other. This arrangement features blue hydrangea, lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, light blue delphinium, light pink stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, misty blue limonium, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Teleflora's Blue Caribbean
Martinique, St. Maarten, any tropical paradise is the perfect setting for this explosively colorful bouquet in a chic blue contemporary cube vase. Can't go just now? Bring the island home. The exciting bouquet includes yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Teleflora's Ocean Dance Bouquet
As enchanting and elegant as the sea, this stunning blown glass vase is the most beautiful shade of azure and features a dramatic swirled shape. What a majestic way to present mom with a fabulous Mother's Day bouquet! Hot pink roses, white asiatic lilies, blue hydrangea, fuchsia stock, blue delphinium, and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with lemon leaf and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Blue Horizons
As open and bright as a winter's sky, this exquisite mix of white and blue blossoms would make a stunning birthday gift, or a superb Hanukah present for a favorite friend or family member. An eye-catching selection. White Asiatic lilies, white spray roses and dark blue iris - accented with greenery - are delivered in a glass vase.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Beautiful in Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling Over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of roses, alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes yellow and pink roses, red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Madly in Love Bouquet with Red Roses by Teleflora
If you're crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright jewel-toned arrangement is the perfect way to express your love. Lavender, red and hot pink roses along with coral and red spray roses arranged in a red-hot cube vase are an absolutely beautiful way to get your message across.
Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses
You love Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts bouquet, and you'd like to make a big impression. Send this premium version, and they'll know they've got your heart! With more roses - but the same classic, collectible cube vase in a shade of warmest crimson - this gift will be a surefire hit. A deluxe mix of red roses and purple waxflower - accented with bear grass and greenery - is delivered in a red glass Teleflora Cube vase.
Teleflora's Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses
Sing them a love song - with flowers. This lush, loving rose arrangement tells them just how much you care. The stylish bouquet features large red and pink roses accented with smaller spray roses in shades of red and pinks. Delicate green oregonia and pittosporum add a fresh contrast, and all comes arranged and delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
Teleflora's Garden Romance
Hello, gorgeous! This lovely bouquet includes purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses and white asiatic lilies arranged in our vibrant violet glass cube. Purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria and lavender sinuata statice are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Dance with Me Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on your relationship with this sizzling bouquet of carnations and roses in a sparkling glass vase. It makes a spectacular gift for anniversary or any loving occasion. A mix of carnations and roses in shades of red and light pink. Delivered in a glass vase accented with pink satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Monarch Garden Bouquet
Sure to make mom's heart flutter, this sweet ceramic planter features a charming butterfly motif, a rustic rope handle, and a gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies. This arrangement features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Pour on the glam with this luxurious lavender cube! With its shimmering metallic finish and soothing wave detail, it's the perfect complement to a magnificent Mother's Day bouquet of lavender roses and rich, jewel-toned mums. Lavender roses, light pink miniature carnations, burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
Kensington Gardens by Teleflora
Inspired by one of the world's most incredible gardens, this garden of grace and beauty is delivered in one gorgeous bouquet. Among the beautiful mix of flowers, there is heartfelt hydrangea, lisianthus to show appreciation and delicate sweet pea because they' re not just pretty, they are well sweet. White hydrangea, stock and lisianthus mix with light pink oriental lilies, red roses, pink sweet pea, hot pink miniature carnations, seeded eucalyptus and more. And it's all perfectly arranged and delivered in an exclusive Couture Vase. Very pretty. Very proper.
Full of Love Bouquet
Spring into pink! Delicate roses, tulips and carnations fill a graceful vase with a cheerful expression of your love. It's affection perfection! Includes pink roses, tulips, carnations and waxflower, accented with fresh pitta negra and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a lovely glass vase.
Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
Dazzle someone special with a stylish and bright bouquet! These delightful blossoms in shades of pink and yellow are delivered in a gorgeous glass vase. Pink roses, yellow gerberas and daisy spray chrysanthemums, dark pink alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, light pink matsumoto asters and miniature carnations are a mere sampling of what's included in this dazzling gift. Delivered in a glass couture vase.
Teleflora's Aloha Sunset
Aloha is a celebration of joy, gratitude and being in the present. Lovely orchids celebrate the spirit of aloha, especially when mixed with gorgeous roses evocative of a Hawaiian sunset. This stunning arrangement has it all. Beautiful yellow cymbidium orchids, brilliant bi-color roses and tropical leaves all hand-delivered in a striking Couture Vase. It's definitely a departure from the everyday!
Make Me Blush - Dozen Long Stemmed Pink Roses
It's fun to be flirty! Send a dozen roses to the one you love and she just might make you blush. Especially if the dozen roses in question are this gorgeous! This arrangement is sweet and innocent as can be. Of course, it's a bit sassy and a whole lot sexy, as well. Sending a dozen perfectly pink roses and white limonium arranged in a glass vase to the woman you love shows that you know how much fun love is! And every woman appreciates that!
Teleflora's Standout Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! This high-fashion mix of bold orange roses and eye-catching blue eryngium, arranged in a frosted art glass vase, is a stand-out gift for any occasion! This chic arrangement features orange spray roses, dark orange carnations, peach miniature carnations, blue eryngium, seeded eucalyptus, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Blue Skies Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet
Peaceful yet energizing, this unforgettable arrangement of desert-hued blooms and succulents in a sleek bamboo cube is a chic gift on any special occasion. Peach roses, white asiatic lilies, peach miniature carnations, and white stock are accented with pitta negra, dusty miller, and a green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a Small Natural Bamboo Cube.
Teleflora's Washed in Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Always on My Mind - Long Stemmed Red Roses
Two dozen gorgeous red roses are the perfect romantic gift to send to the one who's always on your mind and in your heart. Say "I love you" by sending this lovely arrangement of twenty-four radiant red roses and fresh greens delivered in a beautiful spring garden vase. Love always.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Teleflora's Rose Classique - Dozen Red Roses
Red roses have symbolized love and romance for centuries. One need only gaze at a classic red rose arrangement, like this one, to see why. Red roses are stunning, dramatic, and they say so much - without saying a word. A dozen red roses with garden greens are hand-delivered in a fashionable Couture Vase. Classic and romantic.
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Teleflora's Exotic Grace
Looking for something with a bit of Zen? With tall bamboo and birds of paradise complemented by a stunning mix of tropical orange flowers and greenery in a graceful bamboo container, this bouquet is it. Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a beautifully exotic keepsake bamboo container.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they' re the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Blossoms in Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet is a singular sensation!
Regal Orchids
Grace. Beauty. Prosperity. And love. These are just some of the lovely qualities attached to the exquisite orchid. So imagine the effect of receiving six stunning orchid plants all at once. Magical, right? Two brilliant green miniature phalaenopsis orchids, two lavender miniature phalaenopsis orchids and two dazzling white miniature phalaenopsis orchids are surrounded by white river rocks and delivered in a unique crème ceramic pedestal planter. Give someone the royal treatment!
New Sensations
Upscale and uptown. This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a leaf-lined cylinder vase, it's truly a floral fantasy. Green and pink hydrangeas, green cymbidium orchids, hot pink and lavender roses, tulips and more are beautifully arranged in a large clear glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a' 67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we' re commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a' 65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a' 65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Say Yellow Bouquet
Here comes the sun! Say hello to a happy day with this grand bouquet of a dozen yellow roses and fresh greens in a graceful glass vase. This sunny arrangement features 12 yellow roses with oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass jordan Vase.
Stunning Statement Bouquet
Brimming with hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies in fabulous fuchsias and radiant reds, this breathtaking bouquet definitely makes a statement! This stunning arrangement of red hydrangea, red cymbidium orchid blossoms, red roses, red spray roses, hot pink oriental lilies, red gerberas, and red hypericum is accented with green ivy and lemon leaf. Delivered in a white cylinder planter.
Say Something Sweet Bouquet
Say it sweeter with this feminine bouquet of a dozen ballet pink roses and lush greens in a graceful glass vase. 12 pink roses are arranged with pitta negra and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Joy of Roses Bouquet
A joyful gesture of love and affection, this chic arrangement of one dozen pure white roses with fresh greens is a special surprise on any occasion. 12 white roses are arranged with leatherleaf fern, huckleberry and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a clear vase.
Haute Pink Bouquet
A high-fashion fantasy of roses! When you want to make a grand statement, send this dreamy bouquet of posh pink roses and modern greens. This gorgeous bouquet includes light pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender roses, pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink spray roses, pink lisianthus, dusty miller, huckleberry, sword fern, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and variegated aspidistra leaves. Delivered in a large glass cylinder vase.
Hey Gorgeous Bouquet
A gorgeous greeting for any occasion, this lovely lavender bouquet features one dozen radiant roses with lush greens in a classic glass vase. This gorgeous bouquet includes 12 lavender roses, oregonia, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Eternal Love Bouquet
What's more romantic than a dozen red roses? Proclaim your love eternal with this radiant gift of crimson blooms and fresh greens, gathered in a classic keepsake vase. This bouquet features 12 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Exquisite Elegance Bouquet
Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural bouquet of pale purple orchids, silvery succulents and deep purple hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event! This eye-catching bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender phalaenopsis spray orchids, hanging green amaranthus, bear grass, green ti leaves, and large green echeveria succulents. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Lovely Luxe Bouquet
Pamper your lovely with this luxurious lavender and cream bouquet! Ravishing roses, fragrant lilies and delicate lisianthus create a chic, sweet surprise they'll never forget. Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, white lisianthus, white stock, lavender waxflower, and white sinuata statice are accented with dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a serenity vase.
Cascading Elegance Bouquet
A dramatic display in jewel-toned roses and hydrangea in a sophisticated vase, this majestic bouquet will take their breath away. Dark pink hydrangea, lavender hydrangea, lavender roses, light lavender roses, red roses, red spray roses, purple carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums, and purple cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with hanging green amaranthus, israeli ruscus, xanadu philodendron leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a glass romanesque vase.
Beautiful Love Bouquet
Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase. This breathtaking bouquet features green hydrangea, pink roses, white roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink lisianthus, white stock, pitta negra, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a large gathering vase.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Get Well Flowers
Nothing says "Get Well Soon" like a vibrant bouquet of fresh flowers! Look no further for get well gifts than Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts. We deliver get well flowers to Prattsburgh, NY or nationwide to brighten their day. They'll be sure to get well soon!
Teleflora's Garden of Wellness Bouquet
Boost their spirits and brighten their day with this garden of wellness! Hand-delivered in a sweet ceramic "Bee Well Soon" pot, this colorful arrangement of roses, alstroemeria and asters is abuzz with delightful bee decorations - and your very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Includes orange spray roses, red alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow sunflowers, green button mums, white daisies, purple statice, pink sweet william, bupleurum, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, variegated pittosporum and ivy. Delivered in a Buzzing Bee Well pot.
Teleflora's Bee Well Bouquet
We have just the cure for what ails them. A plush nurse bee is ready to buzz into service with enough fresh flowers to make anyone perk up. A plush bumble bee surrounded by sunny yellow sunflowers, yellow button chrysanthemums, alstroemeria and white daisies.
Campbell's® Healthy Wishes Bouquet by Teleflora
Send your most sincere healthy wishes for a speedy recovery! This beautiful bouquet of bright yellow gerbera daisies and red carnations is perfectly presented in a charming Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup mug that will be enjoyed for years to come. This cheerful bouquet includes yellow gerbera daisies, red carnations, white monte cassino asters, lemon leaf and huckleberry. Delivered in a Campbell' s® Get Well mug.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Make a Wish
Make someone's dreams come true with this extra-special, premium version of our Make a Wish bouquet, featuring a bigger, brighter bouquet with even more blooms in happy hues of yellow, purple, orange and red! Whatever the occasion, it's an eye-catching display that's sure to make someone's day. A deluxe mix of fresh yellow, purple, orange and red flowers such as carnations, daisy spray chrysanthemums, Matsumoto asters and alstroemeria is delivered in a glass vase accented with a decorative ribbon.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's in Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Blue Caribbean
Martinique, St. Maarten, any tropical paradise is the perfect setting for this explosively colorful bouquet in a chic blue contemporary cube vase. Can't go just now? Bring the island home. The exciting bouquet includes yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Serene Retreat
White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's delivered in a beautiful plastic dish.
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they' re the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling Over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
Teleflora's Upsy Daisy
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day. The bright bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and bupleurum accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow gingham ribbon.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Beautiful in Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy. A pink kalanchoe, hypoestes, green nephthytis and both Boston and maidenhair ferns are delivered in a delightful round wicker basket.
A Little Pink Me Up
Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers. Whether you want this arrangement to say "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy Any Day," you can be sure the day it arrives will be brighter for anyone lucky enough to receive it. Lovely pink roses and asiatic lilies are joined by hot pink gerberas and miniature carnations, pink full-sized carnations and more in a clear glass ball. Send this one and life will be a bowl of cheer!
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Get Better Bouquet by Teleflora
They' re sure to get well "beary" soon with this hand-delivered, thoughtful surprise of fresh mixed flowers and sweet snuggles from this charming bear plush bouquet! This cheerful arrangement includes orange roses, orange alstroemeria, red carnations, lavender aster matsumotos and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, accented with yellow solidago, variegated pittosporum, spiral eucalyptus, huckleberry and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Beary Well Bear plush keepsake.
Fruits and Blooms Basket
Here's a tasteful gift for any occasion. Fruit and flowers, what could be better than that? A big wicker basket comes overflowing with apples, bananas, pears and oranges that surround a hot pink azalea plant. This basket is ripe for giving!
So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Sphere of Tranquility Terrarium
Send them the gift of tranquility with this peaceful terrarium garden of schefflera and dracaena, accented with deep black river rocks. Green schefflera, green compacta dracaena, and variegated green compacta dracaena are arranged with black river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a glass bubble bowl.
Forever Yellow Kalanchoes
With their petite yellow blooms and large, shiny leaves, these glorious kalanchoe plants add a ray of sunshine to any room! This pretty arrangement features yellow kalanchoe plants. Delivered in a weathered brown round pot.
Desert Beauty Succulent Garden
Bring the serene beauty of the desert landscape to any room of the house or office with this glorious growing gift. Filled with sculptural succulents, the versatile weathered slate pot is sure to be a favorite. This garden includes green sedum succulents, a large green echeveria succulent, small green echeveria succulents, and small natural river rocks. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Teleflora's Regally Yours Orchid
Add regal beauty to any room of the house or office with this grand, any-occasion gift of an amazing orange cymbidium orchid in a gorgeous pot. This gift features an orange cymbidium orchid with sheet moss. Delivered in a Noble Heritage Urn.
Forever Green Plant Garden
A gift to grow on! Delivered in a modern tapered tray, this living gift of wispy maidenhair fern and sculptural dracaena plants is sure to freshen up any room. This fresh green garden includes green compacta dracaena, variegated green compacta dracaena, maidenhair fern, variegated pothos, large natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a green square tapered tray.
Glorious Gratitude Orchid
Show your gratitude for a special someone with this glorious living gift. Simply presented in a clear glass cylinder, these alluring purple phalaenopsis orchids add natural elegance to any environment. A purple phalaenopsis orchid is arranged with natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Monarch Garden Bouquet
Sure to make mom's heart flutter, this sweet ceramic planter features a charming butterfly motif, a rustic rope handle, and a gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies. This arrangement features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Pink asiatic lilies, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Washed in Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Flourishing Beauty Bouquet
Bring flourishing beauty to any occasion with this naturally elegant arrangement of fresh white flowers, fresh succulents and delicate greens. The wildly chic arrangement is presented to perfection in a charming weathered pot. This natural arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, green carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, green hanging amaranthus, bupleurum, leatherleaf fern, pitta negra, parvifolia eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Teleflora's Daisies and Dots Bouquet
Spread sunshine with this burst of delightful daisies and fresh greens, arranged in a bright yellow vase that's tied with a cheerful polka dot ribbon! This happy bouquet includes white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase.
Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, dusty miller, pitta negra, and green ivy. Delivered in a white ceramic cylinder.
Teleflora's Uniquely Chic
Uniquely beautiful and uniquely bright, this is a bona fide bombshell of a bouquet. Brilliant blossoms are perfectly arranged in an exclusive cube vase. Orange roses, hot pink roses, spray roses and carnations are joined by glowing orange asiatic lilies and bear grass in a delightful vase. This unique arrangement is delivered in a cube but it's definitely not for squares.
Health Nut Basket
Naturally this gift basket isn't just for health nuts. Aspiring health nuts or someone you'd like to help get on a health kick will love it, too. Full of great food, and so full of goodness, including a lively orange kalanchoe plant, someone would have to be, well… a bit nutty not to enjoy it! Apples and pears are joined by trail mix, mixed nuts, peanuts and a kalanchoe in a charming wicker basket. Happy. Healthy. Yummy!
Teleflora's Tropical Punch Bouquet
Glow for it! Capture the magic of a tropical sunset with this gorgeously glowing bouquet. Lush lilies and roses in radiant shades of orange and yellow are presented in a golden Mirrored Cube for a touch of instant glam. Soft orange roses, asiatic lilies and miniature carnations are arranged with yellow alstroemeria and green button spray chrysanthemums. Delicate oregonia and pittosporum add contrast. Delivered in a Mirrored Cube.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Joy
Symbolizing warmth and happiness, it is no wonder the sunflower is a quintessential ingredient in so many fall bouquets. This bouquet maximizes the joy of sunflowers by arranging them with a bevy of fall flowers, it's a lovely pick-me-up for a crisp fall day. Sunny sunflowers, red roses and miniature carnations, bronze daisy spray chrysanthemums, large lavender monte cassino asters and autumn greens are beautifully arranged in a ceramic vase.
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Sunflowers
Pour on the fun by sending this dazzling bouquet of summer's brightest blooms! Great if you're invited to a pool party, BBQ or just want to brighten up someone's day. Stunning sunflowers, salal and seeded eucalyptus are beautifully arranged in a brilliant yellow ceramic pitcher. This gift will be serving up fun and sun for years to come.
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Smile and Shine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send a shining smile to someone special with this bright bouquet! The happy mix of roses, alstroemeria and asters are presented in a popular mercury glass vase - a glittering gift for now and forever. Includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, matsumoto lavender asters and white chrysanthemums, accented with statice and huckleberry. Delivered in a large Mercury Glass Julep.
Teleflora's Sheer Delight Bouquet
The essence of femininity. Delight her with flirty-fun lavender and pink blooms presented in a gorgeous Mercury Glass julep vase. It's a gift that will sparkle in her memory forever. Includes lavender roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature lavender carnations and lavender chrysanthemums, accented with fresh bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mercury Glass large julep vase.
Teleflora's Fancy That Bouquet
A timeless Mercury Glass vase lends a fancy flourish to this uplifting bouquet. Yellow roses and miniature hot pink carnations are just the way to pop up her day! Includes yellow roses, purple alstroemeria, miniature hot pink carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and fresh oregonia. Delivered in a Mercury Glass small julep.
Sweet Moments
Know someone who needs a lift? Brighten their day by sending this lovely bouquet of fresh flowers that has sweetness woven right in. Gorgeous white roses, purple alstroemeria, lavender waxflower and eucalyptus are perfectly arranged in a white basket. Perfectly sweet!
Golden Days Basket
Here's a golden opportunity to make someone's day. Just send this delightful basket of fresh fall flowers to someone who's on your mind and you can be sure it will lift their spirits! Sunny sunflowers and asiatic lilies, red roses, gold and burgundy chrysanthemums, solidaster, brown copper beech and salal are splendidly arranged in a wicker basket. Send it and you'll be golden, too.
Daisy Daydreams
Get a handle on spring with this delightful array of floral favorites in a charming white bamboo basket accented with lavender ribbon. It will make you both happy. The cheerful bouquet includes lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, dark purple Matsumoto asters, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and purple Monte Cassino asters accented with fresh greenery. The flowers are delivered in a white bamboo basket.
Flowers for Love & Romance
Romance isn't just for Valentine's Day, celebrate your love every day with a romantic gift from Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts, your local florist in Prattsburgh. From romantic roses to modern masterpieces, we have the perfect bouquet to express your emotions!
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling Over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Country Sweetheart Bouquet
Sweet as can be! Surprise your sweetheart with this cute, country-style bouquet of red roses and white daisies, delivered in a cheerful ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow. This bouquet includes red roses, pink alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Teleflora's Sterling Love Bouquet
Sleek and chic, this sterling silver mirrored, blown glass vase adds a touch of modern luxury to this gorgeous bouquet of red roses and pink lilies. Red roses, dark red spray roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and burgundy stock are arranged with lemon leaf, huckleberry, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Happy Harmony Bouquet
Dotted with red and silver hearts, this sweet glass cube, bursting with radiant red and white blooms, is a happy, harmonious way to celebrate love and affection! This harmonious bouquet features red roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, pitta negra, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Happy Harmony Cube.
Teleflora's Sweetest Satin Bouquet
With its soft, satiny gloss and quilted pattern, this sensuous ceramic vase makes a passionate presentation of this romantic red rose and white lily bouquet! Red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and white sinuata statice are arranged with sword fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Teleflora's Elegant Adoration Bouquet
At once elegant and romantic, this breathtaking red and pink bouquet features luxurious blooms and an equally luxurious vase of blown, sterling silver mirrored glass with sleek swirling lines. This elegant bouquet includes hot pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, peach carnations, red miniature carnations, pink snapdragons, pink heather, sword fern, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Satin Kisses Bouquet
Send kisses soft as satin with this romantic bouquet! Artfully arranged in a shimmering, satin-finish ceramic vase with pretty quilted texture, this mix of red roses and pink lilies is sure to take their breath away. This bouquet features red roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, red carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Teleflora's Pop Hearts Bouquet
A pop of playful romance, this sweet bouquet of red roses, pink carnations and white daisies is magnificently matched by a glass cube dotted with dancing red and silver hearts. This cheerful arrangement features red roses, pink carnations, miniature pink carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, sword fern, huckleberry and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Happy Harmony Cube.
Teleflora's Flawless Romance Bouquet
The definition of romance! Celebrate your love with classic red roses in a shimmering, mirrored glass keepsake vase with modern twisted design. This romantic arrangement features 12 red roses and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Vintage Heart Bouquet
This country-chic surprise steals everyone's heart! Its creamy roses, red alstroemeria and peach carnations get a cute farmhouse feel when arranged in this adorable ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow! Crème roses, red alstroemeria, peach carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are accented with parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Botanical Beauty Bouquet
Snow white blooms and eye-catching greens create this beautiful botanical gift that's a peaceful addition to any occasion. This modern bouquet includes white hydrangea, green roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, bells of Ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, curly willow, oregonia, variegated aspidistra leaves, small aralia leaf, green ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Crimson Luxury Bouquet
Luxurious romance is yours with this classic red rose bouquet, presented to perfection in a stunning, satin-finish ceramic vase with unique quilted texture. This luxurious arrangement includes 6 red roses and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Pink asiatic lilies, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder vase.
Visions of Love Bouquet
A vision of love! This luxe bouquet of fragrant white lilies and radiant red roses, hand-delivered in a ruby vase, is the perfect expression of your feelings. This beloved bouquet includes red roses, white asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, white cushion spray roses, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a ruby rose vase.
Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. This feminine bouquet includes light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, pink larkspur, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, israeli ruscus, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a white square vase.
Blooming Belles Bouquet
The belle of the ball! Arranged in a ruby red vase, this romantic bouquet of rich red roses and delicate pink alstroemeria is a beautiful statement of love and devotion. Red roses, pink alstroemeria, red carnations, and miniature pink carnations are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a ruby rose vase.
Teleflora's Fabulous Flora Bouquet
A fabulously divine way to declare your love, or simply brighten a special someone's day, this pinktastic bouquet of roses and lilies is perfectly paired with a perky pink cube vase. This gorgeous bouquet features pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Rose Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Endless Lovelies Bouquet
Arranged in a vintage-inspired mercury glass hurricane, this gorgeous array of soft peach roses and delicate white lisianthus has a timeless appeal anyone will adore. Later, add a votive to the hurricane for a sparkling glow. This lovely arrangement includes peach roses, peach carnations, white lisianthus, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, bupleurum, dusty miller, and huckleberry. Delivered in a Silver Mercury Glass Hurricane.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Say Yellow Bouquet
Here comes the sun! Say hello to a happy day with this grand bouquet of a dozen yellow roses and fresh greens in a graceful glass vase. This sunny arrangement features 12 yellow roses with oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass jordan Vase.
Say Something Sweet Bouquet
Say it sweeter with this feminine bouquet of a dozen ballet pink roses and lush greens in a graceful glass vase. 12 pink roses are arranged with pitta negra and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Joy of Roses Bouquet
A joyful gesture of love and affection, this chic arrangement of one dozen pure white roses with fresh greens is a special surprise on any occasion. 12 white roses are arranged with leatherleaf fern, huckleberry and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a clear vase.
Cascading Elegance Bouquet
A dramatic display in jewel-toned roses and hydrangea in a sophisticated vase, this majestic bouquet will take their breath away. Dark pink hydrangea, lavender hydrangea, lavender roses, light lavender roses, red roses, red spray roses, purple carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums, and purple cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with hanging green amaranthus, israeli ruscus, xanadu philodendron leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a glass romanesque vase.
Beautiful Love Bouquet
Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase. This breathtaking bouquet features green hydrangea, pink roses, white roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink lisianthus, white stock, pitta negra, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a large gathering vase.
Love Struck Bouquet
A luxurious bouquet that's sure to leave your special someone absolutely love struck! There's no denying the dramatic beauty of these radiant, red hot roses, hydrangea and lilies. This luxe arrangement includes pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, red roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, maroon carnations, pitta negra, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf.
Haute Pink Bouquet
A high-fashion fantasy of roses! When you want to make a grand statement, send this dreamy bouquet of posh pink roses and modern greens. This gorgeous bouquet includes light pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender roses, pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink spray roses, pink lisianthus, dusty miller, huckleberry, sword fern, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and variegated aspidistra leaves. Delivered in a large glass cylinder vase.
Hey Gorgeous Bouquet
A gorgeous greeting for any occasion, this lovely lavender bouquet features one dozen radiant roses with lush greens in a classic glass vase. This gorgeous bouquet includes 12 lavender roses, oregonia, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Eternal Love Bouquet
What's more romantic than a dozen red roses? Proclaim your love eternal with this radiant gift of crimson blooms and fresh greens, gathered in a classic keepsake vase. This bouquet features 12 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Pretty Paradise Bouquet
Take a tropical getaway, without ever leaving home! Inspired by the shades of a tropical sunset, this paradise of bright colors and rainforest textures is a dramatic experience for the senses! This pretty bouquet features dark pink hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, yellow mokara orchids, yellow roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange snapdragons, bells of Ireland, hanging green amaranthus, huckleberry, sword fern, hala leaves, ti leaves, bear grass, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Stunning Statement Bouquet
Brimming with hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies in fabulous fuchsias and radiant reds, this breathtaking bouquet definitely makes a statement! This stunning arrangement of red hydrangea, red cymbidium orchid blossoms, red roses, red spray roses, hot pink oriental lilies, red gerberas, and red hypericum is accented with green ivy and lemon leaf. Delivered in a white cylinder planter.
Forever Fuchsia Bouquet
Pretty in pink! A surprise they'll remember forever, this fantasy of fuchsia lilies, roses and carnations is artistically arranged in a sleek contemporary vase. This stunning bouquet features pink oriental lilies, hot pink roses, pink carnations, fuchsia stock, light pink spray roses, pink heather, lemon leaf, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and a small green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a raspberry tapered vase.
Full of Love Bouquet
Spring into pink! Delicate roses, tulips and carnations fill a graceful vase with a cheerful expression of your love. It's affection perfection! Includes pink roses, tulips, carnations and waxflower, accented with fresh pitta negra and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a lovely glass vase.
Teleflora's Steal the Spotlight Bouquet
When spoiling mom is the name of the game - steal the spotlight with this magnificent arrangement! Hand-delivered in a glorious glass blown vase, this luxe Mother's Day bouquet of fragrant lilies, roses, snapdragons and hydrangea will truly take her breath away. Pink stargazer lilies, pink snapdragons, pink stock, hot pink roses, green miniature hydrangea, and pink miniature carnations are accented with lemon leaf, ming fern, and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red Roses
Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say "I love you." Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish glass vase. It's a beautiful way to celebrate a romance that deepens with each passing year.
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses
The spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely.
Heart and Soul
Send someone this soulful floral gift and there'll be no mistaking that you're giving them your heart! A heart made entirely of red carnations is nestled in a cloud of baby's breath and ferns and presented in a tall red vase adorned with a pretty ribbon. Red carnations and white Million Star gypsophila accented with fern are delivered in a red vase decorated with a satin ribbon.
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Delight your love with this beautiful bouquet of bright white chrysanthemums, precious pink carnations, romantic red roses and more in a radiant red vase. The charming bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations, red miniature carnations and red roses accented with fresh greenery in a stylish red vase.
Dance with Me Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on your relationship with this sizzling bouquet of carnations and roses in a sparkling glass vase. It makes a spectacular gift for anniversary or any loving occasion. A mix of carnations and roses in shades of red and light pink. Delivered in a glass vase accented with pink satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Bold Elegance Bouquet
When only the best will do for Mother's Day, surprise her with this incredible gift! Large and lush, this bouquet of hot pink roses, pink stargazer lilies and lavender mums is fragrant, feminine and fabulous. What an unforgettable treat when hand-delivered in this exquisite blown glass vase! This elegant bouquet features hot pink roses, pink stargazer lilies, burgundy stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, pink snapdragons, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Red, White and You Bouquet by Teleflora
Celebrate your love with flying colors! Little red roses and classic white daisies make this sweet bouquet a favorite for Valentine's Day, birthdays and more. Delivered in a shapely red vase and tied with a shimmering red ribbon, it's a gift from the heart. Includes red spray roses, white daisy chrysanthemums, delicate pitta negra and glossy lemon leaves. Delivered in a Serendipity vase.
Enduring Passion - 12 Red Roses
A dozen red roses is a timeless gift of love, and the time is always right to give and receive this enchanting gift. Birthday, anniversary or just because, the magic of roses will always cast its spell. You'll see. This romantic bouquet includes one dozen red roses accented with lush greenery. Delivered in a clear glass rose vase.
Teleflora's Glorious You Bouquet
Perfectly pink! Beautifully simple, this exquisite mix of soft pink roses and delicate pink waxflower finds its perfect complement in a fabulously fuchsia blown glass vase. Hand-delivered for Mother's Day, it's a glorious surprise she'll never forget! This beautiful bouquet spotlights pink roses with pink waxflower and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
My True Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Roses
Your devotion, delivered. Surprise your special one with this gorgeous arrangement of one dozen long stem red roses. It's a timeless testimony of your love she won't soon forget. Includes one dozen long stem red roses, accented with fresh greens. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Madly in Love Bouquet with Red Roses by Teleflora
If you're crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright jewel-toned arrangement is the perfect way to express your love. Lavender, red and hot pink roses along with coral and red spray roses arranged in a red-hot cube vase are an absolutely beautiful way to get your message across.
Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses
If you'd like someone to think sweet thoughts about you, send them this delightful bouquet! A graceful heart of bear grass is tied with purple waxflower, and appears to float above red roses nestled in a ruby-red glass vase. How sweet it is! Red roses and purple waxflower accented with variegated pittosporum and bear grass arrive in a Teleflora red glass cube vase.
Blush Rush Bouquet
Luxe lilies in a beautifully blushing shade of pink are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! This pretty bouquet features hot pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, pink matsumoto asters, seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, dusty miller, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Serenity Vase.
Teleflora's Whisper Soft Bouquet
Its blooms may be whisper-soft, but this bouquet proclaims your love loud and proud! What a lovely way to spoil someone special. This delicate arrangement includes pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, white miniature carnations, dusty miller, huckleberry, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Ginger Jar.
So Enchanting Bouquet
Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of rich red roses and magnificent pink lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care. Includes red roses, pink lilies and fresh lemon leaves. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Love and Laughter
Know someone you love to make laugh? Someone you love to laugh with? Someone who could use a laugh? Someone who fits all of the above? Well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms. Lavender roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple carnations, miniature carnations, matsumoto asters and pink waxflower are delivered in a sweet lilac vase that's tied with a purple satin ribbon. Love, laugh and send it today!
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Love's Divine Bouquet - Long Stemmed Roses
Love's divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful mix of red and white roses - accented with Queen Anne's Lace, and adorned with a bold red ribbon - is a timeless gift for your beloved. Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne's lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.
My Perfect Love - Long Stemmed Red Roses
When it comes to romance, the red rose rules! And when it comes to delivering romance in a big way, two dozen gorgeous red roses are a brilliant choice. Twenty-four stunning red roses are arranged with greenery and delivered in a feminine vase.
Spring Romance Bouquet
Romance buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in an elegant hurricane vase, it's a heartfelt gesture she'll remember through all seasons. Includes pink tulips, white alstroemeria and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I'm Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Teleflora's Vivid Love Bouquet
Rich and radiant, this vivid mix of jewel-toned blooms is wrapped with leaves for modern style, but its message of love is timeless. Maroon carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums, and lavender seafoam statice are accented with seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, pitta negra, huckleberry, and variegated aspidistra leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder Vase.
Red and White Delight by Teleflora
Make her day! Send your special someone this charming bouquet arranged in a ruby red glass cube. It's a gift that will surely delight! Includes miniature red carnations and white daisy chrysanthemums, accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they' re the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses
Sing them a love song - with flowers. This lush, loving rose arrangement tells them just how much you care. The stylish bouquet features large red and pink roses accented with smaller spray roses in shades of red and pinks. Delicate green oregonia and pittosporum add a fresh contrast, and all comes arranged and delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's True Romance Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on a new romance - or a lifelong love affair - with this classic composition. It features one dozen of our finest red roses arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase. This romantic bouquet includes twelve red roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum, all delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, a metalized ceramic vase with a light pink tone.
Teleflora's Morning Melody
Shades of purple are in perfect harmony in this profoundly pretty arrangement. A lovely mix of classic and modern, ribbons and roses, it's sure to make someone's day! Lavender roses and waxflower, purple limonium and greens are hand-delivered in a lavender cube that's all wrapped up with a vibrant purple taffeta ribbon.
Teleflora's Garden Romance
Hello, gorgeous! This lovely bouquet includes purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses and white asiatic lilies arranged in our vibrant violet glass cube. Purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria and lavender sinuata statice are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
Arrive in Style
This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish vase. Style to spare!
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Beautiful in Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we' re commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
New Baby Flowers
There's no better way to greet a new born baby into the world than with flowers! Surprise a new baby girl or baby boy with a cheery bouquet from dillio's cafe, flowers & gifts. We can deliver your wonderful new baby gift of flowers to prattsburgh, NY.
Teleflora's Lucky Ducky Bouquet
A new baby has joined the flock! Congratulate the lucky parents with this delightfully ducky gift of radiant roses and mums in a sweet ceramic duck keepsake with a matching sailor's cap. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow spray roses, white button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, light blue delphinium, spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Just Ducky container.
Blush Life Bouquet
Go ahead, make them blush! This luxurious bouquet of roses, lilies and hydrangea in fresh shades of pink, peach and green is sure to put some cheerful color in their cheeks! The delicate ribbons dress up the graceful keepsake vase. This sweet arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, peach asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, seeded eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Telelfora's Sweet Little Ducky Bouquet
A new baby has joined the flock! Congratulate the lucky parents with this delightfully ducky gift of soft pink roses and white daisies in a sweet ceramic duck keepsake, complete with matching pink sailor's cap. White daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink spray roses, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are accented with pink waxflower and pitta negra. Delivered in a Just Ducky container.
Teleflora's Welcome Little One Bouquet
Welcome the new addition with a charming glass baby block keepsake, bursting with a sweet bouquet of roses, mums and delphinium. White roses, white alstroemeria, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, and blue delphinium are arranged with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Baby Block.
Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. This feminine bouquet includes light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, pink larkspur, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, israeli ruscus, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a white square vase.
Teleflora's Bundle of Joy Bouquet
Welcome the new addition with a charming glass baby block keepsake, bursting with a sweet pink bouquet of roses, mums and delphinium. Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, and pink larkspur are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an adorable Baby Block.
Teleflora's Thrilled for You Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with this glorious gift! Luxurious lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and purple stock are artfully arranged in a golden cube with modern cutout motif. The keepsake cube becomes a stunning candleholder when you remove the pretty purple liner and "celebrate" pick! Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Endless Lovelies Bouquet
Arranged in a vintage-inspired mercury glass hurricane, this gorgeous array of soft peach roses and delicate white lisianthus has a timeless appeal anyone will adore. Later, add a votive to the hurricane for a sparkling glow. This lovely arrangement includes peach roses, peach carnations, white lisianthus, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, bupleurum, dusty miller, and huckleberry. Delivered in a Silver Mercury Glass Hurricane.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Welcome Beautiful Bouquet
Give your welcome some wheels! A childhood classic, this cute red wagon is a whimsical way to send the new family a bright pink bouquet of roses, alstroemeria, and carnations. This beautiful bouquet includes pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, miniature hot pink carnations, pink larkspur, bupleurum, huckleberry, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Baby's First Wagon.
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Pink asiatic lilies, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Sweet Little Wagon Bouquet
Give your welcome some wheels! A childhood classic, this cute red wagon is a whimsical way to send the new family a bright blue and yellow bouquet of roses and alstroemeria. Yellow spray roses, white alstroemeria, miniature yellow carnations, and blue delphinium are arranged with bupleurum, sword fern, huckleberry and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Baby's First Wagon.
Teleflora's Hello Sweet Baby - Pink
Welcome her with open arms, and ears! This sweet ceramic elephant is polka-dotted to perfection and arranged with an elegant array of pink blooms. This adorable gift features pink roses, white spray roses, pink stock, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Hello Baby Elephant.
Teleflora's Daisies and Sunbeams
The song says, "The sun'll come out tomorrow," but why not today? Whatever the weather, this sunny bouquet of yellow, peach and white flowers will brighten any day instantly. Perfect for a birthday, thank you or just because. This sunny bouquet includes peach roses, yellow spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and solidago accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Teleflora's Hello Sweet Baby - Blue
A beautiful boy deserves beautiful blooms! Celebrate his special arrival with this perky, polka-dotted elephant vase, delivered with a gorgeous fresh flower bouquet. This adorable gift features white roses, yellow carnations, light blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Hello Baby Elephant.
Teleflora's Sweet Peep Bouquet - Baby Pink
Celebrate a special arrival with this egg-cellent gift! Cheery white daisies, pink alstroemeria and gorgeous yellow roses will delight the new parents, especially when presented in this darling keepsake ceramic vase. This cheerful bouquet includes lush yellow roses, light pink alstroemeria, miniature light yellow carnations, white stock, white daisy spray chrystanthemums, variegated pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Happy Chick vase.
My Little Chickadee by Teleflora
This little chickadee takes cuteness to a whole new level. Perfect for baby showers as well as celebrating the arrival of a newborn. Adorable on delivery, the cheerful vase will continue to delight as a cherished holder for any number of baby things (and trust us, there are lots of things!) in a nursery. Delightful yellow spray roses, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and bright green button spray chrysanthemums fill a brilliant ceramic vase. Another star is born!
Teleflora's Sweet Peep Bouquet - Baby Blue
A little one has arrived! Welcome them home with a lush bouquet of yellow roses and blue delphinium, beautifully arranged in this adorably cheerful chicky vase. The new parents will love to display the sweet ceramic keepsake in the nursery! Surprise them with this bouquet of stunning yellow roses, white alstroemeria, miniature light yellow carnations, light blue delphinium, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pitta negra and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Happy Chick keepsake.
Baby's First Block by Teleflora - Pink
Celebrate the cutest baby girl on the block's arrival with this charming glass baby block that arrives chock full of pretty flowers. Perfect for baby showers, too! The glass block will make an adorable display piece for years! Pretty light pink and white spray roses, waxflower and pink satin ribbon are delivered in a clear baby block with a pink liner. One amazing delivery deserves another, don't you think?
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Baby's First Block by Teleflora - Blue
Celebrate the coolest baby boy on the block's arrival with this charming glass baby block that arrives chock full of pretty flowers. Perfect for baby showers, too! The glass block will make an adorable display piece for years! Dazzling white spray roses, light blue delphinium, white waxflower and light blue organza ribbon are delivered in a clear baby block with a light blue liner. One great delivery deserves another, don't you think?
Baby's Wow Wagon by Teleflora - Boy
Talk about the perfect welcome wagon! Available for boys and girls, this darling keepsake will be cherished for years. Bright, cheerful and ready to "roll" right into the nursery. Pretty yellow spray roses, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters, white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, white button spray chrysanthemums and solidago are lovingly arranged in a wagon. The wow factor is now officially off the charts!
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Baby's Wow Wagon by Teleflora - Girl
Talk about the perfect welcome wagon! Available for boys and girls, this darling keepsake will be cherished for years. Bright, cheerful and ready to "roll" right into the nursery. Pretty yellow spray roses, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters, white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, white button spray chrysanthemums and solidago are lovingly arranged in a wagon - the wow factor is now officially off the charts!
Teleflora's Sweet Little Lamb - Baby Pink
This little lamb can't wait to deliver your best wishes to the happy new family! Crafted of wood and covered in soft plush, it's a sweet decorative display piece for the baby's nursery that also delivers a dreamy bouquet of roses and alstroemeria to the new parents. Celebrate a new arrival with this arrangement of white roses, light pink spray roses, white alstroemeria, small white monte cassino asters and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sweet Little Lamb keepsake.
She's Lovely
Thank heaven for little girls! And for adorable arrangements like this one! Perfect for new moms, new babies and girly-girls of all ages, this sweet basket of pink petals is sure to get a warm welcome! Pretty pink hydrangea, roses and spray roses along with Queen Anne's lace are delivered in a charming white basket that's all wrapped up with a pink bow. Say hello to beauty, cutie!
Teleflora's Sweet Little Lamb - Baby Blue
This little lamb can't wait to deliver your best wishes to the happy new family! Crafted of wood and covered in soft plush, it's a sweet decorative display piece for the baby's nursery that also delivers a dreamy bouquet of gerbera daisies and stock to the new parents. Celebrate a new arrival with this arrangement of white gerbera daisies, stock, button spray chrysanthemums and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sweet Little Lamb keepsake.
Teleflora's Ducky Delight - Girl
This adorable arrangement takes to baby showers and baby arrivals like a duck takes to water! Available in boy and girl versions, this charming arrangement in its cute and reusable keepsake container is, well just ducky! Sunny yellow spray roses, yellow button spray chrysanthemums and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are perfectly arranged with a light blue ribbon in an exclusive Just Ducky container. Hand- not stork-delivered! It's delightful.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Ducky Delight - Boy
This adorable arrangement takes to baby showers and baby arrivals like a duck takes to water! Available in boy and girl versions, this charming arrangement in its cute and reusable keepsake container is, well just ducky! Sunny yellow spray roses, yellow button spray chrysanthemums and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are perfectly arranged with light blue or pink ribbon in an exclusive Just Ducky container. Hand- not stork-delivered! It's delightful.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we' re commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we' re commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Delightful Dots Bouquet
Looking to delight someone special this spring? Connect the dots with this cute, colorful gift of sunshiny lilies and pretty pink roses! Presented in a sweet ceramic cube vase with a charming hand-thrown look, it's the perfect Easter décor piece. This delightful mix includes dark pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and huckleberry. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Teleflora's Happy Dots Bouquet
Dots what friends are for! Brighten a friend or loved one's spring day with this delightfully dotty gift. Filled with a happy mix of pink, green, purple and yellow blooms, this charming ceramic vase has a fun hand-thrown look and a playful spirit that makes everyone smile! This happy arrangement includes hot pink roses, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, variegated pittosporum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Teleflora's Painted Blossoms Bouquet
Mom is so special, she deserves two bouquets! Shower her in blossoms with this bright, joyful arrangement of orange roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations. Carefully arranged in a keepsake ceramic cube, decorated with its own painterly blooms, it's a Mother's Day surprise she'll always remember. Orange spray roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations are arranged with leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Teleflora's Brushed with Blossoms Bouquet
Glorious pink lilies and radiant peach roses send Mom your most heartfelt wishes for a happy Mother's Day! Presented in a keepsake ceramic cube, adorned with painterly blooms, it's two gifts in one for twice the fun. Beautiful peach spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria and pink miniature carnations are arranged with bupleurum and huckleberry. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
Teleflora's Purple Medley Bouquet with Roses
Impress someone special without depressing your budget. Send lush pink and lavender flowers in a classic purple ginger jar. The exquisite bouquet includes hot pink roses, light pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a deep purple ginger jar.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they' re the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Elegant Beauty
Take their breath away with a spectacular array of pink roses and lilies in a classic ginger jar in deep royal purple. Truly a stunning gift, but without a stunning price tag. The opulent bouquet includes pink roses, light pink spray roses, light pink oriental lilies, purple alstroemeria and fuchsia carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a deep purple ginger jar.
Happy Hydrangea - Pink
Big, beautiful blossoms of pretty petals make the pink hydrangea a popular gift. Always appreciated, this versatile selection is perfect for a birthday, housewarming, thank-you whatever. Beautiful to look at and easy to grow, no wonder it's America's darling. A lovely pink hydrangea is delivered in a fresh white ceramic pot. Simply charming!
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
Happy Hydrangea - Blue
A timeless classic, the blue hydrangea is the perfect way to say "Happy Anything!" Plus, men love the blue hydrangea just as much as women. So go ahead and plant one on someone who deserves some special treatment. A brilliant blue hydrangea plant is delivered in the perfect white ceramic container. Easy breezy.
Blossoms in Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet is a singular sensation!
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
New Sensations
Upscale and uptown. This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a leaf-lined cylinder vase, it's truly a floral fantasy. Green and pink hydrangeas, green cymbidium orchids, hot pink and lavender roses, tulips and more are beautifully arranged in a large clear glass cylinder vase.
Beautiful in Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Blue Horizons
As open and bright as a winter's sky, this exquisite mix of white and blue blossoms would make a stunning birthday gift, or a superb Hanukah present for a favorite friend or family member. An eye-catching selection. White Asiatic lilies, white spray roses and dark blue iris - accented with greenery - are delivered in a glass vase.
Teleflora's Pink Daisy Delight
Do you know someone who is feeling under the weather? Chase away the clouds and bring on the sunshine with white daisies and pink roses in a classic fuchsia ginger jar. They'll love the gift and you'lll love the sunny price. The charming bouquet includes pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a fuchsia ginger jar vase. .
Blush Rush Bouquet
Luxe lilies in a beautifully blushing shade of pink are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! This pretty bouquet features hot pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, pink matsumoto asters, seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, dusty miller, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Serenity Vase.
Teleflora's Blissfully Yours Bouquet
Spread the love! It's true bliss receiving a gift as lovely as this: gorgeous red roses and delicate pink alstroemeria, lovingly arranged in a keepsake Ginger jar. All tied up with a pretty pink bow, it's a surprise she'll adore now and forever! Lush red roses, pink alstroemeria, red carnations, miniature red carnations, miniature pink carnations and pink waxflower are arranged with pitta negra and lemon leaf. Delivered in a red Ginger jar vase.
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
Sweet Moments
Know someone who needs a lift? Brighten their day by sending this lovely bouquet of fresh flowers that has sweetness woven right in. Gorgeous white roses, purple alstroemeria, lavender waxflower and eucalyptus are perfectly arranged in a white basket. Perfectly sweet!
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet
Cool and contemporary yet also sweet and warm, this delightful bouquet of floral favorites in a silver cube vase makes an enchanting gift. She'll love this sunny gift - and you'll love the sunny price tag. The cheerful bouquet includes white hydrangea, yellow roses, crème roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a contemporary glass cube with a mirrored silver finish.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. Let's hear it for yellow spray roses and cheerful yellow and white daisy spray chrysanthemums plus solidago delivered in an exclusive keepsake vase.
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Washed in Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Pour on the glam with this luxurious lavender cube! With its shimmering metallic finish and soothing wave detail, it's the perfect complement to a magnificent Mother's Day bouquet of light pink carnations and rich, jewel-toned mums. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Butterfly Hideaway Plant Garden
This living bouquet will make mom's day! Gorgeous green and pink plants look perfect in this ceramic planter with rope handle and sweet butterfly design. This arrangement of plants includes dieffenbachia camille, compacta dracaena, pink hypoestes, and pink kalanchoe, accented with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Premiumregale Her with This Royalty-Worthy Gift of Roses and Lilies! Mom Will Love the Lush, Fragran$69.99
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Bubbling Over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Sympathy & Funeral
When you order funeral flowers from Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts, our skilled and compassionate florist will work directly with the funeral home to ensure that your delivery is timely and accurate. Same-day delivery is often available, please call (607) 522-3050 for a more customized experience.
For the Service
Photo & Urn Tributes
Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection
This radiant red rose collection includes six hand-arranged sympathy pieces, an elegant tribute to your greatest love. Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Greatest Love Casket Spray, Deep In Our Hearts Spray, Majestic Heart, Rose Tribute Bouquet DX, Forever Our Angel DX and Forever Beloved DX.
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection
Soft and serene, this glorious collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces celebrate your beautiful memories with the feminine grace of peaceful pink blooms. Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Beautiful Memories Casket Spray, Divine Serenity Casket Insert, Glorious Farewell Spray, Rose Garden Heart, Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection
This glorious collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features pure white roses and lilies for a beautiful sense of peace and tranquility. Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Grandest Glory Casket Spray, Heartfelt Sympathy Spray, Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet, Dreams From The Heart Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection
A tender tribute to your beloved, this lovely lavender collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features a variety of beautiful blooms to brighten any life celebration. Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Lavender Tribute Casket Spray, Lavender Reflections Spray, Deepest Faith Cross, Gracious Lavender Basket DX, Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet DX, Magnificent Mauves Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection
Proud and patriotic, this collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces honors a life of distinguished service with beautiful arrangements of red, white and blue blooms. Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection includes the following seven sympathy set pieces: Distinguished Service Casket Spray, Loving Legacy Casket Insert, Sacred Duty Spray, Reflections Of Glory Wreath, With Distinction Bouquet DX, Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colorful Tribute Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection
Celebrate the beautiful colors of your beloved memories with this rainbow-inspired collection, featuring six hand-made sympathy pieces that are both radiant and reverent. Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Colorful Reflections Casket Spray, Love Lives On Spray, Colorful Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet DX, Loving Farewell Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colors Of The Rainbow Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection
Calming white blooms and unique, sculptural greens give this collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces a tranquil, zen-like feel that's perfect for the service. Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute, Forever At Peace Spray, Garden Cross, Teleflora's Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet DX, Garden Wreath Photo Tribute DX, Botanical Beauty Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection
Inspired by beautiful blue skies, this collection of four hand-made sympathy pieces brings a sense of peace and light to the service. Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection includes the following four sympathy set pieces: Tender Remembrance Casket Spray, Pure Heart, Treasured And Beloved Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Skies Of Remembrance Bouquet DX.
In Memoriam Wreath
Devotion is expressed and beautiful memories cherished with this deep-hued and softly elegant wreath. A lovely reminder of your affection and respect. A mix of dramatic flowers such as purple orchids and asters, orange, dark pink and lavender roses, pink and peach carnations, lavender larkspur, green chrysanthemums, and a range of pink blooms including oriental lilies, gerberas, snapdragons and more. Please note: Arrangement does not include picture frame.
Forever in Our Hearts Cremation Tribute
Elegant red roses and delicate greenery are a breathtaking way to display and honor the cremation urn. Red roses are arranged with myrtle, green ivy, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn.
Sacred Solace Cremation Tribute
Surround the cremation urn with gorgeous, graceful pink blooms that show deep gratitude for a beautiful life. This pretty arrangement includes miniature green hydrangea, pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink gladioli, pink carnations, green carnations, bupleurum, green ivy, myrtle, ming fern, and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn.
Stately Lilies
A calming portrait in ivory. Majestic calla lilies and stately white roses are framed by the lush leaves of aspidistra and calathea. Soft green sword fern adds to the soothing tones. Large white calla lilies pair with white roses and lush greens that include soft, airy sword fern and glossy aspidistra. Please note: Arrangement does not include urn.
Reflections of Honor Cremation Tribute
Proud and patriotic, this boldly designed red, white and blue bouquet displays the cremation urn with honor. This patriotic tribute includes blue hydrangea, white dendrobium orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, red carnations, blue delphinium, white snapdragons, dusty miller, myrtle, huckleberry, variegated ivy, curly willow, aralia leaves, parvifolia eucalyptus, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn.
With All Our Hearts Cremation Tribute
Like a radiant rainbow on a gray day, this colorful bouquet of hydrangea, roses, and sunflowers brings a bright light of hope to the cremation urn and celebration of life. This colorful arrangement includes green hydrangea, yellow roses, hot pink spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow sunflowers, bells of Ireland, blue delphinium, orange snapdragons, purple stock, curly willow, cedar stem, sword fern, aralia leaf, and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn.
Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute
This elegant, Eastern-inspired arrangement of hydrangea and orchids surrounds the cremation urn with a natural peace and tranquility. This unique arrangement features miniature green hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, green orchids, green carnations, green trick dianthus, bells of Ireland, white disbud chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, green hypericum, equisetum, sword fern, aspidistra leaves, spiral eucalyptus, monstera leaf, and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn.
Loving Farewell Photo Tribute Bouquet
An awe-inspiring accent for your beloved photos at the service, this lush rose, lily and delphinium bouquet reflects a colorful life full of radiant memories. Green roses, orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, blue delphinium, orange snapdragons, hot pink matsumoto asters, and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are accented with curly willow, myrtle, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include picture frame.
Always with Us Photo Tribute Bouquet
Honor the memory of an always-beloved with this beautiful display bouquet. Designed to surround a favorite photo, its patriotic mix of blue hydrangea with red and white roses is a respectful tribute. This bouquet features blue hydrangea, red roses, red spray roses, white spray roses, white carnations, blue delphinium, white snapdragons, blue eryngium, dusty miller, curly willow, spiral eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, aralia leaf and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include picture frame.
Forever Beloved
Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment. All will be dignified beautifully with this loving gift of roses in a classic urn. 16 red roses are arranged with beautiful eucalyptus and a lovely ming vase. Say it with flowers, when no words will speak the feelings in your heart.
Adoring Heart
Share your heartfelt feelings on the loss of someone special with this feminine arrangement of pink roses, lilies and gladioli. It's a rich reminder of your love at the memorial service. This feminine arrangement features hot pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink gladioli, hot pink carnations, pink larkspur, red ti leaves, Italian ruscus and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn.
Bed of Pink Roses
A loving embrace. A beautiful gesture. A respectful tribute. A wealth of pink roses create a soft, serene and dignified way to cherish and honor the departed. An awesome display of pink roses are lovingly arranged with ivy and other gentle greens to display the urn.Please note: Arrangement does not include urn.
Garden Wreath
An exquisite round wreath with blooms inspired by the lasting impressions a loved one makes on our lives. Surround a treasured photograph, poem or other dear memento with sweet, green carnations, white and green chrysanthemums and the special beauty of green cymbidium orchids. This luxurious wreath includes flowers such as carnations, chrysanthemums, silky green cymbidium orchid blossoms and variegated greenery. Please note: Arrangement does not include picture frame.
Meadows of Memories
Soft lavender and green blooms to surround the urn, like a peaceful, contemplative garden. A subdued assortment of flowers such as lavender larkspur, roses and asters are grouped beautifully with the rich greens of cymbidium orchids, chrysanthemums, English boxwood and sword fern.Please note: Arrangement does not include urn.
Shades of Faith
A rainbow of reverence. This uplifting arrangement of lilies, roses and snapdragons is a beautiful reflection of a colorful life well lived. Pink stargazer lilies, lavender roses and yellow snapdragons are arranged with peach gerberas, hot pink carnations, lavender stock, bells of Ireland, purple larkspur, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Arrangement does not include urn.
Sunset Wreath
A rich and subtly hued garden expresses sympathy most thoughtfully, in a gentle oval arrangement that honors and embraces a cherished memory. Orange roses blend with other beautiful flowers such as stems of cymbidium orchids, gladioli, chrysanthemums, hypericum and other delicate greens.Please note: Arrangement does not include urn.
Mosaic of Memories Square Easel Wreath
A unique and lovely tribute for the service, this contemporary square easel wreath of purple and green flowers is a gift of caring expressed with beauty and style. The elegant arrangement includes purple alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender button spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums and purple button spray chrysanthemums, accented with assorted greenery.
Casket Sprays
Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection
This radiant red rose collection includes six hand-arranged sympathy pieces, an elegant tribute to your greatest love. Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Greatest Love Casket Spray, Deep In Our Hearts Spray, Majestic Heart, Rose Tribute Bouquet DX, Forever Our Angel DX and Forever Beloved DX.
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection
Soft and serene, this glorious collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces celebrate your beautiful memories with the feminine grace of peaceful pink blooms. Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Beautiful Memories Casket Spray, Divine Serenity Casket Insert, Glorious Farewell Spray, Rose Garden Heart, Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection
This glorious collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features pure white roses and lilies for a beautiful sense of peace and tranquility. Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Grandest Glory Casket Spray, Heartfelt Sympathy Spray, Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet, Dreams From The Heart Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection
A tender tribute to your beloved, this lovely lavender collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features a variety of beautiful blooms to brighten any life celebration. Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Lavender Tribute Casket Spray, Lavender Reflections Spray, Deepest Faith Cross, Gracious Lavender Basket DX, Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet DX, Magnificent Mauves Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection
Proud and patriotic, this collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces honors a life of distinguished service with beautiful arrangements of red, white and blue blooms. Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection includes the following seven sympathy set pieces: Distinguished Service Casket Spray, Loving Legacy Casket Insert, Sacred Duty Spray, Reflections Of Glory Wreath, With Distinction Bouquet DX, Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colorful Tribute Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection
Celebrate the beautiful colors of your beloved memories with this rainbow-inspired collection, featuring six hand-made sympathy pieces that are both radiant and reverent. Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Colorful Reflections Casket Spray, Love Lives On Spray, Colorful Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet DX, Loving Farewell Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colors Of The Rainbow Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection
Calming white blooms and unique, sculptural greens give this collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces a tranquil, zen-like feel that's perfect for the service. Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute, Forever At Peace Spray, Garden Cross, Teleflora's Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet DX, Garden Wreath Photo Tribute DX, Botanical Beauty Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection
Inspired by beautiful blue skies, this collection of four hand-made sympathy pieces brings a sense of peace and light to the service. Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection includes the following four sympathy set pieces: Tender Remembrance Casket Spray, Pure Heart, Treasured And Beloved Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Skies Of Remembrance Bouquet DX.
Tender Remembrance Casket Spray
As soft and delicate as a tender remembrance, this stunning spray of sky blue hydrangea and pure white roses brings a fresh, natural beauty to the casket. This stunning spray includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, white alstroemeria, white lisianthus, blue delphinium, white larkspur, white stock, white waxflower, dusty miller, huckleberry, asparagus plumosus, pitta negra, lily grass, dagger fern, and lemon leaf.
Greatest Love Casket Spray
A loving embrace of rich, regal roses in an all-red spray to adorn the casket. A full spray of crimson roses, alternating large with slightly smaller.
Divine Serenity Casket Insert
A heartfelt tribute to your love, this sweet pink rose heart is adorned with delicate white orchids for an uplifting casket arrangement. White dendrobium orchids and pink spray roses are accented with dusty miller and light pink ribbon.
Beautiful Memories Casket Spray
Like your beautiful memories, this dramatic spray of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies will take your breath away. A fresh, feminine symbol of hope for the service. This dramatic spray features pink hydrangea, pink roses, pink spray roses, pink stargazer lilies, pink carnations, pink larkspur, pink snapdragons, pink stock, green ivy, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf.
Grandest Glory Casket Spray
As serene as gently falling snow, this pure white spray of hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies is a heartfelt symbol of peace and beauty--a symbol that will remain a guiding light to your loved ones for years to come. This stunning spray features white hydrangea, white cymbidium orchids, white dendrobium orchids, white roses, white spray roses, white oriental lilies, curly willow, green ivy, parvifolia eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf.
Gracious Lavender Basket
Soothing lavender, respectful purple and compassionate pinks are combined beautifully in this basket overflowing with pretty flowers, sincerity and sympathy. A lovely way to share your thoughts and pay tribute to someone special. A profusion of purple, pink and lavender blooms such as roses, carnations, larkspur, matsumoto and monte cassino asters and much more are delivered in a round wicker basket.
Distinguished Service Casket Spray
A beautifully patriotic way to pay tribute to a loved one. This half-couch spray sends an eloquent message of strength, respect and freedom. Brilliant flowers such as blue hydrangea, red roses, white oriental lilies and much more create this dignified way to honor the deceased.
Loving Legacy Casket Insert
Celebrate the honorable legacy of your loved one with this patriotic display of blue hydrangea and white and red roses. Blue hydrangea, red roses, red spray roses, white spray roses, white button spray chrysanthemums, and white waxflower are accented with galax leaf.
Colorful Reflections Casket Spray
Full of light and love, this colorful casket spray celebrates a bright life with the natural beauty of hydrangea, roses, lilies and sunflowers. Green hydrangea, orange roses, yellow spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, red gladioli, large yellow sunflowers, blue delphinium, orange snapdragons, light yellow stock, purple matsumoto asters, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are accented with green trick dianthus, blue eryngium, bupleurum, dusty miller, huckleberry, sword fern, lemon leaf.
Garden of Sweet Memories Casket Spray
Bring a gentle radiance to the memorial service with this lovely multicolored casket spray of roses, lilies and other favorites. A beautiful way to honor the departed. The elegant arrangement includes purple hydrangea, hot pink roses, peach spray roses, pink stargazer lilies, peach miniature gerberas, green gladioli, pink carnations, yellow snapdragons, lavender stock and solidago, accented with assorted greenery.
A Devoted Heart Casket Insert
Such a simple tribute, this lovely casket bouquet of white roses enclosed in a heart of red carnations is a profoundly moving symbol of never-ending love. The sweet bouquet includes white spray roses surrounded by red miniature carnations formed in the shape of a heart.
A Fond Farewell Casket Spray
An overflowing of love and respect is joyfully expressed in this truly magnificent casket spray of orange roses and lilies and other brilliant blooms. The magnificent arrangement includes green miniature hydrangea, orange roses, dark orange asiatic lilies, red gerberas, red gladioli, green carnations and bells of Ireland, accented with assorted greenery.
A Life Loved Casket Spray
As a tribute to a special person who has passed, this magnificent cascade of pink floral favorites is a radiant testament of profound and lasting love. The sumptuous bouquet includes dark pink alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, pink carnations and miniature light pink carnations accented with huckleberry and eucalyptus.
Adoration Casket Spray
This classic half-couch spray of brilliant red carnations makes a striking and dignified statement. Radiant red carnations and miniature carnations accented by fresh greenery arrive in a lovely spray.
Always Adored Casket Spray
A beautiful spray of soft pink, white and crème blooms ease the burden of loss. Pink hydrangea, larkspur and roses mingle with white roses, stock and waxflower. Ivy, fern and fragrant eucalyptus act as green accents in this spray that rests atop the casket.
Bountiful Memories Casket Spray
A casket spray made of all white flowers and simple greenery is a simply stunning way to honor the deceased while bringing a quiet strength and serenity to those present. Gorgeous white oriental lilies, gladioli, carnations and more create a beautiful crescent shaped casket spray.
Dearest One Casket Insert
A stunning bouquet featuring lavender roses and a green orchid placed inside the casket is a tender and very personal tribute. The radiant arrangement includes one green cymbidium orchid, lavender roses, purple alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums and green hypericum, accented with assorted greenery.
Divine Grace 50-bead Rosary
For the Catholic service, this exquiste 50-bead rosary graced with red roses placed on the casket lid is a beautifully spiritual tribute to a departed loved one The 50-bead rosary is decorated with red spray roses.
Enduring Light Casket Spray
The purity of this all-white casket spray creates an aura of serenity and peace - a beautifully memorable final farewell to a lost loved one. The elegant arrangement includes white alstroemeria, white snapdragons, white chrysanthemums, white spider chrysanthemums and million star gypsophila, accented with assorted greenery.
Garden of Grandeur Casket Spray
A traditional tribute that communicates deep love and eternal commitment. This dramatic red and white casket spray is ideal for a full couch or closed casket, mixing dozens of deep red roses with the pure white beauty of gladioli and stock. Red roses, spray roses and carnations along with graceful white gladioli and stock are arranged beautifully with ivy and salal.
Glorious Memories Garland
Create a beautiful resting place with this magnificent garland of roses and other floral favorites artistically placed at the base of the casket lid. The exquisite arrangement includes hot pink spray roses, peach spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple button spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chyrsanthemums, orange snapdragon, lavender stock and purple sinuata statice, accented with assorted greenery.
Golden Garden Casket Spray
In our darkest hours, a radiant display of sunshine is sure to warm hearts, especially when the sunshine is delivered in such a beautiful way. This spray offers an abundance of brilliant yellow blossoms. Sunny yellow roses, spray roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, snapdragons and more are arranged in a dazzling full casket spray.
Graceful Grandeur Casket Spray
Joyous times and golden memories are recalled with this lovely half-couch casket spray that consoles the bereaved with a sunny array of beautiful blooms. A bevy of yellow blossoms such as roses, gladioli, chrysanthemums and more are perfectly arranged in this lovely casket spray.
Island Memories Casket Spray
Graceful and fresh, this tropical-influenced spray sheds light on memories that will be forever treasured. Splashed with color and grounded with earth tones, it lends comfort and hope to any memorial. Yellow asiatic lilies with orange orchids and roses, red gladioli, pink protea and yellow chrysanthemums are draped across the casket amidst radiating ferns, greens and leaves.
Island Sunset Casket Insert
Featuring stunning roses, lilies and alstroemeria, this sunset-inspired arrangement is a bright, heart-warming tribute to the special person who lit up everyone's lives. This beautiful arrangement includes light orange roses, light orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, bells of Ireland and huckleberry.
Lavender Tribute Casket Spray
Like a heartfelt embrace, this beautiful casket spray delivers comfort and love in an extraordinary way. A wonderful array of lavender and pink flowers with just the right amount of greenery is a lovely way to pay tribute to someone who will always be with you in heart, mind and spirit. Lovely lavender and pink roses, snapdragons, alstroemeria, chrysanthemums, fern, eucalyptus and more create this tribute that is overflowing with grace and love.
Moonlit Walk
This serenely beautiful arrangement of white orchids, white roses and other popular white flowers is a fitting and very personal tribute when placed inside the casket. The magnificent bouquet includes white dendrobium orchids, white roses, white spray roses, a white carnation and white larkspur, accented with assorted greenery.
Pure Faith Pillow
Amid the floral sprays at the service, this lovely array of white roses and lilies framed by fresh greenery inside the casket will stand out as a beautifully personal tribute. The beautiful bouquet includes white spray roses and white asiatic lilies, framed by fresh salal.
Purity and Peace Casket Spray
A stunning yet respectful testament in white, this spray for the casket includes roses, orchids, calla lilies and hydrangea accented by soft, trailing greens. White roses, orchids, large calla lilies and perfect stems of hydrangea. Approximately 47" W x 17" H.
Red Rose Reverence Casket Spray
Red roses tell a story of love, beauty, and strength. This all-red spray graces the casket with accents of trailing ivy. A lush arrangement of deep red roses and carnations, accented with gorgeous green ivy.
Red Rose Sanctuary Casket Spray
A gorgeous mix of dazzling red flowers will make a grand, yet graceful impression. Beautiful red roses, spray roses, gerberas, gladioli and carnations along with vibrant green bells of Ireland create a sincere tribute.
Reflections of Gratitude Casket Spray
Devotion is beautifully expressed with lavender roses, purple alstroemeria and other favorites artistically arranged and placed on top of the casket. The lush arrangement includes green miniature hydrangea, lavender roses, purple alstroemeria, green gladioli, green trick dianthus, purple carnations, lavender stock and green hypericum, accented with assorted greenery.
Rose Impression
An elegant all-red rose bouquet hand-tied with satin ribbon. Heartfelt in its simplicity, it is perfectly paired with soft-green sword fern. Classic red roses hand-tied with generous yards of satin ribbon.
Rose Reflection Casket Insert
A beautiful gesture, this lovely array of pink spray roses and pink carnations inside the casket inspires a feeling of closeness with the lost loved one. The delicate bouquet includes hot pink spray roses and light pink miniature carnations tied with pink satin ribbon, accented with green ivy.
Silken Serenity Casket Spray
Gracious, innocent and elegant. This beautiful half casket spray is a lovely way to pay tribute to someone who will always remain in your heart. Crème roses, white gladioli, stock and carnations are lovingly arranged with graceful ferns and more in this understated yet stunning arrangement.
Strength and Wisdom Casket Spray
This beautiful red and white spray will deliver strength and the wisdom to know that there will be brighter days ahead. Dazzling red roses and gerberas, brilliant white chrysanthemums and larkspur are arranged with gentle greens to create a strong yet soothing arrangement.
Warmest Remembrance Casket Spray
This tastefully colorful casket spray is not only a tribute to a lost loved one, but a reminder of the many joyous times spent together. The beautiful bouquet includes peach roses, light pink spray roses, coral spray roses, light orange gerberas, light orange carnations, light yellow stock and peach hypericum, accented with satin ribbon and assorted greenery.
With Affection Nosegay
Pay tribute to a truly special soul with this delicate arrangement of soft peach roses and yellow spray roses. Accented with ribbons and fresh green pitta negra, it's an affectionate touch. Gorgeous peach roses are arranged with light yellow spray roses, pink alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, miniature peach carnations, pitta negra and variegated ivy.
Standing Sprays & Wreaths
Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection
This radiant red rose collection includes six hand-arranged sympathy pieces, an elegant tribute to your greatest love. Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Greatest Love Casket Spray, Deep In Our Hearts Spray, Majestic Heart, Rose Tribute Bouquet DX, Forever Our Angel DX and Forever Beloved DX.
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection
Soft and serene, this glorious collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces celebrate your beautiful memories with the feminine grace of peaceful pink blooms. Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Beautiful Memories Casket Spray, Divine Serenity Casket Insert, Glorious Farewell Spray, Rose Garden Heart, Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection
This glorious collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features pure white roses and lilies for a beautiful sense of peace and tranquility. Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Grandest Glory Casket Spray, Heartfelt Sympathy Spray, Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet, Dreams From The Heart Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection
A tender tribute to your beloved, this lovely lavender collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features a variety of beautiful blooms to brighten any life celebration. Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Lavender Tribute Casket Spray, Lavender Reflections Spray, Deepest Faith Cross, Gracious Lavender Basket DX, Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet DX, Magnificent Mauves Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection
Proud and patriotic, this collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces honors a life of distinguished service with beautiful arrangements of red, white and blue blooms. Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection includes the following seven sympathy set pieces: Distinguished Service Casket Spray, Loving Legacy Casket Insert, Sacred Duty Spray, Reflections Of Glory Wreath, With Distinction Bouquet DX, Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colorful Tribute Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection
Celebrate the beautiful colors of your beloved memories with this rainbow-inspired collection, featuring six hand-made sympathy pieces that are both radiant and reverent. Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Colorful Reflections Casket Spray, Love Lives On Spray, Colorful Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet DX, Loving Farewell Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colors Of The Rainbow Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection
Calming white blooms and unique, sculptural greens give this collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces a tranquil, zen-like feel that's perfect for the service. Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute, Forever At Peace Spray, Garden Cross, Teleflora's Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet DX, Garden Wreath Photo Tribute DX, Botanical Beauty Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection
Inspired by beautiful blue skies, this collection of four hand-made sympathy pieces brings a sense of peace and light to the service. Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection includes the following four sympathy set pieces: Tender Remembrance Casket Spray, Pure Heart, Treasured And Beloved Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Skies Of Remembrance Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Eternal Grace Spray
A touching display of devotion, this peaceful spray of white and light blue flowers is accompanied by an elegant crystal cross keepsake that will be cherished for years to come. This serene spray includes blue hydrangea, crème roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, bells of Ireland, blue delphinium, white snapdragons, myrtle, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, spiral eucalyptus, and variegated pittorsporum. Delivered on a wire easel with a Large Crystal Cross Keepsake.
Majestic Heart
Remember a loved one's generous heart with this red arrangement in a classic heart shape, a declaration of eternal love and devotion. Solid red roses matched with deep red carnations are surrounded by variegated greens and fern.
Deep in Our Hearts Spray
This rich, radiant spray of red roses, gladioli and other popular red flowers during a time of loss conveys a message of reassurance and hope in a difficult time. The radiant arrangement includes red roses, red gladioli, red carnations and red miniature carnations, accented with assorted greenery.
Pure Heart
Adorned with trailing ivy, this petite, 16" sweet heart-shaped wreath of sky blue hydrangea and pure white roses is a loving remembrance. This heartfelt arrangement features blue hydrangea, white spray roses, and variegated ivy. Delivered on a wire easel.
Glorious Farewell Spray
This glorious spray of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies is an especially fond, feminine farewell to one deeply loved. This glorious spray includes pink hydrangea, light pink roses, light pink spray roses, pink oriental lilies, pink carnations, miniature light pink carnations, pink larkspur, pink snapdragons, pink stock, huckleberry, sword fern, asparagus plumosus and greenery. Delivered on a wire easel.
Rose Garden Heart
A tender and classic tribute to a precious life. Heartfelt emotions and sympathies find delicate expression here. Lovely flowers such as light pink roses, hydrangea and miniature carnations mix with lavender button spray chrysanthemums.
Heartfelt Sympathy Spray
This beautiful spray includes white hydrangea, white roses, white oriental lilies, white gladioli, white stock, pitta negra, sword fern, curly willow, variegated aspidistra leaves, and lemon leaf. Delivered on a wire easel. This beautiful spray includes white hydrangea, white roses, white oriental lilies, white gladioli, white stock, pitta negra, sword fern, curly willow, variegated aspidistra leaves, and lemon leaf. Delivered on a wire easel.
Serenity Wreath
A ring of fragrant, bright white blossoms will create a serene display at any funeral or wake. This classic wreath is delivered on an easel, and is a thoughtful expression of sympathy and admiration. A standing wreath created from fresh white flowers such as roses, Asiatic lilies, carnations and cushion spray chrysanthemums - accented with greenery - is delivered on an easel.
Love Lives on Spray
Bursting with joy, this radiant spray of rainbow blooms is an exuberant tribute to never-ending love. This spray features hot pink roses, yellow roses, orange spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, green gladioli, green carnations, medium yellow sunflowers, blue delphinium, bupleurum, myrtle, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered on a wire easel.
Colorful Serenity Wreath
A rainbow of love. Celebrate your colorful memories of a beautiful life with this radiant wreath of hydrangea, roses and lilies. This wreath features green hydrangea, hot pink spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, orange carnations, blue delphinium, purple stock, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, variegated pittosporum, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered on a wire easel.
Deepest Faith
Pride, dignity, admiration and faith are on beautiful display in this moving sympathy arrangement. It's a meaningful way to deliver your heartfelt message. Beautiful flowers such as lavender roses, carnations and cushion spray chrysanthemums along with fuchsia and purple carnations and button spray chrysanthemums create a dazzling cross that is full of hope and devotion.
Lavender Reflections Spray
Console and comfort with this luxurious spray of lavender roses, alstroemeria and gladioli. It's a majestic way to remember the departed at the memorial service. This regal spray includes lavender roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender gladioli, lavender stock, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, green ti leaves, flat cedar, oregonia and lemon leaf.
Garden Cross
A spiritual tribute for the religious service, this lovely cross made of green hydrangea, green dianthus and other favorites symbolizes the hope for eternal life. The exquisite arrangement includes green hydrangea, green trick dianthus, variegated pittospourum, accented with Israeli ruscus and other assorted greenery.
Sacred Duty Spray
Standing tall, proud and patriotic, this dazzling free-standing spray is like a fireworks display made of graceful flowers. Uniquely beautiful, it's a lovely way to honor a great loss. A gorgeous selection of flowers such as white lilies and snapdragons, blue delphinium, red carnations and miniature carnations, eucalyptus and more create this all-American spray.
Reflections of Glory Wreath
A stunning display of patriotism, strength and sympathy. This red, white and blue wreath delivers a lovely message about the dignity of the deceased. A lovely array of flowers such as blue hydrangea, red roses and spray roses, delicate blue delphinium, red gladioli, white cushion spray chrysanthemums and more create a circle of serene beauty.
Forever at Peace Spray
A peaceful display of affection and sympathy, this monochromatic spray of gorgeous fresh greens and pure white roses is a vision of tranquility. This tranquil spray of miniature green hydrangea, green roses, green trick dianthus, and bells of Ireland is accented with bupleurum, myrtle, sword fern, variegated aspidistra leaves, aralia leaf, bear grass, and lemon leaf. Delivered with a wire easel.
Elegant Tribute Spray
While beautiful and striking gladioli often symbolize strength and dignity, this dazzling coral display acknowledges a passion for living life to its fullest. A message that will surely be appreciated by anyone mourning a loved one. Beautiful coral gladioli are arranged with pittosporum, salal and red ti leaves to create a spray of flowers that delivers beauty and strength.
Tropical Tribute Spray
Tropical highlights balance with lush earth tones to offer hope and encourage reflection - a vivid spray that expresses deep and generous tribute. A breathtaking assortment of flowers such as yellow asiatic lilies with orange orchids and roses, red gladioli and protea, and yellow chrysanthemums, delivered on an easel.
River Cane Cross
Acknowledging deep devotion, this unique cross is a simply stunning way to honor the deceased, while delivering a message of faith and hope to the mourning. A natural river cane cross is adorned with a brilliant display of flowers and greenery, such as orange mokara orchids, roses and spray roses, green ti leaves, umbrella and sword fern and galax leaves, all in an arrangement that is as exceptional as it is beautiful.
Ringed by Love
The memory of brighter days is always a comfort to those in mourning. This lovely wreath will display your compassion beautifully. A standing wreath of dazzling flowers such as green hydrangea, hot pink spray roses, pink gladioli and carnations along with a mélange of multi-colored daisy spray and cushion spray chrysanthemums and greenery is delivered on an easel.
Infinite Love
This beautiful wreath stands as a testament to the circle of life that must be acknowledged even in our saddest moments. It will surely be appreciated by all in attendance. Dazzling blooms such as pink hydrangea, hot pink roses and carnations, red roses, spray roses and carnations, burgundy dahlias, dark pink Sweet William, lavender daisy and button spray chrysanthemums along with fern and other fresh greens create a beautiful wreath that comes delivered on an easel.
Graceful Wreath
Family and friends will recollect how special their loved one was with this gentle and timeless circle of fragrant blooms to celebrate sweet memories. A mix of flowers such as peach roses, gerberas and carnations, pink asiatic lilies and lisianthus, purple limonium and lavender larkspur nest in greens on an easel-mounted wreath.
Peace Eternal Wreath
A breathtaking expression of love and devotion, this lovely wreath delivers a message that is both subtle and strong. Its soft pastel blossoms will soothe, while its extraordinary beauty will express the depth of your emotions. Gorgeous pink hydrangea, crème roses, light pink spray roses, white chrysanthemums, waxflower and more are adorned by pink organza ribbon in this eternal circle of peace.
Divine Light
Your message of hope for eternal serenity is delivered ever so elegantly in this graceful cross. Your sincerity will be acknowledged by all who are present. Crème roses, white spray roses, oriental lilies, stock, leptosporum, cushion and button spray chrysanthemums create a cross that is a beautiful way to honor a loved one.
Touching Tribute Spray
Express admiration for her beauty and spirit with a striking tribute certain to evoke many cherished remembrances. Gorgeous flowers such as pink roses, oriental lilies and gladioli blend with purple stock, lavender carnations and fragrant greens.
Care and Compassion Spray
Your care and compassion will be appreciated by all who lay eyes on this radiant standing spray. A variety of lovely vibrant red blossoms contrasted by vivid green of bells of Ireland will deliver your heartfelt condolences. Perfectly. Dazzling flowers such as red roses, gladioli and carnations along with bells of Ireland and other simple greenery create a spray that is both memorable and magical.
Magnificent Life Spray
A magnificent symbol of love and peace, this pure white and green spray conveys your sympathy with elegance and grace. This gorgeous array of green roses, green carnations, white gladioli, white stock, white cushion spray chrysanthemums and bells of Ireland is accented with green ti leaves, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf.
A New Sunrise Spray
When a loved one has passed, this radiant spray of red and orange flowers will be a reminder of happy times past that will never be forgotten. The stunning arrangement includes orange Asiatic lilies, red gladioli, green carnations, peach hypericum, emerald palm and red ti leaves, accented with assorted greenery.
Sweet Remembrance Spray
The flowing, improvisational feeling expressed by this beautiful spray of pastel flowers is like an outpouring of love. It will be long-remembered. The striking bouquet includes peach roses, orange bi-color roses, peach spray roses, peach asiatic lilies, orange alstroemeria, peach carnations and bells of Ireland, accented with assorted greenery.
Mosaic of Memories Square Easel Wreath
A unique and lovely tribute for the service, this contemporary square easel wreath of purple and green flowers is a gift of caring expressed with beauty and style. The elegant arrangement includes purple alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender button spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums and purple button spray chrysanthemums, accented with assorted greenery.
Sentiments of Serenity Spray
Beautifully simple, this lovely spray of white roses, lilies and carnations decorated with white satin ribbon is a tasteful way to express your sympathy. The elegant spray includes white roses, white Asiatic lilies and white carnations, accented with assorted greenery.
Strength & Solace Spray
Express your love beautifully and tastefully with this stunning spray of red and white floral favorites. An impeccable choice for the memorial service. The magnificent spray includes red gladioli, red carnations and white cushion spray chrysanthemums, accented with emerald palm and leatherleaf fern.
The Endless Sky Spray
Lavender blooms and lush velvet greenery evoke a celebration of a life well lived. A lovely mix of flowers such as lavender roses, chrysanthemums, statice and asters are beautifully complemented by glossy green aspidistra leaves, fern and fragrant eucalyptus.
Sacred Garden Spray
A lovely lavender spray of flowers lets you share your compassion, hope and beauty with all. Beautifully simple. Beautifully serene. It's the perfect way to send your sincere sympathy. Lavender, purple and white flowers like hydrangea, orchids, roses, oriental lilies and more create a beautiful spray. A wonderful tribute.
Bright and Beautiful Spray
Reflecting the many colors of life, a rich spectrum of blooms evokes the range of emotions experienced in remembering a cherished loved one. A lovely assortment of flowers such as lavender gladioli and cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow snapdragons, carnations and daisy spray chrysanthemums, hot pink roses, purple hydrangea, asters and assorted greens are all presented on an easel.
Sweet Solace Spray
Rejoice with this softly dramatic cascade of pink and yellow blooms - lilies, gladioli and chrysanthemums - that has hints of eucalyptus and variegated greens. Stems of flowers such as pink lilies, gladioli and carnations with yellow snapdragons, and daisy spray mums, accented by variegated greens and eucalyptus.
Pink Tribute Spray
With a bounty of lovely pink flowers and simple greens, this pretty spray lets you express your sympathy beautifully. Splendid pink, hot pink and light pink flowers such as alstroemeria, gladioli, carnations, asters and more create a display that is warm and loving.
Finest Farewell Spray
Utterly feminine, this spray is an extraordinarily beautiful way to bid farewell to someone who will remain forever in your heart. A bevy of lovely lavender flowers will soothe souls and deliver strength and hope to those in mourning. Beautiful flowers such as lavender, purple and pink blossoms including roses, larkspur, alstroemeria and more are beautifully arranged. A pretty pink organza ribbon completes this fine farewell.
Heavenly Grace Spray
A sublime garden of rich yet subtle hues is a touching tribute to a lifetime of memories and special moments as varied and dear as this palette of blooms. A lovely assortment of flowers such as pink roses, larkspur, asiatic lilies, gerberas and sinuata statice, with peach roses and carnations, purple stock and limonium, and bells of Ireland on a classic easel.
Heavenly Sentiments Spray
Fresh roses and opulent blooms such as orchids and gladioli - in celestial colors of green, purple and lavender - create a fine and appropriate floral standing spray. Send this gift as a representation of your thoughtfulness and devotion. A standing spray created from fresh flowers such as gladioli, roses, dendrobium orchids and hydrangea - in shades of green, purple and lavender - is delivered on an easel.
Rays of Light Spray
This stunning spray is a beautiful and touching display of your sympathy and devotion. A lovely composition of flowers such as green roses, gladioli and button spray chrysanthemums, pink spray roses and carnations, light pink oriental lilies and snapdragons are arranged with a mix of beautiful greenery in a standing spray of flowers that's delivered on an easel.
Gerberas and Palms Spray
Convey your respect and admiration with this spray of striking red and white funeral flowers. Red gerberas and carnations complement white orchids, snapdragons and chrysanthemums, all set against the deep greens of tropical palm leaves. Beautiful flowers such as red gerberas and carnations, white orchids, snapdragons and chrysanthemums, plus tropical palm leaves and ferns.
Ocean Breeze Spray
Express deep condolences and strong hopes for the future with an elegant tribute that conveys admiration, affection and respect. Lovely flowers such as white asiatic lilies and roses blend with blue delphinium and hydrangea, set amidst ferns.
Blessed Heart
A beautiful heart is a wonderful way to share your thoughts of love. Red roses, spray roses, carnations and miniature carnations are arranged with fern and ivy in the shape of a heart.
Funeral Service Bouquets
Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection
This radiant red rose collection includes six hand-arranged sympathy pieces, an elegant tribute to your greatest love. Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Greatest Love Casket Spray, Deep In Our Hearts Spray, Majestic Heart, Rose Tribute Bouquet DX, Forever Our Angel DX and Forever Beloved DX.
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection
Soft and serene, this glorious collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces celebrate your beautiful memories with the feminine grace of peaceful pink blooms. Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Beautiful Memories Casket Spray, Divine Serenity Casket Insert, Glorious Farewell Spray, Rose Garden Heart, Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection
This glorious collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features pure white roses and lilies for a beautiful sense of peace and tranquility. Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Grandest Glory Casket Spray, Heartfelt Sympathy Spray, Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet, Dreams From The Heart Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection
A tender tribute to your beloved, this lovely lavender collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features a variety of beautiful blooms to brighten any life celebration. Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Lavender Tribute Casket Spray, Lavender Reflections Spray, Deepest Faith Cross, Gracious Lavender Basket DX, Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet DX, Magnificent Mauves Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection
Proud and patriotic, this collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces honors a life of distinguished service with beautiful arrangements of red, white and blue blooms. Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection includes the following seven sympathy set pieces: Distinguished Service Casket Spray, Loving Legacy Casket Insert, Sacred Duty Spray, Reflections Of Glory Wreath, With Distinction Bouquet DX, Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colorful Tribute Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection
Celebrate the beautiful colors of your beloved memories with this rainbow-inspired collection, featuring six hand-made sympathy pieces that are both radiant and reverent. Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Colorful Reflections Casket Spray, Love Lives On Spray, Colorful Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet DX, Loving Farewell Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colors Of The Rainbow Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection
Calming white blooms and unique, sculptural greens give this collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces a tranquil, zen-like feel that's perfect for the service. Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute, Forever At Peace Spray, Garden Cross, Teleflora's Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet DX, Garden Wreath Photo Tribute DX, Botanical Beauty Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection
Inspired by beautiful blue skies, this collection of four hand-made sympathy pieces brings a sense of peace and light to the service. Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection includes the following four sympathy set pieces: Tender Remembrance Casket Spray, Pure Heart, Treasured And Beloved Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Skies Of Remembrance Bouquet DX.
Treasured and Beloved Bouquet
A treasured tribute to your beloved, this gorgeously grand bouquet of soft blue hydrangea and pure white roses is reminiscent of a clear sky, a hopeful reminder of life and love. This beautiful bouquet of light blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, white lisianthus, light blue delphinium, white snapdragons, white stock, and white waxflower is accented with huckleberry, variegated ivy, spiral eucalyptus, dagger fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a white designer urn.
Forever Our Angel Bouquet by Teleflora
This peaceful porcelain angel sculpture, surrounded by radiant red roses and delicate greenery, is a touching tribute to a rich life. This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace Keepsake.
Teleflora's Rose Tribute
As true as the love symbolized by a red, red rose are the heartfelt memories and deep feelings embraced with this classic and elegant expression of tribute. Two dozen red roses, accented by salal, are presented in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn.
Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet
A heartfelt celebration of a truly special life, this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lilies beautifully surrounds a touching porcelain keepsake they'll treasure forever. This heartfelt bouquet includes pink roses, pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink carnations, pink larkspur, green ivy, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and sword fern. Delivered with a Heaven's Heart Keepsake.
Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet
An exuberant celebration of a beautiful life, this glorious bouquet of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies adds feminine grace to the service. Light pink hydrangea, pink roses, light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink lisianthus, pink larkspur, light pink snapdragons, and Queen Anne's lace are arranged with Italian ruscus, huckleberry, pitta negra, sword fern, flat fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Parisian Garden Pot.
Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet
Like the sun on the horizon, this pure white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies offers hope and inspiration after the loss of a loved one. White hydrangea, white roses, white oriental lilies, white snapdragons, and white stock are arranged with huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, spiral eucalyptus, green ti leaves, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Modern Heritage Pot.
With Distinction
A dazzling display of patriotic red, white and blue flowers sends a silent yet poignant statement about hope, freedom and the strength to endure. This proud bouquet is a testament to life that is sure to be appreciated. A beautiful mix of all-American red, white and blue flowers such as hydrangea, roses, miniature carnations, snapdragons, chrysanthemums and more are perfectly arranged in a white urn.
Teleflora's Hues of Hope Bouquet
A colorful reminder that brighter days are ahead, this uplifting arrangement of sunflowers and roses in an elegant large antiqued pot brings joy and hope. This bright arrangement includes orange roses, pink alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, yellow sunflowers, purple larkspur, purple stock, hot pink snapdragons, myrtle, variegated pittosporum, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Parisian Garden Pot.
Teleflora's Wondrous Life Bouquet
Celebrate a wondrous life with this timeless tribute of pure white lilies and roses, arranged in a graceful tulip-shaped ceramic vase. This monochromatic bouquet features crème roses, white asiatic lilies, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blooming Tulip vase.
Teleflora's Bold Tribute Bouquet
A bold expression of your deepest condolences, this elegant mix of red and peach blooms in a large antiqued pot brings strength and comfort. Red roses, red alstroemeria, peach carnations, miniature red carnations, and peach stock are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Modern Heritage pot.
Teleflora's Soft Blush Bouquet
A touching tribute to a beloved woman, this beautiful, soft pink and lavender arrangement is presented in a large antiqued pot for an elegant touch. This soft pink arrangement features lavender roses, pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, lavender carnations, pink larkspur, queen anne's lace, huckleberry, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Classical Garlands pot.
Teleflora's Soft and Tender Bouquet
Share your heartfelt feelings on the loss of someone special with this feminine arrangement of soft pink roses and lilies. Pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, and pink alstroemeria are accented with dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Blooming Tulip vase.
Teleflora's Clouds of Heaven Bouquet
Peaceful and majestic in a large antiqued pot, this wondrous white arrangement is a touching tribute to a bright life, and your unending support. White roses, white asiatic lilies, green gladioli, white carnations, bells of ireland, white snapdragons, and white stock are accented with myrtle, green ti leaves, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Thoughtful Tribute pot.
Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet
A simply beautiful way to show you care. By sending this elegant arrangement to the home of those in mourning, you are letting them know they are embraced in your thoughts. And in your heart. Fresh flowers such as crème roses, white oriental lilies, carnations, eucalyptus and more are delivered in a lovely Noble Heritage urn.
Teleflora's Hearts in Heaven Bouquet
A heartfelt expression of your sympathy, this majestic mix of white roses will rejuvenate the spirit. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel's wing keepsake, etched with an encouraging message they'll cherish forever. Message on sculpt reads: "Because someone we love is in heaven, there is a little bit of heaven in our hearts." White spray roses, white alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Heaven's Heart keepsake.
Teleflora's Garden of Memories
A garden of heavenly blooms offers an elegant and timeless tribute, beautifully honoring the spirit of the most precious departed. Lovely fresh flowers such as white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums, pink roses, hydrangea, and alstroemeria, all delivered in an exclusive Garlands of Grace urn.
Teleflora's Sunny Memories
Honor a bright spirit who was like a ray of sunshine to everyone they encountered, with a grand display of bold yellow blossoms. At more than three feet tall, it will add a touch of brightness to any tribute. A mix of fresh yellow flowers such as roses, gladioli and chrysanthemums - accented with fern - is delivered in a Noble Heritage urn.
Teleflora's Loving Grace
A warm and peaceful bounty of pastel blossoms gently expresses love and respect. A gracefully composed arrangement appropriate for home or service. Fresh flowers such as peach and light pink roses, lavender and purple larkspur, pink asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, gerberas and lisianthus are set in an exclusive Noble Heritage urn.
Teleflora's Tender Tribute
Vivid and touching, vibrant reds and serene whites blend in honor and celebration of a life filled with love, light and grace. Beautiful fresh flowers such as red gladioli and carnations with white asiatic lilies set amidst myrtle, sword fern, and salal in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn.
Teleflora's Sentimental Dreams
Because you will remember the loved one with every sunrise and every sunset. Because someone special made your life brighter. For these reasons and more, this brilliant arrangement will be much appreciated. A lovely assortment of flowers such as fiery orange roses, gerberas and gladioli, ti leaves, magnolia leaves and more are beautifully arranged in an exclusive Noble Heritage urn.
Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora
Not at all somber are these abundant blooms of pink, yellow and lavender, gracefully arranged in a container that is equally suitable for a memorial service or one's home. Fresh flowers such as pink roses, lilies, gladioli and larkspur stems artfully mixed with yellow dahlias and purple larkspur.
Teleflora's Heartfelt Memories
A towering display of blooms such as gladioli, carnations and chrysanthemums in royal hues of purple and lavender, presented in a Grecian-style urn, is a gracious representation of your heartfelt sentiments at a funeral, memorial service or wake. A mix of fresh flowers such as gladioli, carnations and cushion spray chrysanthemums, in shades of lavender and purple - accented with ferns - is delivered in a Teleflora Garlands of Grace urn.
Teleflora's Rose Remembrance
To create a truly stunning tribute, choose a magnificent, fragrant display of peach roses, spray roses and carnations - accented with greenery, and displayed in a classic Grecian Garden urn. A gracious mark of respect for a life well lived. A mix of fresh peach flowers such as roses, spray roses and carnations - accented with greenery - is delivered in a Grecian Garden urn.
Teleflora's Guiding Light Bouquet
Peaceful and majestic, a graceful angel rests amongst fragrant, snow white roses, alstroemeria and stock - a touching tribute to a bright life and your unending support. White roses, white alstroemeria, white stock, white miniature carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with white waxflower, dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with an Angel of Grace keepsake.
Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet
An elegantly unique expression of your deepest condolences, this majestic mix of crème, white and lavender blooms includes fragrant roses and lilies to refresh and rejuvenate their spirits. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel sculpture - a serene, spiritual keepsake they'll always treasure. This beautiful arrangement includes crème roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace keepsake.
Teleflora's Garden of Serenity Bouquet
This exquisite porcelain sculpture of Jesus surrounded by radiant flowers will be a source of comfort to loved ones during a time of loss. Your thoughtfulness will be long remembered. The stunning bouquet includes white roses, stock, snapdragons, lilies and freesia accented with salal, myrtle and pittosporum. Delivered with a meticulously detailed porcelain sculpture of Jesus.
Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet
An elegant display of faith and divine peace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite crystal cross is surrounded by a bed of lovely blossoms. It is sure to be appreciated and always remembered. A fragrant mix of pure white blooms - including roses, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and waxflower - is accented with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum around an exclusive Crystal Cross keepsake.
Teleflora's Crystal Cross Bouquet
Celebrate the reason for the season with radiant flowers cradling an exquisitely crafted Crystal Cross. This lovely gift will be a source of inspiration for years to come. Yellow gladioli, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations and solidago accented with assorted greenery are delivered with a 7 ½" high, multifaceted Crystal Cross.
Memories to Treasure
For the sweet spirits who touch our lives, a classic pairing of red and white that is both vibrant and respectful. Beautifully contained in a white urn. A mix of fresh flowers such as red and white roses, oriental lilies, graceful gladioli, carnations and fragrant eucalyptus. Beautifully presented in a white urn.
Serene Reflections Bouquet
Your love will be warmly felt by the family with this lovely gift of white roses and other favorites in a silver jardiniere vase. Tasteful and elegant, it is a beautiful choice. The exquisite bouquet includes white roses, white alstroemeria, white carnations, white snapdragons and white spider chrysanthemums, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a silver jardinere vase.
Summer's Light Bouquet
Express your condolences in tasteful shades of color with peach, orange and yellow flowers in a stylish trumpet vase. For the service or the home, it is an elegant choice. The stunning bouquet includes peach roses, peach gerberas, orange alstroemeria, peach gladioli, yellow snapdragons and yellow stock, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass trumpet vase.
Heart's Companion Bouquet by Teleflora
A reminder of the joy of life, this stunning arrangement of orange and red floral favorites in a stylish bamboo cube is a gift that will be loved - and remembered. The opulent bouquet includes orange roses, orange asiatic lilies, green anthuriums, red gerberas, red gladioli and green carnations, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a large bamboo cube.
Days of Sunshine Bouquet
Red roses, red alstroemeria and orange gladioli in a sparkling Ming urn - a lovely tribute that sends a message of hope and healing for those mourning their loss. The brilliant arrangement includes red roses, red alstroemeria, orange gladioli, orange carnations and bells of Ireland, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a clear glass Ming urn.
Joyful Memory
Lavender and white sympathy flowers make a grand statement in this joyful bouquet. Cherish your memories with this lasting remembrance of lavender larkspur and roses, deep purple asters, pure white gladioli and the softest pink heather. A classic assortment of flowers such as lavender larkspur, stock and roses, plus purple asters, white gladioli and pink heather.
Heavenly Heights Bouquet
Beautifully feminine. Serene but strong. This pretty basket of pink flowers is a lovely way to show you care. A mix of fresh pink blossoms like gladioli, alstroemeria, carnations and more are lovingly arranged in a white basket.
Vivid Recollections
This glorious basket of beautiful blossoms will send hope and let those you care for know that grief is a path they needn't walk alone. Bright flowers such as yellow asiatic lilies, snapdragons and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with green gladioli, purple alstroemeria and fresh greenery are beautifully delivered in a natural basket.
Gracious Lavender Basket
Soothing lavender, respectful purple and compassionate pinks are combined beautifully in this basket overflowing with pretty flowers, sincerity and sympathy. A lovely way to share your thoughts and pay tribute to someone special. A profusion of purple, pink and lavender blooms such as roses, carnations, larkspur, matsumoto and monte cassino asters and much more are delivered in a round wicker basket.
Love's Tapestry
This generous basket is a gorgeous way to send caring thoughts. And hopes for brighter days ahead. Beautiful flowers such as blue hydrangea, lavender roses, snapdragons and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with yellow asiatic lilies, gerberas, gladioli, snapdragons and brilliant greenery are delivered in a lovely wicker basket.
Basket of Memories
Honor rich remembrances of one dearly missed with a vivid mix of blooms that offer strength and comfort alike during a time of sorrow. Beautiful fresh flowers such as yellow asiatic lilies and gladioli contrast with purple carnations, statice and gladioli, plus lavender carnations and chrysanthemums in a rectangular basket with handle.
Soft Sentiments Bouquet
Bring warmth to the memorial service or home with this basket of sunshine. A radiant tribute to a bright, beautiful life, this bouquet of lilies, gerberas and carnations is a comforting reminder of your support and affection. This sentimental favorite features peach asiatic lilies, peach gerberas, crème carnations and minature orange carnations with fresh green oregonia and lemon leaf. Deilvered in a natural woven basket.
Bountiful Rose Basket
A beautiful, bountiful basket of luminous white roses that feels so fresh, natural, and welcomed in a home or at a service. White and crème roses with fragrant seeded eucalyptus beautifully presented in a large basket.
Dawn of Remembrance Basket
To offer comfort and consolation, these serene, softly colored roses and chrysanthemums are nestled in a round white basket with handle. Satin ribbon is threaded throughout to complement the soft look. Beautiful blooms such as white and light pink roses with white larkspur, white mums and silvery dusty miller. Arranged in a white handled basket and accented with satin ribbon.
Enduring Grace
Everyone mourning the loss of a loved one will be comforted by this lovely array of red roses, red gladioli and white mums. A beautiful choice for the memorial service. The radiant bouquet includes red roses, red gladioli, red carnations and white spider chrysanthemums, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a 14" fireside basket.
Love's Journey
Your message of caring will be as clear as day when you send this pure white and pretty basket to the bereaved. A variety of beautiful white flowers such as roses, spray roses, alstroemeria, larkspur and more are lovingly arranged in this tribute.
Teleflora's Pink Potpourri Bouquet with Roses
As strong as it is soft, the color pink as it is featured here creates a loving and utterly feminine tribute. Many shades of pink blossoms blend together for an effect that is beautifully subtle and sublime. A range of lovely flowers like pink roses, spray roses and alstroemeria are accented by fresh greens in the loveliest way and delivered in a beautiful French Country Pot.
Teleflora's Cherished Memories
This ethereally lovely bouquet of green gladioli, lavender stock, purple carnations and more in a timeless-tribute urn is a stunning choice for the memorial service. The serenely beautiful bouquet includes green gladioli, lavender stock, green carnations, purple carnations, lavender spider chrysanthemums, bells of Ireland and purple sinuata statice, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a timeless tribute urn.
Beautiful Dreams by Teleflora
Soothing and respectful. Calm and compassionate. This beautiful collection of white and light colored blossoms will deliver your loving thoughts perfectly. Tasteful flowers such as light blue hydrangea, crème roses, white asiatic lilies, miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely white French Country Pot.
For the Home
Fruit & Food Baskets
Delicious Delights Basket
It's delicious. It's delightful. It's a foody dream come true. Full of fruit, fun and more, this is a perfect gift for any occasion. Red apples and grapes, pears, yummy dried cranberries, cheese, summer sausage and crackers are all wrapped up in a wicker basket and ready to be enjoyed. Deliciously different!
Fruits and Blooms Basket
Here's a tasteful gift for any occasion. Fruit and flowers, what could be better than that? A big wicker basket comes overflowing with apples, bananas, pears and oranges that surround a hot pink azalea plant. This basket is ripe for giving!
Health Nut Basket
Naturally this gift basket isn't just for health nuts. Aspiring health nuts or someone you' d like to help get on a health kick will love it, too. Full of great food, and so full of goodness, including a lively orange kalanchoe plant, someone would have to be, well… a bit nutty not to enjoy it! Apples and pears are joined by trail mix, mixed nuts, peanuts and a kalanchoe in a charming wicker basket. Happy. Healthy. Yummy!
Grande Gourmet Fruit Basket
When you want to send your thoughts in a grande way, send this basket filled with fresh fruit, biscuits and tea. Nothing's grander. Fresh fruits, biscuits, chocolates and teas, along with a charming teapot, arrive in an impressive wicker tray.
Floral Baskets
Daisy Daydreams
Get a handle on spring with this delightful array of floral favorites in a charming white bamboo basket accented with lavender ribbon. Surprise someone who could use a lift. It will make you both happy. The cheerful bouquet includes lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, dark purple Matsumoto asters, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and purple Monte Cassino asters accented with fresh greenery. The flowers are delivered in a white bamboo basket accented with a lavender gingham ribbon.
Rainbow Reflections Basket
Soft and soothing. This basket is overflowing with pastel flowers and your sincere message of hope to those in mourning. Beautiful flowers such as pink carnations and alstroemeria, lavender button and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white cushion spray chrysanthemums and more fill a lovely round wicker basket.
Sweet Moments
Know someone who needs a lift? Brighten their day by sending this lovely bouquet of fresh flowers that has sweetness woven right in. Gorgeous white roses, purple alstroemeria, lavender waxflower and eucalyptus are perfectly arranged in a white basket. Perfectly sweet!
Picnic in the Park
Life will be a picnic for whoever's lucky enough to receive this gift. It's a lovely basket that's chock full of fabulous flowers. Peach spray roses, large yellow sunflowers, miniature green hydrangea, purple stock, hot pink matsumoto asters and more are delightfully arranged in a charming wicker basket.
Sending Joy
Know anyone who would really appreciate a basketful of joy right now? Send love and flowers with this beautiful array of fantastic fall flowers. The basket overflows with orange roses and spray roses, maroon carnations, purple alstroemeria, burgundy button spray chrysanthemums, yarrow and even a bunch of grapes (not real, of course)!
Golden Days Basket
Here's a golden opportunity to make someone's day. Just send this delightful basket of fresh fall flowers to someone who's on your mind and you can be sure it will lift their spirits! Sunny sunflowers and asiatic lilies, red roses, gold and burgundy chrysanthemums, solidaster, brown copper beech and salal are splendidly arranged in a wicker basket. Send it and you'll be golden, too.
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
Plants Galore
You don't need a green thumb to love plants galore! Plants, plants and more plants are delivered in a handsome woodchip basket. Easier to care for than pronounce, a hot pink azalea and white hypoestes are joined by dieffenbachia, nephthytis, spathiphyllum and ivy. All are hand-arranged in a pretty wicker basket. It's an abundance of natural beauty.
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle.
Garden to Go Basket
It's no secret why this garden is such a great gift. An adorable basket is chock full of lovely flowering plants. It's the perfect arrangement for carrying your good wishes. Two beautiful purple African violets and two yellow rose plants are delivered in a delightful Nantucket basket with handles. Go with this garden and you'll be golden.
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy. A pink kalanchoe, hypoestes, green nephthytis and both Boston and maidenhair ferns are delivered in a delightful round wicker basket.
A Full Life
Even in mourning it is important to remember and honor a life well lived. This beautiful basket of purple and white flowers blended with vibrant greenery is a wonderful way to pay tribute to one who has indeed lived a full life. Brilliant flowers such as purple hydrangea, lavender roses, white spray roses and waxflower are arranged with beautiful ivy and more in a lovely round basket.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Fairest of All
You won't need a mirror, mirror on the wall to decide which bouquet is the fairest of all. No doubt this beauty will win that contest! Light orange roses, hot pink roses light pink alstroemeria, ranunculas and matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums and more are delightfully delivered in a charming ivy handled woven basket. Send one to your fair lady!
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Basket of Joy
Whether celebrating the arrival of a bundle of joy, a new job, a new house or anything else that makes life brighter, this is the perfect basket of joy! Ultra-big on beauty and ultra-low on maintenance, it's a simply beautiful gift. Two ivy plants along with white and yellow kalanchoe fill a charming round basket. Could it be any easier to deliver joy?
Yellow Trio Basket
This delightful basket holds a plethora of sunny yellow flowering plants! So sweet, it's no wonder a darling little yellow bird has built its nest inside the basket. Two bright yellow miniature rose plants, plus a yellow kalanchoe and begonia are nestled right beside the little bird and her nest. It's all delivered in a charming round basket. It sends three times the cheer!
Sweet Violet Trio
These violets aren't blue! They are lovely lavender and perfectly purple. Three plants in all, looking absolutely beautiful in their cozy rectangular basket. A symbol of enduring admiration, it's no surprise that the African violet has been a favorite for generations. One purple and two lavender velvety African violet plants are delivered in a pretty wicker basket. Be sweet and send this gift today.
Sweet Tranquility Basket
A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. Brilliant blooms such as orange and yellow roses and spray roses mix with pink matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dazzling green button spray chrysanthemums, salal, pittosporum and more in a lovely rectangular basket with a handle.
Simply Chic Mixed Plant Basket
Simply captivating. Simply charming. Simply chic. This pretty basket is overflowing with character - and live plants. It's colorful, natural and beautiful. A charming oval wicker basket is full of flowering plants like two miniature lavender African violets, 2 pink kalanchoes, a hot pink cyclamen, a pink primrose and a hypoestes. Not to mention green ivy and maidenhair fern. A fantastic mix for anyone!
Dawn of Remembrance Basket
To offer comfort and consolation, these serene, softly colored roses and chrysanthemums are nestled in a round white basket with handle. Satin ribbon is threaded throughout to complement the soft look. Beautiful blooms such as white and light pink roses with white larkspur, white mums and silvery dusty miller. Arranged in a white handled basket and accented with satin ribbon.
Gracious Lavender Basket
Soothing lavender, respectful purple and compassionate pinks are combined beautifully in this basket overflowing with pretty flowers, sincerity and sympathy. A lovely way to share your thoughts and pay tribute to someone special. A profusion of purple, pink and lavender blooms such as roses, carnations, larkspur, matsumoto and monte cassino asters and much more are delivered in a round wicker basket.
Bountiful Rose Basket
A beautiful, bountiful basket of luminous white roses that feels so fresh, natural, and welcomed in a home or at a service. White and crème roses with fragrant seeded eucalyptus beautifully presented in a large basket.
Love's Journey
Your message of caring will be as clear as day when you send this pure white and pretty basket to the bereaved. A variety of beautiful white flowers such as roses, spray roses, alstroemeria, larkspur and more are lovingly arranged in this tribute.
Peaceful White Lilies Basket
Whether you send this beautiful arrangement to the family home or to the service, all will appreciate its elegance and grace. The contrast of brilliant white blossoms and dazzling greenery create a wonderfully calm and dignified setting. Gorgeous flowers such as white lilies, carnations and miniature carnations mix with vibrant greens in a large basket. Simply stunning.
Basket of Memories
Honor rich remembrances of one dearly missed with a vivid mix of blooms that offer strength and comfort alike during a time of sorrow. Beautiful fresh flowers such as yellow asiatic lilies and gladioli contrast with purple carnations, statice and gladioli, plus lavender carnations and chrysanthemums in a rectangular basket with handle.
Large Basket Garden
This impressive garden of indoor plants will be a warm welcome to any home or office. And you'll get glowing reviews for sending it. Croton, ivy, pothos, dieffenbachia, schefflera and syngonium plants arrive together in a wicker basket with handle.
Love's Tapestry
This generous basket is a gorgeous way to send caring thoughts. And hopes for brighter days ahead. Beautiful flowers such as blue hydrangea, lavender roses, snapdragons and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with yellow asiatic lilies, gerberas, gladioli, snapdragons and brilliant greenery are delivered in a lovely wicker basket.
Sympathy Plants
Divine Orchid
What could possibly be more divine than one lavender phalaenopsis orchid delivered to your door? Two, of course! Two miniature lavender phalaenopsis orchids are delivered in a dazzling brown footed planter. Divine? Definitely!
Teleflora's Opulent Orchids
Pure elegance. That's what these divine white phalaenopsis orchids deliver. They' re beautiful upon arrival, and what's even more beautiful is that these amazing plants are easy to take care of, and can blossom for months. A white phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. Now that's the kind of opulence anyone can appreciate.
Teleflora's Imperial Purple Orchid
Shangri-la might be a fictional place, but this stunning orchid is firmly planted in the most beautiful kind of reality. An exotic lavender phalaenopsis orchid comes delivered in a distinctive cube made of beautiful, natural bamboo. It's easy to take care of and lovely to look at. A lavender phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. It's almost too good to be true.
Simply Chic Mixed Plant Basket
Simply captivating. Simply charming. Simply chic. This pretty basket is overflowing with character - and live plants. It's colorful, natural and beautiful. A charming oval wicker basket is full of flowering plants like two miniature lavender African violets, 2 pink kalanchoes, a hot pink cyclamen, a pink primrose and a hypoestes. Not to mention green ivy and maidenhair fern. A fantastic mix for anyone!
Rose Repose
Send a state of instant tranquility with this miniature rose garden! The soothing pink blossoms and the beautiful dark green leaves will deliver a fresh sense of calm for a long time. Two pretty pink miniature rose bushes are delivered in a white rectangular planter. Any time is the right time for a rose repose!
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy. A pink kalanchoe, hypoestes, green nephthytis and both Boston and maidenhair ferns are delivered in a delightful round wicker basket.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Pretty in Pink Azalea
This pretty azalea serves up a plethora of pink petals. Absolutely stunning as an indoor plant, it can also be planted outside and enjoyed for years to come. What a perfect present! A beautifully robust pink azalea is hand-delivered in a lovely white ceramic ribbed planter. Think pink!
Teleflora's Regally Yours Orchid
Add regal beauty to any room of the house or office with this grand, any-occasion gift of an amazing orange cymbidium orchid in a gorgeous pot. This gift features an orange cymbidium orchid with sheet moss. Delivered in a Noble Heritage Urn.
Forever Green Plant Garden
A gift to grow on! Delivered in a modern tapered tray, this living gift of wispy maidenhair fern and sculptural dracaena plants is sure to freshen up any room. This fresh green garden includes green compacta dracaena, variegated green compacta dracaena, maidenhair fern, variegated pothos, large natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a green square tapered tray.
Glorious Gratitude Orchid
Show your gratitude for a special someone with this glorious living gift. Simply presented in a clear glass cylinder, these alluring purple phalaenopsis orchids add natural elegance to any environment. A purple phalaenopsis orchid is arranged with natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Sweet Azalea Delight
Pretty in pink azaleas are sure to delight! Perfect for birthdays, new babies, brightening someone's day even brightening someone's Valentine's Day! Two sweeter than sweet pink azaleas are delivered in a charming rectangular ribbed planter. Great for inside and grand in the garden, too!.
Sunny Cyclamen
Perennially pretty! This delightful flowering pot will deliver beauty for a long time. The perfectly pink blossoms almost look like birds in flight over a lovely sea of greens. Sure to be appreciated, it's a wonderful housewarming or birthday gift. A beautiful light pink cyclamen plant is delivered in a delightful crème-colored pedestal planter. Send some sun!
Teleflora's Quiet Expressions
Three of the most popular and most loved of all plants, beautifully presented in a stylish bamboo rectangle is a gift that will bring many days of joy. This mix of spathiphyllum, ivy, dracena and maindenhair fern, accented with river rocks, is delivered in a brown bamboo rectangle.
Teleflora's Heartwarming Thoughts Boston Fern
When you give someone a lovely, lacy Boston fern, you are giving a lasting gift that will be a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness. The lush Boston fern plant will be delivered in a classic Gardens of Grace container.
Teleflora's Lovely One Spathiphyllum Plant
The graceful spathiphyllum plant with its snowy white flowers is a familiar and reassuring sight in any setting. A gift of beauty that lasts. The beautiful spathiphyllum plant will be delivered in a a classic noble heritage urn.
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle.
Small Garden Dish
A lovely array of cheerful plants is just the right size for a mid-size desk or table. It's also just the right choice for that special someone. Dracaena, ivy, palm, dieffenbachia, peperomia and philodendron plants arrive in a low decorative bowl.
Medium Dish Garden
This low bowl filled with living plants will also carry comfort and compassion for many months to come. Perfect to send to the home or service. One planter arrives filled with dracaena, ivy, palm, spathiphyllum and syngonium plants.
Large Basket Garden
This impressive garden of indoor plants will be a warm welcome to any home or office. And you'll get glowing reviews for sending it. Croton, ivy, pothos, dieffenbachia, schefflera and syngonium plants arrive together in a wicker basket with handle.
Teleflora's Bamboo Elegance
Elegant and mysterious, the purple phalaenopsis orchid is a legendary flower revered for its breathtaking beauty. Delivered in a stunning contemporary bamboo cube vase, it is the ultimate floral gift for the plant lover. The exquisite 4" potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is delivered in a 4 1/2" contemporary cube vase made of real bamboo.
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Stately Croton
The croton is dignified and delightful. Its glossy green leaves carry vibrant accents of red and orange, making it the perfect plant for a wide variety of locations. Easy to care for and easy to love, this is one plant that is sure to brighten everyone's day. An impressively graceful croton is delivered in an elegant burgundy footed planter. A grand gesture indeed!.
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Large
When you want to make a big impression, sending a beautiful spathiphyllum that reaches almost 40" is practically heaven sent. With its glossy leaves and brilliant white blossoms, this plant is super easy to care for. At the same time, it cares for indoor environments as well, cleansing the air of several toxic elements. It's simply elegant and simply wonderful. This large spathiphyllum is delivered in a charming 12" basket. Tall is a great call!
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Medium
Known for its indoor beauty and ability to clear the air of contaminants, this brilliant green plant with dazzling white blossoms makes a perfect gift for almost any occasion. low-maintenance. High quality. Bet you never knew delivering elegance could be this simple. This spathiphyllum comes in an 8" woven wicker basket. It's a great medium for delivering vitality.
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Small
Also known as the peace lily, this dark leafy plant with its delicate white blossoms makes a simply elegant gift. There's nothing small about the sentiment delivered along with this pretty plant. A brilliant green spathiphyllum is delivered in a natural wicker basket. Long live elegance!
Delightful Dieffenbachia
This delightful dieffenbachia makes a dashing gift! Rich and relaxing shades of green are on display in this easy-to-care-for leafy plant. A wonderful workplace gift! A beautiful dieffenbachia is delivered in an elegant burgundy square container.
Regal Orchids
Grace. Beauty. Prosperity. And love. These are just some of the lovely qualities attached to the exquisite orchid. So imagine the effect of receiving six stunning orchid plants all at once. Magical, right? Two brilliant green miniature phalaenopsis orchids, two lavender miniature phalaenopsis orchids and two dazzling white miniature phalaenopsis orchids are surrounded by white river rocks and delivered in a unique crème ceramic pedestal planter. Give someone the royal treatment!
Teleflora's Splendid Orchids
As if beautifully blossoming green cymbidium orchids rising out of dramatic black river rocks weren't splendid enough, this gift takes it up a notch by delivering it all inside a beautiful Noble Heritage Urn. Stunning green cymbidium orchids are delivered in a unique glossy Noble Heritage Urn. It's an especially splendid gift.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Serene Retreat
White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's delivered in a beautiful plastic dish.
Teleflora's Bromeliad Beauty
Related to the pineapple plant, perhaps because of its sweetness, this gorgeous beauty adds red and tropical greenery to any room. It's delivered in an exclusive bamboo cube, which makes it extra beautiful. A red bromeliad plant is delivered in a brown bamboo cube.
Basket of Joy
Whether celebrating the arrival of a bundle of joy, a new job, a new house or anything else that makes life brighter, this is the perfect basket of joy! Ultra-big on beauty and ultra-low on maintenance, it's a simply beautiful gift. Two ivy plants along with white and yellow kalanchoe fill a charming round basket. Could it be any easier to deliver joy?
Yellow Trio Basket
This delightful basket holds a plethora of sunny yellow flowering plants! So sweet, it's no wonder a darling little yellow bird has built its nest inside the basket. Two bright yellow miniature rose plants, plus a yellow kalanchoe and begonia are nestled right beside the little bird and her nest. It's all delivered in a charming round basket. It sends three times the cheer!
Plants Galore
You don't need a green thumb to love plants galore! Plants, plants and more plants are delivered in a handsome woodchip basket. Easier to care for than pronounce, a hot pink azalea and white hypoestes are joined by dieffenbachia, nephthytis, spathiphyllum and ivy. All are hand-arranged in a pretty wicker basket. It's an abundance of natural beauty.
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Garden to Go Basket
It's no secret why this garden is such a great gift. An adorable basket is chock full of lovely flowering plants. It's the perfect arrangement for carrying your good wishes. Two beautiful purple African violets and two yellow rose plants are delivered in a delightful Nantucket basket with handles. Go with this garden and you'll be golden.
Sweet Violet Trio
These violets aren't blue! They are lovely lavender and perfectly purple. Three plants in all, looking absolutely beautiful in their cozy rectangular basket. A symbol of enduring admiration, it's no surprise that the African violet has been a favorite for generations. One purple and two lavender velvety African violet plants are delivered in a pretty wicker basket. Be sweet and send this gift today.
Sympathy Bouquets
Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection
This radiant red rose collection includes six hand-arranged sympathy pieces, an elegant tribute to your greatest love. Teleflora's Greatest Love Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Greatest Love Casket Spray, Deep In Our Hearts Spray, Majestic Heart, Rose Tribute Bouquet DX, Forever Our Angel DX and Forever Beloved DX.
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection
Soft and serene, this glorious collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces celebrate your beautiful memories with the feminine grace of peaceful pink blooms. Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Beautiful Memories Casket Spray, Divine Serenity Casket Insert, Glorious Farewell Spray, Rose Garden Heart, Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection
This glorious collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features pure white roses and lilies for a beautiful sense of peace and tranquility. Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Grandest Glory Casket Spray, Heartfelt Sympathy Spray, Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet, Dreams From The Heart Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection
A tender tribute to your beloved, this lovely lavender collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features a variety of beautiful blooms to brighten any life celebration. Teleflora's Lavender Tribute Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Lavender Tribute Casket Spray, Lavender Reflections Spray, Deepest Faith Cross, Gracious Lavender Basket DX, Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet DX, Magnificent Mauves Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection
Proud and patriotic, this collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces honors a life of distinguished service with beautiful arrangements of red, white and blue blooms. Teleflora's Distinguished Service Collection includes the following seven sympathy set pieces: Distinguished Service Casket Spray, Loving Legacy Casket Insert, Sacred Duty Spray, Reflections Of Glory Wreath, With Distinction Bouquet DX, Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colorful Tribute Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection
Celebrate the beautiful colors of your beloved memories with this rainbow-inspired collection, featuring six hand-made sympathy pieces that are both radiant and reverent. Teleflora's Colorful Reflections Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Colorful Reflections Casket Spray, Love Lives On Spray, Colorful Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet DX, Loving Farewell Photo Tribute Bouquet DX, Colors Of The Rainbow Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection
Calming white blooms and unique, sculptural greens give this collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces a tranquil, zen-like feel that's perfect for the service. Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute, Forever At Peace Spray, Garden Cross, Teleflora's Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet DX, Garden Wreath Photo Tribute DX, Botanical Beauty Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection
Inspired by beautiful blue skies, this collection of four hand-made sympathy pieces brings a sense of peace and light to the service. Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection includes the following four sympathy set pieces: Tender Remembrance Casket Spray, Pure Heart, Treasured And Beloved Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Skies Of Remembrance Bouquet DX.
Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet
A heartfelt celebration of a truly special life, this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lilies beautifully surrounds a touching porcelain keepsake they'll treasure forever. This heartfelt bouquet includes pink roses, pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink carnations, pink larkspur, green ivy, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and sword fern. Delivered with a Heaven's Heart Keepsake.
Forever Our Angel Bouquet by Teleflora
This peaceful porcelain angel sculpture, surrounded by radiant red roses and delicate greenery, is a touching tribute to a rich life. This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace Keepsake.
Magnificent Mauves Bouquet
This harmonic mix of deep purple hydrangea with light lavender roses and sweet pink gerberas is a dreamy delight on any occasion. This magnificent bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender roses, crème spray roses, pink gerberas, lavender carnations, purple stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Colorful Tribute Bouquet
Perfectly patriotic with its red, white and blue blooms, this bold bouquet of hydrangea, lilies and roses is a versatile tribute on any occasion. This bouquet features blue hydrangea, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, white carnations, blue delphinium, white snapdragons, huckleberry, dusty miller, aralia leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a gathering vase.
Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet
Color any occasion beautiful with this lovely bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies in all the colors of the rainbow. This colorful bouquet includes purple hydrangea, pink roses, yellow spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, blue delphinium, pink snapdragons, blue eryngium, huckleberry, oregonia, Israeli ruscus, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a jordan vase.
Botanical Beauty Bouquet
Snow white blooms and eye-catching greens create this beautiful botanical gift that's a peaceful addition to any occasion. This modern bouquet includes white hydrangea, green roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, bells of Ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, curly willow, oregonia, variegated aspidistra leaves, small aralia leaf, green ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Your Light Shines
This softly elegant gesture of condolence and affection honoring the memory of a life well lived is a gentle touch during a difficult time. Lavender and pink flowers such as roses, hydrangea, monte cassino asters, eucalyptus and salal are arranged in a clear glass hurricane vase.
Teleflora's Wondrous Life Bouquet
Celebrate a wondrous life with this timeless tribute of pure white lilies and roses, arranged in a graceful tulip-shaped ceramic vase. This monochromatic bouquet features crème roses, white asiatic lilies, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blooming Tulip vase.
Teleflora's Garden of Hope Bouquet
Show them you care with this gorgeous display of roses, lilies and tulips, gracefully surrounding a timeless angel sculpture keepsake. Beautifully fragrant, it's a hopeful tribute that will warm their hearts forever. This lovely arrangement of light pink roses, light pink tulips, white asiatic lilies, light pink carnations, white carnations, white snapdragons and light pink stock is accented with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with Teleflora's Angel of Grace keepsake.
Teleflora's Soft and Tender Bouquet
Share your heartfelt feelings on the loss of someone special with this feminine arrangement of soft pink roses and lilies. Pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, and pink alstroemeria are accented with dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Blooming Tulip vase.
Teleflora's Hearts In Heaven Bouquet
A heartfelt expression of your sympathy, this majestic mix of white roses will rejuvenate the spirit. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel's wing keepsake, etched with an encouraging message they'll cherish forever. Message on sculpt reads: "Because someone we love is in heaven, there is a little bit of heaven in our hearts." White spray roses, white alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Heaven's Heart keepsake.
Beautiful In Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet
An elegantly unique expression of your deepest condolences, this majestic mix of crème, white and lavender blooms includes fragrant roses and lilies to refresh and rejuvenate their spirits. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel sculpture - a serene, spiritual keepsake they'll always treasure. This beautiful arrangement includes crème roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace keepsake.
Serene Retreat
White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's delivered in a beautiful plastic dish.
Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet
An elegant display of faith and divine peace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite crystal cross is surrounded by a bed of lovely blossoms. It is sure to be appreciated and always remembered. A fragrant mix of pure white blooms - including roses, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and waxflower - is accented with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum around an exclusive Crystal Cross keepsake.
Medium Dish Garden
This low bowl filled with living plants will also carry comfort and compassion for many months to come. Perfect to send to the home or service. One planter arrives filled with dracaena, ivy, palm, spathiphyllum and syngonium plants.
Teleflora's Portrait In Purple Bouquet
Reminiscent of a beautiful impressionist portrait, the deep purples, fresh blues and crisp whites of this stunning bouquet make an unforgettable artistic statement. What a lovely surprise on any occasion! Blue hydrangea, crème roses, white spray roses, purple alstroemeria and purple stock are arranged with lemon leaf and variegated aspidistra leaves. Delivered in a blue cube vase.
Ocean Devotion
Sending this brilliant blue and white bouquet will surely garner oceans of appreciation from whoever receives it. Dazzling blue hydrangea, green roses and button spray chrysanthemums, divine white dahlias and snapdragons plus huckleberry arrive in a striking cobalt vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Peaceful White Lilies Basket
Whether you send this beautiful arrangement to the family home or to the service, all will appreciate its elegance and grace. The contrast of brilliant white blossoms and dazzling greenery create a wonderfully calm and dignified setting. Gorgeous flowers such as white lilies, carnations and miniature carnations mix with vibrant greens in a large basket. Simply stunning.
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!
Teleflora's Grand Gesture
When you' re inspired to make a grand gesture of any kind, this gorgeous tropical topiary is a natural choice. The calla lily symbolizes magnificent beauty and when mixed with graceful tropical leaves and arranged in a stunning bamboo dish, the results are extraordinary. White calla lilies, kale and tropical greens are delivered in a natural bamboo dish. Makes a grand gift!
Heart's Companion Bouquet by Teleflora
A reminder of the joy of life, this stunning arrangement of orange and red floral favorites in a stylish bamboo cube is a gift that will be loved - and remembered. The opulent bouquet includes orange roses, orange asiatic lilies, green anthuriums, red gerberas, red gladioli and green carnations, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a large bamboo cube.
Teleflora's Peace and Harmony Bouquet
Send zen. Pure white blooms and fresh tropical greens combine to stunning effect in this stylish arrangement. Presented in a contemporary bamboo vase they'll enjoy for years to come. Includes white roses, asiatic lilies, green carnations and green button chrysanthemums, accented with a variety of fresh greens. Delivered in a Tall Bamboo vase.
Teleflora's Bamboo Tropics
Make a tropical style statement with gorgeous yellow lilies and orchids artistically arranged in a stunning cube vase made of real bamboo. Think how thrilled they'll be when this bold, beautiful gift arrives at the door. The gorgeous bouquet features yellow Asiatic lilies and yellow cymbidium orchids accented with assorted greenery and delivered in a 6 1/4" contemporary cube vase made of real bamboo.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Teleflora's Bamboo Artistry
Give the gift of serenity with a graceful contemporary bouquet artistically arranged in an exotic dish made of real bamboo. A lovely surprise, no matter where or Zen. The stunning bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies and green carnations accented with tropical greenery. Delivered in a hand-crafted dish made of high-quality bamboo.
Teleflora's Garden Delights
Put a smile on her face and a spring in her step with this delightful little garden bouquet. Presented in a chic bamboo box, its happy hot pinks and lovely lime greens give a colorful pick-me-up! Bright pink roses and carnations are contrasted with green carnations and button spray chrysanthemums, light pink stock and delicate lavender waxflower -fresh greens include lemon leaves and soft dusty miller. Delivered in a sculptural natural bamboo vase to give it a contemporary look.
Teleflora's Secret Oasis
This lovely, serene bouquet makes a Zen-sational gift for any special occasion. They'll be thrilled with this artistic arrangement of orchids, lilies and exotic accents in a red bamboo dish. It's like a trip to Shangri-La. This exotic arrangement includes green dendrobium orchids, white asiatic lilies, an aralia leaf, green flax, bear grass, oregonia and mood moss accented with pieces of natural river cane. Delivered in a red bamboo dish.
Kissed with Bliss by Teleflora
An elegant way to show you care, this bit of bliss blends luxurious lavender roses with wondrous white lilies into a stunning floral sculpture. Accented with exotic greens and presented in a modern bamboo rectangular vase, it brings natural serenity to any space. Includes lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender stock, monte cassino asters and green chrysanthemums, accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a large Bamboo Rectangular vase.
Teleflora's Simply Pink Bouquet
Give her a wink with pink! This blushing bouquet gathers beautiful blooms into a brilliant gem vase. It's a pink-tastic celebration of spring they'll enjoy today and all year long! Includes pink roses, pink alstroemeria, pink and white carnations, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Brilliant Gem Votive.
Teleflora's Ticket To Paradise
If a floral version of paradise is what you' re after, this incredible gift is just the ticket. A masterful assortment of tropical flowers and greens is amazingly arranged in a distinctive rectangular natural bamboo container. Absolutely stunning. Lovely lavender hydrangea and roses, pink miniature callas, hot pink spray roses, purple carnations, heather, fern and more fill a natural bamboo container.
Teleflora's Lavender Chiffon Bouquet
Now here's a real pleaser: a glorious springtime bouquet, harmoniously arranged in a sparkling vase. The delicate blooms and soothing lavender palette spread joy to those you love the most. Includes light pink roses, lavender alstroemeria and cushion spray chrysanthemums, accented with fresh pops of green bupleurum and pittosporum. Delivered in a Brilliant Gem Votive.
Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids
This towering topiary of asiatic lilies, orchids and roses - artistically arranged with tropical greenery - is a unique gift that celebrates the spirit of creativity. Pink asiatic lilies rise up from a square design block holding a mix of cymbidium orchids, spray roses and accent blooms and greenery.
Teleflora's Peaches and Dreams
The only thing sweeter than peaches and cream just might be this dreamy bouquet of delicious roses and tulips. Be a peach and send one today! Pretty in peach roses, tulips, miniature carnations and stock along with white waxflower and fresh spring greens are beautifully arranged in a ceramic French country container.
Teleflora's Exotic Grace
Looking for something with a bit of Zen? With tall bamboo and birds of paradise complemented by a stunning mix of tropical orange flowers and greenery in a graceful bamboo container, this bouquet is it. Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a beautifully exotic keepsake bamboo container.
Teleflora's Box of Sunshine
Let the sunshine in! This brilliant mix of flowers is hand-delivered in natural bamboo cube. You can't help feeling happy and warm all over just by looking at it. Pretty yellow roses rest inside brilliant green hydrangea, all inside an exclusive natural bamboo cube. Imagination blossoms right here!
Teleflora's Bamboo Getaway
Get away from bouquets as usual and choose this tropical adventure strikingly served up in a beautiful bamboo box. Exotic. Exciting. Extremely beautiful! Yellow roses, dark orange miniature callas, orange asiatic lilies and pin cushion protea, red miniature gerberas and more are delivered in a unique rectangular bamboo container. It's definitely a departure from the ordinary!
Teleflora's Smiles for Miles
Shower them with sunshine! An abundance of yellow and green blooms bursts from the stylish bamboo box, bringing miles of smiles along with it. What a joyful pick for him and her, any day of the year! Sunny yellow flowers include roses, asiatic lilies, gladioli and miniature carnations, all mixed with soft green button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with a modern touch in a rich brown bamboo box.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Teleflora's Uptown Bouquet
An arrangement worthy of your uptown girl, this one rocks! Modern without being trendy. Gorgeous without being girly. If your woman knows style, this is the gift for her. Outrageously beautiful dark orange and peach roses are nestled in a garden of greens and delivered in a unique bamboo rectangle. Go ahead: show her that you get it.
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Medium
Known for its indoor beauty and ability to clear the air of contaminants, this brilliant green plant with dazzling white blossoms makes a perfect gift for almost any occasion. low-maintenance. High quality. Bet you never knew delivering elegance could be this simple. This spathiphyllum comes in an 8" woven wicker basket. It's a great medium for delivering vitality.
Pretty In Pink Azalea
This pretty azalea serves up a plethora of pink petals. Absolutely stunning as an indoor plant, it can also be planted outside and enjoyed for years to come. What a perfect present! A beautifully robust pink azalea is hand-delivered in a lovely white ceramic ribbed planter. Think pink!
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Small
Also known as the peace lily, this dark leafy plant with its delicate white blossoms makes a simply elegant gift. There's nothing small about the sentiment delivered along with this pretty plant. A brilliant green spathiphyllum is delivered in a natural wicker basket. Long live elegance!
Thomas Kinkade's Glorious Goodness by Teleflora
A glorious gift for any occasion! Bursting with color and fragrance, this beautiful pink and lavender bouquet is lovingly arranged in a keepsake vase featuring Thomas Kinkade's Garden of Grace painting. Pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, lavender alstroemeria, lavender stock and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with bupleurum, huckleberry and lemon leaf. Delivered in Thomas Kinkade's Garden vase.
Thomas Kinkade's Radiant Garden by Teleflora
Like a ray of light, this radiant white and crème bouquet of roses, lilies and alstroemeria will brighten their day. This lovely arrangement is perfectly paired with a graceful ceramic vase featuring Thomas Kinkade's beloved Garden of Grace painting. Includes crème roses, white asiatic lilies, crème carnations, white alstroemeria, white stock, bupleurum and lemon leaf. Delivered in an exclusive Thomas Kinkade's Garden Vase.
Teleflora's Touch of Gold
A touch of gold adds a touch of class to this gorgeously understated bouquet featuring white roses and white lilies in a golden ribbed Jardinière vase. Whatever the occasion, this delightful gift will make it even happier. The stunning bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white asiatic lilies and white alstroemeria accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a golden ribbed Jardiniere vase with a metallized finish.
Thomas Kinkade's Moments of Grace by Teleflora
Lush, fragrant lilies and lovely lavender roses capture the beauty of a glorious garden to soothe the soul. Perfectly complemented by a ceramic vase featuring Thomas Kinkade's best-selling Garden of Grace painting, this is a gift they'll never forget. Lavender roses, light pink lilies, burgundy button chrysanthemums, white cushion chrysanthemums and lavender seafoam statice are arranged with oregonia, sword fern and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an exclusive Thomas Kinkade's Garden Vase.
Teleflora's Shining Spirit Bouquet
Show your sympathy with style and grace. A shining silver finish and reverent cross cut-out makes this stunning ceramic vase the perfect accompaniment for a lush bouquet of pure white hydrangea, lilies, alstroemeria and stock. White hydrangea, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, white stock, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with lemon leaf. Delivered in a Shining Cross vase.
Love's Sweet Medley by Teleflora
Birthday? Anniversary? Thinking of you? Whatever the occasion, here's an affordable gift that's sure to be a huge hit. Roses, lilies and other favorites in a lovely rose gold Jardiniere vase - who wouldn't love it? The exquisite bouquet includes light pink spray roses, white lilies, pink carnations, white stock and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a rose gold ribbed Jardiniere vase with a metallized finish.
Teleflora's Bright Life Bouquet
Show them how much you care with this beautifully bright yet reverent arrangement of roses, lilies and alstroemeria. Gracefully presented in a shining, silver-finished ceramic vase with cross cut-out - a touching tribute to a bright life. This glorious arrangement includes hot pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, lavender stock, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Shining Cross vase. .
Teleflora's Heavenly and Harmony
Heavenly hues and pretty petals are in perfect harmony in this gorgeous arrangement. Lovely for a birthday, anniversary or just because, it's simply stunning! Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, Queen Anne's lace and salal are beautifully arranged in a glass vase. Heaven sent? Well, someone will think you're an angel for sending it!
Teleflora's Skies of Remembrance Bouquet
As hopeful as a bright blue sky, this beautiful arrangement of lush blue hydrangea and fragrant white lilies is a heartfelt symbol of peace and beauty. Its reverent, silver-finished ceramic vase with cross cut-out will remain a guiding light to your loved ones for years to come. This majestic bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, light blue delphinium, dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Shining Cross vase. .
Teleflora's Imperial Purple Orchid
Shangri-la might be a fictional place, but this stunning orchid is firmly planted in the most beautiful kind of reality. An exotic lavender phalaenopsis orchid comes delivered in a distinctive cube made of beautiful, natural bamboo. It's easy to take care of and lovely to look at. A lavender phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. It's almost too good to be true. .
Sweet Azalea Delight
Pretty in pink azaleas are sure to delight! Perfect for birthdays, new babies, brightening someone's day even brightening someone's Valentine's Day! Two sweeter than sweet pink azaleas are delivered in a charming rectangular ribbed planter. Great for inside and grand in the garden, too!
Teleflora's Opulent Orchids
Pure elegance. That's what these divine white phalaenopsis orchids deliver. They're beautiful upon arrival, and what's even more beautiful is that these amazing plants are easy to take care of, and can blossom for months. A white phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. Now that's the kind of opulence anyone can appreciate.
Divine Orchid
What could possibly be more divine than one lavender phalaenopsis orchid delivered to your door? Two, of course! Two miniature lavender phalaenopsis orchids are delivered in a dazzling brown footed planter. Divine? Definitely!
Rose Repose
Send a state of instant tranquility with this miniature rose garden! The soothing pink blossoms and the beautiful dark green leaves will deliver a fresh sense of calm for a long time. Two pretty pink miniature rose bushes are delivered in a white rectangular planter. Any time is the right time for a rose repose!
Regal Orchids
Grace. Beauty. Prosperity. And love. These are just some of the lovely qualities attached to the exquisite orchid. So imagine the effect of receiving six stunning orchid plants all at once. Magical, right? Two brilliant green miniature phalaenopsis orchids, two lavender miniature phalaenopsis orchids and two dazzling white miniature phalaenopsis orchids are surrounded by white river rocks and delivered in a unique crème ceramic pedestal planter. Give someone the royal treatment!
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
A Full Life
Even in mourning it is important to remember and honor a life well lived. This beautiful basket of purple and white flowers blended with vibrant greenery is a wonderful way to pay tribute to one who has indeed lived a full life. Brilliant flowers such as purple hydrangea, lavender roses, white spray roses and waxflower are arranged with beautiful ivy and more in a lovely round basket.
Large Basket Garden
This impressive garden of indoor plants will be a warm welcome to any home or office. And you'll get glowing reviews for sending it. Croton, ivy, pothos, dieffenbachia, schefflera and syngonium plants arrive together in a wicker basket with handle.
Small Garden Dish
A lovely array of cheerful plants is just the right size for a mid-size desk or table. It's also just the right choice for that special someone. Dracaena, ivy, palm, dieffenbachia, peperomia and philodendron plants arrive in a low decorative bowl.
Plants Galore
You don't need a green thumb to love plants galore! Plants, plants and more plants are delivered in a handsome woodchip basket. Easier to care for than pronounce, a hot pink azalea and white hypoestes are joined by dieffenbachia, nephthytis, spathiphyllum and ivy. All are hand-arranged in a pretty wicker basket. It's an abundance of natural beauty.
Basket of Joy
Whether celebrating the arrival of a bundle of joy, a new job, a new house or anything else that makes life brighter, this is the perfect basket of joy! Ultra-big on beauty and ultra-low on maintenance, it's a simply beautiful gift. Two ivy plants along with white and yellow kalanchoe fill a charming round basket. Could it be any easier to deliver joy?
Teleflora's Crystal Cross Bouquet
Celebrate the reason for the season with radiant flowers cradling an exquisitely crafted Crystal Cross. This lovely gift will be a source of inspiration for years to come. Yellow gladioli, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations and solidago accented with assorted greenery are delivered with a 7 ½" high, multifaceted Crystal Cross.
Simply Chic Mixed Plant Basket
Simply captivating. Simply charming. Simply chic. This pretty basket is overflowing with character - and live plants. It's colorful, natural and beautiful. A charming oval wicker basket is full of flowering plants like two miniature lavender African violets, 2 pink kalanchoes, a hot pink cyclamen, a pink primrose and a hypoestes. Not to mention green ivy and maidenhair fern. A fantastic mix for anyone!
Fruits and Blooms Basket
Here's a tasteful gift for any occasion. Fruit and flowers, what could be better than that? A big wicker basket comes overflowing with apples, bananas, pears and oranges that surround a hot pink azalea plant. This basket is ripe for giving!
Delicious Delights Basket
It's delicious. It's delightful. It's a foody dream come true. Full of fruit, fun and more, this is a perfect gift for any occasion. Red apples and grapes, pears, yummy dried cranberries, cheese, summer sausage and crackers are all wrapped up in a wicker basket and ready to be enjoyed. Deliciously different!
Bon Vivant Gourmet Basket
Life really can be a picnic for whoever is lucky enough to receive this tasteful basket. Overflowing with deliciousness, it's perfect for a party or a delightful day at the park! Red and green apples, bananas, pears, oranges, a pineapple, green grapes, pretzels, cheeses and crackers, gourmet chocolates and cookies and Earl Grey tea. This feast comes delivered in a handled wicker basket complete with red organza ribbon. Bon appétit!
Yellow Trio Basket
This delightful basket holds a plethora of sunny yellow flowering plants! So sweet, it's no wonder a darling little yellow bird has built its nest inside the basket. Two bright yellow miniature rose plants, plus a yellow kalanchoe and begonia are nestled right beside the little bird and her nest. It's all delivered in a charming round basket. It sends three times the cheer!
Teleflora's Quiet Expressions
Three of the most popular and most loved of all plants, beautifully presented in a stylish bamboo rectangle is a gift that will bring many days of joy. This mix of spathiphyllum, ivy, dracena and maindenhair fern, accented with river rocks, is delivered in a brown bamboo rectangle.
Fairest of All
You won't need a mirror, mirror on the wall to decide which bouquet is the fairest of all. No doubt this beauty will win that contest! Light orange roses, hot pink roses light pink alstroemeria, ranunculas and matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums and more are delightfully delivered in a charming ivy handled woven basket. Send one to your fair lady!
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful. .
Written In the Stars by Teleflora
This classic silver and white arrangement is a stunning way to let that special someone know how you feel. Inspired by a romantic night sky, it's a dazzling way to pay homage to your years together. Elegant white lilies and pretty white waxflower stems are exquisitely arranged in a silver Mercury Glass Antique vase that's reminiscent of a star-filled sky. It really is a wish come true. .
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy. A pink kalanchoe, hypoestes, green nephthytis and both Boston and maidenhair ferns are delivered in a delightful round wicker basket. .
Sweet Violet Trio
These violets aren't blue! They are lovely lavender and perfectly purple. Three plants in all, looking absolutely beautiful in their cozy rectangular basket. A symbol of enduring admiration, it's no surprise that the African violet has been a favorite for generations. One purple and two lavender velvety African violet plants are delivered in a pretty wicker basket. Be sweet and send this gift today. .
Teleflora's Loving Grace
A warm and peaceful bounty of pastel blossoms gently expresses love and respect. A gracefully composed arrangement appropriate for home or service. Fresh flowers such as peach and light pink roses, lavender and purple larkspur, pink asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, gerberas and lisianthus are set in an exclusive Noble Heritage urn. .
Garden To Go Basket
It's no secret why this garden is such a great gift. An adorable basket is chock full of lovely flowering plants. It's the perfect arrangement for carrying your good wishes. Two beautiful purple African violets and two yellow rose plants are delivered in a delightful Nantucket basket with handles. Go with this garden and you'll be golden.
Full Heart - 16 Premium Red Roses
When your heart is full of love. Of longing. Of loss. You can pay tribute with this incredible arrangement of roses and eucalyptus in a beautiful ming vase. Cherish the moments you had and the memories you will hold onto forever. Lovely red roses and graceful eucalyptus in a gorgeous ming vase make up this heartfelt gift. .
Beautiful Dreams by Teleflora
Soothing and respectful. Calm and compassionate. This beautiful collection of white and light colored blossoms will deliver your loving thoughts perfectly. Tasteful flowers such as light blue hydrangea, crème roses, white asiatic lilies, miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely white French Country Pot.
Meadows of Memories
Soft lavender and green blooms to surround the urn, like a peaceful, contemplative garden. A subdued assortment of flowers such as lavender larkspur, roses and asters are grouped beautifully with the rich greens of cymbidium orchids, chrysanthemums, English boxwood and sword fern.Please note: Arrangement does not include urn. .
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle. .
This Magic Moment
It will be a magic moment when this divine bowl of pastel roses is hand-delivered to someone special. Perfect for any occasion, the soft colors and variety of rose blossoms will soothe anyone's soul. Beautiful yellow roses, peach and white spray roses and greens are delivered in a clear glass bubble ball. The effect is magical. .
Health Nut Basket
Naturally this gift basket isn't just for health nuts. Aspiring health nuts or someone you'd like to help get on a health kick will love it, too. Full of great food, and so full of goodness, including a lively orange kalanchoe plant, someone would have to be, well… a bit nutty not to enjoy it! Apples and pears are joined by trail mix, mixed nuts, peanuts and a kalanchoe in a charming wicker basket. Happy. Healthy. Yummy!
Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet
A simply beautiful way to show you care. By sending this elegant arrangement to the home of those in mourning, you are letting them know they are embraced in your thoughts. And in your heart. Fresh flowers such as crème roses, white oriental lilies, carnations, eucalyptus and more are delivered in a lovely Noble Heritage urn. .
Teleflora's Lovely One Spathiphyllum Plant
The graceful spathiphyllum plant with its snowy white flowers is a familiar and reassuring sight in any setting. A gift of beauty that lasts. The beautiful spathiphyllum plant will be delivered in a a classic noble heritage urn. .
Teleflora's Rose Remembrance
To create a truly stunning tribute, choose a magnificent, fragrant display of peach roses, spray roses and carnations - accented with greenery, and displayed in a classic Grecian Garden urn. A gracious mark of respect for a life well lived. A mix of fresh peach flowers such as roses, spray roses and carnations - accented with greenery - is delivered in a Grecian Garden urn. .
Teleflora's Tender Tribute
Vivid and touching, vibrant reds and serene whites blend in honor and celebration of a life filled with love, light and grace. Beautiful fresh flowers such as red gladioli and carnations with white asiatic lilies set amidst myrtle, sword fern, and salal in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn. .
Sunny Cyclamen
Perennially pretty! This delightful flowering pot will deliver beauty for a long time. The perfectly pink blossoms almost look like birds in flight over a lovely sea of greens. Sure to be appreciated, it's a wonderful housewarming or birthday gift. A beautiful light pink cyclamen plant is delivered in a delightful crème-colored pedestal planter. Send some sun!
Teleflora's Heartfelt Memories
A towering display of blooms such as gladioli, carnations and chrysanthemums in royal hues of purple and lavender, presented in a Grecian-style urn, is a gracious representation of your heartfelt sentiments at a funeral, memorial service or wake. A mix of fresh flowers such as gladioli, carnations and cushion spray chrysanthemums, in shades of lavender and purple - accented with ferns - is delivered in a Teleflora Garlands of Grace urn. .
Teleflora's Sunny Memories
Honor a bright spirit who was like a ray of sunshine to everyone they encountered, with a grand display of bold yellow blossoms. At more than three feet tall, it will add a touch of brightness to any tribute. A mix of fresh yellow flowers such as roses, gladioli and chrysanthemums - accented with fern - is delivered in a Noble Heritage urn. .
Teleflora's Heartwarming Thoughts Boston Fern
When you give someone a lovely, lacy Boston fern, you are giving a lasting gift that will be a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness. The lush Boston fern plant will be delivered in a classic Gardens of Grace container. .
Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora
Not at all somber are these abundant blooms of pink, yellow and lavender, gracefully arranged in a container that is equally suitable for a memorial service or one's home. Fresh flowers such as pink roses, lilies, gladioli and larkspur stems artfully mixed with yellow dahlias and purple larkspur. .
Teleflora's Garden of Memories
A garden of heavenly blooms offers an elegant and timeless tribute, beautifully honoring the spirit of the most precious departed. Lovely fresh flowers such as white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums, pink roses, hydrangea, and alstroemeria, all delivered in an exclusive Garlands of Grace urn. .
Teleflora's Grace and Majesty Bouquet
A bouquet to remember. This glorious garden of roses, lilies and alstroemeria surrounds a gleaming Crystal Cross. It's a radiant, reverent expression of faith that will be appreciated for years to come. Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple stock and purple seafoam statice are arranged with fresh pitta negra, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Crystal Cross keepsake.
Soft Sentiments Bouquet
Bring warmth to the memorial service or home with this basket of sunshine. A radiant tribute to a bright, beautiful life, this bouquet of lilies, gerberas and carnations is a comforting reminder of your support and affection. This sentimental favorite features peach asiatic lilies, peach gerberas, crème carnations and minature orange carnations with fresh green oregonia and lemon leaf. Deilvered in a natural woven basket. .
Teleflora's Shining on Bouquet
Let your love shine! No matter the recipient or the occasion, this stunning monochromatic mix of hydrangea and roses, hand-delivered in a shimmering silver cube, is destined to delight and inspire. This bouquet of blooms includes white hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and pitta negra. Delivered in a silver mirrored cube vase. .
Teleflora's Blush of Love Bouquet
Celebrate your love with this beautifully blushing bouquet! Luxurious lilies, delicate hydrangea and fragrant stock delight her senses, soothe her soul, and tickle her fancy. It's a loving gift she won't soon forget! Includes pink hydrangea, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, carnations and stock, accented with fresh greens. Delivered in a Couture vase. .
Sweet as Sugar by Teleflora
A Mirrored Silver Cube vase is just one of the things that makes this beautiful bouquet such a sweet gift. It's full of beautiful flowers that are perfectly hand-arranged for maximum impact. Lovely lavender hydrangea, roses, alstroemeria, stock and freesia arrive in a magical Mirrored Silver Cube. As sweet as a sugar cube!
Together At Twilight Bouquet
Capture the magic of togetherness with this bountiful bouquet of enchanting lavender roses. Artfully arranged in a glass vase, its twilight hues are sure to brighten anyone's day! This dramatic arrangement includes lavender roses, lavender stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in a purple glass vase. .
Teleflora's Lush and Lavender with Roses
Delightfully dramatic, this gorgeous array of lavender and purple flowers in a lavender cut-glass votive bowl makes an enchanting gift. They'll love the flowers and bask in the glow of lavender candlelight for years to come. The ravishing bouquet includes purple hydrangea, lavender roses, purple alstroemeria and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a stunning lavender cut-glass votive bowl. .
Teleflora's Purple Medley Bouquet with Roses
Impress someone special without depressing your budget. Send lush pink and lavender flowers in a classic purple ginger jar. The exquisite bouquet includes hot pink roses, light pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a deep purple ginger jar.
Teleflora's Peace & Joy Bouquet
There's no business like snow business when it's expressed as dazzlingly as it is in this snowy white array of roses, lilies and more in a chic mirrored silver cube. Think how thrilled they'll be when this stunning bouquet arrives at the door. The elegant holiday bouquet includes white roses, white Asiatic lilies, white carnations and white button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery. .
Teleflora's Sentimental Dreams
Because you will remember the loved one with every sunrise and every sunset. Because someone special made your life brighter. For these reasons and more, this brilliant arrangement will be much appreciated. A lovely assortment of flowers such as fiery orange roses, gerberas and gladioli, ti leaves, magnolia leaves and more are beautifully arranged in an exclusive Noble Heritage urn. .
Teleflora's Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet
Cool and contemporary yet also sweet and warm, this delightful bouquet of floral favorites in a silver cube vase makes an enchanting gift. She'll love this sunny gift - and you'll love the sunny price tag. The cheerful bouquet includes white hydrangea, yellow roses, crème roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a contemporary glass cube with a mirrored silver finish. .
Dreams From the Heart Bouquet
A lovely bouquet to soothe and comfort, a variety of white and peach blossoms sends your hope and strength. Beautifully. Beautiful flowers such as white hydrangea, spray roses and stock, peach roses, eucalyptus and more fill a tall glass vase. .
Teleflora's Pink Potpourri Bouquet with Roses
As strong as it is soft, the color pink as it is featured here creates a loving and utterly feminine tribute. Many shades of pink blossoms blend together for an effect that is beautifully subtle and sublime. A range of lovely flowers like pink roses, spray roses and alstroemeria are accented by fresh greens in the loveliest way and delivered in a beautiful French Country Pot. .
Celestial Love
Peaceful and pure. This pretty arrangement of white and light colors will let anyone know they are in your thoughts. Fresh flowers such as peach roses, crème spray roses, white stock, waxflower and more are gathered in a beautiful clear vase. .
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon. .
Bountiful Kalanchoe
Bountiful and beautiful, the kalanchoe is one hardy plant that makes a heartfelt gift. It's hand-delivered in a crème ribbed planter. A succulent pink kalanchoe arrives in a distinctive pot. Just lovely.
Anything for You by Teleflora
You'd do anything for her, so let her know how you feel by sending this generous and gorgeous arrangement. Who could ask for anything more? Beautiful peach roses and spray roses, white alstroemeria, brilliant green carnations, peach hypericum and fresh garden greens are perfectly hand-arranged in a feminine Couture Vase. .
Basket of Memories
Honor rich remembrances of one dearly missed with a vivid mix of blooms that offer strength and comfort alike during a time of sorrow. Beautiful fresh flowers such as yellow asiatic lilies and gladioli contrast with purple carnations, statice and gladioli, plus lavender carnations and chrysanthemums in a rectangular basket with handle.
Teleflora's Lavender Laughter Bouquet
Fill her heart with laughter! The ultimate lavender-lover's bouquet, this gleeful gift of white and lavender blooms is delivered in a pretty pale lavender vase she'll cherish forever. Lavender organza ribbon adds that gifting touch. Includes white alstroemeria, miniature lavender carnations, white chrysanthemums and waxflower, accented with fresh pittosporum and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bunch vase. .
Vivid Recollections
This glorious basket of beautiful blossoms will send hope and let those you care for know that grief is a path they needn't walk alone. Bright flowers such as yellow asiatic lilies, snapdragons and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with green gladioli, purple alstroemeria and fresh greenery are beautifully delivered in a natural basket. .
Teleflora's Inspiration Bouquet
The fragrant white calla lilies are breathtaking. The stunning contemporary vase with its cross motif will be a treasured keepsake. A lovely choice for home or service. The gorgeous bouquet includes six large white calla lilies, accented with ti leaves and salal. Delivered in glass vase inside a silver-toned sleeve adorned with a cut-out cross.
Teleflora's Splendid Orchids
As if beautifully blossoming green cymbidium orchids rising out of dramatic black river rocks weren't splendid enough, this gift takes it up a notch by delivering it all inside a beautiful Noble Heritage Urn. Stunning green cymbidium orchids are delivered in a unique glossy Noble Heritage Urn. It's an especially splendid gift. .
My Fair Lady by Teleflora
Your fair lady will love you for sending her this stunning arrangement. A vision in green and white, this definitely is not your garden-variety bouquet! Graceful white callas mixed with dramatic light and dark greens arrive in a delightful clear glass bunch vase. .
Teleflora's Guiding Light Bouquet
Peaceful and majestic, a graceful angel rests amongst fragrant, snow white roses, alstroemeria and stock - a touching tribute to a bright life and your unending support. White roses, white alstroemeria, white stock, white miniature carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with white waxflower, dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with an Angel of Grace keepsake. .
Teleflora's Purest Love Bouquet
Who's the fairest of them all? This snow-white bouquet. A stunning statement of your purest love, this mix of hydrangea and lilies in a Couture vase will take their heart away. This snow-white bouquet includes hydrangea, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, miniature carnations, stock and fresh green pittosporum. Delivered in a Couture vase. .
Teleflora's Forever Faithful Bouquet
An elegant display of faith and grace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite sculpture of Jesus is surrounded by a bed of lovely blossoms. It is sure to be appreciated and always remembered. A fragrant mix of pure white blooms - including roses, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and waxflower - is accented with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with an exclusive Sacred Grace keepsake. .
Dawn of Remembrance Basket
To offer comfort and consolation, these serene, softly colored roses and chrysanthemums are nestled in a round white basket with handle. Satin ribbon is threaded throughout to complement the soft look. Beautiful blooms such as white and light pink roses with white larkspur, white mums and silvery dusty miller. Arranged in a white handled basket and accented with satin ribbon.
Beautiful Whisper
A whisper-quiet affirmation of love. Subtle shadings of pink and white roses, lilies and delicate Queen Anne's lace in a simple, elegant vase. Gorgeous flowers such as white, crème and light pink roses, white oriental lilies and delicate Queen Anne's lace with a touch of silvery dusty miller, all in a classic hurricane vase. .
Teleflora's Napa Valley Centerpiece
Accent your special occasion with the wild, natural elegance of Napa Valley. Creamy whites and lacy greens are united in a large, French country pot to shabby chic effect. Wondrous white flowers including roses, lisianthus, Queen Anne's lace, hydrangea and bouvardia are gracefully presented with delicate maidenhair fern in a glazed French Country Pot with classic fleur de lis motif. .
Love's Journey
Your message of caring will be as clear as day when you send this pure white and pretty basket to the bereaved. A variety of beautiful white flowers such as roses, spray roses, alstroemeria, larkspur and more are lovingly arranged in this tribute. .
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern. .
Birthday Flowers
Look no further than Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts for birthday gifts! Liven up any birthday party with a festive birthday flowers or surprise them with a cheerful "Happy Birthday" bouquet! We offer birthday flower delivery to Prattsburgh, NY or nationwide.
Teleflora's Party Starter Bouquet
Party time! Celebrate their special day in a fun, festive way with a surprise delivery of orange, purple, and hot pink blooms in an adorable birthday candle bowl. Colorful curling ribbons add to the party pizzazz! This happy arrangement features orange asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Birthday Celebration bowl.
Your Wish Is Granted Birthday Cake Bouquet
A slice of birthday fun! Creative and colorful, this birthday cake bouquet of roses, carnations and mums is a fun-filled surprise on their special day. Birthday candles top it off in festive style! This cute cake arrangement is made up of yellow roses, orange spray roses, red miniature carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, and israeli ruscus. Delivered on a designer tray.
Teleflora's Brilliant Birthday Blooms
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful gift! Pretty orange spray roses, red miniature carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are joined by yards of curling ribbon and delivered in a very special keepsake container. Brilliant? You bet!.
Punch of Color Bouquet
The bright stuff for punching up anyone's mood! Bring happiness to any day with this bold, sunset-inspired blend of hot pink roses and orange lilies in a classic glass vase! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, red miniature carnations, orange snapdragons, and pink heather are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Birthday Bash Bouquet
No birthday bash is complete without a surprise delivery of beautiful blooms! This festive bouquet of hot pink roses and sunny yellow lilies is topped with a fun Happy Birthday balloon for a gift they'll never forget. This celebratory arrangement includes hot pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, orange alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, and oregonia. Delivered in a raspberry tapered vase.
Blush Life Bouquet
Go ahead, make them blush! This luxurious bouquet of roses, lilies and hydrangea in fresh shades of pink, peach and green is sure to put some cheerful color in their cheeks! The delicate ribbons dress up the graceful keepsake vase. This sweet arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, peach asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, seeded eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Teleflora's Be Sweet Bouquet
Show her how much she is loved - send her this sweet bouquet of lavender roses and pink hydrangea in a sparkling silver cube vase. You'll know from her "Thank you, thank you, thank you" how much she cherishes this lovely gift. The beautiful bouquet includes pink hydrangea, lavender roses and pink alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a contemporary glass cube with a mirrored silver finish.
Teleflora's Blooming Birthday Bouquet
Make it a blooming unforgettable birthday with this gorgeous bouquet of soft yellow roses and pretty pink lilies! Complete with a Happy Birthday pick, the blooms are arranged in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details! The beautiful blooms in this bouquet include light yellow roses, pink asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, light yellow stock, and purple daisy spray chrysanthemums accented with leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style Cube.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Birthday Sparkle Bouquet
Add some extra special sparkle to their birthday with this grand gift! Hand-delivered in a shimmering golden cube with intricate cutouts, this colorful bouquet will make their birthday week wonderful. Later, they can remove the pretty magenta liner and golden "happy birthday" pick and enjoy the cube as a pretty candleholder! This colorful mix features orange roses, orange spray roses, fuchsia stock, pink carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Special Celebration Bouquet
Make a wish! This party of petals is a birthday surprise they'll never forget. The fun, fabulous bouquet of roses and gerberas is lovingly hand-delivered in a bubble bowl adorned with adorable birthday candles for a special celebratory touch. Dark pink roses, red spray roses, red gerberas, white button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with huckleberry, lemon leaf, and festive ribbon. Delivered in a Birthday Celebration bowl.
Teleflora's Thrilled for You Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with this glorious gift! Luxurious lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and purple stock are artfully arranged in a golden cube with modern cutout motif. The keepsake cube becomes a stunning candleholder when you remove the pretty purple liner and "celebrate" pick! Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Your Special Day
Tell the birthday girl to make a wish on these candles! Made entirely of fresh flowers, this delightful "cake" will really make her day special. The recipe for this cake includes a pink rose and hydrangea, hot pink miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums and waxflower and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums. This tasteful arrangement even comes with its own hot pink candles. It's everything a girl could wish for!
Teleflora's Blue Caribbean
Martinique, St. Maarten, any tropical paradise is the perfect setting for this explosively colorful bouquet in a chic blue contemporary cube vase. Can't go just now? Bring the island home. The exciting bouquet includes yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Beautiful In Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Fly Away Birthday Bouquet
Make birthday spirits soar by sending this fabulously fun birthday bouquet and balloon. Bright primary colors make it perfect for guys and gals. Years may fly by but that doesn't mean birthday celebrations need to! Brilliant orange roses, yellow alstroemeria, red carnations and miniature carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and a big bright balloon are all delivered in a beautiful cobalt blue vase. It's a thumbs-way-up choice in birthday gifts!
Blue Horizons
As open and bright as a winter's sky, this exquisite mix of white and blue blossoms would make a stunning birthday gift, or a superb Hanukah present for a favorite friend or family member. An eye-catching selection. White Asiatic lilies, white spray roses and dark blue iris - accented with greenery - are delivered in a glass vase.
Teleflora's Celebrate You Bouquet
It's a party to go! Celebrate life's special moments with this fun, fabulous mix of roses, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a festive, food-safe mug that will make their coffee breaks extra fun. Perfect for any festive occasion, from birthday parties to graduations to retirements! This delightful gift bursts with orange roses, purple carnations, red miniature carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bells of Ireland, blue sinuata statice, and huckleberry. Delivered in a Cheers to You mug.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Colorful Celebration Bouquet
Color their day happy with this bright surprise! Artfully arranged with a Celebrate pick in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details, this sunny bouquet of yellow lilies and hot pink roses celebrates them in style. This joyful bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and sword fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Springtime's Here Bouquet
Spring is here! Celebrate the season with the pastel perfection of this cheerful bouquet. Bursting with beautiful textures and springtime hues, this mix of tulips, hyacinths and daffodils is fresh and fabulous! Hot pink tulips, light pink alstroemeria, yellow daffodils and lavender hyacinth are mixed with bupleurum, dusty miller and pittosporum. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Pop of Springtime Bouquet
Spring positively pops with this whimsical bouquet! Bursting with color and fun, it features pretty pink tulips, sunshiny alstroemeria, purple asters, and don't forget the playful Easter eggs! This delightful bouquet includes pink tulips, yellow alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters, lavender waxflower, dusty miller, asparagus plumosus, sword fern, pitta negra, and curly willow. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Floral Spring Iris Bouquet
This luxurious mix of hydrangea, roses, tulips, lilies and irises brings the glory of a fresh spring sky to any occasion! What a majestic mix of blues, yellows and whites, gracefully gathered in a classic glass vase. Purple hydrangea, yellow roses, yellow tulips, white asiatic lilies, blue iris, lavender freesia, and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with white sinuata statice, bupleurum, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Gathering Vase.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other .
Teleflora's In Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube. Approximately 14" W x 15" H.
Arrive In Style
This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish vase. Style to spare!
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in. You guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon. .
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Monarch Garden Bouquet
Sure to make mom's heart flutter, this sweet ceramic planter features a charming butterfly motif, a rustic rope handle, and a gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies. This arrangement features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Pour on the glam with this luxurious lavender cube! With its shimmering metallic finish and soothing wave detail, it's the perfect complement to a magnificent Mother's Day bouquet of light pink carnations and rich, jewel-toned mums. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder. .
Teleflora's Butterfly Hideaway Plant Garden
This living bouquet will make mom's day! Gorgeous green and pink plants look perfect in this ceramic planter with rope handle and sweet butterfly design. This arrangement of plants includes dieffenbachia camille, compacta dracaena, pink hypoestes, and pink kalanchoe, accented with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter. .
Teleflora's Washed In Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder. .
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Joy
Symbolizing warmth and happiness, it is no wonder the sunflower is a quintessential ingredient in so many fall bouquets. This bouquet maximizes the joy of sunflowers by arranging them with a bevy of fall flowers, it's a lovely pick-me-up for a crisp fall day. Sunny sunflowers, red roses and miniature carnations, bronze daisy spray chrysanthemums, large lavender monte cassino asters and autumn greens are beautifully arranged in a ceramic vase. .
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube. .
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Sunflowers
Pour on the fun by sending this dazzling bouquet of summer's brightest blooms! Great if you're invited to a pool party, BBQ or just want to brighten up someone's day. Stunning sunflowers, salal and seeded eucalyptus are beautifully arranged in a brilliant yellow ceramic pitcher. This gift will be serving up fun and sun for years to come.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl. .
Teleflora's Upsy Daisy
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day. The bright bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and bupleurum accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow gingham ribbon. .
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Delight your love with this beautiful bouquet of bright white chrysanthemums, precious pink carnations, romantic red roses and more in a radiant red vase. The charming bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations, red miniature carnations and red roses accented with fresh greenery in a stylish red vase. .
Love and Laughter
Know someone you love to make laugh? Someone you love to laugh with? Someone who could use a laugh? Someone who fits all of the above? Well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms. Lavender roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple carnations, miniature carnations, matsumoto asters and pink waxflower are delivered in a sweet lilac vase that's tied with a purple satin ribbon. Love, laugh and send it today!
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses
The spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely.
End of the Rainbow
Hot fun in the summertime is here, and it's flowerific to be sure! This beautiful bouquet brings together a rainbow of the season's brightest blossoms. Hot pink gerberas, orange bi-color roses, orange spray roses and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a charming glass vase.
Teleflora's Summer Daydream Bouquet
Send them on a summer daydream with this sensationally sunny bouquet! These vivid blooms are arranged in a cobalt blue vase. Includes yellow asiatic lilies, red gerberas, purple matsumoto asters, yellow daisies, lavender statice and fresh green lemon leaf. Delivered in a Serendipity vase.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Spring Sonata
Once in a while, an arrangement is so perfect for so many people and so many occasions, it really is a floral masterpiece. Introducing Spring Sonata. Pink roses, tulips, miniature carnations, light pink and hot pink spray roses, purple monte cassino asters, green button spray chrysanthemums and seeded eucalyptus are delivered in harmony in a classic terra-cotta pot.
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Always on My Mind - Long Stemmed Red Roses
A dozen gorgeous red roses are the perfect romantic gift to send to the one who's always on your mind and in your heart. Say "I love you" by sending this lovely arrangement of twelve radiant red roses and fresh greens delivered in a beautiful spring garden vase. Love always.
Precious Pink Tulips
Beautiful and "simply said" light pink tulips are a hip way to show you care. Ten delicate light pink Tulips arranged in a clear glass vase.
Say Something Sweet Bouquet
Say it sweeter with this feminine bouquet of a dozen ballet pink roses and lush greens in a graceful glass vase. 12 pink roses are arranged with pitta negra and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Money Tree
Harmonize the five elements within a space, bring good fortune and prosperity, and improve the flow of "chi" with a money tree! The money tree - or Pachira - is thought to bring good luck, and is a thoughtful gift for any home or office. A money tree is planted in a square black container, and adorned around the base with deerfoot moss, plus black and white rocks.
Daisy Daydreams
Get a handle on spring with this delightful array of floral favorites in a charming white bamboo basket accented with lavender ribbon. Surprise someone who could use a lift. It will make you both happy. The cheerful bouquet includes lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, dark purple Matsumoto asters, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and purple Monte Cassino asters accented with fresh greenery. The flowers are delivered in a white bamboo basket accented with a lavender gingham ribbon.
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red Roses
Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say "I love you." Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish glass vase. It's a beautiful way to celebrate a romance that deepens with each passing year.
Always a Lady
A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Elegant white roses and sweet pink asiatic lilies are hand-arranged with greens. It's the perfect way to show you love her always and forever.
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
Red and White Delight by Teleflora
Make her day! Send your special someone this charming bouquet arranged in a ruby red glass cube. It's a gift that will surely delight! Includes miniature red carnations and white daisy chrysanthemums, accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Precious Love
Simply speaking, red means romance. Send this bouquet of vibrant red carnations to your sweetheart and you'll convey passion, energy and desire. Remember also that you're sending not one gift but two: gorgeous flowers and a colorful cube vase. A mix of red carnations and red miniature carnations is delivered in a red glass Teleflora cube vase.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Heart's Pirouette Bouquet
Her heart will dance when this breathtaking Mother's Day gift arrives! Bursting with blue and pink blooms, this enchanting azure vase is carefully crafted of blown glass in a stunning swirled design, it's a décor keepsake like no other. This arrangement features blue hydrangea, lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, light blue delphinium, light pink stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, misty blue limonium, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Teleflora's Vivid Love Bouquet
Rich and radiant, this vivid mix of jewel-toned blooms is wrapped with leaves for modern style, but its message of love is timeless. Maroon carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums, and lavender seafoam statice are accented with seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, pitta negra, huckleberry, and variegated aspidistra leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder Vase.
Teleflora's Ocean Dance Bouquet
As enchanting and elegant as the sea, this stunning blown glass vase is the most beautiful shade of azure and features a dramatic swirled shape. What a majestic way to present mom with a fabulous Mother's Day bouquet! Hot pink roses, white asiatic lilies, blue hydrangea, fuchsia stock, blue delphinium, and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with lemon leaf and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Desert Beauty Succulent Garden
Bring the serene beauty of the desert landscape to any room of the house or office with this glorious growing gift. Filled with sculptural succulents, the versatile weathered slate pot is sure to be a favorite. This garden includes green sedum succulents, a large green echeveria succulent, small green echeveria succulents, and small natural river rocks. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Sphere of Tranquility Terrarium
Send them the gift of tranquility with this peaceful terrarium garden of schefflera and dracaena, accented with deep black river rocks. Green schefflera, green compacta dracaena, and variegated green compacta dracaena are arranged with black river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a glass bubble bowl.
Forever Yellow Kalanchoes
With their petite yellow blooms and large, shiny leaves, these glorious kalanchoe plants add a ray of sunshine to any room! This pretty arrangement features yellow kalanchoe plants. Delivered in a weathered brown round pot.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Beautiful Love Bouquet
Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase. This breathtaking bouquet features green hydrangea, pink roses, white roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink lisianthus, white stock, pitta negra, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a large gathering vase.
Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. This feminine bouquet includes light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, pink larkspur, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, israeli ruscus, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a white square vase.
Teleflora's Pretty Pastel Bouquet
Oh so soft and divinely delicate, this perfect pastel bouquet is pretty as can be. Delivered in a classic ginger jar, the graceful arrangement of alstroemeria, carnations and stock is a welcome surprise on any occasion. This pretty arrangement includes lavender alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature pink carnations, pink stock, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Clear Glass Ginger Jar.
Teleflora's Pop Hearts Bouquet
A pop of playful romance, this sweet bouquet of red roses, pink carnations and white daisies is magnificently matched by a glass cube dotted with dancing red and silver hearts. This cheerful arrangement features red roses, pink carnations, miniature pink carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, sword fern, huckleberry and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Happy Harmony Cube.
Teleflora's Crimson Luxury Bouquet
Luxurious romance is yours with this classic red rose bouquet, presented to perfection in a stunning, satin-finish ceramic vase with unique quilted texture. This luxurious arrangement includes 6 red roses and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Blooming Belles Bouquet
The belle of the ball! Arranged in a ruby red vase, this romantic bouquet of rich red roses and delicate pink alstroemeria is a beautiful statement of love and devotion. Red roses, pink alstroemeria, red carnations, and miniature pink carnations are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a ruby rose vase.
Teleflora's Vintage Heart Bouquet
This country-chic surprise steals everyone's heart! Its creamy roses, red alstroemeria and peach carnations get a cute farmhouse feel when arranged in this adorable ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow! Crème roses, red alstroemeria, peach carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are accented with parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Love Struck Bouquet
A luxurious bouquet that's sure to leave your special someone absolutely love struck! There's no denying the dramatic beauty of these radiant, red hot roses, hydrangea and lilies. This luxe arrangement includes pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, red roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, maroon carnations, pitta negra, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass jordan vase.
Teleflora's Country Sweetheart Bouquet
Sweet as can be! Surprise your sweetheart with this cute, country-style bouquet of red roses and white daisies, delivered in a cheerful ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow. This bouquet includes red roses, pink alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Teleflora's Sweetest Satin Bouquet
With its soft, satiny gloss and quilted pattern, this sensuous ceramic vase makes a passionate presentation of this romantic red rose and white lily bouquet! Red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and white sinuata statice are arranged with sword fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Heart and Soul
Send someone this soulful floral gift and there'll be no mistaking that you're giving them your heart! A heart made entirely of red carnations is nestled in a cloud of baby's breath and ferns and presented in a tall red vase adorned with a pretty ribbon. Red carnations and white Million Star gypsophila accented with fern are delivered in a red vase decorated with a satin ribbon.
Exquisite Elegance Bouquet
Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural bouquet of pale purple orchids, silvery succulents and deep purple hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event! This eye-catching bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender phalaenopsis spray orchids, hanging green amaranthus, bear grass, green ti leaves, and large green echeveria succulents. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Haute Pink Bouquet
A high-fashion fantasy of roses! When you want to make a grand statement, send this dreamy bouquet of posh pink roses and modern greens. This gorgeous bouquet includes light pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender roses, pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink spray roses, pink lisianthus, dusty miller, huckleberry, sword fern, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and variegated aspidistra leaves. Delivered in a large glass cylinder vase.
Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, dusty miller, pitta negra, and green ivy. Delivered in a white ceramic cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Pink asiatic lilies, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder vase.
Just Because Flowers
You don't need a reason to make someone smile! Surprise someone special with a bouquet from Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts. From romantic roses to modern arrangements, we've got it all! We can even deliver your bouquet nationwide or locally to Prattsburgh, NY.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Thrilled for You Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with this glorious gift! Luxurious lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and purple stock are artfully arranged in a golden cube with modern cutout motif. The keepsake cube becomes a stunning candleholder when you remove the pretty purple liner and "celebrate" pick! Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Garden of Wellness Bouquet
Boost their spirits and brighten their day with this garden of wellness! Hand-delivered in a sweet ceramic "Bee Well Soon" pot, this colorful arrangement of roses, alstroemeria and asters is abuzz with delightful bee decorations - and your very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Includes orange spray roses, red alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow sunflowers, green button mums, white daisies, purple statice, pink sweet william, bupleurum, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, variegated pittosporum and ivy. Delivered in a Buzzing Bee Well pot.
Teleflora's Shimmer of Thanks Bouquet
Make your appreciation shine! This stylish gift of yellow blooms, hand-delivered in a shimmering metallic cube with unique cutout designs, will make their heart glow. Later, they can remove the teal liner and "thanks" pick and use the cube as a chic candleholder! This cheerful arrangement features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, light yellow stock, light yellow carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Monarch Garden Bouquet
Sure to make mom's heart flutter, this sweet ceramic planter features a charming butterfly motif, a rustic rope handle, and a gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies. This arrangement features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase. .
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Pour on the glam with this luxurious lavender cube! With its shimmering metallic finish and soothing wave detail, it's the perfect complement to a magnificent Mother's Day bouquet of light pink carnations and rich, jewel-toned mums. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Washed In Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Butterfly Hideaway Plant Garden
This living bouquet will make mom's day! Gorgeous green and pink plants look perfect in this ceramic planter with rope handle and sweet butterfly design. This arrangement of plants includes dieffenbachia camille, compacta dracaena, pink hypoestes, and pink kalanchoe, accented with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Bee Well Bouquet
We have just the cure for what ails them. A plush nurse bee is ready to buzz into service with enough fresh flowers to make anyone perk up. A plush bumble bee surrounded by sunny yellow sunflowers, yellow button chrysanthemums, alstroemeria and white daisies.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's In Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube. Approximately 14" W x 15" H.
So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Sweet Peep Bouquet - Baby Pink
Celebrate a special arrival with this egg-cellent gift! Cheery white daisies, pink alstroemeria and gorgeous yellow roses will delight the new parents, especially when presented in this darling keepsake ceramic vase. This cheerful bouquet includes lush yellow roses, light pink alstroemeria, miniature light yellow carnations, white stock, white daisy spray chrystanthemums, variegated pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Happy Chick vase.
Money Tree
Harmonize the five elements within a space, bring good fortune and prosperity, and improve the flow of "chi" with a money tree! The money tree - or Pachira - is thought to bring good luck, and is a thoughtful gift for any home or office. A money tree is planted in a square black container, and adorned around the base with deerfoot moss, plus black and white rocks.
My Little Chickadee by Teleflora
This little chickadee takes cuteness to a whole new level. Perfect for baby showers as well as celebrating the arrival of a newborn. Adorable on delivery, the cheerful vase will continue to delight as a cherished holder for any number of baby things (and trust us, there are lots of things!) in a nursery. Delightful yellow spray roses, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and bright green button spray chrysanthemums fill a brilliant ceramic vase. Another star is born!
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Teleflora's Delightful Dots Bouquet
Looking to delight someone special this spring? Connect the dots with this cute, colorful gift of sunshiny lilies and pretty pink roses! Presented in a sweet ceramic cube vase with a charming hand-thrown look, it's the perfect Easter décor piece. This delightful mix includes dark pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and huckleberry. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Teleflora's Blue Caribbean
Martinique, St. Maarten, any tropical paradise is the perfect setting for this explosively colorful bouquet in a chic blue contemporary cube vase. Can't go just now? Bring the island home. The exciting bouquet includes yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Campbell's® Healthy Wishes Bouquet by Teleflora
Send your most sincere healthy wishes for a speedy recovery! This beautiful bouquet of bright yellow gerbera daisies and red carnations is perfectly presented in a charming Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup mug that will be enjoyed for years to come. This cheerful bouquet includes yellow gerbera daisies, red carnations, white monte cassino asters, lemon leaf and huckleberry. Delivered in a Campbell's® Get Well mug.
Beautiful In Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Serene Retreat
White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's delivered in a beautiful plastic dish.
Teleflora's Good Luck Bamboo
Wealth, prosperity, good fortune… know anyone who wouldn't be delighted to receive of all of these? Our exclusive good-luck bamboo not only delivers good luck, it has good karma attached. Delivered in an exclusive natural bamboo cube, it's all about being good to the earth, and being good to each other. A vibrant lucky bamboo plant is delivered in a bamboo cube that's adorned with river rocks. Anyone who receives this gift is definitely lucky!
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube.
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy. A pink kalanchoe, hypoestes, green nephthytis and both Boston and maidenhair ferns are delivered in a delightful round wicker basket.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Teleflora's Shades of Brilliance Bouquet
Send her a rainbow! Golden lilies, radiant roses and regal alstroemeria burst brilliantly from a contemporary bamboo box. What a chic, stunning way to brighten her day! Gorgeous orange roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are arranged in a rainbow assortment with variegated aspidistra, lily grass and oregonia. Delivered in a Bamboo Rectangle vase.
Teleflora's Exotic Grace
Looking for something with a bit of Zen? With tall bamboo and birds of paradise complemented by a stunning mix of tropical orange flowers and greenery in a graceful bamboo container, this bouquet is it. Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a beautifully exotic keepsake bamboo container.
Teleflora's Bamboo Getaway
Get away from bouquets as usual and choose this tropical adventure strikingly served up in a beautiful bamboo box. Exotic. Exciting. Extremely beautiful! Yellow roses, dark orange miniature callas, orange asiatic lilies and pin cushion protea, red miniature gerberas and more are delivered in a unique rectangular bamboo container. It's definitely a departure from the ordinary!
Teleflora's Moonlight Kiss Bouquet
She'll feel the love when she receives this gorgeous array of roses, lilies and more artistically arranged in a dazzling silver reflections vase. You'll also feel the love when she finishes oohing and aahing and turns to thank you. This romantic bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a silver reflections vase.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Just Tickled Bouquet by Teleflora
Won't she be tickled? Sure to put a smile on her face, this happy bouquet greets her with hot pink carnations and crisp white daisies arranged in a stunning Silver Reflections vase. Beautiful hot pink carnations and miniature carnations, white daisy chrysanthemums and yellow button chrysanthemums are arranged with fresh huckleberry and oregonia. Delivered in a Silver Reflections vase.
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses
The spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely.
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Delight your love with this beautiful bouquet of bright white chrysanthemums, precious pink carnations, romantic red roses and more in a radiant red vase. The charming bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations, red miniature carnations and red roses accented with fresh greenery in a stylish red vase.
So Enchanting Bouquet
Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of rich red roses and magnificent pink lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care. Includes red roses, pink lilies and fresh lemon leaves. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Endless Romance Bouquet
Endless roses, endless romance! Make a statement with our stunning bouquet of red roses with snowy white blossoms, delivered in a glass hurricane vase that will forever remind her of your love. Includes red spray roses, white alstroemeria and pretty pitta negra. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
Spring Romance Bouquet
Romance buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in an elegant hurricane vase, it's a heartfelt gesture she'll remember through all seasons. Includes pink tulips, white alstroemeria and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
Exquisite Elegance Bouquet
Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural bouquet of pale purple orchids, silvery succulents and deep purple hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event! This eye-catching bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender phalaenopsis spray orchids, hanging green amaranthus, bear grass, green ti leaves, and large green echeveria succulents. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. This feminine bouquet includes light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, pink larkspur, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, israeli ruscus, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a white square vase.
Blush Life Bouquet
Go ahead, make them blush! This luxurious bouquet of roses, lilies and hydrangea in fresh shades of pink, peach and green is sure to put some cheerful color in their cheeks! The delicate ribbons dress up the graceful keepsake vase. This sweet arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, peach asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, seeded eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Teleflora's Blooming Birthday Bouquet
Make it a blooming unforgettable birthday with this gorgeous bouquet of soft yellow roses and pretty pink lilies! Complete with a Happy Birthday pick, the blooms are arranged in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details! The beautiful blooms in this bouquet include light yellow roses, pink asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, light yellow stock, and purple daisy spray chrysanthemums accented with leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style Cube.
Teleflora's Daisies and Dots Bouquet
Spread sunshine with this burst of delightful daisies and fresh greens, arranged in a bright yellow vase that's tied with a cheerful polka dot ribbon! This happy bouquet includes white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase.
Teleflora's Bold Beauty Bouquet
A bold, beautiful gift they'll never forget! This colorful bouquet of roses and asters blends oranges, purples and pinks in a shimmering golden cube with pretty punched detail. Remove the liner and it's a gorgeous candleholder! Orange roses, purple carnations, miniature orange carnations, hot pink matsumoto asters, and lavender stock are arranged with seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate In Style cube.
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Pink asiatic lilies, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder vase.
Punch of Color Bouquet
The bright stuff for punching up anyone's mood! Bring happiness to any day with this bold, sunset-inspired blend of hot pink roses and orange lilies in a classic glass vase! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, red miniature carnations, orange snapdragons, and pink heather are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Pretty Paradise Bouquet
Take a tropical getaway, without ever leaving home! Inspired by the shades of a tropical sunset, this paradise of bright colors and rainforest textures is a dramatic experience for the senses! This pretty bouquet features dark pink hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, yellow mokara orchids, yellow roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange snapdragons, bells of Ireland, hanging green amaranthus, huckleberry, sword fern, hala leaves, ti leaves, bear grass, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Lovely Luxe Bouquet
Pamper your lovely with this luxurious lavender and cream bouquet! Ravishing roses, fragrant lilies and delicate lisianthus create a chic, sweet surprise they'll never forget. Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, white lisianthus, white stock, lavender waxflower, and white sinuata statice are accented with dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a serenity vase.
Tahitian Tropics Bouquet
From delicate lavender roses to dramatic red ginger, waxy pink anthuriums to shiny philodendron leaves, this Tahitian-inspired bouquet is a tropical fantasy of blooms to brighten any occasion! This tropical arrangement includes dark pink hydrangea, lavender roses, large pink anthuriums, pink ice protea, pink snapdragons, large red ginger, aralia leaves, calathea leaves, xanadu philodendron leaves, hala leaf, green ti leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a large square vase.
Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, dusty miller, pitta negra, and green ivy. Delivered in a white ceramic cylinder.
Teleflora's Colorful Celebration Bouquet
Color their day happy with this bright surprise! Artfully arranged with a Celebrate pick in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details, this sunny bouquet of yellow lilies and hot pink roses celebrates them in style. This joyful bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and sword fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl.
Make Someone Smile Flowers
Celebrate Make Someone Smile Week every day! Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts has all the best flowers to make someone smile and laugh or cheer someone up! Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts offers a wide selection of flowers online and delivery to Prattsburgh, NY.
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Your Sweet Smile by Teleflora
You could call or email that special someone, but why not put your feelings into flowers? She'll love this elegant array of white and yellow roses and other favorites in a stylish cylinder vase. She'll want to thank you in person. This charming bouquet includes white roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and white waxflower accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Garden of Wellness Bouquet
Boost their spirits and brighten their day with this garden of wellness! Hand-delivered in a sweet ceramic "Bee Well Soon" pot, this colorful arrangement of roses, alstroemeria and asters is abuzz with delightful bee decorations - and your very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Includes orange spray roses, red alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow sunflowers, green button mums, white daisies, purple statice, pink sweet william, bupleurum, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, variegated pittosporum and ivy. Delivered in a Buzzing Bee Well pot.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's In Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube. Approximately 14" W x 15" H.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Thrilled for You Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with this glorious gift! Luxurious lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and purple stock are artfully arranged in a golden cube with modern cutout motif. The keepsake cube becomes a stunning candleholder when you remove the pretty purple liner and "celebrate" pick! Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Teleflora's Bold Beauty Bouquet
A bold, beautiful gift they'll never forget! This colorful bouquet of roses and asters blends oranges, purples and pinks in a shimmering golden cube with pretty punched detail. Remove the liner and it's a gorgeous candleholder! Orange roses, purple carnations, miniature orange carnations, hot pink matsumoto asters, and lavender stock are arranged with seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate In Style cube.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Washed In Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Painted Blossoms Bouquet
Mom is so special, she deserves two bouquets! Shower her in blossoms with this bright, joyful arrangement of orange roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations. Carefully arranged in a keepsake ceramic cube, decorated with its own painterly blooms, it's a Mother's Day surprise she'll always remember. Orange spray roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations are arranged with leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Teleflora's Brushed with Blossoms Bouquet
Glorious pink lilies and radiant peach roses send Mom your most heartfelt wishes for a happy Mother's Day! Presented in a keepsake ceramic cube, adorned with painterly blooms, it's two gifts in one for twice the fun. Beautiful peach spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria and pink miniature carnations are arranged with bupleurum and huckleberry. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
End of the Rainbow
Hot fun in the summertime is here, and it's flowerific to be sure! This beautiful bouquet brings together a rainbow of the season's brightest blossoms. Hot pink gerberas, orange bi-color roses, orange spray roses and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a charming glass vase.
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red Roses
Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say "I love you." Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish glass vase. It's a beautiful way to celebrate a romance that deepens with each passing year.
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl.
So Enchanting Bouquet
Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of rich red roses and magnificent pink lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care. Includes red roses, pink lilies and fresh lemon leaves. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. Let's hear it for yellow spray roses and cheerful yellow and white daisy spray chrysanthemums plus solidago delivered in an exclusive keepsake vase.
Teleflora's Upsy Daisy
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day. The bright bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and bupleurum accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow gingham ribbon.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Beautiful In Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Endless Romance Bouquet
Endless roses, endless romance! Make a statement with our stunning bouquet of red roses with snowy white blossoms, delivered in a glass hurricane vase that will forever remind her of your love. Includes red spray roses, white alstroemeria and pretty pitta negra. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
A Little Pink Me Up
Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers. Whether you want this arrangement to say "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy Any Day," you can be sure the day it arrives will be brighter for anyone lucky enough to receive it. Lovely pink roses and asiatic lilies are joined by hot pink gerberas and miniature carnations, pink full-sized carnations and more in a clear glass ball. Send this one and life will be a bowl of cheer!
Money Tree
Harmonize the five elements within a space, bring good fortune and prosperity, and improve the flow of "chi" with a money tree! The money tree - or Pachira - is thought to bring good luck, and is a thoughtful gift for any home or office. A money tree is planted in a square black container, and adorned around the base with deerfoot moss, plus black and white rocks.
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
Arrive In Style
This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish vase. Style to spare!
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle.
Garden To Go Basket
It's no secret why this garden is such a great gift. An adorable basket is chock full of lovely flowering plants. It's the perfect arrangement for carrying your good wishes. Two beautiful purple African violets and two yellow rose plants are delivered in a delightful Nantucket basket with handles. Go with this garden and you'll be golden.
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy. A pink kalanchoe, hypoestes, green nephthytis and both Boston and maidenhair ferns are delivered in a delightful round wicker basket.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Teleflora's Delightful Dots Bouquet
Looking to delight someone special this spring? Connect the dots with this cute, colorful gift of sunshiny lilies and pretty pink roses! Presented in a sweet ceramic cube vase with a charming hand-thrown look, it's the perfect Easter décor piece. This delightful mix includes dark pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and huckleberry. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Daisies and Dots Bouquet
Spread sunshine with this burst of delightful daisies and fresh greens, arranged in a bright yellow vase that's tied with a cheerful polka dot ribbon! This happy bouquet includes white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase.
Tahitian Tropics Bouquet
From delicate lavender roses to dramatic red ginger, waxy pink anthuriums to shiny philodendron leaves, this Tahitian-inspired bouquet is a tropical fantasy of blooms to brighten any occasion! This tropical arrangement includes dark pink hydrangea, lavender roses, large pink anthuriums, pink ice protea, pink snapdragons, large red ginger, aralia leaves, calathea leaves, xanadu philodendron leaves, hala leaf, green ti leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a large square vase.
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Pink asiatic lilies, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder vase.
Punch of Color Bouquet
The bright stuff for punching up anyone's mood! Bring happiness to any day with this bold, sunset-inspired blend of hot pink roses and orange lilies in a classic glass vase! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, red miniature carnations, orange snapdragons, and pink heather are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Forever Fuchsia Bouquet
Pretty in pink! A surprise they'll remember forever, this fantasy of fuchsia lilies, roses and carnations is artistically arranged in a sleek contemporary vase. This stunning bouquet features pink oriental lilies, hot pink roses, pink carnations, fuchsia stock, light pink spray roses, pink heather, lemon leaf, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and a small green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a raspberry tapered vase.
Blush Life Bouquet
Go ahead, make them blush! This luxurious bouquet of roses, lilies and hydrangea in fresh shades of pink, peach and green is sure to put some cheerful color in their cheeks! The delicate ribbons dress up the graceful keepsake vase. This sweet arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, peach asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, seeded eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Thank You Flowers
Look no further than Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts for thank you gifts! We have all types of thank you flowers to choose from; modern arrangement, roses, or even a plant. Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts can create and deliver your bouquet to Prattsburgh, NY or nationwide!
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Thrilled for You Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with this glorious gift! Luxurious lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and purple stock are artfully arranged in a golden cube with modern cutout motif. The keepsake cube becomes a stunning candleholder when you remove the pretty purple liner and "celebrate" pick! Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Teleflora's Shimmer of Thanks Bouquet
Make your appreciation shine! This stylish gift of yellow blooms, hand-delivered in a shimmering metallic cube with unique cutout designs, will make their heart glow. Later, they can remove the teal liner and "thanks" pick and use the cube as a chic candleholder! This cheerful arrangement features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, light yellow stock, light yellow carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Washed In Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Monarch Garden Bouquet
Sure to make mom's heart flutter, this sweet ceramic planter features a charming butterfly motif, a rustic rope handle, and a gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies. This arrangement features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Pour on the glam with this luxurious lavender cube! With its shimmering metallic finish and soothing wave detail, it's the perfect complement to a magnificent Mother's Day bouquet of light pink carnations and rich, jewel-toned mums. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Butterfly Hideaway Plant Garden
This living bouquet will make mom's day! Gorgeous green and pink plants look perfect in this ceramic planter with rope handle and sweet butterfly design. This arrangement of plants includes dieffenbachia camille, compacta dracaena, pink hypoestes, and pink kalanchoe, accented with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Bold Elegance Bouquet
When only the best will do for Mother's Day, surprise her with this incredible gift! Large and lush, this bouquet of hot pink roses, pink stargazer lilies and lavender mums is fragrant, feminine and fabulous. What an unforgettable treat when hand-delivered in this exquisite blown glass vase! This elegant bouquet features hot pink roses, pink stargazer lilies, burgundy stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, pink snapdragons, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Teleflora's Glorious You Bouquet
Perfectly pink! Beautifully simple, this exquisite mix of soft pink roses and delicate pink waxflower finds its perfect complement in a fabulously fuchsia blown glass vase. Hand-delivered for Mother's Day, it's a glorious surprise she'll never forget! This beautiful bouquet spotlights pink roses with pink waxflower and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Teleflora's Steal the Spotlight Bouquet
When spoiling mom is the name of the game - steal the spotlight with this magnificent arrangement! Hand-delivered in a glorious glass blown vase, this luxe Mother's Day bouquet of fragrant lilies, roses, snapdragons and hydrangea will truly take her breath away. Pink stargazer lilies, pink snapdragons, pink stock, hot pink roses, green miniature hydrangea, and pink miniature carnations are accented with lemon leaf, ming fern, and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Teleflora's Heart's Pirouette Bouquet
Her heart will dance when this breathtaking Mother's Day gift arrives! Bursting with blue and pink blooms, this enchanting azure vase is carefully crafted of blown glass in a stunning swirled design, it's a décor keepsake like no other. This arrangement features blue hydrangea, lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, light blue delphinium, light pink stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, misty blue limonium, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Teleflora's Ocean Dance Bouquet
As enchanting and elegant as the sea, this stunning blown glass vase is the most beautiful shade of azure and features a dramatic swirled shape. What a majestic way to present mom with a fabulous Mother's Day bouquet! Hot pink roses, white asiatic lilies, blue hydrangea, fuchsia stock, blue delphinium, and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with lemon leaf and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Teleflora's Whisper Soft Bouquet
Its blooms may be whisper-soft, but this bouquet proclaims your love loud and proud! What a lovely way to spoil someone special. This delicate arrangement includes pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, white miniature carnations, dusty miller, huckleberry, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Ginger Jar.
Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet
Peaceful yet energizing, this unforgettable arrangement of desert-hued blooms and succulents in a sleek bamboo cube is a chic gift on any special occasion. Peach roses, white asiatic lilies, peach miniature carnations, and white stock are accented with pitta negra, dusty miller, and a green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a Small Natural Bamboo Cube.
Blush Rush Bouquet
Luxe lilies in a beautifully blushing shade of pink are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! This pretty bouquet features hot pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, pink matsumoto asters, seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, dusty miller, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Serenity Vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's One Fine Day
Oh, what a fine day it will be when you have this delightful spring bouquet delivered to someone special. Everyone will delight in the vibrant colors and bountiful blossoms, all thoughtfully arranged in a beautiful leaf-lined vase. Light yellow roses, hot pink spray roses, tulips and gerberas, yellow carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive cube vase. You'll have many fine days when you send this beautiful bouquet!
Beautiful In Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Teleflora's Garden Romance
Hello, gorgeous! This lovely bouquet includes purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses and white asiatic lilies arranged in our vibrant violet glass cube. Purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria and lavender sinuata statice are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
Teleflora's In Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube. Approximately 14" W x 15" H.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Turn up the Pink Bouquet
Turn up the heat with this hot pink, haute couture creation! Super chic and oh-so-fun in its fuchsia Cube vase, this girly mix of gerberas and roses is sure to warm her heart. This brilliant bouquet of lush orange roses, hot pink gerberas, carnations and matsumoto asters are accented with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Spring Favorites
With beautiful blossoms like this, is it any wonder that spring is the favorite season of so many? Amazing colors, awesome blossoms and tantalizing textures are only the beginning. All of spring's favorites are here, including pink spray roses, red tulips, yellow irises, purple hyacinth white monte cassino asters, green button spray chrysanthemums, and springs best greens. Plus, this plethora of pretty petals comes in a delightful terra-cotta pot.
Teleflora's Pop of Fun Bouquet
Turn up the fun! Make any day extra special with a surprise delivery of joyful blooms in a stylish cube vase. This bouquet of pink roses and luxurious peach lilies will make their mood soar! This fresh, fun mix of pink roses, peach asiatic lilies, peach alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations is accented with raspberry sinuata statice and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Teleflora's Delightful Dots Bouquet
Looking to delight someone special this spring? Connect the dots with this cute, colorful gift of sunshiny lilies and pretty pink roses! Presented in a sweet ceramic cube vase with a charming hand-thrown look, it's the perfect Easter décor piece. This delightful mix includes dark pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and huckleberry. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Blossoms in Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet is a singular sensation!
Money Tree
Harmonize the five elements within a space, bring good fortune and prosperity, and improve the flow of "chi" with a money tree! The money tree - or Pachira - is thought to bring good luck, and is a thoughtful gift for any home or office. A money tree is planted in a square black container, and adorned around the base with deerfoot moss, plus black and white rocks.
New Sensations
Upscale and uptown. This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a leaf-lined cylinder vase, it's truly a floral fantasy. Green and pink hydrangeas, green cymbidium orchids, hot pink and lavender roses, tulips and more are beautifully arranged in a large clear glass cylinder vase.
Plants Galore
You don't need a green thumb to love plants galore! Plants, plants and more plants are delivered in a handsome woodchip basket. Easier to care for than pronounce, a hot pink azalea and white hypoestes are joined by dieffenbachia, nephthytis, spathiphyllum and ivy. All are hand-arranged in a pretty wicker basket. It's an abundance of natural beauty.
Picnic In the Park
Life will be a picnic for whoever's lucky enough to receive this gift. It's a lovely basket that's chock full of fabulous flowers. Peach spray roses, large yellow sunflowers, miniature green hydrangea, purple stock, hot pink matsumoto asters and more are delightfully arranged in a charming wicker basket.
Teleflora's Love That Pink Bouquet with Roses
Passionately pretty in pink, this gorgeous array of pink and red roses and other favorites in a chic mirrored silver cube is a guaranteed heart-winner. She'll be thrilled with the gift, and knocked out by your impeccable taste. This exquisite bouquet includes pink roses, red spray roses, pink alstroemeria and pink carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a mirrored silver cube.
So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Teleflora's Sunsplash
Send this summery bouquet and you'll make a splendid splash! Perfect for birthdays, thank yous, barbecues and beyond. This warm-weather charmer will be welcome everywhere! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, hot pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a cube vase. Lots of splash. Not too much cash!
Arrive In Style
This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish vase. Style to spare!
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Endless Romance Bouquet
Endless roses, endless romance! Make a statement with our stunning bouquet of red roses with snowy white blossoms, delivered in a glass hurricane vase that will forever remind her of your love. Includes red spray roses, white alstroemeria and pretty pitta negra. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
Spring Romance Bouquet
Romance buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in an elegant hurricane vase, it's a heartfelt gesture she'll remember through all seasons. Includes pink tulips, white alstroemeria and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
So Enchanting Bouquet
Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of rich red roses and magnificent pink lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care. Includes red roses, pink lilies and fresh lemon leaves. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Delight your love with this beautiful bouquet of bright white chrysanthemums, precious pink carnations, romantic red roses and more in a radiant red vase. The charming bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations, red miniature carnations and red roses accented with fresh greenery in a stylish red vase.
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red Roses
Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say "I love you." Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish glass vase. It's a beautiful way to celebrate a romance that deepens with each passing year.
Teleflora's Upsy Daisy
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day. The bright bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and bupleurum accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow gingham ribbon.
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube.
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl.
Red, White and You Bouquet by Teleflora
Celebrate your love with flying colors! Little red roses and classic white daisies make this sweet bouquet a favorite for Valentine's Day, birthdays and more. Delivered in a shapely red vase and tied with a shimmering red ribbon, it's a gift from the heart. Includes red spray roses, white daisy chrysanthemums, delicate pitta negra and glossy lemon leaves. Delivered in a Serendipity vase.
Red and White Delight by Teleflora
Make her day! Send your special someone this charming bouquet arranged in a ruby red glass cube. It's a gift that will surely delight! Includes miniature red carnations and white daisy chrysanthemums, accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses
The spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. Let's hear it for yellow spray roses and cheerful yellow and white daisy spray chrysanthemums plus solidago delivered in an exclusive keepsake vase.
Teleflora's Precious Love
Simply speaking, red means romance. Send this bouquet of vibrant red carnations to your sweetheart and you'll convey passion, energy and desire. Remember also that you're sending not one gift but two: gorgeous flowers and a colorful cube vase. A mix of red carnations and red miniature carnations is delivered in a red glass Teleflora cube vase.
Heart and Soul
Send someone this soulful floral gift and there'll be no mistaking that you're giving them your heart! A heart made entirely of red carnations is nestled in a cloud of baby's breath and ferns and presented in a tall red vase adorned with a pretty ribbon. Red carnations and white Million Star gypsophila accented with fern are delivered in a red vase decorated with a satin ribbon.
Madly In Love Bouquet with Red Roses by Teleflora
If you're crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright jewel-toned arrangement is the perfect way to express your love. Lavender, red and hot pink roses along with coral and red spray roses arranged in a red-hot cube vase are an absolutely beautiful way to get your message across.
Always a Lady
A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Elegant white roses and sweet pink asiatic lilies are hand-arranged with greens. It's the perfect way to show you love her always and forever.
A Little Pink Me Up
Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers. Whether you want this arrangement to say "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy Any Day," you can be sure the day it arrives will be brighter for anyone lucky enough to receive it. Lovely pink roses and asiatic lilies are joined by hot pink gerberas and miniature carnations, pink full-sized carnations and more in a clear glass ball. Send this one and life will be a bowl of cheer!
Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
Dazzle someone special with a stylish and bright bouquet! These delightful blossoms in shades of pink and yellow are delivered in a gorgeous glass vase. Pink roses, yellow gerberas and daisy spray chrysanthemums, dark pink alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, light pink matsumoto asters and miniature carnations are a mere sampling of what's included in this dazzling gift. Delivered in a glass couture vase.
Teleflora's Painted Blossoms Bouquet
Mom is so special, she deserves two bouquets! Shower her in blossoms with this bright, joyful arrangement of orange roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations. Carefully arranged in a keepsake ceramic cube, decorated with its own painterly blooms, it's a Mother's Day surprise she'll always remember. Orange spray roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations are arranged with leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Teleflora's Brushed with Blossoms Bouquet
Glorious pink lilies and radiant peach roses send Mom your most heartfelt wishes for a happy Mother's Day! Presented in a keepsake ceramic cube, adorned with painterly blooms, it's two gifts in one for twice the fun. Beautiful peach spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria and pink miniature carnations are arranged with bupleurum and huckleberry. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
Teleflora's Lavender Chiffon Bouquet
Now here's a real pleaser: a glorious springtime bouquet, harmoniously arranged in a sparkling vase. The delicate blooms and soothing lavender palette spread joy to those you love the most. Includes light pink roses, lavender alstroemeria and cushion spray chrysanthemums, accented with fresh pops of green bupleurum and pittosporum. Delivered in a Brilliant Gem Votive.
Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids
This towering topiary of asiatic lilies, orchids and roses - artistically arranged with tropical greenery - is a unique gift that celebrates the spirit of creativity. Pink asiatic lilies rise up from a square design block holding a mix of cymbidium orchids, spray roses and accent blooms and greenery.
Teleflora's Simply Pink Bouquet
Give her a wink with pink! This blushing bouquet gathers beautiful blooms into a brilliant gem vase. It's a pink-tastic celebration of spring they'll enjoy today and all year long! Includes pink roses, pink alstroemeria, pink and white carnations, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Brilliant Gem Votive.
Serene Retreat
White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's delivered in a beautiful plastic dish.
Teleflora's True Romance Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on a new romance - or a lifelong love affair - with this classic composition. It features one dozen of our finest red roses arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase. This romantic bouquet includes twelve red roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum, all delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, a metalized ceramic vase with a light pink tone.
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Fruits and Blooms Basket
Here's a tasteful gift for any occasion. Fruit and flowers, what could be better than that? A big wicker basket comes overflowing with apples, bananas, pears and oranges that surround a hot pink azalea plant. This basket is ripe for giving!
Garden To Go Basket
It's no secret why this garden is such a great gift. An adorable basket is chock full of lovely flowering plants. It's the perfect arrangement for carrying your good wishes. Two beautiful purple African violets and two yellow rose plants are delivered in a delightful Nantucket basket with handles. Go with this garden and you'll be golden.
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Teleflora's Shades of Brilliance Bouquet
Send her a rainbow! Golden lilies, radiant roses and regal alstroemeria burst brilliantly from a contemporary bamboo box. What a chic, stunning way to brighten her day! Gorgeous orange roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are arranged in a rainbow assortment with variegated aspidistra, lily grass and oregonia. Delivered in a Bamboo Rectangle vase.
Teleflora's Exotic Grace
Looking for something with a bit of Zen? With tall bamboo and birds of paradise complemented by a stunning mix of tropical orange flowers and greenery in a graceful bamboo container, this bouquet is it. Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a beautifully exotic keepsake bamboo container.
Teleflora's Bamboo Getaway
Get away from bouquets as usual and choose this tropical adventure strikingly served up in a beautiful bamboo box. Exotic. Exciting. Extremely beautiful! Yellow roses, dark orange miniature callas, orange asiatic lilies and pin cushion protea, red miniature gerberas and more are delivered in a unique rectangular bamboo container. It's definitely a departure from the ordinary!
Teleflora's Ocean of Roses Bouquet
Mom's a rose! Spoil her on Mother's Day with this breathtaking bouquet of 12 roses, hand-arranged in a swirling keepsake vase of blown glass, in the most elegant shade of azure blue. This beautiful mix includes 6 peach roses, 6 white roses, white waxflower, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Always on My Mind - Long Stemmed Red Roses
A dozen gorgeous red roses are the perfect romantic gift to send to the one who's always on your mind and in your heart. Say "I love you" by sending this lovely arrangement of twelve radiant red roses and fresh greens delivered in a beautiful spring garden vase. Love always.
Dance with Me Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on your relationship with this sizzling bouquet of carnations and roses in a sparkling glass vase. It makes a spectacular gift for anniversary or any loving occasion. A mix of carnations and roses in shades of red and light pink. Delivered in a glass vase accented with pink satin ribbon.
Full of Love Bouquet
Spring into pink! Delicate roses, tulips and carnations fill a graceful vase with a cheerful expression of your love. It's affection perfection! Includes pink roses, tulips, carnations and waxflower, accented with fresh pitta negra and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a lovely glass vase.
Love's Divine Bouquet - Long Stemmed Roses
Love's divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful mix of red and white roses - accented with Queen Anne's Lace, and adorned with a bold red ribbon - is a timeless gift for your beloved. Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne's lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.
Wedding Flowers
Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts offers a wide selection of bridal bouquets, wedding ceremony flowers and centerpieces.
Pink flowers range from pale Asiatic lilies to vibrant hot pink gerberas and create a feeling of peace and harmony. A wedding table centerpiece might mix pink stock, larkspur and lisianthus with hot pink and light pink roses.
White Wedding Flowers
White flowers are as pure and clean as a fresh snowfall. Use white roses for a winter wedding, or calla lilies at any time of year. White daisies are sweet in springtime, while white chrysanthemums and orchids can be used all year round.
Orange Wedding Flowers
Orange flowers are perfect for fall ceremonies, and include peach or burnt-orange roses, dazzling dahlias and coral-hued gerberas. Ask for them in centerpieces, accented with tiny pumpkins and a curl of golden ribbon.
Blue Wedding Flowers
Blue flowers include lofty blue irises, puffy hydrangea and striking blue delphinium. Ask for blue blossoms in a bridal bouquet as your 'something blue,' or to cast a cool tone over an outdoor wedding reception.
Yellow Wedding Flowers
Yellow flowers are sunny and bright, and add a cheerful spirit to any celebration. Ask a florist to use yellow lilies, lemon-yellow snapdragons or brilliant yellow sunflowers in the floral designs for your summertime wedding.
Purple Wedding Flowers
Purple flowers are whimsical and unique. The rich purples of dahlias make a fanciful statement during a wedding ceremony, while pale mauve lilacs and lavender roses have an old-fashioned, artistic charm.
Green Wedding Flowers
Green flowers are unexpected and elegant. Use pale green roses to brighten up a centerpiece, or viburnum to accent a wedding bouquet. Light green cymbidium orchids bring an alluring drama to your wedding flowers, while light green gladiolus and green tul.
Summer Bouquets
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's in Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Desert Beauty Succulent Garden
Bring the serene beauty of the desert landscape to any room of the house or office with this glorious growing gift. Filled with sculptural succulents, the versatile weathered slate pot is sure to be a favorite. This garden includes green sedum succulents, a large green echeveria succulent, small green echeveria succulents, and small natural river rocks. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Sphere of Tranquility Terrarium
Send them the gift of tranquility with this peaceful terrarium garden of schefflera and dracaena, accented with deep black river rocks. Green schefflera, green compacta dracaena, and variegated green compacta dracaena are arranged with black river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a glass bubble bowl.
Forever Yellow Kalanchoes
With their petite yellow blooms and large, shiny leaves, these glorious kalanchoe plants add a ray of sunshine to any room! This pretty arrangement features yellow kalanchoe plants. Delivered in a weathered brown round pot.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Summer Nights by Teleflora
Flower power rises several degrees in this brilliant array of hot summer flowers in a cool blue contemporary glass cube vase. Send this gift of indoor sunshine to someone close to you. The radiant bouquet includes orange Asiatic lilies, orange alstroemeria, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, solidago and orange spray roses accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Teleflora's Washed in Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Uniquely Chic
Uniquely beautiful and uniquely bright, this is a bona fide bombshell of a bouquet. Brilliant blossoms are perfectly arranged in an exclusive cube vase. Orange roses, hot pink roses, spray roses and carnations are joined by glowing orange asiatic lilies and bear grass in a delightful vase. This unique arrangement is delivered in a cube but it's definitely not for squares.
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl.
Teleflora's Tropical Punch Bouquet
Glow for it! Capture the magic of a tropical sunset with this gorgeously glowing bouquet. Lush lilies and roses in radiant shades of orange and yellow are presented in a golden Mirrored Cube for a touch of instant glam. Soft orange roses, asiatic lilies and miniature carnations are arranged with yellow alstroemeria and green button spray chrysanthemums. Delicate oregonia and pittosporum add contrast. Delivered in a Mirrored Cube.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Blue Caribbean
Martinique, St. Maarten, any tropical paradise is the perfect setting for this explosively colorful bouquet in a chic blue contemporary cube vase. Can't go just now? Bring the island home. The exciting bouquet includes yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Delightful Dots Bouquet
Looking to delight someone special this spring? Connect the dots with this cute, colorful gift of sunshiny lilies and pretty pink roses! Presented in a sweet ceramic cube vase with a charming hand-thrown look, it's the perfect Easter décor piece. This delightful mix includes dark pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and huckleberry. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Teleflora's Pretty Perfect Bouquet
Color outside the lines with the bright, beautiful hues of this pretty perfect bouquet! Presented in a cobalt cube, this gift of sunny yellow gerberas with red carnations and purple asters is a bold statement of love and friendship. Yellow gerberas, red carnations, purple matsumoto asters, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with huckleberry, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a blue cube.
Teleflora's Happy Dots Bouquet
Dots what friends are for! Brighten a friend or loved one's spring day with this delightfully dotty gift. Filled with a happy mix of pink, green, purple and yellow blooms, this charming ceramic vase has a fun hand-thrown look and a playful spirit that makes everyone smile! This happy arrangement includes hot pink roses, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, variegated pittosporum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Summer Samba
Just like a lively samba, this bouquet is an uninhibited celebration of summer. If flowers could dance, these would be burning up the dancefloor. Yellow roses, asiatic lilies, orange dahlias and alstroemeria, yellow daisy spray Viking chrysanthemums and oregonia are delightfully arranged in a clear cylinder vase. It will definitely inspire a samba celebration!
Take Me Out to the Ballgame Basket
Dads, grads, boys and baseball lovers of all ages will think you're an MVP when you send this winning basket. Full of ballpark favorites and more, perfect for a picnic or a pick-up game in the park. You'll score a home run with this yummy basket that includes a real baseball, of course. Peanuts, pistachios, Cracker Jacks, three different kinds of pretzels and good old-fashioned root beer are teamed up in this basket. Anyone will have a ball with this gift!
Sunny Siesta
Know someone who could use a little pick-me-up? Sending this pretty summer arrangement will definitely do the trick. Light orange roses and alstroemeria, yellow asiatic lilies and orange gerberas are delivered in an organza ribbon-wrapped cylinder vase. Siesta or fiesta - it's all good .
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Picnic in the Park
Life will be a picnic for whoever's lucky enough to receive this gift. It's a lovely basket that's chock full of fabulous flowers. Peach spray roses, large yellow sunflowers, miniature green hydrangea, purple stock, hot pink matsumoto asters and more are delightfully arranged in a charming wicker basket.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Nature's Best Bouquet by Teleflora
Celebrate the natural beauty of love with the natural beauty of snow white lilies and sky blue delphimium, artfully arranged in a modern vase of natural bamboo. This beautiful bouquet features white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, white lisianthus, light blue delphinium, white larkspur, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Large Natural Bamboo Vase.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Burst of Sunshine Bouquet
An island-inspired burst of sunshine and happiness, this beautiful bouquet of yellow roses and colorful orchids is a gift they won't soon forget. This unique bouquet features white cymbidium orchids, purple dendrobium orchids, yellow roses, spiral eucalyptus, galax leaves, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a natural bamboo vase.
Teleflora's Garden Pitcher Bouquet
A Mother's love grows as bright and beautiful as a garden! Honor her unwavering devotion this Mother's Day with this 2-in-1 gift: a luxurious mix of lavender roses and pure white lilies, hand-delivered in a charmingly rustic, Provencal style ceramic pitcher that's food safe for years of happy pouring! This garden-inspired bouquet features lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Garden Pitcher.
Beautiful in Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Teleflora's Garden Blossom Bouquet
Sunny yellow roses shine amidst a luxurious garden of white and purple blooms in this glorious Mother's Day bouquet! She's sure to adore these awe-inspiring flowers and the wonderfully rustic, Provencal-inspired ceramic pitcher in which they're delivered. But she'll love your thoughtfulness most of all! Yellow roses, white alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented by fresh huckleberry and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Garden Pitcher.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Smile and Shine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send a shining smile to someone special with this bright bouquet! The happy mix of roses, alstroemeria and asters are presented in a popular mercury glass vase - a glittering gift for now and forever. Includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, matsumoto lavender asters and white chrysanthemums, accented with statice and huckleberry. Delivered in a large Mercury Glass Julep.
Teleflora's Bubbling Over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Serene Spring Peony Bouquet
Put a stylish spin on spring celebrations with this chic bouquet of perfect peonies, carnations, and stock. Its creamy color scheme and vintage-inspired milk jug vase bring sophisticated serenity to any occasion! This serene arrangement features white peonies, light yellow carnations, light yellow stock, lavender waxflower, dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass milk jug vase.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Pretty and Posh Bouquet
Inspired by ocean sunsets, this gorgeous gift of radiant pink and peach blooms and sparkling turquoise glass is sure to delight! Peach roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink carnations, peach miniature carnations, pink stock, pink waxflower are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Turquoise Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Daisies and Sunbeams
The song says, "The sun'll come out tomorrow," but why not today? Whatever the weather, this sunny bouquet of yellow, peach and white flowers will brighten any day instantly. Perfect for a birthday, thank you or just because. This sunny bouquet includes peach roses, yellow spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and solidago accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Teleflora's Pretty Teatime Bouquet
Pour on the charm! This elegant, Dutch-inspired teacup and saucer set is a pretty-meets-practical way to send a cheerful yellow and blue bouquet. This delightful arrangement features yellow spray roses, miniature white carnations, blue delphinium, seeded eucalyptus, and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Dutch Garden Teacup.
Teleflora's Blossoming Romance
Love is in the air. Or if it isn't, it will be when you surprise her with a gorgeous array of light pink spray roses, fragrant white lilies and other favorites in a sparkling glass vase. You know when she'll love it the most? When it's a total surprise. This lovely bouquet includes light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender stock and lavender waxflower accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass rose vase.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Floral Spring Iris Bouquet
This luxurious mix of hydrangea, roses, tulips, lilies and irises brings the glory of a fresh spring sky to any occasion! What a majestic mix of blues, yellows and whites, gracefully gathered in a classic glass vase. Purple hydrangea, yellow roses, yellow tulips, white asiatic lilies, blue iris, lavender freesia, and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with white sinuata statice, bupleurum, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Gathering Vase.
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Sunflowers
Pour on the fun by sending this dazzling bouquet of summer's brightest blooms! Great if you're invited to a pool party, BBQ or just want to brighten up someone's day. Stunning sunflowers, salal and seeded eucalyptus are beautifully arranged in a brilliant yellow ceramic pitcher. This gift will be serving up fun and sun for years to come.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. Let's hear it for yellow spray roses and cheerful yellow and white daisy spray chrysanthemums plus solidago delivered in an exclusive keepsake vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Outlook Bouquet
Brighten anyone's outlook with this sunshiny array of blooms! A heartwarming choice for a special day, or just because, these glorious roses and lilies are hand-delivered in a fabulous, food-safe pitcher they'll enjoy at breakfast for years to come! This bright bouquet features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white miniature carnations, white stock, seeded eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sunny Day pitcher.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Roses
Want to make any day sunny for someone special? Simply have this cheerful pitcher of bright yellow roses hand-delivered to them and they will bask in its warm glow. Just think: No SPF needed! Brilliant yellow roses and spray roses are arranged in a delightful mix that's delivered in a keepsake yellow pitcher they can use again and again. What a heartwarming gift!
Punch of Color Bouquet
The bright stuff for punching up anyone's mood! Bring happiness to any day with this bold, sunset-inspired blend of hot pink roses and orange lilies in a classic glass vase! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, red miniature carnations, orange snapdragons, and pink heather are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Charm
Fill their cup with happiness! This signature Sunny Day pitcher is sure to pour joy! Filled with beautifully bright gerberas and sweet roses, it's a gift they'll always treasure. Includes pink roses, yellow gerbera daisies and alstroemeria. Delivered in a Sunny Day pitcher.
Teleflora's Upsy Daisy
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day. The bright bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and bupleurum accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow gingham ribbon.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I'm Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Teleflora's Simply Sweet
Sometimes life's simplest pleasures deliver life's most poignant feelings. Take this sweet bouquet. Soft colors, beautiful flowers in a yellow vase that's wrapped in a pretty pink satin bow. Simple? You bet. Special? For sure! Light yellow roses, pink asiatic lilies and alstroemeria, light yellow miniature carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and pink limonium are gorgeously arranged in a pretty yellow vase, complete with a satin bow. Sweeter than sweet!
Teleflora's Daisies and Dots Bouquet
Spread sunshine with this burst of delightful daisies and fresh greens, arranged in a bright yellow vase that's tied with a cheerful polka dot ribbon! This happy bouquet includes white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Ocean Devotion
Sending this brilliant blue and white bouquet will surely garner oceans of appreciation from whoever receives it. Dazzling blue hydrangea, green roses and button spray chrysanthemums, divine white dahlias and snapdragons plus huckleberry arrive in a striking cobalt vase.
Glorious Gratitude Orchid
Show your gratitude for a special someone with this glorious living gift. Simply presented in a clear glass cylinder, these alluring purple phalaenopsis orchids add natural elegance to any environment. A purple phalaenopsis orchid is arranged with natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Oceanside Garden Bouquet
Treat them to a day at the shore, in the comfort of their home! This invigorating mix of yellow roses, white lilies and blue delphinium captures the spirit and shades of the shoreline. Hand-delivered in a bold blue ginger jar, it's a delightful gift any time of year! Sunny yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, and blue delphinium are arranged with leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a blue plastic Ginger Jar.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Forever Green Plant Garden
A gift to grow on! Delivered in a modern tapered tray, this living gift of wispy maidenhair fern and sculptural dracaena plants is sure to freshen up any room. This fresh green garden includes green compacta dracaena, variegated green compacta dracaena, maidenhair fern, variegated pothos, large natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a green square tapered tray.
Full of Love Bouquet
Spring into pink! Delicate roses, tulips and carnations fill a graceful vase with a cheerful expression of your love. It's affection perfection! Includes pink roses, tulips, carnations and waxflower, accented with fresh pitta negra and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a lovely glass vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Fiery Lily and Rose
Spark someone's attention by sending this absolutely radiant bouquet. Full of flowers and fiery beauty, it makes a beautiful gift for any occasion. Features dark orange roses and orange asiatic lilies in a charming glass vase. It's fiery and it's fabulous!
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Standout Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! This high-fashion mix of bold orange roses and eye-catching blue eryngium, arranged in a frosted art glass vase, is a stand-out gift for any occasion! This chic arrangement features orange spray roses, dark orange carnations, peach miniature carnations, blue eryngium, seeded eucalyptus, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Blue Skies Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Pretty Paradise Bouquet
Take a tropical getaway, without ever leaving home! Inspired by the shades of a tropical sunset, this paradise of bright colors and rainforest textures is a dramatic experience for the senses! This pretty bouquet features dark pink hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, yellow mokara orchids, yellow roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange snapdragons, bells of Ireland, hanging green amaranthus, huckleberry, sword fern, hala leaves, ti leaves, bear grass, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. This feminine bouquet includes light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, pink larkspur, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, israeli ruscus, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a white square vase.
Tahitian Tropics Bouquet
From delicate lavender roses to dramatic red ginger, waxy pink anthuriums to shiny philodendron leaves, this Tahitian-inspired bouquet is a tropical fantasy of blooms to brighten any occasion! This tropical arrangement includes dark pink hydrangea, lavender roses, large pink anthuriums, pink ice protea, pink snapdragons, large red ginger, aralia leaves, calathea leaves, xanadu philodendron leaves, hala leaf, green ti leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a large square vase.
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Teleflora's Colorful Celebration Bouquet
Color their day happy with this bright surprise! Artfully arranged with a Celebrate pick in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details, this sunny bouquet of yellow lilies and hot pink roses celebrates them in style. This joyful bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and sword fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Sweet Tranquility Basket
A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. Brilliant blooms such as orange and yellow roses and spray roses mix with pink matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dazzling green button spray chrysanthemums, salal, pittosporum and more in a lovely rectangular basket with a handle.
Exquisite Elegance Bouquet
Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural bouquet of pale purple orchids, silvery succulents and deep purple hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event! This eye-catching bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender phalaenopsis spray orchids, hanging green amaranthus, bear grass, green ti leaves, and large green echeveria succulents. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, dusty miller, pitta negra, and green ivy. Delivered in a white ceramic cylinder.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Teleflora's Sunsplash
Send this summery bouquet and you'll make a splendid splash! Perfect for birthdays, thank yous, barbecues and beyond. This warm-weather charmer will be welcome everywhere! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, hot pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a cube vase. Lots of splash. Not too much cash!
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Flowers In a Gift
Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts has many "flowers in a gift" that come in an unique vase that can be used many times! The recipient will think of you every time they use it! Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts in Prattsburgh, NY has Flowers in a Gift suitable for every occasion.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic Chevy rolls into Father's Day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Bubbling over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Backyard Butterfly Bouquet
As delightful as a floating butterfly, this colorful bouquet of pink and yellow blooms brings joy to all! Its charming, hand-decorated ceramic butterfly planter with rustic rope handle will be a treasured keepsake. This bouquet of pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, and raspberry sinuata statice is accented with pitta negra, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Pour on the glam with this luxurious lavender cube! With its shimmering metallic finish and soothing wave detail, it's the perfect complement to a magnificent Mother's Day bouquet of light pink carnations and rich, jewel-toned mums. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Monarch Garden Bouquet
Sure to make mom's heart flutter, this sweet ceramic planter features a charming butterfly motif, a rustic rope handle, and a gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies. This arrangement features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Butterfly Hideaway Plant Garden
This living bouquet will make mom's day! Gorgeous green and pink plants look perfect in this ceramic planter with rope handle and sweet butterfly design. This arrangement of plants includes dieffenbachia camille, compacta dracaena, pink hypoestes, and pink kalanchoe, accented with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Watercolor Roses Bouquet
Like a wondrous watercolor painting, this soothing gift of 12 soft lavender roses in a hand-blown, iridescent art glass vase is a breathtaking reminder of your love on Mother's Day. This gorgeous bouquet includes 6 lavender roses, 6 light lavender roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Washed In Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Blooming Birthday Bouquet
Make it a blooming unforgettable birthday with this gorgeous bouquet of soft yellow roses and pretty pink lilies! Complete with a Happy Birthday pick, the blooms are arranged in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details! The beautiful blooms in this bouquet include light yellow roses, pink asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, light yellow stock, and purple daisy spray chrysanthemums accented with leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style Cube.
Teleflora's Colorful Celebration Bouquet
Color their day happy with this bright surprise! Artfully arranged with a Celebrate pick in a gleaming golden cube with delicate punched details, this sunny bouquet of yellow lilies and hot pink roses celebrates them in style. This joyful bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and sword fern. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Bold Beauty Bouquet
A bold, beautiful gift they'll never forget! This colorful bouquet of roses and asters blends oranges, purples and pinks in a shimmering golden cube with pretty punched detail. Remove the liner and it's a gorgeous candleholder! Orange roses, purple carnations, miniature orange carnations, hot pink matsumoto asters, and lavender stock are arranged with seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate In Style cube.
Teleflora's Fabulous Flora Bouquet
A fabulously divine way to declare your love, or simply brighten a special someone's day, this pinktastic bouquet of roses and lilies is perfectly paired with a perky pink cube vase. This gorgeous bouquet features pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Rose Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Party Starter Bouquet
Party time! Celebrate their special day in a fun, festive way with a surprise delivery of orange, purple, and hot pink blooms in an adorable birthday candle bowl. Colorful curling ribbons add to the party pizzazz! This happy arrangement features orange asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Birthday Celebration bowl.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Lucky Ducky Bouquet
A new baby has joined the flock! Congratulate the lucky parents with this delightfully ducky gift of radiant roses and mums in a sweet ceramic duck keepsake with a matching sailor's cap. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow spray roses, white button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, light blue delphinium, spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Just Ducky container.
Teleflora's Welcome Beautiful Bouquet
Give your welcome some wheels! A childhood classic, this cute red wagon is a whimsical way to send the new family a bright pink bouquet of roses, alstroemeria, and carnations. This beautiful bouquet includes pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, miniature hot pink carnations, pink larkspur, bupleurum, huckleberry, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Baby's First Wagon.
Telelfora's Sweet Little Ducky Bouquet
A new baby has joined the flock! Congratulate the lucky parents with this delightfully ducky gift of soft pink roses and white daisies in a sweet ceramic duck keepsake, complete with matching pink sailor's cap. White daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink spray roses, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are accented with pink waxflower and pitta negra. Delivered in a Just Ducky container.
Teleflora's Welcome Little One Bouquet
Welcome the new addition with a charming glass baby block keepsake, bursting with a sweet bouquet of roses, mums and delphinium. White roses, white alstroemeria, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, and blue delphinium are arranged with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Baby Block.
Teleflora's Sweet Little Wagon Bouquet
Give your welcome some wheels! A childhood classic, this cute red wagon is a whimsical way to send the new family a bright blue and yellow bouquet of roses and alstroemeria. Yellow spray roses, white alstroemeria, miniature yellow carnations, and blue delphinium are arranged with bupleurum, sword fern, huckleberry and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Baby's First Wagon.
Teleflora's Bundle of Joy Bouquet
Welcome the new addition with a charming glass baby block keepsake, bursting with a sweet pink bouquet of roses, mums and delphinium. Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, and pink larkspur are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an adorable Baby Block.
Forever Yellow Kalanchoes
With their petite yellow blooms and large, shiny leaves, these glorious kalanchoe plants add a ray of sunshine to any room! This pretty arrangement features yellow kalanchoe plants. Delivered in a weathered brown round pot.
Sphere of Tranquility Terrarium
Send them the gift of tranquility with this peaceful terrarium garden of schefflera and dracaena, accented with deep black river rocks. Green schefflera, green compacta dracaena, and variegated green compacta dracaena are arranged with black river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a glass bubble bowl.
Desert Beauty Succulent Garden
Bring the serene beauty of the desert landscape to any room of the house or office with this glorious growing gift. Filled with sculptural succulents, the versatile weathered slate pot is sure to be a favorite. This garden includes green sedum succulents, a large green echeveria succulent, small green echeveria succulents, and small natural river rocks. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Teleflora's Hello Sweet Baby - Pink
Welcome her with open arms, and ears! This sweet ceramic elephant is polka-dotted to perfection and arranged with an elegant array of pink blooms. This adorable gift features pink roses, white spray roses, pink stock, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Hello Baby Elephant.
Teleflora's Bee Well Bouquet
We have just the cure for what ails them. A plush nurse bee is ready to buzz into service with enough fresh flowers to make anyone perk up. A plush bumble bee surrounded by sunny yellow sunflowers, yellow button chrysanthemums, alstroemeria and white daisies.
Teleflora's Hello Sweet Baby - Blue
A beautiful boy deserves beautiful blooms! Celebrate his special arrival with this perky, polka-dotted elephant vase, delivered with a gorgeous fresh flower bouquet. This adorable gift features white roses, yellow carnations, light blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Hello Baby Elephant.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Birthday Sparkle Bouquet
Add some extra special sparkle to their birthday with this grand gift! Hand-delivered in a shimmering golden cube with intricate cutouts, this colorful bouquet will make their birthday week wonderful. Later, they can remove the pretty magenta liner and golden "happy birthday" pick and enjoy the cube as a pretty candleholder! This colorful mix features orange roses, orange spray roses, fuchsia stock, pink carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Shimmer of Thanks Bouquet
Make your appreciation shine! This stylish gift of yellow blooms, hand-delivered in a shimmering metallic cube with unique cutout designs, will make their heart glow. Later, they can remove the teal liner and "thanks" pick and use the cube as a chic candleholder! This cheerful arrangement features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, light yellow stock, light yellow carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Thrilled for You Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with this glorious gift! Luxurious lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and purple stock are artfully arranged in a golden cube with modern cutout motif. The keepsake cube becomes a stunning candleholder when you remove the pretty purple liner and "celebrate" pick! Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Bold Elegance Bouquet
When only the best will do for Mother's Day, surprise her with this incredible gift! Large and lush, this bouquet of hot pink roses, pink stargazer lilies and lavender mums is fragrant, feminine and fabulous. What an unforgettable treat when hand-delivered in this exquisite blown glass vase! This elegant bouquet features hot pink roses, pink stargazer lilies, burgundy stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, pink snapdragons, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Teleflora's Glorious You Bouquet
Perfectly pink! Beautifully simple, this exquisite mix of soft pink roses and delicate pink waxflower finds its perfect complement in a fabulously fuchsia blown glass vase. Hand-delivered for Mother's Day, it's a glorious surprise she'll never forget! This beautiful bouquet spotlights pink roses with pink waxflower and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Teleflora's Steal the Spotlight Bouquet
When spoiling mom is the name of the game - steal the spotlight with this magnificent arrangement! Hand-delivered in a glorious glass blown vase, this luxe Mother's Day bouquet of fragrant lilies, roses, snapdragons and hydrangea will truly take her breath away. Pink stargazer lilies, pink snapdragons, pink stock, hot pink roses, green miniature hydrangea, and pink miniature carnations are accented with lemon leaf, ming fern, and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in a Bold Elegance vase.
Teleflora's Heart's Pirouette Bouquet
Her heart will dance when this breathtaking Mother's Day gift arrives! Bursting with blue and pink blooms, this enchanting azure vase is carefully crafted of blown glass in a stunning swirled design, it's a décor keepsake like no other. This arrangement features blue hydrangea, lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, light blue delphinium, light pink stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, misty blue limonium, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Teleflora's Ocean of Roses Bouquet
Mom's a rose! Spoil her on Mother's Day with this breathtaking bouquet of 12 roses, hand-arranged in a swirling keepsake vase of blown glass, in the most elegant shade of azure blue. This beautiful mix includes 6 peach roses, 6 white roses, white waxflower, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Teleflora's Ocean Dance Bouquet
As enchanting and elegant as the sea, this stunning blown glass vase is the most beautiful shade of azure and features a dramatic swirled shape. What a majestic way to present mom with a fabulous Mother's Day bouquet! Hot pink roses, white asiatic lilies, blue hydrangea, fuchsia stock, blue delphinium, and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with lemon leaf and spiral eucalyptus. Delivered in a Heart's Pirouette vase.
Teleflora's Fun 'N Festive Bouquet
Send a celebration someone's way with this colorful bouquet, hand-delivered on a special day in a charmingly festive mug. Two gifts in one, they'll love the lush array of roses, carnations and mums just as much as the food-safe mug that's sure to be a favorite for morning coffee and afternoon tea! Light orange roses, red carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with fresh lemon leaf. Delivered in a Cheers to You mug.
Teleflora's Brilliant Birthday Blooms
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful gift! Pretty orange spray roses, red miniature carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are joined by yards of curling ribbon and delivered in a very special keepsake container. Brilliant? You bet!
Teleflora's Celebrate You Bouquet
It's a party to go! Celebrate life's special moments with this fun, fabulous mix of roses, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a festive, food-safe mug that will make their coffee breaks extra fun. Perfect for any festive occasion, from birthday parties to graduations to retirements! This delightful gift bursts with orange roses, purple carnations, red miniature carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bells of Ireland, blue sinuata statice, and huckleberry. Delivered in a Cheers to You mug.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Sunflowers
Pour on the fun by sending this dazzling bouquet of summer's brightest blooms! Great if you're invited to a pool party, BBQ or just want to brighten up someone's day. Stunning sunflowers, salal and seeded eucalyptus are beautifully arranged in a brilliant yellow ceramic pitcher. This gift will be serving up fun and sun for years to come.
So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's In Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube. Approximately 14" W x 15" H.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Rise and Sunshine
Awaken their senses with a brilliant burst of color! Send sunny orange roses and white daisies in a blazing orange cut-glass votive bowl. When the flowers are gone, they can light the candle and bask in a little indoor sunshine. The cheerful bouquet includes orange spray roses, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and yellow button spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a stunning orange cut-glass votive bowl.
Campbell's® Healthy Wishes Bouquet by Teleflora
Send your most sincere healthy wishes for a speedy recovery! This beautiful bouquet of bright yellow gerbera daisies and red carnations is perfectly presented in a charming Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup mug that will be enjoyed for years to come. This cheerful bouquet includes yellow gerbera daisies, red carnations, white monte cassino asters, lemon leaf and huckleberry. Delivered in a Campbell's® Get Well mug.
Teleflora's Sweet Fire Bouquet with Roses
Glorious with multicolored roses. Enchanting with candlelight. This exciting bouquet featuring a sparkling pink cut-glass votive bowl is a gift they'll enjoy now and for years to come. Guaranteed to bring a special glow to any occasion. The gorgeous bouquet includes hot pink roses, light pink spray roses, pink spray roses and orange spray roses. Delivered in a stunning pink cut-glass votive bowl.
Baby's Wow Wagon by Teleflora - Girl
Talk about the perfect welcome wagon! Available for boys and girls, this darling keepsake will be cherished for years. Bright, cheerful and ready to "roll" right into the nursery. Pretty yellow spray roses, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters, white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, white button spray chrysanthemums and solidago are lovingly arranged in a wagon - the wow factor is now officially off the charts!
Teleflora's Garden of Wellness Bouquet
Boost their spirits and brighten their day with this garden of wellness! Hand-delivered in a sweet ceramic "Bee Well Soon" pot, this colorful arrangement of roses, alstroemeria and asters is abuzz with delightful bee decorations - and your very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Includes orange spray roses, red alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow sunflowers, green button mums, white daisies, purple statice, pink sweet william, bupleurum, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, variegated pittosporum and ivy. Delivered in a Buzzing Bee Well pot.
Baby's Wow Wagon by Teleflora - Boy
Talk about the perfect welcome wagon! Available for boys and girls, this darling keepsake will be cherished for years. Bright, cheerful and ready to "roll" right into the nursery. Pretty yellow spray roses, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters, white and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, white button spray chrysanthemums and solidago are lovingly arranged in a wagon. The wow factor is now officially off the charts!
Baby's First Block by Teleflora - Pink
Celebrate the cutest baby girl on the block's arrival with this charming glass baby block that arrives chock full of pretty flowers. Perfect for baby showers, too! The glass block will make an adorable display piece for years! Pretty light pink and white spray roses, waxflower and pink satin ribbon are delivered in a clear baby block with a pink liner. One amazing delivery deserves another, don't you think?
Teleflora's Sweet Peep Bouquet - Baby Blue
A little one has arrived! Welcome them home with a lush bouquet of yellow roses and blue delphinium, beautifully arranged in this adorably cheerful chicky vase. The new parents will love to display the sweet ceramic keepsake in the nursery! Surprise them with this bouquet of stunning yellow roses, white alstroemeria, miniature light yellow carnations, light blue delphinium, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pitta negra and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Happy Chick keepsake.
Baby's First Block by Teleflora - Blue
Celebrate the coolest baby boy on the block's arrival with this charming glass baby block that arrives chock full of pretty flowers. Perfect for baby showers, too! The glass block will make an adorable display piece for years! Dazzling white spray roses, light blue delphinium, white waxflower and light blue organza ribbon are delivered in a clear baby block with a light blue liner. One great delivery deserves another, don't you think?
Teleflora's Ducky Delight - Boy
This adorable arrangement takes to baby showers and baby arrivals like a duck takes to water! Available in boy and girl versions, this charming arrangement in its cute and reusable keepsake container is, well just ducky! Sunny yellow spray roses, yellow button spray chrysanthemums and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are perfectly arranged with light blue or pink ribbon in an exclusive Just Ducky container. Hand- not stork-delivered! It's delightful.
My Little Chickadee by Teleflora
This little chickadee takes cuteness to a whole new level. Perfect for baby showers as well as celebrating the arrival of a newborn. Adorable on delivery, the cheerful vase will continue to delight as a cherished holder for any number of baby things (and trust us, there are lots of things!) in a nursery. Delightful yellow spray roses, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and bright green button spray chrysanthemums fill a brilliant ceramic vase. Another star is born!
Teleflora's Ducky Delight - Girl
This adorable arrangement takes to baby showers and baby arrivals like a duck takes to water! Available in boy and girl versions, this charming arrangement in its cute and reusable keepsake container is, well just ducky! Sunny yellow spray roses, yellow button spray chrysanthemums and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are perfectly arranged with a light pink ribbon in an exclusive Just Ducky container. Hand- not stork-delivered! It's delightful.
Teleflora's Kiss Me Softly
If you're in the market for a beautiful bargain, this fabulous floral gift is for you. It features lush peach roses, white lilies and other favorites in a gleaming silver Jardiniere vase. So gorgeous, so reasonable, so easy to send. The stylish bouquet includes peach roses, white Asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria and white carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a silver ribbed Jardiniere vase with a metallized finish.
Teleflora's Sweet Peep Bouquet - Baby Pink
Celebrate a special arrival with this egg-cellent gift! Cheery white daisies, pink alstroemeria and gorgeous yellow roses will delight the new parents, especially when presented in this darling keepsake ceramic vase. This cheerful bouquet includes lush yellow roses, light pink alstroemeria, miniature light yellow carnations, white stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Happy Chick vase.
Teleflora's Touch of Gold
A touch of gold adds a touch of class to this gorgeously understated bouquet featuring white roses and white lilies in a golden ribbed Jardinière vase. Whatever the occasion, this delightful gift will make it even happier. The stunning bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white asiatic lilies and white alstroemeria accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a golden ribbed Jardiniere vase with a metallized finish.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Get Better Bouquet by Teleflora
They're sure to get well "beary" soon with this hand-delivered, thoughtful surprise of fresh mixed flowers and sweet snuggles from this charming bear plush bouquet! This cheerful arrangement includes orange roses, orange alstroemeria, red carnations, lavender aster matsumotos and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, accented with yellow solidago, variegated pittosporum, spiral eucalyptus, huckleberry and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Beary Well Bear plush keepsake.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Sweet Little Lamb - Baby Blue
This little lamb can't wait to deliver your best wishes to the happy new family! Crafted of wood and covered in soft plush, it's a sweet decorative display piece for the baby's nursery that also delivers a dreamy bouquet of gerbera daisies and stock to the new parents. Celebrate a new arrival with this arrangement of white gerbera daisies, stock, button spray chrysanthemums and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sweet Little Lamb keepsake.
Love's Sweet Medley by Teleflora
Birthday? Anniversary? Thinking of you? Whatever the occasion, here's an affordable gift that's sure to be a huge hit. Roses, lilies and other favorites in a lovely rose gold Jardiniere vase - who wouldn't love it? The exquisite bouquet includes light pink spray roses, white lilies, pink carnations, white stock and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a rose gold ribbed Jardiniere vase with a metallized finish.
Teleflora's Sweet Little Lamb - Baby Pink
This little lamb can't wait to deliver your best wishes to the happy new family! Crafted of wood and covered in soft plush, it's a sweet decorative display piece for the baby's nursery that also delivers a dreamy bouquet of roses and alstroemeria to the new parents. Celebrate a new arrival with this arrangement of white roses, light pink spray roses, white alstroemeria, small white monte cassino asters and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sweet Little Lamb keepsake.
Teleflora's Delightful Dots Bouquet
Looking to delight someone special this spring? Connect the dots with this cute, colorful gift of sunshiny lilies and pretty pink roses! Presented in a sweet ceramic cube vase with a charming hand-thrown look, it's the perfect Easter décor piece. This delightful mix includes dark pink roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and huckleberry. Delivered in a Happy Dots cube.
Teleflora's Grand Sunshine Bouquet
Light up their day with this sunshine-y bouquet! Bursting with golden sunflowers and orange alstroemeria, this heart-warming arrangement is hand-delivered in a beautifully glazed ceramic cachepot made in Portugal. It's sure to delight! This sunny bouquet is made up of orange alstroemeria, small yellow sunflowers, yellow Viking daisy spray chrysanthemums, solidago and lemon leaf. Delivered in a richly glazed cachepot.
Teleflora's Painted Blossoms Bouquet
Mom is so special, she deserves two bouquets! Shower her in blossoms with this bright, joyful arrangement of orange roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations. Carefully arranged in a keepsake ceramic cube, decorated with its own painterly blooms, it's a Mother's Day surprise she'll always remember. Orange spray roses, yellow alstroemeria and pink carnations are arranged with leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
Teleflora's Summer Cottage
Capture the lovely warmth of summer with this gorgeous arrangement. Orange spray roses and asiatic lilies arrive in our charming French country ceramic pitcher. Orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red carnations, peach miniature carnations and assorted greens. Delivered in a Teleflora French County Pitcher.
Teleflora's Brushed with Blossoms Bouquet
Glorious pink lilies and radiant peach roses send Mom your most heartfelt wishes for a happy Mother's Day! Presented in a keepsake ceramic cube, adorned with painterly blooms, it's two gifts in one for twice the fun. Beautiful peach spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria and pink miniature carnations are arranged with bupleurum and huckleberry. Delivered in a Painted Blossoms cube.
Teleflora's French Fancy Bouquet
What a colorful bouquet, and it's absolutely perfect for Grandparents Day! Yellow spray roses and peach carnations fill our eggshell-colored Fleur-de-Love Pitcher. Detailed with a fleur-de-lis motif, this exceptional keepsake is the newest addition to our French Country Collection. Yellow spray roses and peach carnations are combined with purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, lavender and yellow button spray chrysanthemums and pitta negra make up this beautiful bouquet. Delivered in a handcrafted ceramic French country pitcher.
Teleflora's Parisian Pinks with Roses
Named after the most romantic city in the world, this pretty rose arrangement delivers romance ever so beautifully. Light pink roses symbolize femininity, elegance and refinement, especially when they are perfectly arranged in a white French country pot. Enchanting light pink roses and spray roses arranged with delicate Queen Anne's lace and greens are delivered in an exclusive ceramic container. C'est magnifique!
Teleflora's Fleur-De-Love Bouquet
Capture the grace of Grandparents Day. Charming pink roses and fresh white asiatic lilies are nestled in our classic Fleur-de-Love Pitcher. A fleur-de-lis motif gives a classic flair to this pitcher - the newest addition to our French Country Collection. This bouquet boasts a beautiful display of light pink roses, and soft white asiatic lilies, accented with lemon leaves and pitta negra. Delivered in a handcrafted ceramic French country pitcher.
Teleflora's Pink Potpourri Bouquet with Roses
As strong as it is soft, the color pink as it is featured here creates a loving and utterly feminine tribute. Many shades of pink blossoms blend together for an effect that is beautifully subtle and sublime. A range of lovely flowers like pink roses, spray roses and alstroemeria are accented by fresh greens in the loveliest way and delivered in a beautiful French Country Pot.
Beautiful Dreams by Teleflora
Soothing and respectful. Calm and compassionate. This beautiful collection of white and light colored blossoms will deliver your loving thoughts perfectly. Tasteful flowers such as light blue hydrangea, crème roses, white asiatic lilies, miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely white French Country Pot.
Teleflora's Peaches and Dreams
The only thing sweeter than peaches and cream just might be this dreamy bouquet of delicious roses and tulips. Be a peach and send one today! Pretty in peach roses, tulips, miniature carnations and stock along with white waxflower and fresh spring greens are beautifully arranged in a ceramic French country container.
Teleflora's Napa Valley Centerpiece
Accent your special occasion with the wild, natural elegance of Napa Valley. Creamy whites and lacy greens are united in a large, French country pot to shabby chic effect. Wondrous white flowers including roses, lisianthus, Queen Anne's lace, hydrangea and bouvardia are gracefully presented with delicate maidenhair fern in a glazed French Country Pot with classic fleur de lis motif.
Simply Happy Kalanchoe Plant by Teleflora
With its delicate pink flowers and elegant leaves, this lovely Kalanchoe plant is a fresh, fabulous surprise for any occasion! It's hand-delivered in a gorgeous, glazed ceramic cachepot from Portugal, making this an extra-special gift to be treasured forever. This pretty pink Kalanchoe plant is delivered in a richly glazed cachepot.
Teleflora's Country Splendor Bouquet
Invigorating as an autumn sunrise, this golden fall bouquet will lighten up any room with its radiant roses arranged in an antiqued French Country pot. Lush yellow roses, yellow alstroemeria, bronze button chrysanthemums and gold cushion chrysanthemums are arranged with greens including magnolia leaves, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf and natural wheat. Delivered in a charming French Country pot.
Teleflora's Blushing Lilies
Like springtime in Paris, this flirtatious topiary makes romance bloom! She'll adore the pale pink lilies, a pretty pink ribbon, and charming french country pot as well as the loving sentiment that comes with it! Pink asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink carnations, variegated pittosporum and white statice. Delivered in a large French Country Pot.
Teleflora's Merry Amaryllis
Nothing says Merry Christmas quite like a big bright red amaryllis plant! It's joyful, very easy to take care of and lasts a long time. When it comes to holiday gifts, the amaryllis really is a natural. A brilliant red amaryllis plant is delivered in a 6" French country pot. Simply beautiful.
Teleflora's Everything Rosy Gift Bouquet
Shower her with ravishing roses and a trio of sumptuous citrus rose scented spa goodies - including a custom body wash, hand & body lotion and deluxe candle! Presented in a charming "vintage" rose tin, this luxurious 3-in-1 gift is sure to delight her! This fabulous gift includes a bouquet of hot and light pink spray roses, pitta negra and variegated ivy, as well as an exclusive citrus rose 1.7 fl.oz. body wash, 1.7 fl. oz. hand & body lotion, and a 2.7 oz. candle. Delivered in a "vintage" rose-themed tin.
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Teleflora's Rosy Delights Gift Bouquet
Delight her with this glorious gift of pink and peach roses and three luxuriously scented spa goodies, all beautifully arranged in a charming "vintage" tin she will keep forever. It's a gift she'll never forget! This 3-in-1 gift includes a lush bouquet of peach and pink roses, bupleurum, pitta negra and lemon leaf, as well as a luxurious citrus rose 1.7 fl.oz. body wash, 1.7 fl. oz. hand & body lotion, and a 2.7 oz. candle. Delivered in a "vintage" rose-themed tin.
Happy Hydrangea - Pink
Big, beautiful blossoms of pretty petals make the pink hydrangea a popular gift. Always appreciated, this versatile selection is perfect for a birthday, housewarming, thank-you…whatever. Beautiful to look at and easy to grow, no wonder it's America's darling. A lovely pink hydrangea is delivered in a fresh white ceramic pot. Simply charming!
Happy Hydrangea - Blue
A timeless classic, the blue hydrangea is the perfect way to say "Happy Anything!" Plus, men love the blue hydrangea just as much as women. So go ahead and plant one on someone who deserves some special treatment. A brilliant blue hydrangea plant is delivered in the perfect white ceramic container. Easy breezy.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. Let's hear it for yellow spray roses and cheerful yellow and white daisy spray chrysanthemums plus solidago delivered in an exclusive keepsake vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Outlook Bouquet
Brighten anyone's outlook with this sunshiny array of blooms! A heartwarming choice for a special day, or just because, these glorious roses and lilies are hand-delivered in a fabulous, food-safe pitcher they'll enjoy at breakfast for years to come! This bright bouquet features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white miniature carnations, white stock, seeded eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sunny Day pitcher.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Roses
Want to make any day sunny for someone special? Simply have this cheerful pitcher of bright yellow roses hand-delivered to them and they will bask in its warm glow. Just think: No SPF needed! Brilliant yellow roses and spray roses are arranged in a delightful mix that's delivered in a keepsake yellow pitcher they can use again and again. What a heartwarming gift!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Joy
Symbolizing warmth and happiness, it is no wonder the sunflower is a quintessential ingredient in so many fall bouquets. This bouquet maximizes the joy of sunflowers by arranging them with a bevy of fall flowers, it's a lovely pick-me-up for a crisp fall day. Sunny sunflowers, red roses and miniature carnations, bronze daisy spray chrysanthemums, large lavender monte cassino asters and autumn greens are beautifully arranged in a ceramic vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Cheer
This bouquet is just bright for any occasion! A bright and sunny medley of flowers is hand-delivered in a brilliant ceramic pitcher that can be joyfully used over and over again. Light yellow roses and carnations, yellow spray roses, gerberas and alstroemeria, white monte cassino asters and pittosporum arrive in an exclusive yellow keepsake pitcher. Now that's what we call pitcher perfect!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Charm
Fill their cup with happiness! This signature Sunny Day pitcher is sure to pour joy! Filled with beautifully bright gerberas and sweet roses, it's a gift they'll always treasure. Includes pink roses, yellow gerbera daisies and alstroemeria. Delivered in a Sunny Day pitcher.
Smile and Shine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send a shining smile to someone special with this bright bouquet! The happy mix of roses, alstroemeria and asters are presented in a popular mercury glass vase - a glittering gift for now and forever. Includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, matsumoto lavender asters and white chrysanthemums, accented with statice and huckleberry. Delivered in a large Mercury Glass Julep.
Teleflora's Fancy That Bouquet
A timeless Mercury Glass vase lends a fancy flourish to this uplifting bouquet. Yellow roses and miniature hot pink carnations are just the way to pop up her day! Includes yellow roses, purple alstroemeria, miniature hot pink carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and fresh oregonia. Delivered in a Mercury Glass small julep.
Teleflora's Sheer Delight Bouquet
The essence of femininity. Delight her with flirty-fun lavender and pink blooms presented in a gorgeous Mercury Glass julep vase. It's a gift that will sparkle in her memory forever. Includes lavender roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature lavender carnations and lavender chrysanthemums, accented with fresh bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mercury Glass large julep vase.
Queen's Court by Teleflora
When you really want to make a grand impression on someone special, choose this regal arrangement. Roses, in every possible shade of pink, are so beautifully arranged in an exclusive silver Mercury Glass Bowl, there's no doubt you'll be treated like royalty when you send it! Light, medium and hot pink roses and spray roses are hand-arranged with greens in a gorgeous Mercury Glass Bowl. It's perfectly majestic!
Teleflora's Garden Rhapsody Centerpiece
Bridal shower? Baby shower? Afternoon wedding? Add an elegantly girly touch to any of them with this stylish mix of pinks and greens. Presented in a classic Mercury Glass Vase, it's where trendy meets traditional! Pink hydrangea, light pink and pink roses, green carnations, ming fern and bupleurum are artfully arranged in a Mercury Glass Bowl.
Teleflora's Purple Elegance Centerpiece
A masterpiece in purple. This lush, lavender array mixes beautiful blue hydrangea with happy purple tulips and luxurious lavender and pink roses. Presented in an elegant Mercury Glass Bowl, it's an exquisite choice for any important event, from weddings to showers. Purple tulips, blue hydrangea, lavender and pink roses are mixed with delicate ming fern and rich green salal in a magnificent Mercury Glass Bowl.
Teleflora's Shining Spirit Bouquet
Show your sympathy with style and grace. A shining silver finish and reverent cross cut-out makes this stunning ceramic vase the perfect accompaniment for a lush bouquet of pure white hydrangea, lilies, alstroemeria and stock. White hydrangea, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, white stock, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with lemon leaf. Delivered in a Shining Cross vase.
Teleflora's Bright Life Bouquet
Show them how much you care with this beautifully bright yet reverent arrangement of roses, lilies and alstroemeria. Gracefully presented in a shining, silver-finished ceramic vase with cross cut-out - a touching tribute to a bright life. This glorious arrangement includes hot pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, lavender stock, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Shining Cross vase.
Teleflora's Skies of Remembrance Bouquet
As hopeful as a bright blue sky, this beautiful arrangement of lush blue hydrangea and fragrant white lilies is a heartfelt symbol of peace and beauty. Its reverent, silver-finished ceramic vase with cross cut-out will remain a guiding light to your loved ones for years to come. This majestic bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, light blue delphinium, dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Shining Cross vase.
Teleflora's Wondrous Life Bouquet
Celebrate a wondrous life with this timeless tribute of pure white lilies and roses, arranged in a graceful tulip-shaped ceramic vase. This monochromatic bouquet features crème roses, white asiatic lilies, seeded eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blooming Tulip vase.
Teleflora's Hearts In Heaven Bouquet
A heartfelt expression of your sympathy, this majestic mix of white roses will rejuvenate the spirit. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel's wing keepsake, etched with an encouraging message they'll cherish forever. Message on sculpt reads: "Because someone we love is in heaven, there is a little bit of heaven in our hearts." White spray roses, white alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Heaven's Heart keepsake.
Teleflora's Soft and Tender Bouquet
Share your heartfelt feelings on the loss of someone special with this feminine arrangement of soft pink roses and lilies. Pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, and pink alstroemeria are accented with dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Blooming Tulip vase.
Teleflora's Forever Faithful Bouquet
An elegant display of faith and grace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite sculpture of Jesus is surrounded by a bed of lovely blossoms. It is sure to be appreciated and always remembered. A fragrant mix of pure white blooms - including roses, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and waxflower - is accented with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with an exclusive Sacred Grace keepsake.
Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet
An elegant display of faith and divine peace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite crystal cross is surrounded by a bed of lovely blossoms. It is sure to be appreciated and always remembered. A fragrant mix of pure white blooms - including roses, alstroemeria, stock, carnations and waxflower - is accented with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum around an exclusive Crystal Cross keepsake.
Teleflora's Guiding Light Bouquet
Peaceful and majestic, a graceful angel rests amongst fragrant, snow white roses, alstroemeria and stock - a touching tribute to a bright life and your unending support. White roses, white alstroemeria, white stock, white miniature carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with white waxflower, dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with an Angel of Grace keepsake.
Teleflora's Crystal Cross Bouquet
Celebrate the reason for the season with radiant flowers cradling an exquisitely crafted Crystal Cross. This lovely gift will be a source of inspiration for years to come. Yellow gladioli, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations and solidago accented with assorted greenery are delivered with a 7 ½" high, multifaceted Crystal Cross.
Teleflora's Joyful Hearth Bouquet
Warm jewel tones of orange and purple flowers look stunning in our rose gold-colored bowl. Orange bi-color roses, orange spray roses and orange daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's rose gold scalloped design bowl.
Teleflora's Garden of Serenity Bouquet
This exquisite porcelain sculpture of Jesus surrounded by radiant flowers will be a source of comfort to loved ones during a time of loss. Your thoughtfulness will be long remembered. The stunning bouquet includes white roses, stock, snapdragons, lilies and freesia accented with salal, myrtle and pittosporum. Delivered with a meticulously detailed porcelain sculpture of Jesus.
Teleflora's Garden of Hope Bouquet
Show them you care with this gorgeous display of roses, lilies and tulips, gracefully surrounding a timeless angel sculpture keepsake. Beautifully fragrant, it's a hopeful tribute that will warm their hearts forever. This lovely arrangement of light pink roses, light pink tulips, white asiatic lilies, light pink carnations, white carnations, white snapdragons and light pink stock is accented with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with Teleflora's Angel of Grace keepsake.
Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet
An elegantly unique expression of your deepest condolences, this majestic mix of crème, white and lavender blooms includes fragrant roses and lilies to refresh and rejuvenate their spirits. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel sculpture - a serene, spiritual keepsake they'll always treasure. This beautiful arrangement includes crème roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace keepsake.
Teleflora's Grace and Majesty Bouquet
A bouquet to remember. This glorious garden of roses, lilies and alstroemeria surrounds a gleaming Crystal Cross. It's a radiant, reverent expression of faith that will be appreciated for years to come. Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple stock and purple seafoam statice are arranged with fresh pitta negra, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Crystal Cross keepsake.
Modern Flowers
Pretty Paradise Bouquet
Take a tropical getaway, without ever leaving home! Inspired by the shades of a tropical sunset, this paradise of bright colors and rainforest textures is a dramatic experience for the senses! This pretty bouquet features dark pink hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, yellow mokara orchids, yellow roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange snapdragons, bells of Ireland, hanging green amaranthus, huckleberry, sword fern, hala leaves, ti leaves, bear grass, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Teleflora's Color Me Cute Bouquet
Cute, colorful and carefully curated, this artistic arrangement of hot pink lilies, orange roses and dramatic hala leaves is a tropically-inspired treat they'll adore! Orange roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange carnations, miniature yellow carnations, and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with hala leaf and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Tahitian Tropics Bouquet
From delicate lavender roses to dramatic red ginger, waxy pink anthuriums to shiny philodendron leaves, this Tahitian-inspired bouquet is a tropical fantasy of blooms to brighten any occasion! This tropical arrangement includes dark pink hydrangea, lavender roses, large pink anthuriums, pink ice protea, pink snapdragons, large red ginger, aralia leaves, calathea leaves, xanadu philodendron leaves, hala leaf, green ti leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a large square vase.
Desert Beauty Succulent Garden
Bring the serene beauty of the desert landscape to any room of the house or office with this glorious growing gift. Filled with sculptural succulents, the versatile weathered slate pot is sure to be a favorite. This garden includes green sedum succulents, a large green echeveria succulent, small green echeveria succulents, and small natural river rocks. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Exquisite Elegance Bouquet
Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural bouquet of pale purple orchids, silvery succulents and deep purple hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event! This eye-catching bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender phalaenopsis spray orchids, hanging green amaranthus, bear grass, green ti leaves, and large green echeveria succulents. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, dusty miller, pitta negra, and green ivy. Delivered in a white ceramic cylinder.
Cascading Elegance Bouquet
A dramatic display in jewel-toned roses and hydrangea in a sophisticated vase, this majestic bouquet will take their breath away. Dark pink hydrangea, lavender hydrangea, lavender roses, light lavender roses, red roses, red spray roses, purple carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums, and purple cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with hanging green amaranthus, israeli ruscus, xanadu philodendron leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a glass romanesque vase.
Flourishing Beauty Bouquet
Bring flourishing beauty to any occasion with this naturally elegant arrangement of fresh white flowers, fresh succulents and delicate greens. The wildly chic arrangement is presented to perfection in a charming weathered pot. This natural arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, green carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, green hanging amaranthus, bupleurum, leatherleaf fern, pitta negra, parvifolia eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Stunning Statement Bouquet
Brimming with hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies in fabulous fuchsias and radiant reds, this breathtaking bouquet definitely makes a statement! This stunning arrangement of red hydrangea, red cymbidium orchid blossoms, red roses, red spray roses, hot pink oriental lilies, red gerberas, and red hypericum is accented with green ivy and lemon leaf. Delivered in a white cylinder planter.
Teleflora's Fall in Bloom Bouquet
Adorned with magnificent metal leaf charms and arranged in a delightfully rustic birch tree cube, these beautiful fall blooms are a gift for the senses! Orange bi-color roses, white disbud chrysanthemums, orange miniature carnations, and rust cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and yellow oak leaves. Delivered in a Wild Autumn Cube.
Teleflora's Citrus Harvest Bouquet
Arranged in a rich amber glass lantern with shimmering golden leaves, this vibrant, citrus-inspired autumnal arrangement is a beautiful surprise that doubles as a stunning vase and glowing candleholder. Yellow asiatic lilies, and red daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with millet, magnolia leaves, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Citrus Harvest lantern.
Teleflora's Wild Autumn Bouquet
Celebrate fall's wild beauty with this rich autumnal bouquet! Presented in a rustic cube vase with unique birch tree finish, it's adorned with twine and stamped metal leaf charms, a true gift of the season! This wildly beautiful bouquet includes orange spray roses, bronze disbud chrysanthemums, red daisy spray chrysanthemums, spiral eucalyptus, and transparent orange oak leaves. Delivered in a Wild Autumn cube.
Teleflora's Changing Leaves Bouquet
Pretty meets practical! Brighten their fall with this sunny sunflower bouquet, delivered in an amber glass lantern with golden leaves. They'll enjoy this gift for many seasons to come as a vase and candleholder! This dramatic bouquet includes yellow sunflowers, orange carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, solidago, magnolia leaves, pitta negra, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and transparent brown oak leaves. Delivered in a Citrus Harvest lantern.
Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet
Peaceful yet energizing, this unforgettable arrangement of desert-hued blooms and succulents in a sleek bamboo cube is a chic gift on any special occasion. Peach roses, white asiatic lilies, peach miniature carnations, and white stock are accented with pitta negra, dusty miller, and a green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a Small Natural Bamboo Cube.
Teleflora's Fields of Amber Bouquet
Celebrate the season with the hearth-inspired hues of this lush autumnal bouquet, arranged in an amber glass lantern with metal handle and golden leaves. Lovely as a vase or candleholder! Orange bi-color roses, bronze disbud chrysanthemums, and rust daisy spray chrysanthemums are arranged with parvifolia eucalyptus, lemon leaf, red oak leaves, and natural wheat. Delivered in a Citrus Harvest lantern.
Teleflora's Shades of Brilliance Bouquet
Send her a rainbow! Golden lilies, radiant roses and regal alstroemeria burst brilliantly from a contemporary bamboo box. What a chic, stunning way to brighten her day! Gorgeous orange roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are arranged in a rainbow assortment with variegated aspidistra, lily grass and oregonia. Delivered in a Bamboo Rectangle vase.
Teleflora's Exotic Grace
Looking for something with a bit of Zen? With tall bamboo and birds of paradise complemented by a stunning mix of tropical orange flowers and greenery in a graceful bamboo container, this bouquet is it. Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a beautifully exotic keepsake bamboo container.
Teleflora's Bamboo Getaway
Get away from bouquets as usual and choose this tropical adventure strikingly served up in a beautiful bamboo box. Exotic. Exciting. Extremely beautiful! Yellow roses, dark orange miniature callas, orange asiatic lilies and pin cushion protea, red miniature gerberas and more are delivered in a unique rectangular bamboo container. It's definitely a departure from the ordinary!
New Sensations
Upscale and uptown. This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a leaf-lined cylinder vase, it's truly a floral fantasy. Green and pink hydrangeas, green cymbidium orchids, hot pink and lavender roses, tulips and more are beautifully arranged in a large clear glass cylinder vase.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Blossoms in Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet is a singular sensation!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids
This towering topiary of asiatic lilies, orchids and roses - artistically arranged with tropical greenery - is a unique gift that celebrates the spirit of creativity. Pink asiatic lilies rise up from a square design block holding a mix of cymbidium orchids, spray roses and accent blooms and greenery.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Teleflora's Grand Gesture
When you're inspired to make a grand gesture of any kind, this gorgeous tropical topiary is a natural choice. The calla lily symbolizes magnificent beauty and when mixed with graceful tropical leaves and arranged in a stunning bamboo dish, the results are extraordinary. White calla lilies, kale and tropical greens are delivered in a natural bamboo dish. Makes a grand gift!
Teleflora's Tropical Bliss
Now this is bliss! This tropical and tasteful creation is a beautiful and dramatic way to say something wonderful without using any words. Dark red roses, orange asiatic lilies, green leucadendron, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, and tropical greens are delivered in a red bamboo dish. Don't miss this chance to send bliss!
Teleflora's Secret Oasis
This lovely, serene bouquet makes a Zen-sational gift for any special occasion. They'll be thrilled with this artistic arrangement of orchids, lilies and exotic accents in a red bamboo dish. It's like a trip to Shangri-La. This exotic arrangement includes green dendrobium orchids, white asiatic lilies, an aralia leaf, green flax, bear grass, oregonia and mood moss accented with pieces of natural river cane. Delivered in a red bamboo dish.
Teleflora's Garden Delights
Put a smile on her face and a spring in her step with this delightful little garden bouquet. Presented in a chic bamboo box, its happy hot pinks and lovely lime greens give a colorful pick-me-up! Bright pink roses and carnations are contrasted with green carnations and button spray chrysanthemums, light pink stock and delicate lavender waxflower -fresh greens include lemon leaves and soft dusty miller. Delivered in a sculptural natural bamboo vase to give it a contemporary look.
Teleflora's Ticket to Paradise
If a floral version of paradise is what you're after, this incredible gift is just the ticket. A masterful assortment of tropical flowers and greens is amazingly arranged in a distinctive rectangular natural bamboo container. Absolutely stunning. Lovely lavender hydrangea and roses, pink miniature callas, hot pink spray roses, purple carnations, heather, fern and more fill a natural bamboo container.
Kissed with Bliss by Teleflora
An elegant way to show you care, this bit of bliss blends luxurious lavender roses with wondrous white lilies into a stunning floral sculpture. Accented with exotic greens and presented in a modern bamboo rectangular vase, it brings natural serenity to any space. Includes lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender stock, monte cassino asters and green chrysanthemums, accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a large Bamboo Rectangular vase.
Teleflora's Full of Laughter
Arranged in a modern bamboo box, this stylish bouquet evokes the warm-hearted laughter of an island getaway. It's a cheerful choice for any occasion, from birthdays to hoorays! This chic arrangement features yellow asiatic lilies, orange roses, purple alstromeria and red matsumoto asters, accented with pretty pittosporum. Delivered in a modern rectangular vase crafted of real bamboo.
Teleflora's Box of Sunshine
Let the sunshine in! This brilliant mix of flowers is hand-delivered in natural bamboo cube. You can't help feeling happy and warm all over just by looking at it. Pretty yellow roses rest inside brilliant green hydrangea, all inside an exclusive natural bamboo cube. Imagination blossoms right here!
Teleflora's Smiles for Miles
Shower them with sunshine! An abundance of yellow and green blooms bursts from the stylish bamboo box, bringing miles of smiles along with it. What a joyful pick for him and her, any day of the year! Sunny yellow flowers include roses, asiatic lilies, gladioli and miniature carnations, all mixed with soft green button spray chrysanthemums, carnations and variegated pittosporum. Delivered with a modern touch in a rich brown bamboo box.
Teleflora's Pop of Fun Bouquet
Turn up the fun! Make any day extra special with a surprise delivery of joyful blooms in a stylish cube vase. This bouquet of pink roses and luxurious peach lilies will make their mood soar! This fresh, fun mix of pink roses, peach asiatic lilies, peach alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations is accented with raspberry sinuata statice and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Spring Favorites
With beautiful blossoms like this, is it any wonder that spring is the favorite season of so many? Amazing colors, awesome blossoms and tantalizing textures are only the beginning. All of spring's favorites are here, including pink spray roses, red tulips, yellow irises, purple hyacinth white monte cassino asters, green button spray chrysanthemums, and springs best greens. Plus, this plethora of pretty petals comes in a delightful terra-cotta pot.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Uptown Bouquet
An arrangement worthy of your uptown girl, this one rocks! Modern without being trendy. Gorgeous without being girly. If your woman knows style, this is the gift for her. Outrageously beautiful dark orange and peach roses are nestled in a garden of greens and delivered in a unique bamboo rectangle. Go ahead: show her that you get it.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Garden Party Centerpiece
Whether you are invited to a garden party, or just want to celebrate with some dear friends, this spring centerpiece should be on your list. With more personality and aplomb than most parties have to begin with, this show-stopper is sure to please! Let's get the party started with a garden of delightful blossoms including blue hydrangea, light pink tulips and alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, orange, ranunculus, purple matsumoto asters, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and waxflower plus fresh spring greens are delivered in a white ceramic planter.
Teleflora's in Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube.
Make Her Day by Teleflora
Sweetly sophisticated, this arrangement of green miniature hydrangea and light pink spray roses presented in our citrus green glass cube is the perfect gift. Includes green miniature hydrangea, light pink spray roses, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass citrus cube.
Teleflora's Art of Spring Bouquet
Nothing says spring like this artistic gift, pairing a sunny yellow bouquet with the fresh greens of this hand-glazed, glossy stoneware vase. This colorful mix features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, light yellow stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art of Spring vase.
Teleflora's Emerald Elegance Bouquet
Like a breath of fresh air, this crisp, spring bouquet delivers a burst of citrus style to your lucky someone. This unique blend of yellow and green blooms in a shimmering emerald glass cube is simply brilliant! Includes yellow roses, alstroemeria, green carnations and button spray chrysanthemums, accented with oregonia and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mirrored Cube.
Teleflora's Imperial Purple Orchid
Shangri-la might be a fictional place, but this stunning orchid is firmly planted in the most beautiful kind of reality. An exotic lavender phalaenopsis orchid comes delivered in a distinctive cube made of beautiful, natural bamboo. It's easy to take care of and lovely to look at. A lavender phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. It's almost too good to be true.
Regal Orchids
Grace. Beauty. Prosperity. And love. These are just some of the lovely qualities attached to the exquisite orchid. So imagine the effect of receiving six stunning orchid plants all at once. Magical, right? Two brilliant green miniature phalaenopsis orchids, two lavender miniature phalaenopsis orchids and two dazzling white miniature phalaenopsis orchids are surrounded by white river rocks and delivered in a unique crème ceramic pedestal planter. Give someone the royal treatment!
Teleflora's Opulent Orchids
Pure elegance. That's what these divine white phalaenopsis orchids deliver. They're beautiful upon arrival, and what's even more beautiful is that these amazing plants are easy to take care of, and can blossom for months. A white phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. Now that's the kind of opulence anyone can appreciate.
Teleflora's Fuchsia Fantasy
Fabulous! Hot pink flowers are mixed with sunny orange blooms to warm her heart and tickle her fancy. Perfect for birthdays -or any day you want to make her feel extra special. This fantastic floral arrangement includes full pink hydrangea, peach and hot pink roses, orange asiatic lilies, purple stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, raspberry-hued statice and dark pink sweet william with seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum to add fresh green hues. Delivered in a sleek bamboo vase.
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube.
A Fine Romance by Teleflora
Dazzle and delight her with this magical mix of soft lavenders, rich reds and playful pinks. The fine, feminine blooms speak to your feelings, while the sleek bamboo container speaks to your style. Dark red roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink matsumoto asters, purple chrysanthemums and lavender waxflower are accented with burgundy copper beech and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a tall bamboo vase in a rich shade of brown that anchors the arrangement in modern style.
Now and Zen
Now and Zen you want to send something tall, and extra special. It's got to be unique, tropical and of course, beautiful. That is a tall order, but this arrangement handles it with panache! Gorgeous lavender cymbidium orchids, dark pink asiatic lilies, striking green anthuriums, leucadendron, ginger and more tropical lushness is hand-delivered in a contemporary box container. Wow!
Teleflora's One Fine Day
Oh, what a fine day it will be when you have this delightful spring bouquet delivered to someone special. Everyone will delight in the vibrant colors and bountiful blossoms, all thoughtfully arranged in a beautiful leaf-lined vase. Light yellow roses, hot pink spray roses, tulips and gerberas, yellow carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive cube vase. You'll have many fine days when you send this beautiful bouquet!
Teleflora's Fantasy Found
If you know someone whose fantasies might include something found on a tropical island, you've found their perfect arrangement. Gorgeous yellow cymbidium orchids and leucadendron, red gladioli, lily grass and other tropical greens are delivered in a distinctive keepsake bamboo cube. This gift's a natural.
Moondance. Romance. Elegance! Captivating callas, white hydrangea, exotic orchids in a stunning tall glass vase create a green and white dream come true. No matter who you send this fabulous arrangement to, you can be sure it will impress! White callas, white hydrangea and green cymbidium orchids arrive in a graceful tall glass vase.
When this tall, green and handsome arrangement arrives at someone's home or office, it is destined to create a Zensation! It's so dramatic, so different, and so delightful. Gorgeous green cymbium orchids and ti leaves stand tall in a striking 19" glass cylinder vase.
Your Majesty
This stunning tropical bouquet really is fit for a queen. It's an elegant mix of vibrant flowers set in a tall vase lined with tropical leaves. It makes a beautiful addition to a modern home or outstanding office décor. A lovely mix of blue hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, mokara orchids, lavender roses and lots more are delivered in a footed and flared glass vase. Make magic happen for her majesty!
Teleflora's Bromeliad Beauty
Related to the pineapple plant, perhaps because of its sweetness, this gorgeous beauty adds red and tropical greenery to any room. It's delivered in an exclusive bamboo cube, which makes it extra beautiful. A red bromeliad plant is delivered in a brown bamboo cube.
Teleflora's Quiet Expressions
Three of the most popular and most loved of all plants, beautifully presented in a stylish bamboo rectangle is a gift that will bring many days of joy. This mix of spathiphyllum, ivy, dracena and maidenhair fern, accented with river rocks, is delivered in a brown bamboo rectangle
Teleflora's Good Luck Bamboo
Wealth, prosperity, good fortune… know anyone who wouldn't be delighted to receive of all of these? Our exclusive good-luck bamboo not only delivers good luck, it has good karma attached. Delivered in an exclusive natural bamboo cube, it's all about being good to the earth, and being good to each other. A vibrant lucky bamboo plant is delivered in a bamboo cube that's adorned with river rocks. Anyone who receives this gift is definitely lucky!
Teleflora's Birthday Sparkle Bouquet
Add some extra special sparkle to their birthday with this grand gift! Hand-delivered in a shimmering golden cube with intricate cutouts, this colorful bouquet will make their birthday week wonderful. Later, they can remove the pretty magenta liner and golden "happy birthday" pick and enjoy the cube as a pretty candleholder! This colorful mix features orange roses, orange spray roses, fuchsia stock, pink carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Shimmer of Thanks Bouquet
Make your appreciation shine! This stylish gift of yellow blooms, hand-delivered in a shimmering metallic cube with unique cutout designs, will make their heart glow. Later, they can remove the teal liner and "thanks" pick and use the cube as a chic candleholder! This cheerful arrangement features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, light yellow stock, light yellow carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's Thrilled for You Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with this glorious gift! Luxurious lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and purple stock are artfully arranged in a golden cube with modern cutout motif. The keepsake cube becomes a stunning candleholder when you remove the pretty purple liner and "celebrate" pick! Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Teleflora's '65 Ford Mustang Bouquet
Vroom, vroom! Get his motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of alstroemeria, carnations and mums, hand-delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang convertible keepsake. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This bright bouquet features yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, blue delphinium, blue sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern and sword fern. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Living the Dream '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
Look what just cruised into town! It's his dream car, bursting with bold blooms to remind him just how special he really is, on Father's Day and all year long. Hand-painted in classic poppy red, this fun-filled ceramic Ford Mustang is a one-of-a-kind collectible gift he'll love showing off to friends and family! This colorful arrangement includes orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, red carnations, red miniature carnations, blue delphinium, galax leaves and huckleberry. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet by Teleflora
Vroom vroom! Get Dad's motor running this Father's Day with a freewheelin' gift he'll never forget - a bold bouquet of roses, lilies and mums, hand-delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup. Hand-painted in classic blue, this ceramic collectible is one-of-a-kind, just like Dad. This little pickup includes red roses, orange asiatic lilies, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Bouquet
Talk about a dream machine! Piled high with cheerful sunflowers, this hand-painted, hand-glazed Chevy pickup is a Father's Day dream come true. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevy Trucks! This bouquet includes small yellow sunflowers, miniature white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, solidago, sword fern, dusty miller, variegated pittosporum, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we' re commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Timeless Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Put the brakes on a boring Father's Day with these dream wheels! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy pickup delivers a bounty of beautiful roses and blooms, just for dad. It's one of the ways we' re commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! This bouquet includes yellow spray roses, green button spray chrysanthemums, red leucadendron, yellow hypericum, blue eryngium, israeli ruscus, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Country Sweetheart Bouquet
Sweet as can be! Surprise your sweetheart with this cute, country-style bouquet of red roses and white daisies, delivered in a cheerful ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow. This bouquet includes red roses, pink alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Teleflora's Sterling Love Bouquet
Sleek and chic, this sterling silver mirrored, blown glass vase adds a touch of modern luxury to this gorgeous bouquet of red roses and pink lilies. Red roses, dark red spray roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and burgundy stock are arranged with lemon leaf, huckleberry, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Happy Harmony Bouquet
Dotted with red and silver hearts, this sweet glass cube, bursting with radiant red and white blooms, is a happy, harmonious way to celebrate love and affection! This harmonious bouquet features red roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, pitta negra, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Happy Harmony Cube.
Teleflora's Sweetest Satin Bouquet
With its soft, satiny gloss and quilted pattern, this sensuous ceramic vase makes a passionate presentation of this romantic red rose and white lily bouquet! Red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and white sinuata statice are arranged with sword fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Teleflora's Elegant Adoration Bouquet
At once elegant and romantic, this breathtaking red and pink bouquet features luxurious blooms and an equally luxurious vase of blown, sterling silver mirrored glass with sleek swirling lines. This elegant bouquet includes hot pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, peach carnations, red miniature carnations, pink snapdragons, pink heather, sword fern, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Satin Kisses Bouquet
Send kisses soft as satin with this romantic bouquet! Artfully arranged in a shimmering, satin-finish ceramic vase with pretty quilted texture, this mix of red roses and pink lilies is sure to take their breath away. This bouquet features red roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, red carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Teleflora's Pop Hearts Bouquet
A pop of playful romance, this sweet bouquet of red roses, pink carnations and white daisies is magnificently matched by a glass cube dotted with dancing red and silver hearts. This cheerful arrangement features red roses, pink carnations, miniature pink carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, sword fern, huckleberry and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Happy Harmony Cube.
Teleflora's Flawless Romance Bouquet
The definition of romance! Celebrate your love with classic red roses in a shimmering, mirrored glass keepsake vase with modern twisted design.
Teleflora's Vintage Heart Bouquet
This country-chic surprise steals everyone's heart! Its creamy roses, red alstroemeria and peach carnations get a cute farmhouse feel when arranged in this adorable ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow! Crème roses, red alstroemeria, peach carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are accented with parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Magnificent Mauves Bouquet
This harmonic mix of deep purple hydrangea with light lavender roses and sweet pink gerberas is a dreamy delight on any occasion. This magnificent bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender roses, crème spray roses, pink gerberas, lavender carnations, purple stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Teleflora's Crimson Luxury Bouquet
Luxurious romance is yours with this classic red rose bouquet, presented to perfection in a stunning, satin-finish ceramic vase with unique quilted texture.
Blush Life Bouquet
Go ahead, make them blush! This luxurious bouquet of roses, lilies and hydrangea in fresh shades of pink, peach and green is sure to put some cheerful color in their cheeks! The delicate ribbons dress up the graceful keepsake vase. This sweet arrangement features green hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, peach asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, seeded eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses
The spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely.
Love's Divine Bouquet - Long Stemmed Roses
Love's divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful mix of red and white roses - accented with Queen Anne's Lace, and adorned with a bold red ribbon - is a timeless gift for your beloved. Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne's lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Delight your love with this beautiful bouquet of bright white chrysanthemums, precious pink carnations, romantic red roses and more in a radiant red vase. The charming bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations, red miniature carnations and red roses accented with fresh greenery in a stylish red vase.
Always on My Mind - Long Stemmed Red Roses
A dozen gorgeous red roses are the perfect romantic gift to send to the one who's always on your mind and in your heart. Say "I love you" by sending this lovely arrangement of twelve radiant red roses and fresh greens delivered in a beautiful spring garden vase. Love always.
Rich in Love Bouquet by Teleflora
Unforgettable in every sense of the word! Make a dramatic impression with this ultrachic arrangement, featuring a modern organic shape, luxurious blooms, and a shimmering keepsake cube vase. This dramatic bouquet features red roses, dark red spray roses, maroon carnations, red miniature carnations, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Red Mirrored Cube.
Make Me Blush - Dozen Long Stemmed Pink Roses
It's fun to be flirty! Send a dozen roses to the one you love and she just might make you blush. Especially if the dozen roses in question are this gorgeous! This arrangement is sweet and innocent as can be. Of course, it's a bit sassy and a whole lot sexy, as well. Sending a dozen perfectly pink roses and white limonium arranged in a glass vase to the woman you love shows that you know how much fun love is! And every woman appreciates that!
Red, White and You Bouquet by Teleflora
Celebrate your love with flying colors! Little red roses and classic white daisies make this sweet bouquet a favorite for Valentine's Day, birthdays and more. Delivered in a shapely red vase and tied with a shimmering red ribbon, it's a gift from the heart. Includes red spray roses, white daisy chrysanthemums, delicate pitta negra and glossy lemon leaves. Delivered in a Serendipity vase.
Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet
Peaceful yet energizing, this unforgettable arrangement of desert-hued blooms and succulents in a sleek bamboo cube is a chic gift on any special occasion. Peach roses, white asiatic lilies, peach miniature carnations, and white stock are accented with pitta negra, dusty miller, and a green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a Small Natural Bamboo Cube.
Dance with Me Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on your relationship with this sizzling bouquet of carnations and roses in a sparkling glass vase. It makes a spectacular gift for anniversary or any loving occasion. A mix of carnations and roses in shades of red and light pink. Delivered in a glass vase accented with pink satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Roses and Moonlight Bouquet
This glorious bouquet features one dozen lush lavender roses in a sparkling Silver Reflections vase. Imagine how thrilled she'll be when this stunning gift arrives. She'll treasure the beautiful vase forever. The beautiful bouquet includes twelve lavender roses accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive Silver Reflections vase.
Forever Beloved
Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment. All will be dignified beautifully with this loving gift of roses in a classic urn.
Teleflora's True Romance Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on a new romance - or a lifelong love affair - with this classic composition. It features one dozen of our finest red roses arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase. This romantic bouquet includes twelve red roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum, all delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, a metalized ceramic vase with a light pink tone.
Never Let Go by Teleflora - 18 Red Roses
Let someone special know how much their love means to you by sending them this truly original arrangement. A vision in red with lavender accents, this beautiful gift is a poignant way to celebrate love that endures. Eighteen pretty red roses with lavender waxflower and greens are delivered in a stunning ruby red cube vase.
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red Roses
Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say "I love you." Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish glass vase. It's a beautiful way to celebrate a romance that deepens with each passing year.
Madly in Love Bouquet with Red Roses by Teleflora
If you' re crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright jewel-toned arrangement is the perfect way to express your love. Lavender, red and hot pink roses along with coral and red spray roses arranged in a red-hot cube vase are an absolutely beautiful way to get your message across.
Teleflora's Winter Pop Bouquet
Celebrate the snowy season with this gorgeous winter-white bouquet, hand-delivered in a fresh green cube for a pop of modern style! White roses, tulips and stock with silver brunia are arranged with dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, and white pine. Delivered in a Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora's Kiss of the Rose
True love. Sweet love. Beautiful love. Celebrate all flavors of love with this elegant arrangement of roses hand-delivered in a stunning silver Mercury Glass Vase.
Teleflora's Snowy Woods Bouquet
Hand-delivered in a chic bamboo cube, this extraordinary bouquet of snowy-white blooms and fresh greens is a modern winter gift. This winter bouquet includes white hydrangea, white roses, white asiatic lilies, magnolia leaves, seeded eucalyptus, spiral eucalyptus, flat cedar and white pine. Delivered in a bamboo cube.
Teleflora's Rose Classique - Dozen Red Roses
Red roses have symbolized love and romance for centuries. One need only gaze at a classic red rose arrangement, like this one, to see why. Red roses are stunning, dramatic, and they say so much - without saying a word.
Teleflora's Shining on Bouquet
Let your love shine! No matter the recipient or the occasion, this stunning monochromatic mix of hydrangea and roses, hand-delivered in a shimmering silver cube, is destined to delight and inspire. This bouquet of blooms includes white hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and pitta negra. Delivered in a silver mirrored cube vase.
Teleflora's Delicate Dozen
As soft and delicate as the first blush of love, this rose bouquet carries a lot of romance. Gorgeous sweet pink roses arranged in a clear glass vase sends such a beautiful message of love, it just might leave you and your love blushing.
Dreaming in Pink - Long Stemmed Pink Roses
Women really appreciate it when their guys think outside of the box. There's nothing like hot pink roses to prove that you' re using your imagination and aren't afraid to let her know. Think of the thanks you'll get when a vase full of vibrant hot pink roses, hand-arranged with ivy and other garden greens is delivered. Your dreams might come true, too.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Blush Rush Bouquet
Luxe lilies in a beautifully blushing shade of pink are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! This pretty bouquet features hot pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, pink matsumoto asters, seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, dusty miller, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Serenity Vase.
Always a Lady
A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Elegant white roses and sweet pink asiatic lilies are hand-arranged with greens. It's the perfect way to show you love her always and forever.
Teleflora's Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses
Sing them a love song - with flowers. This lush, loving rose arrangement tells them just how much you care. The stylish bouquet features large red and pink roses accented with smaller spray roses in shades of red and pinks. Delicate green oregonia and pittosporum add a fresh contrast, and all comes arranged and delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
Teleflora's White Lace Centerpiece
Queen Anne's lace forms a delicate collar around radiant white roses inside an antiqued Mercury Glass Vase. Looks lovely next to the wedding guest book, on smaller cocktail tables, or on your beloved wife's boudoir. White roses and Queen Anne's lace are the simple but gorgeous ingredients in this centerpiece, presented in an Mercury Glass Antique Vase.
Teleflora's Love That Pink Bouquet with Roses
Passionately pretty in pink, this gorgeous array of pink and red roses and other favorites in a chic mirrored silver cube is a guaranteed heart-winner. She'll be thrilled with the gift, and knocked out by your impeccable taste. This exquisite bouquet includes pink roses, red spray roses, pink alstroemeria and pink carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a mirrored silver cube.
Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses
If you' d like someone to think sweet thoughts about you, send them this delightful bouquet! A graceful heart of bear grass is tied with purple waxflower, and appears to float above red roses nestled in a ruby-red glass vase. How sweet it is! Red roses and purple waxflower accented with variegated pittosporum and bear grass arrive in a Teleflora red glass cube vase.
So Happy You' Re Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Teleflora's Morning Melody
Shades of purple are in perfect harmony in this profoundly pretty arrangement. A lovely mix of classic and modern, ribbons and roses, it's sure to make someone's day! Lavender roses and waxflower, purple limonium and greens are hand-delivered in a lavender cube that's all wrapped up with a vibrant purple taffeta ribbon.
Love and Devotion - Long Stemmed Red Roses
Make love blossom all over again. Surprise her with not one, but two dozen gorgeous red roses in a sparkling clear glass vase. Life will be twice as rosy for you both - all week long. The spectacular bouquet features two dozen red roses accented with salal.
My Perfect Love - Long Stemmed Red Roses
When it comes to romance, the red rose rules! And when it comes to delivering romance in a big way, two dozen gorgeous red roses are a brilliant choice.
Breathtaking Beauty - 3 Dozen Long Stemmed Roses
One, two, three! Three dozen spectacularly gorgeous red roses delivered in a dazzling flared glass vase - positive proof that love is a many-splendored thing. Imagine her loving this amazing bouquet day after day. Hero-worshipping time. This impressive bouquet includes 36 red roses accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a flared glass vase.
Enduring Passion - 12 Red Roses
A dozen red roses is a timeless gift of love, and the time is always right to give and receive this enchanting gift. Birthday, anniversary or just because, the magic of roses will always cast its spell. You'll see. This romantic bouquet includes one dozen red roses accented with lush greenery. Delivered in a clear glass rose vase.
Teleflora's it Had to Be You Bouquet
She's your one and only. Doesn't she deserve an equally singular bouquet? This charming, heartfelt arrangement puts a feminine spin on classic red roses by mixing in elegant red and pink tulips. Presented in our modern Mirrored Silver Cube, it's a uniquely stunning selection for any day you want to pamper your special one. This unique bouquet mixes large red roses and red spray roses with pink and red tulips. The flowers are delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
Full Heart - 16 Premium Red Roses
When your heart is full of love. Of longing. Of loss. You can pay tribute with this incredible arrangement of roses and eucalyptus in a beautiful ming vase. Cherish the moments you had and the memories you will hold onto forever. Lovely red roses and graceful eucalyptus in a gorgeous ming vase make up this heartfelt gift.
Blossoms in Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet is a singular sensation!
New Sensations
Upscale and uptown. This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a leaf-lined cylinder vase, it's truly a floral fantasy. Green and pink hydrangeas, green cymbidium orchids, hot pink and lavender roses, tulips and more are beautifully arranged in a large clear glass cylinder vase.
Rose Rapture
It's almost too gorgeous to take in. Lush roses and spray roses in intoxicating shades of lavender, pink and light pink - a vision of love that will take her breath away. She'll be gushing about it - and you - for days. Maybe weeks. The lovely bouquet includes lavender roses, light pink roses, pink roses, light pink spray roses and lavender spray roses accented with assorted greenery.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Uptown Bouquet
An arrangement worthy of your uptown girl, this one rocks! Modern without being trendy. Gorgeous without being girly. If your woman knows style, this is the gift for her. Outrageously beautiful dark orange and peach roses are nestled in a garden of greens and delivered in a unique bamboo rectangle. Go ahead: show her that you get it.
Teleflora's in Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Rose Repose
Send a state of instant tranquility with this miniature rose garden! The soothing pink blossoms and the beautiful dark green leaves will deliver a fresh sense of calm for a long time. Two pretty pink miniature rose bushes are delivered in a white rectangular planter. Any time is the right time for a rose repose!
Teleflora's Pop of Fun Bouquet
Turn up the fun! Make any day extra special with a surprise delivery of joyful blooms in a stylish cube vase. This bouquet of pink roses and luxurious peach lilies will make their mood soar! This fresh, fun mix of pink roses, peach asiatic lilies, peach alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations is accented with raspberry sinuata statice and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Be Still My Heart - Dozen Red Roses
The look of love is charmingly reflected in this romantic array of red roses and fragrant white callas. Beautifully presented in a sparkling glass vase, these gorgeous flowers will say what's in your heart more eloquently than words. The gorgeous bouquet features one dozen red roses and a half dozen miniature white calla lilies accented with assorted greenery.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
This Magic Moment
It will be a magic moment when this divine bowl of pastel roses is hand-delivered to someone special. Perfect for any occasion, the soft colors and variety of rose blossoms will soothe anyone's soul. Beautiful yellow roses, peach and white spray roses and greens are delivered in a clear glass bubble ball. The effect is magical.
Bejeweled Beauty by Teleflora
Pure romance. Hot pink roses and dark red spray roses are brightly arranged inside our violet cube. Hot pink roses, dark red spray roses, purple carnations and pink miniature carnations are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
A Little Pink Me Up
Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers. Whether you want this arrangement to say "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy Any Day," you can be sure the day it arrives will be brighter for anyone lucky enough to receive it. Lovely pink roses and asiatic lilies are joined by hot pink gerberas and miniature carnations, pink full-sized carnations and more in a clear glass ball. Send this one and life will be a bowl of cheer!
Isn't it Romantic
Tonight will certainly be romantic if you send this classic arrangement today! Beautiful hues and gorgeous blossoms will deliver your love. A stunning arrangement of light pink roses, white roses, lilies, lisianthius and sweet pea, plus pink stock make this one of our most desired selections.
Rosy Glow Bouquet
Yellow roses symbolize friendship, and sending this sunny bouquet of bright yellow flowers is such a beautiful way to celebrate a special bond. Destined to make anyone's day glow, these roses are brilliant! Glowing yellow roses and solidago mixed with greens are delivered in a clear glass gathering vase. Sunny skies ahead!
Isle of White
Like a vacation for the senses, this lovely bouquet delivers an oasis of beauty and elegance. Soothing, serene and very special. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and stock stem are incredibly arranged in a bubble vase. When it comes to bouquets, this is definitely the right way to do white.
Teleflora's Luxurious Lavender Bouquet
The essence of luxury! This dramatic bouquet spoils her with a decadent array of luxe lilies and resplendent roses, hand-delivered in a stunning blown glass vase that's a grand gift in and of itself. Fabulous! This arrangement includes pink roses, pink oriental lilies, purple carnations, white sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Luxurious Lavender vase.
Teleflora's Lush and Lavender with Roses
Delightfully dramatic, this gorgeous array of lavender and purple flowers in a lavender cut-glass votive bowl makes an enchanting gift. They'll love the flowers and bask in the glow of lavender candlelight for years to come. The ravishing bouquet includes purple hydrangea, lavender roses, purple alstroemeria and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a stunning lavender cut-glass votive bowl.
Teleflora's Lavender Splendor Bouquet
All you need is love - and roses! This simple yet stunning bouquet of luxe lavender long stemmed roses is hand-delivered in a blown glass vase for a truly impressive statement! Lush lavender roses are accented with fresh lemon leaf. Delivered in a Luxurious Lavender vase.
Lavender Wishes - Dozen Premium Lavender Roses
Lovely lavender roses are enchanting and exotic. They can even signify love at first sight, and when this pretty bouquet is delivered it will surely be love. Gorgeous as the roses are by themselves, when mixed with the dark forest green of eucalyptus the effect is intoxicating. Twelve delightful lavender roses, eucalyptus and greens are delivered in a glass vase. It's a wish come true!
Teleflora's Purple Medley Bouquet with Roses
Impress someone special without depressing your budget. Send lush pink and lavender flowers in a classic purple ginger jar. The exquisite bouquet includes hot pink roses, light pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a deep purple ginger jar.
Sweet As Sugar by Teleflora
A Mirrored Silver Cube vase is just one of the things that makes this beautiful bouquet such a sweet gift. It's full of beautiful flowers that are perfectly hand-arranged for maximum impact. Lovely lavender hydrangea, roses, alstroemeria, stock and freesia arrive in a magical Mirrored Silver Cube. As sweet as a sugar cube!
Teleflora's Garden Rhapsody Centerpiece
Bridal shower? Baby shower? Afternoon wedding? Add an elegantly girly touch to any of them with this stylish mix of pinks and greens. Presented in a classic Mercury Glass Vase, it's where trendy meets traditional! Pink hydrangea, light pink and pink roses, green carnations, ming fern and bupleurum are artfully arranged in a Mercury Glass Bowl.
She's Lovely
Thank heaven for little girls! And for adorable arrangements like this one! Perfect for new moms, new babies and girly-girls of all ages, this sweet basket of pink petals is sure to get a warm welcome! Pretty pink hydrangea, roses and spray roses along with Queen Anne's lace are delivered in a charming white basket that's all wrapped up with a pink bow. Say hello to beauty, cutie!
Queen's Court by Teleflora
When you really want to make a grand impression on someone special, choose this regal arrangement. Roses, in every possible shade of pink, are so beautifully arranged in an exclusive silver Mercury Glass Bowl, there's no doubt you'll be treated like royalty when you send it! Light, medium and hot pink roses and spray roses are hand-arranged with greens in a gorgeous Mercury Glass Bowl. It's perfectly majestic!
Teleflora's Recipe for Romance
You' d better be ready for romance when you send this stunning bouquet to someone special. Every detail including its extraordinarily beautiful vase is handled with care. Crème roses, white spray roses, gladioli, miniature white carnations, lisanthius and waxflower are delivered in an antique silver hurricane Mercury Glass Vase. This is one recipe that will be long remembered.
Teleflora's Park Avenue Centerpiece
Treat your guests to Park Avenue elegance with this dazzling arrangement of crème roses, white hydrangea and white lisianthus presented in a brilliant Mercury Glass Bowl. It's a lovely choice for any special occasion, from weddings to anniversaries. A beautiful Mercury Glass Bowl presents a soft mix of crème roses, white hydrangea and white lisianthus accented with seeded eucalyptus.
Teleflora's Always Yours Bouquet
Let her know that you are always hers by sending this enchanting rose bouquet. It offers red roses for romance, white roses for loyalty, and coral to convey desire. What's more, this stunning arrangement is elegantly hand-delivered in a silver mercury glass hurricane vase. Pastel roses and spray roses, pink waxflower, white limonium and stylish eucalyptus are delivered in a divine vase. This beauty definitely says love always.
Teleflora's Summer Chic
Hot times require haute arrangements. Look no further because this vibrant vase full of vivacious flowers has va-voom written all over it. Light orange roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink dahlias and carnations are delivered in a dazzling cube vase. Chic? For sure!
Beautiful Dreams by Teleflora
Soothing and respectful. Calm and compassionate. This beautiful collection of white and light colored blossoms will deliver your loving thoughts perfectly. Tasteful flowers such as light blue hydrangea, crème roses, white asiatic lilies, miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely white French Country Pot.
Teleflora's Sunrise Sunset
Sunrise, sunset, swiftly fly the days. So don't let another day go by without letting someone you know that you are thinking of them. This delightful arrangement will brighten anyone's morning, noon and night. Fiery orange roses, spray roses and gerberas plus red carnations and huckleberry, are arranged in an exclusive orange cube vase. This arrangement is bound to get glowing reviews and thank-yous!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Charm
Fill their cup with happiness! This signature Sunny Day pitcher is sure to pour joy! Filled with beautifully bright gerberas and sweet roses, it's a gift they'll always treasure. Includes pink roses, yellow gerbera daisies and alstroemeria. Delivered in a Sunny Day pitcher.
Teleflora's Box of Sunshine
Let the sunshine in! This brilliant mix of flowers is hand-delivered in natural bamboo cube. You can't help feeling happy and warm all over just by looking at it. Pretty yellow roses rest inside brilliant green hydrangea, all inside an exclusive natural bamboo cube. Imagination blossoms right here!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Roses
Want to make any day sunny for someone special? Simply have this cheerful pitcher of bright yellow roses hand-delivered to them and they will bask in its warm glow. Just think: No SPF needed! Brilliant yellow roses and spray roses are arranged in a delightful mix that's delivered in a keepsake yellow pitcher they can use again and again. What a heartwarming gift!
Teleflora's Glorious Day
Some people like their lemonade yellow, while others prefer pink. Guess what? This glorious arrangement caters to both! Pretty pink and lemon yellow blossoms are served up gloriously in a Couture Vase. Yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and fresh greenery are delivered in a stylish vase.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Anything for You by Teleflora
You' d do anything for her, so let her know how you feel by sending this generous and gorgeous arrangement. Who could ask for anything more? Beautiful peach roses and spray roses, white alstroemeria, brilliant green carnations, peach hypericum and fresh garden greens are perfectly hand-arranged in a feminine Couture Vase.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they' re the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Sweet Fire Bouquet with Roses
Glorious with multicolored roses. Enchanting with candlelight. This exciting bouquet featuring a sparkling pink cut-glass votive bowl is a gift they'll enjoy now and for years to come. Guaranteed to bring a special glow to any occasion. The gorgeous bouquet includes hot pink roses, light pink spray roses, pink spray roses and orange spray roses. Delivered in a stunning pink cut-glass votive bowl.
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet with Pink Roses
Think pink. Think pretty. Think present. This beautifully feminine bouquet makes a wonderful gift for any woman. Light pink asiatic lilies and alstroemeria share the spotlight with pink roses and waxflower. Lovely lavender stock and seeded eucalyptus have been added to complete this bouquet that's delivered in a pink Jewel Vase. A perfectly pink present!
Teleflora's Pink Potpourri Bouquet with Roses
As strong as it is soft, the color pink as it is featured here creates a loving and utterly feminine tribute. Many shades of pink blossoms blend together for an effect that is beautifully subtle and sublime. A range of lovely flowers like pink roses, spray roses and alstroemeria are accented by fresh greens in the loveliest way and delivered in a beautiful French Country Pot.
How Sweet it is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Thoughts of You Bouquet with Red Roses
It's the thought that counts, but it counts a bit more when it is expressed with three gorgeous red roses in a lovely arrangement tied up with a red satin ribbon. The flowers are bright and the price is right - the perfect combination for a sweet surprise. This charming bouquet includes three red roses accented with white waxflower, huckleberry and pittosporum along with a red satin ribbon. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
Teleflora's Parisian Pinks with Roses
Named after the most romantic city in the world, this pretty rose arrangement delivers romance ever so beautifully. Light pink roses symbolize femininity, elegance and refinement, especially when they are perfectly arranged in a white French country pot. Enchanting light pink roses and spray roses arranged with delicate Queen Anne's lace and greens are delivered in an exclusive ceramic container. C' est magnifique!
Bountiful Rose Basket
A beautiful, bountiful basket of luminous white roses that feels so fresh, natural, and welcomed in a home or at a service. White and crème roses with fragrant seeded eucalyptus beautifully presented in a large basket.
Teleflora's Peaches and Dreams
The only thing sweeter than peaches and cream just might be this dreamy bouquet of delicious roses and tulips. Be a peach and send one today! Pretty in peach roses, tulips, miniature carnations and stock along with white waxflower and fresh spring greens are beautifully arranged in a ceramic French country container.
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
Victorian Romance
Romance blossoms beautifully within this elegant bouquet. The serenity and innocence of cream-colored roses is in delightful juxtaposition with lavender waxflower and fresh ivy greens. It's as romantic as a stroll through the English countryside. A dozen crème roses, lavender waxflower and ivy are perfectly arranged in a serenity glass vase.
Arrive in Style
This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish vase. Style to spare!
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Cupid's Creation with Red Roses by Teleflora
Classic beauty and romance to spare, thanks to the graceful lines of a Couture Vase filled with stunning roses - the iconic flower of love. Like the arrow released from Cupid's bow, this gorgeous bouquet will go straight to your lover's heart. Exquisite red and pink roses, white and light pink spray roses and greens are perfectly arranged in a lovely Couture Vase. This is an inspired way to celebrate your love.
Teleflora's Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet
Cool and contemporary yet also sweet and warm, this delightful bouquet of floral favorites in a silver cube vase makes an enchanting gift. She'll love this sunny gift - and you'll love the sunny price tag. The cheerful bouquet includes white hydrangea, yellow roses, crème roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a contemporary glass cube with a mirrored silver finish.
Your Sweet Smile by Teleflora
You could call or email that special someone, but why not put your feelings into flowers? She'll love this elegant array of white and yellow roses and other favorites in a stylish cylinder vase. She'll want to thank you in person. This charming bouquet includes white roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and white waxflower accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Fiery Lily and Rose
Spark someone's attention by sending this absolutely radiant bouquet. Full of flowers and fiery beauty, it makes a beautiful gift for any occasion. Features dark orange roses and orange asiatic lilies in a charming glass vase. It's fiery and it's fabulous!
Citrus Kissed
Like freshly squeezed lemonade on a hot sunny day, this bright and cheerful bouquet is a summer sensation. Dark orange, coral and orange roses, light yellow carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums and greens fill a slender gathering vase. It's a kiss of summer!
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Turn up the Pink Bouquet
Turn up the heat with this hot pink, haute couture creation! Super chic and oh-so-fun in its fuchsia Cube vase, this girly mix of gerberas and roses is sure to warm her heart. This brilliant bouquet of lush orange roses, hot pink gerberas, carnations and matsumoto asters are accented with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Rose Medley
Does someone you know love roses? Then they'll love this lush, fresh pink medley of blossoms mixed with a generous helping of fragrant roses. Delivered in a glass sweetheart vase, it's a pleasing bouquet that's perfect for a birthday, anniversary or any day of the year. Roses and spray roses are mixed with fresh flowers such as miniature carnations and Matsumoto asters - in shades of white and pink - and delivered in a glass vase.
Teleflora's Aloha Sunset
Aloha is a celebration of joy, gratitude and being in the present. Lovely orchids celebrate the spirit of aloha, especially when mixed with gorgeous roses evocative of a Hawaiian sunset. This stunning arrangement has it all. Beautiful yellow cymbidium orchids, brilliant bi-color roses and tropical leaves all hand-delivered in a striking Couture Vase. It's definitely a departure from the everyday!
Teleflora's Splendid in Red Bouquet with Roses
A sweet, traditional bouquet in a red-hot contemporary vase, it's a great way to make that surprise party even more so! They'll love the gift, and you'll love the surprisingly low price tag. The enchanting bouquet includes white roses, medium pink roses, hot pink carnations, light pink matsumoto asters and lavender limonium accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a sparkling red Serendipity vase.
Teleflora's Joyful Hearth Bouquet
Warm jewel tones of orange and purple flowers look stunning in our rose gold-colored bowl. Orange bi-color roses, orange spray roses and orange daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's rose gold scalloped design bowl.
Teleflora's Southern Belle Bouquet
This gorgeous bouquet includes orange roses and orange alstroemeria arranged to perfection in our gold mercury glass julep. Orange roses, orange alstroemeria and orange miniature carnations are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's large gold julep vase.
Sweet Tranquility Basket
A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. Brilliant blooms such as orange and yellow roses and spray roses mix with pink matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dazzling green button spray chrysanthemums, salal, pittosporum and more in a lovely rectangular basket with a handle.
Dreams from the Heart Bouquet
A lovely bouquet to soothe and comfort, a variety of white and peach blossoms sends your hope and strength. Beautifully. Beautiful flowers such as white hydrangea, spray roses and stock, peach roses, eucalyptus and more fill a tall glass vase.
Pure Happiness
Pure happiness is what this pretty bouquet delivers - whether you're sending it for a fall birthday, Thanksgiving, thank you, or simply just because. Surely, no one can be in the presence of something so inherently happy and not smile. Sunny sunflowers, red roses and miniature carnations, bronze daisy spray chrysanthemums, large lavender monte cassino asters and autumn greens are beautifully arranged in a clear glass vase.
Teleflora's Love Forever Bouquet with Red Roses
Tickle her heart with this flirtatious mix of romantic roses, lisianthus and tulips. This bouquet is arranged in our elegant Silver Reflections vase. It's a vase she's sure to hold on to - and it'll always remind her of you. This feminine bouquet features large white and red roses, delicate pink lisianthus, elegant white tulips and seeded eucalyptus and comes delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, a metalized ceramic vase with a light pink tone.
Best Sellers Flowers
Check out our most popular flowers! Dillio's cafe, flowers & gifts has a huge assortment of all types of flowers such as roses, plants, popular summer and spring flowers, and modern flowers. We can deliver any bouquet you choose to prattsburgh, NY and beyond!
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Blooming Bouquet
Almost as cool as dad, this sleek ceramic chevy rolls into father's day bursting with a colorful surprise! He'll love this whimsical arrangement of orchids, lilies and succulents. This arrangement features red mokara orchids, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red miniature carnations, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, galax leaves, lemon leaf, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a '67 chevy camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's '67 Chevy Camaro Bouquet
Get his motor running this Father's Day with this fun-filled flower gift! Red, yellow and white blooms burst from the back of of a '67 Chevy Camaro, a sleek ceramic keepsake that's just about as cool as he is! This colorful arrangement includes miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, red matsumoto asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, variegated pittosporum and sword fern. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet
A jewel of a gift! Bursting with a lush bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase has a shimmering iridescent finish and soothing amethyst hue that's sure to make it a home décor favorite! This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Art Glass Treasure Bouquet
Give mom a jewel this Mother's Day with this hand-blown art glass treasure! Filled with a luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies, it's a gorgeous keepsake she'll adore forever more. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet
Two gifts in one! This glorious bouquet of lavender and peach roses is arranged in a hand-blown art glass vase, a shimmering, iridescent gift they'll treasure forever. This glorious bouquet includes lavender roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, purple carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in an Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Butterfly Hideaway Plant Garden
This living bouquet will make mom's day! Gorgeous green and pink plants look perfect in this ceramic planter with rope handle and sweet butterfly design. This arrangement of plants includes dieffenbachia camille, compacta dracaena, pink hypoestes, and pink kalanchoe, accented with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Regal Blossoms Bouquet
Regale her with this royalty-worthy gift of roses and lilies! Mom will love the lush, fragrant blooms and stunning, hand-glazed ceramic art piece with glossy gradient finish. This bouquet includes hot pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender stock, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Monarch Garden Bouquet
Sure to make mom's heart flutter, this sweet ceramic planter features a charming butterfly motif, a rustic rope handle, and a gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses and pink lilies. This arrangement features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Monarch Garden planter.
Teleflora's Ocean Sparkle Bouquet
Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Dutch Garden Bouquet
Pour on the charm! Brighten any occasion with this cheerful bouquet of pink roses, blue delphinium and yellow daisies, beautifully bunched in a classic, Delft-inspired teacup and saucer set! Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums are accented with lavender waxflower and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Dutch Garden teacup.
Teleflora's Iridescent Beauty Bouquet
What a beauty! Shimmering with a glorious iridescent finish, this breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase is a gift in and of itself. Filled with a chic bouquet of hydrangea and roses, it's a lavish Mother's Day surprise she'll remember forever! White hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, white snapdragons, lavender stock, lavender matsumoto asters and raspberry sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, sword fern, and huckleberry. Delivered in an Art Glass Treasure vase.
Teleflora's Calming Cobalt Bouquet
A classic for any occasion, this timeless bouquet of white roses and fragrant lilies in a rich, cobalt glass vase is sure to impress and delight. This arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, bupleurum, spiral eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Mod Mademoiselle Bouquet
Straight out of a Parisian flea market, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher brings the perfect vintage touch to a timeless bouquet of peach roses and burgundy mums. Sure to make any mademoiselle smile, especially mom! This beautiful bouquet of peach spray roses, pink alstroemeria, and burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums is accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Teleflora's Flying Colors Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion with flying colors! This bold, beautiful bouquet of red roses, yellow lilies and purple asters in a rich cobalt glass vase will make their hearts soar. This colorful arrangement includes red roses, yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, purple matsumoto asters, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Waves Bouquet
Hot pink roses, light pink miniature carnations, lavender matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, pitta negra and huckleberry. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube. Lavish her in lavender this Mother's Day! Bursting with hot pink roses and mini carnations, this luxurious mirrored cube with soothing waves and silky texture is a glamorous gift she'll never forget.
Teleflora's Rare Jewels Bouquet
Make mom feel like the rare treasure she is with this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms! Its jewel tones are perfectly paired with a hand-glazed ceramic vase that sparkles with a glossy gradient finish. Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, pink sweet william, and fuchsia stock are accented with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Regal Blossoms vase.
Teleflora's Liquid Lavender Bouquet
Pour on the glam with this luxurious lavender cube! With its shimmering metallic finish and soothing wave detail, it's the perfect complement to a magnificent Mother's Day bouquet of light pink carnations and rich, jewel-toned mums. Light pink miniature carnations, burgundy cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with huckleberry and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Liquid Lavender cube.
Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Bouquet
The art of affection! This glorious, iridescent aqua blue glass vase brings contemporary beauty to this lush lavender bouquet of roses, tulips and alstroemeria! This artistic arrangement features lavender roses, purple tulips, lavender alstroemeria, lavender miniature carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Standout Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! This high-fashion mix of bold orange roses and eye-catching blue eryngium, arranged in a frosted art glass vase, is a stand-out gift for any occasion! This chic arrangement features orange spray roses, dark orange carnations, peach miniature carnations, blue eryngium, seeded eucalyptus, and dusty miller. Delivered in a Blue Skies Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Pastel Shimmer Bouquet
Make any day sparkle with this shimmering pastel bouquet! Radiant roses and mums are paired to perfection in this stunning aqua blue glass cylinder with magical iridescent finish. Peach roses, yellow spray roses, peach carnations, and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's Art Glass Garden Cylinder.
Teleflora's Washed In Pink Bouquet
When you want to make them feel extra special, think pink! This pretty present of pink roses and lavender blooms is arranged in a hand-blown, art-glass vase with frosted finish and the prettiest shade of pink. Pink roses, dark pink spray roses, pink carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender limonium are arranged with dusty miller, huckleberry and pitta negra. Delivered in an Orchid Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Sunflower Beauty Bouquet
Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul! Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Aqua Dream Bouquet
What dreams are made of! Inspired by sunny spring mornings, this bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white lilies and happy daisies is presented in a glorious, aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed details. This dreamy arrangement of yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, yellow miniature carnations, and white daisy spray chrysanthemums is accented with dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Playful Springtime Daffodil Bouquet
A playful arrangement of sunny daffodils and rich purple asters in a keepsake cube, this gorgeous gift celebrates spring in a most joyful way! Yellow daffodils and lavender matsumoto asters are arranged with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Sunshine Color Splash Cube.
Teleflora's Blushing Aqua Bouquet
Springy and stylish, this blushing mix of soft pink roses with white and lavender blooms finds a fresh counterpart in this stunning aqua-glazed ceramic vase with distressed, vintage detailing! This blushing bouquet features light pink roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature lavender carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, parvifolia eucalyptus, and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in an Aqua Dream Vase.
Teleflora's Bubbling over Bouquet
Filled with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lovely lavender blooms, this charming bubble-textured pink glass vase with glamorous metallic finish will have them bubbling over in joy! This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, lavender alstroemeria, lavender carnations, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Dazzling Orchid
Razzle dazzle them with this outstanding orchid gift! Elegant and unforgettable, this living phalaenopsis orchid plant is nestled in a bed of moss within a charming, bubble-textured pink glass vase. A gorgeous potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Teleflora's Pink Breeze Bouquet
Like a fresh spring breeze, this light pink and peach bouquet will lift their spirits and refresh their day! The lovely arrangement of roses and lilies is presented to perfection in a delightful pink glass vase with debossed dots and glamorous metallic finish. Peach roses, light pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and light pink carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and dusty miller. Delivered in a Bubbling Over Cylinder.
Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile. This beautiful bouquet includes red alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, pink stock, hot pink matsumoto asters, large lavender monte cassino asters, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a clear cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Burst of Blue Bouquet
Below this bright, beautiful bouquet of pink roses and yellow alstroemeria is a cool burst of blue! This sapphire colored glass lantern, pressed with intricate details and adorned with a metal handle, is sure to be a favorite vase and candleholder. This beautiful bouquet includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Fresh and Fabulous Bouquet
Sprinkle happiness on any occasion with this bright, beautiful bouquet! A cheerful blend of sunshiny lilies, pretty purple blooms and glowing greens in a classic cylinder, it makes any day feel fresh and fabulous! This fabulous bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, purple matsumoto asters, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple limonium, and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Sapphire Garden Bouquet
Filled with this charming bouquet of yellow roses and blue iris, or glowing with a votive candle, this stunning sapphire lantern in pressed glass is a gorgeous keepsake gift! Yellow roses, blue iris, purple matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and purple sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, huckleberry, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Sapphire Garden Lantern.
Teleflora's Country Sweetheart Bouquet
Sweet as can be! Surprise your sweetheart with this cute, country-style bouquet of red roses and white daisies, delivered in a cheerful ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow. This bouquet includes red roses, pink alstroemeria, red miniature carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Teleflora's Sterling Love Bouquet
Sleek and chic, this sterling silver mirrored, blown glass vase adds a touch of modern luxury to this gorgeous bouquet of red roses and pink lilies. Red roses, dark red spray roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and burgundy stock are arranged with lemon leaf, huckleberry, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Happy Harmony Bouquet
Dotted with red and silver hearts, this sweet glass cube, bursting with radiant red and white blooms, is a happy, harmonious way to celebrate love and affection! This harmonious bouquet features red roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, pitta negra, seeded eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Happy Harmony Cube.
Teleflora's Sweetest Satin Bouquet
With its soft, satiny gloss and quilted pattern, this sensuous ceramic vase makes a passionate presentation of this romantic red rose and white lily bouquet! Red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, and white sinuata statice are arranged with sword fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Teleflora's Elegant Adoration Bouquet
At once elegant and romantic, this breathtaking red and pink bouquet features luxurious blooms and an equally luxurious vase of blown, sterling silver mirrored glass with sleek swirling lines. This elegant bouquet includes hot pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, peach carnations, red miniature carnations, pink snapdragons, pink heather, sword fern, huckleberry, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Satin Kisses Bouquet
Send kisses soft as satin with this romantic bouquet! Artfully arranged in a shimmering, satin-finish ceramic vase with pretty quilted texture, this mix of red roses and pink lilies is sure to take their breath away. This bouquet features red roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, red carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, huckleberry, sword fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Teleflora's Pop Hearts Bouquet
A pop of playful romance, this sweet bouquet of red roses, pink carnations and white daisies is magnificently matched by a glass cube dotted with dancing red and silver hearts. This cheerful arrangement features red roses, pink carnations, miniature pink carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, sword fern, huckleberry and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Happy Harmony Cube.
Teleflora's Flawless Romance Bouquet
The definition of romance! Celebrate your love with classic red roses in a shimmering, mirrored glass keepsake vase with modern twisted design. This romantic arrangement features 12 red roses and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sterling Love Vase.
Teleflora's Vintage Heart Bouquet
This country-chic surprise steals everyone's heart! Its creamy roses, red alstroemeria and peach carnations get a cute farmhouse feel when arranged in this adorable ceramic crock with embossed heart and Italian raffia bow! Crème roses, red alstroemeria, peach carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are accented with parvifolia eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Country Sweetheart Crock.
Botanical Beauty Bouquet
Snow white blooms and eye-catching greens create this beautiful botanical gift that's a peaceful addition to any occasion. This modern bouquet includes white hydrangea, green roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, bells of Ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, curly willow, oregonia, variegated aspidistra leaves, small aralia leaf, green ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Crimson Luxury Bouquet
Luxurious romance is yours with this classic red rose bouquet, presented to perfection in a stunning, satin-finish ceramic vase with unique quilted texture. This luxurious arrangement includes 6 red roses and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Sweetest Satin Vase.
Beautiful In Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
Teleflora's Playful Daisy Bouquet
Bright white daisies dance with happy pink lilies and fabulous fuchsia stock in this playful bouquet! Wrapped with a ti leaf in a modern cylinder vase, it's a joyful gift for any occasion. Pink asiatic lilies, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice are accented with sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder vase.
Deal of the Day
We'll do all the work. You take all the credit. Send a custom arrangement designed by an expert florist. Select Occasion: Anniversary, Birthday, Business Gift, Congratulations, Get Well, Good Luck, Graduation, Housewarming, I' m Sorry, Just Because, Love and Romance, New Baby, New Home, New Job, Other, Retirement, Sympathy, Thank You, Thinking of You. Select Recipient: Girlfriend/Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Daughter, Dad/Grandfather, Boyfriend/Husband, Co-Worker, Friend, Other-Girl, Other-Boy, Other.
Make a Wish
A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and red and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green plaid bow - will make their wishes come true! Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid green ribbon.
Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially when filled with that first cup of morning coffee or cocoa! Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only Be Happy® mug.
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in… you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon.
Cotton Candy
What a sweet way to celebrate the arrival of sugar and spice and everything nice! This pretty arrangement will delight any new mom or mom-to-be, that's for sure! Feminine flowers fill a charming ribbon-wrapped vase. It's a beautiful thing! Pretty pink roses, spray roses and miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium and green pittosporum fill a spring glass vase that's wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. It's confection perfection!
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses
The spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely.
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon.
How Sweet It Is
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. Be sweet and send this one today!
Arrive In Style
This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish vase. Style to spare!
Madly In Love Bouquet with Red Roses by Teleflora
If you're crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright jewel-toned arrangement is the perfect way to express your love. Lavender, red and hot pink roses along with coral and red spray roses arranged in a red-hot cube vase are an absolutely beautiful way to get your message across.
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Garden Parade
You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas and matsumoto asters along with purple statice, salal and fern are delivered in a lovely hurricane vase. It's a garden parade to be proud of!
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! A great way to make someone smile. A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
Sunny Sunflowers
Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Sunflowers steal the show in this simple arrangement. Also featured: green bupleurum, salal leaves and a curly willow inside the glass bubble bowl.
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Delight your love with this beautiful bouquet of bright white chrysanthemums, precious pink carnations, romantic red roses and more in a radiant red vase. The charming bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, pink carnations, red miniature carnations and red roses accented with fresh greenery in a stylish red vase.
You're Golden Bouquet by Teleflora
Rise and shine! Send her a sunrise with this golden bouquet of bright-as-day sunflowers. It's the perfect gift for the light of your life. Bold, bright sunflowers are arranged with delicate oregonia, magnolia leaves, lemon leaf and moss. Delivered in a Bamboo Cube.
Blue Horizons
As open and bright as a winter's sky, this exquisite mix of white and blue blossoms would make a stunning birthday gift, or a superb Hanukah present for a favorite friend or family member. An eye-catching selection. White Asiatic lilies, white spray roses and dark blue iris - accented with greenery - are delivered in a glass vase.
Zen Artistry
It's artistic arrangements like this one that make flowers such an integral and beautiful ingredient in feng shui. A brilliant green container and exotic palm leaf provide the perfect backdrop for purple orchids and a mix of delightful tropical flowers. This gift takes artistry to new heights. Purple dendrobium orchids, green carnations, dark pink Sweet William, an emerald palm leaf and other tropical greens are arranged in a square kiwi-colored container. Perfect when you've got a yen to send Zen!
Teleflora's Turn up the Pink Bouquet
Turn up the heat with this hot pink, haute couture creation! Super chic and oh-so-fun in its fuchsia Cube vase, this girly mix of gerberas and roses is sure to warm her heart. This brilliant bouquet of lush orange roses, hot pink gerberas, carnations and matsumoto asters are accented with bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet
These luxurious lavender roses and crisp white lilies are poised to please! Perfectly presented in a stylish cube vase, it's an any-occasion surprise they'll never forget! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a glass cube.
Basket Full of Wishes
Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, button spray chrysanthemums and delightful greenery are joined by a delicate butterfly in an oval basket. It's a basket of wonder and wishes!
Country Basket Blooms
Talk about a bountiful basket! This wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. It's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home. Hot pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, snapdragons and miniature carnations, dark pink Sweet William, purple matsumoto asters, large monte cassino asters, statice and pittosporum fill a pretty picnic-like basket. You've got this gift handled!
Blush Rush Bouquet
Luxe lilies in a beautifully blushing shade of pink are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! This pretty bouquet features hot pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, pink matsumoto asters, seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, dusty miller, and pitta negra. Delivered in a Serenity Vase.
Isle of White
Like a vacation for the senses, this lovely bouquet delivers an oasis of beauty and elegance. Soothing, serene and very special. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and stock stem are incredibly arranged in a bubble vase. When it comes to bouquets, this is definitely the right way to do white.
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. It's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere. Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
Teleflora's Possibly Pink
Impossibly pretty. This decidedly feminine arrangement is absolutely delightful. Perfectly peachy peach spray roses, pink asiatic lilies and miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and waxflower, pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus fill an exclusive pink cube. Have one delivered and almost anything's possible.
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!
Always on My Mind - Long Stemmed Red Roses
A dozen gorgeous red roses are the perfect romantic gift to send to the one who's always on your mind and in your heart. Say "I love you" by sending this lovely arrangement of twelve radiant red roses and fresh greens delivered in a beautiful spring garden vase. Love always.
Serene Retreat
White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's delivered in a beautiful plastic dish.
Medium Dish Garden
This low bowl filled with living plants will also carry comfort and compassion for many months to come. Perfect to send to the home or service. One planter arrives filled with dracaena, ivy, palm, spathiphyllum and syngonium plants.
Teleflora's In Love with Lime Bouquet
Lime-a-licious! Fresh shades of green are a great way to contrast pink roses and lilies. Hand-delivered in a lovely leaf green cube, it's a loving gift any day of the week! This refreshing arrangement features dark pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink miniature carnations, bells of ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, and huckleberry. Delivered in a glass cube.
Fly Away Birthday Bouquet
Make birthday spirits soar by sending this fabulously fun birthday bouquet and balloon. Bright primary colors make it perfect for guys and gals. Years may fly by but that doesn't mean birthday celebrations need to! Brilliant orange roses, yellow alstroemeria, red carnations and miniature carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and a big bright balloon are all delivered in a beautiful cobalt blue vase. It's a thumbs-way-up choice in birthday gifts!
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles Bouquet
They brighten your days with their friendship and love, brighten theirs with these bold and beautiful blooms! Hand-delivered in a stylish glass cube, a gift in and of itself - this spirited mix of roses, carnations and mums is sure to make them smile! Bold orange roses, green carnations, dark pink miniature carnations, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums are mixed with ming fern and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Sheer Delight Bouquet
The essence of femininity. Delight her with flirty-fun lavender and pink blooms presented in a gorgeous Mercury Glass julep vase. It's a gift that will sparkle in her memory forever. Includes lavender roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature lavender carnations and lavender chrysanthemums, accented with fresh bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Mercury Glass large julep vase.
Blossoms In Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway. Brilliant green hydrangea, hot pink and bi-color roses, hot pink and yellow spray roses and greens are hand-delivered in stunning style: a wide cylinder vase that's been elegantly lined with leaves. This bouquet is a singular sensation!
Teleflora's Upsy Daisy
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day. The bright bouquet includes white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums and bupleurum accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow gingham ribbon.
So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send smiles across the miles with this magnificent mug of blooms! Sure to become their favorite for morning coffee, this sweet ceramic design brims with lush red roses, pink alstroemeria and miniature red and yellow carnations. It's a great way to send your love! This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, miniature light yellow carnations and pitta negra. Delivered in a Be Happy® Mug.
Teleflora's Fancy That Bouquet
A timeless Mercury Glass vase lends a fancy flourish to this uplifting bouquet. Yellow roses and miniature hot pink carnations are just the way to pop up her day! Includes yellow roses, purple alstroemeria, miniature hot pink carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and fresh oregonia. Delivered in a Mercury Glass small julep.
Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
Inspired by the sunny sound of children's laughter, this lighthearted bouquet of golden roses and fragrant white lilies is presented in a stunning aqua cube vase. What a stylish way to make someone smile! This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's Garden Romance
Hello, gorgeous! This lovely bouquet includes purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses and white asiatic lilies arranged in our vibrant violet glass cube. Purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria and lavender sinuata statice are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
Teleflora's Tropical Punch Bouquet
Glow for it! Capture the magic of a tropical sunset with this gorgeously glowing bouquet. Lush lilies and roses in radiant shades of orange and yellow are presented in a golden Mirrored Cube for a touch of instant glam. Soft orange roses, asiatic lilies and miniature carnations are arranged with yellow alstroemeria and green button spray chrysanthemums. Delicate oregonia and pittosporum add contrast. Delivered in a Mirrored Cube.
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red Roses
Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say "I love you." Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish glass vase. It's a beautiful way to celebrate a romance that deepens with each passing year.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Teleflora's Brilliant Birthday Blooms
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful gift! Pretty orange spray roses, red miniature carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are joined by yards of curling ribbon and delivered in a very special keepsake container. Brilliant? You bet!
Full of Love Bouquet
Spring into pink! Delicate roses, tulips and carnations fill a graceful vase with a cheerful expression of your love. It's affection perfection! Includes pink roses, tulips, carnations and waxflower, accented with fresh pitta negra and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a lovely glass vase.
End of the Rainbow
Hot fun in the summertime is here, and it's flowerific to be sure! This beautiful bouquet brings together a rainbow of the season's brightest blossoms. Hot pink gerberas, orange bi-color roses, orange spray roses and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a charming glass vase.
Dance with Me Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on your relationship with this sizzling bouquet of carnations and roses in a sparkling glass vase. It makes a spectacular gift for anniversary or any loving occasion. A mix of carnations and roses in shades of red and light pink. Delivered in a glass vase accented with pink satin ribbon.
Love and Laughter
Know someone you love to make laugh? Someone you love to laugh with? Someone who could use a laugh? Someone who fits all of the above? Well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms. Lavender roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple carnations, miniature carnations, matsumoto asters and pink waxflower are delivered in a sweet lilac vase that's tied with a purple satin ribbon. Love, laugh and send it today!
Your Special Day
Tell the birthday girl to make a wish on these candles! Made entirely of fresh flowers, this delightful "cake" will really make her day special. The recipe for this cake includes a pink rose and hydrangea, hot pink miniature carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums and waxflower and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums. This tasteful arrangement even comes with its own hot pink candles. It's everything a girl could wish for!
Teleflora's Morning Melody
Shades of purple are in perfect harmony in this profoundly pretty arrangement. A lovely mix of classic and modern, ribbons and roses, it's sure to make someone's day! Lavender roses and waxflower, purple limonium and greens are hand-delivered in a lavender cube that's all wrapped up with a vibrant purple taffeta ribbon.
Red and White Delight by Teleflora
Make her day! Send your special someone this charming bouquet arranged in a ruby red glass cube. It's a gift that will surely delight! Includes miniature red carnations and white daisy chrysanthemums, accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids
This towering topiary of asiatic lilies, orchids and roses - artistically arranged with tropical greenery - is a unique gift that celebrates the spirit of creativity. Pink asiatic lilies rise up from a square design block holding a mix of cymbidium orchids, spray roses and accent blooms and greenery.
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Teleflora's Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet
Cool and contemporary yet also sweet and warm, this delightful bouquet of floral favorites in a silver cube vase makes an enchanting gift. She'll love this sunny gift - and you'll love the sunny price tag. The cheerful bouquet includes white hydrangea, yellow roses, crème roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a contemporary glass cube with a mirrored silver finish.
Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
Send warm wishes with this lovely gift bouquet that arrives in a ceramic teacup. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink and crème roses. Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Teleflora's Birthday Sparkle Bouquet
Add some extra special sparkle to their birthday with this grand gift! Hand-delivered in a shimmering golden cube with intricate cutouts, this colorful bouquet will make their birthday week wonderful. Later, they can remove the pretty magenta liner and golden "happy birthday" pick and enjoy the cube as a pretty candleholder! This colorful mix features orange roses, orange spray roses, fuchsia stock, pink carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
A Little Pink Me Up
Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers. Whether you want this arrangement to say "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy Any Day," you can be sure the day it arrives will be brighter for anyone lucky enough to receive it. Lovely pink roses and asiatic lilies are joined by hot pink gerberas and miniature carnations, pink full-sized carnations and more in a clear glass ball. Send this one and life will be a bowl of cheer!
Sweet Tranquility Basket
A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. Brilliant blooms such as orange and yellow roses and spray roses mix with pink matsumoto asters, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, dazzling green button spray chrysanthemums, salal, pittosporum and more in a lovely rectangular basket with a handle.
Teleflora's Uniquely Chic
Uniquely beautiful and uniquely bright, this is a bona fide bombshell of a bouquet. Brilliant blossoms are perfectly arranged in an exclusive cube vase. Orange roses, hot pink roses, spray roses and carnations are joined by glowing orange asiatic lilies and bear grass in a delightful vase. This unique arrangement is delivered in a cube but it's definitely not for squares.
Teleflora's Shades of Brilliance Bouquet
Send her a rainbow! Golden lilies, radiant roses and regal alstroemeria burst brilliantly from a contemporary bamboo box. What a chic, stunning way to brighten her day! Gorgeous orange roses, yellow asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, hot pink carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are arranged in a rainbow assortment with variegated aspidistra, lily grass and oregonia. Delivered in a Bamboo Rectangle vase.
Make Me Blush - Dozen Long Stemmed Pink Roses
It's fun to be flirty! Send a dozen roses to the one you love and she just might make you blush. Especially if the dozen roses in question are this gorgeous! This arrangement is sweet and innocent as can be. Of course, it's a bit sassy and a whole lot sexy, as well. Sending a dozen perfectly pink roses and white limonium arranged in a glass vase to the woman you love shows that you know how much fun love is! And every woman appreciates that!
Thoughts of You Bouquet with Red Roses
It's the thought that counts, but it counts a bit more when it is expressed with three gorgeous red roses in a lovely arrangement tied up with a red satin ribbon. The flowers are bright and the price is right - the perfect combination for a sweet surprise. This charming bouquet includes three red roses accented with white waxflower, huckleberry and pittosporum along with a red satin ribbon. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle.
Always a Lady
A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Elegant white roses and sweet pink asiatic lilies are hand-arranged with greens. It's the perfect way to show you love her always and forever.
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Large
When you want to make a big impression, sending a beautiful spathiphyllum that reaches almost 40" is practically heaven sent. With its glossy leaves and brilliant white blossoms, this plant is super easy to care for. At the same time, it cares for indoor environments as well, cleansing the air of several toxic elements. It's simply elegant and simply wonderful. This large spathiphyllum is delivered in a charming 12" basket. Tall is a great call!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. Let's hear it for yellow spray roses and cheerful yellow and white daisy spray chrysanthemums plus solidago delivered in an exclusive keepsake vase.
Teleflora's Pop of Fun Bouquet
Turn up the fun! Make any day extra special with a surprise delivery of joyful blooms in a stylish cube vase. This bouquet of pink roses and luxurious peach lilies will make their mood soar! This fresh, fun mix of pink roses, peach asiatic lilies, peach alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations is accented with raspberry sinuata statice and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Beautiful Dreams by Teleflora
Soothing and respectful. Calm and compassionate. This beautiful collection of white and light colored blossoms will deliver your loving thoughts perfectly. Tasteful flowers such as light blue hydrangea, crème roses, white asiatic lilies, miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely white French Country Pot.
Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week. This bright bouquet includes yellow roses, yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube.
Teleflora's One Fine Day
Oh, what a fine day it will be when you have this delightful spring bouquet delivered to someone special. Everyone will delight in the vibrant colors and bountiful blossoms, all thoughtfully arranged in a beautiful leaf-lined vase. Light yellow roses, hot pink spray roses, tulips and gerberas, yellow carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive cube vase. You'll have many fine days when you send this beautiful bouquet!
Teleflora's Blue Caribbean
Martinique, St. Maarten, any tropical paradise is the perfect setting for this explosively colorful bouquet in a chic blue contemporary cube vase. Can't go just now? Bring the island home. The exciting bouquet includes yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a blue contemporary glass cube vase.
Dreams From the Heart Bouquet
A lovely bouquet to soothe and comfort, a variety of white and peach blossoms sends your hope and strength. Beautifully. Beautiful flowers such as white hydrangea, spray roses and stock, peach roses, eucalyptus and more fill a tall glass vase.
Spring Romance Bouquet
Romance buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in an elegant hurricane vase, it's a heartfelt gesture she'll remember through all seasons. Includes pink tulips, white alstroemeria and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
Love's Divine Bouquet - Long Stemmed Roses
Love's divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful mix of red and white roses - accented with Queen Anne's Lace, and adorned with a bold red ribbon - is a timeless gift for your beloved. Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne's lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful leafy greens are delivered in a yellow Serendipity vase. Send a sunny smile today!
Endless Romance Bouquet
Endless roses, endless romance! Make a statement with our stunning bouquet of red roses with snowy white blossoms, delivered in a glass hurricane vase that will forever remind her of your love. Includes red spray roses, white alstroemeria and pretty pitta negra. Delivered in a glass hurricane vase.
Teleflora's Summer Daydream Bouquet
Send them on a summer daydream with this sensationally sunny bouquet! These vivid blooms are arranged in a cobalt blue vase. Includes yellow asiatic lilies, red gerberas, purple matsumoto asters, yellow daisies, lavender statice and fresh green lemon leaf. Delivered in a Serendipity vase.
Teleflora's Lavender Laughter Bouquet
Fill her heart with laughter! The ultimate lavender-lover's bouquet, this gleeful gift of white and lavender blooms is delivered in a pretty pale lavender vase she'll cherish forever. Lavender organza ribbon adds that gifting touch. Includes white alstroemeria, miniature lavender carnations, white chrysanthemums and waxflower, accented with fresh pittosporum and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Bunch vase.
Teleflora's Simply Sweet
Sometimes life's simplest pleasures deliver life's most poignant feelings. Take this sweet bouquet. Soft colors, beautiful flowers in a yellow vase that's wrapped in a pretty pink satin bow. Simple? You bet. Special? For sure! Light yellow roses, pink asiatic lilies and alstroemeria, light yellow miniature carnations, lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums and pink limonium are gorgeously arranged in a pretty yellow vase, complete with a satin bow. Sweeter than sweet!
Your Light Shines
This softly elegant gesture of condolence and affection honoring the memory of a life well lived is a gentle touch during a difficult time. Lavender and pink flowers such as roses, hydrangea, monte cassino asters, eucalyptus and salal are arranged in a clear glass hurricane vase.
Teleflora's Peace & Joy Bouquet
There's no business like snow business when it's expressed as dazzlingly as it is in this snowy white array of roses, lilies and more in a chic mirrored silver cube. Think how thrilled they'll be when this stunning bouquet arrives at the door. The elegant holiday bouquet includes white roses, white Asiatic lilies, white carnations and white button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery.
Beautiful Whisper
A whisper-quiet affirmation of love. Subtle shadings of pink and white roses, lilies and delicate Queen Anne's lace in a simple, elegant vase. Gorgeous flowers such as white, crème and light pink roses, white oriental lilies and delicate Queen Anne's lace with a touch of silvery dusty miller, all in a classic hurricane vase.
Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red Roses
If you'd like someone to think sweet thoughts about you, send them this delightful bouquet! A graceful heart of bear grass is tied with purple waxflower, and appears to float above red roses nestled in a ruby-red glass vase. How sweet it is! Red roses and purple waxflower accented with variegated pittosporum and bear grass arrive in a Teleflora red glass cube vase.
Together At Twilight Bouquet
Capture the magic of togetherness with this bountiful bouquet of enchanting lavender roses. Artfully arranged in a glass vase, its twilight hues are sure to brighten anyone's day! This dramatic arrangement includes lavender roses, lavender stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, oregonia and lemon leaf. Delivered in a purple glass vase.
Your Sweet Smile by Teleflora
You could call or email that special someone, but why not put your feelings into flowers? She'll love this elegant array of white and yellow roses and other favorites in a stylish cylinder vase. She'll want to thank you in person. This charming bouquet includes white roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and white waxflower accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Daisy Daydreams
Get a handle on spring with this delightful array of floral favorites in a charming white bamboo basket accented with lavender ribbon. Surprise someone who could use a lift. It will make you both happy. The cheerful bouquet includes lavender daisy spray chrysanthemums, dark purple Matsumoto asters, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums and purple Monte Cassino asters accented with fresh greenery. The flowers are delivered in a white bamboo basket accented with a lavender gingham ribbon.
Teleflora's Sweet Tenderness
Let the family know they are in your thoughts and prayers with this beautiful gift of pink and white floral favorites. It will help ease their pain of loss. The beautiful bouquet includes pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, hot pink miniature carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and white waxflower, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a clear glass rose vase.
Teleflora's Garden of Wellness Bouquet
Boost their spirits and brighten their day with this garden of wellness! Hand-delivered in a sweet ceramic "Bee Well Soon" pot, this colorful arrangement of roses, alstroemeria and asters is abuzz with delightful bee decorations - and your very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Includes orange spray roses, red alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow sunflowers, green button mums, white daisies, purple statice, pink sweet william, bupleurum, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, variegated pittosporum and ivy. Delivered in a Buzzing Bee Well pot.
Jumping for Joy
Someone you know (or want to know!) will jump for joy when she receives this charming bouquet. Soft and feminine colors, flowers and textures are all wrapped up in one pretty package. Pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, hot pink miniature carnations, lavender stock and salal are delivered in a charming vase that comes with its own pink satin ribbon. When you come across something this lovely at this price, you've got to jump on it!
This Magic Moment
It will be a magic moment when this divine bowl of pastel roses is hand-delivered to someone special. Perfect for any occasion, the soft colors and variety of rose blossoms will soothe anyone's soul. Beautiful yellow roses, peach and white spray roses and greens are delivered in a clear glass bubble ball. The effect is magical.
Heart and Soul
Send someone this soulful floral gift and there'll be no mistaking that you're giving them your heart! A heart made entirely of red carnations is nestled in a cloud of baby's breath and ferns and presented in a tall red vase adorned with a pretty ribbon. Red carnations and white Million Star gypsophila accented with fern are delivered in a red vase decorated with a satin ribbon.
Teleflora's You Make Me Smile Bouquet
Put a smile on their face - and in their heart - with this happy as can be bouquet! Hand-delivered in a food safe mug for years of satisfied sipping, this cheerful gift of roses and mums spreads happiness wherever it goes. This cheerful bouquet includes light yellow roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a Be Happy mug.
Teleflora's Daisies and Sunbeams
The song says, "The sun'll come out tomorrow," but why not today? Whatever the weather, this sunny bouquet of yellow, peach and white flowers will brighten any day instantly. Perfect for a birthday, thank you or just because. This sunny bouquet includes peach roses, yellow spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and solidago accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Fruits and Blooms Basket
Here's a tasteful gift for any occasion. Fruit and flowers, what could be better than that? A big wicker basket comes overflowing with apples, bananas, pears and oranges that surround a hot pink azalea plant. This basket is ripe for giving!
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Sunflowers
Pour on the fun by sending this dazzling bouquet of summer's brightest blooms! Great if you're invited to a pool party, BBQ or just want to brighten up someone's day. Stunning sunflowers, salal and seeded eucalyptus are beautifully arranged in a brilliant yellow ceramic pitcher. This gift will be serving up fun and sun for years to come.
Make Her Day by Teleflora
Sweetly sophisticated, this arrangement of green miniature hydrangea and light pink spray roses presented in our citrus green glass cube is the perfect gift. Includes green miniature hydrangea, light pink spray roses, green carnations, pink miniature carnations, pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass citrus cube.
Teleflora's '48 Ford Pickup Bouquet
Put the pedal to the metal and order this truck full of flowers for your favorite guy today! This brilliant blue pickup is a replica of the classic 1948 Ford F-1. Fabulous and festive, it will surely be displayed and cherished for years. A great guy gift. Birthdays. Father's Day. Any day. Orange spray roses, red carnations, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and more are all delivered in a terrific truck that just happens to come with its bed full of flowers.
New Sensations
Upscale and uptown. This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a leaf-lined cylinder vase, it's truly a floral fantasy. Green and pink hydrangeas, green cymbidium orchids, hot pink and lavender roses, tulips and more are beautifully arranged in a large clear glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Blossoming Romance
Love is in the air. Or if it isn't, it will be when you surprise her with a gorgeous array of light pink spray roses, fragrant white lilies and other favorites in a sparkling glass vase. You know when she'll love it the most? When it's a total surprise. This lovely bouquet includes light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender stock and lavender waxflower accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass rose vase.
Teleflora's Shining on Bouquet
Let your love shine! No matter the recipient or the occasion, this stunning monochromatic mix of hydrangea and roses, hand-delivered in a shimmering silver cube, is destined to delight and inspire. This bouquet of blooms includes white hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and pitta negra. Delivered in a silver mirrored cube vase.
Just Tickled Bouquet by Teleflora
Won't she be tickled? Sure to put a smile on her face, this happy bouquet greets her with hot pink carnations and crisp white daisies arranged in a stunning Silver Reflections vase. Beautiful hot pink carnations and miniature carnations, white daisy chrysanthemums and yellow button chrysanthemums are arranged with fresh huckleberry and oregonia. Delivered in a Silver Reflections vase.
Teleflora's Brightly Blooming
Let the sunshine in with this bevy of bright blooms - yellow lilies, green carnations and other sunny favorites beautifully arranged in a classic ginger jar. Perfect for birthday, get well, thank you - or just to say "Hi!" They'll love it. This impressive bouquet includes yellow asiatic lilies, green carnations, white daisy spray chrysanthemums and green button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass ginger jar.
Spring Sonata
Once in a while, an arrangement is so perfect for so many people and so many occasions, it really is a floral masterpiece. Introducing Spring Sonata. Pink roses, tulips, miniature carnations, light pink and hot pink spray roses, purple monte cassino asters, green button spray chrysanthemums and seeded eucalyptus are delivered in harmony in a classic terra-cotta pot.
Victorian Romance
Romance blossoms beautifully within this elegant bouquet. The serenity and innocence of cream-colored roses is in delightful juxtaposition with lavender waxflower and fresh ivy greens. It's as romantic as a stroll through the English countryside. A dozen crème roses, lavender waxflower and ivy are perfectly arranged in a serenity glass vase.
Plants Galore
You don't need a green thumb to love plants galore! Plants, plants and more plants are delivered in a handsome woodchip basket. Easier to care for than pronounce, a hot pink azalea and white hypoestes are joined by dieffenbachia, nephthytis, spathiphyllum and ivy. All are hand-arranged in a pretty wicker basket. It's an abundance of natural beauty.
Teleflora's True Romance Bouquet with Red Roses
Turn up the heat on a new romance - or a lifelong love affair - with this classic composition. It features one dozen of our finest red roses arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase. This romantic bouquet includes twelve red roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum, all delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, a metalized ceramic vase with a light pink tone.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Teleflora's Sunsplash
Send this summery bouquet and you'll make a splendid splash! Perfect for birthdays, thank yous, barbecues and beyond. This warm-weather charmer will be welcome everywhere! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, hot pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a cube vase. Lots of splash. Not too much cash!
Smile and Shine Bouquet by Teleflora
Send a shining smile to someone special with this bright bouquet! The happy mix of roses, alstroemeria and asters are presented in a popular mercury glass vase - a glittering gift for now and forever. Includes pink roses, yellow alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, matsumoto lavender asters and white chrysanthemums, accented with statice and huckleberry. Delivered in a large Mercury Glass Julep.
Bejeweled Beauty by Teleflora
Pure romance. Hot pink roses and dark red spray roses are brightly arranged inside our violet cube. Hot pink roses, dark red spray roses, purple carnations and pink miniature carnations are accented with assorted greens. Delivered in Teleflora's glass violet cube.
So Enchanting Bouquet
Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of rich red roses and magnificent pink lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care. Includes red roses, pink lilies and fresh lemon leaves. Delivered in a glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Portrait In Purple Bouquet
Reminiscent of a beautiful impressionist portrait, the deep purples, fresh blues and crisp whites of this stunning bouquet make an unforgettable artistic statement. What a lovely surprise on any occasion! Blue hydrangea, crème roses, white spray roses, purple alstroemeria and purple stock are arranged with lemon leaf and variegated aspidistra leaves. Delivered in a blue cube vase.
My Perfect Love - Long Stemmed Red Roses
When it comes to romance, the red rose rules! And when it comes to delivering romance in a big way, two dozen gorgeous red roses are a brilliant choice. Twenty-four stunning red roses are arranged with greenery and delivered in a feminine vase.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Rich In Love Bouquet by Teleflora
Unforgettable in every sense of the word! Make a dramatic impression with this ultrachic arrangement, featuring a modern organic shape, luxurious blooms, and a shimmering keepsake cube vase. This dramatic bouquet features red roses, dark red spray roses, maroon carnations, red miniature carnations, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in a Red Mirrored Cube.
Teleflora's Vivid Love Bouquet
Rich and radiant, this vivid mix of jewel-toned blooms is wrapped with leaves for modern style, but its message of love is timeless. Maroon carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums, and lavender seafoam statice are accented with seeded eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern, pitta negra, huckleberry, and variegated aspidistra leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Cylinder Vase.
Teleflora's Whisper Soft Bouquet
Its blooms may be whisper-soft, but this bouquet proclaims your love loud and proud! What a lovely way to spoil someone special. This delicate arrangement includes pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, white miniature carnations, dusty miller, huckleberry, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Clear Glass Ginger Jar.
Teleflora's Desert Sunrise Bouquet
Peaceful yet energizing, this unforgettable arrangement of desert-hued blooms and succulents in a sleek bamboo cube is a chic gift on any special occasion. Peach roses, white asiatic lilies, peach miniature carnations, and white stock are accented with pitta negra, dusty miller, and a green echeveria succulent. Delivered in a Small Natural Bamboo Cube.
Teleflora's Seaside Roses Bouquet
Like an invigorating ocean breeze, this fresh bouquet of white roses and glorious green blooms is a beautiful pick-me-up on any occasion. Your lucky recipient will adore the vase, crafted of hand-blown art glass in shades of ocean blue and fabulous frosted finish. White roses, white alstroemeria, green carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Seaside Color Frost Art Glass cylinder.
Teleflora's Vintage Chic Bouquet
Tres chic! With its charming vintage vibe and delicate bouquet of pink and peach roses, this hand-glazed metal water pitcher is the perfect Mother's Day treat! This chic bouquet includes pink roses, peach spray roses, white alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, oregonia, and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Mod Mademoiselle pitcher.
Lavish Flowers
Pretty Paradise Bouquet
Take a tropical getaway, without ever leaving home! Inspired by the shades of a tropical sunset, this paradise of bright colors and rainforest textures is a dramatic experience for the senses! This pretty bouquet features dark pink hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, yellow mokara orchids, yellow roses, hot pink oriental lilies, orange snapdragons, bells of Ireland, hanging green amaranthus, huckleberry, sword fern, hala leaves, ti leaves, bear grass, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Stunning Statement Bouquet
Brimming with hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies in fabulous fuchsias and radiant reds, this breathtaking bouquet definitely makes a statement! This stunning arrangement of red hydrangea, red cymbidium orchid blossoms, red roses, red spray roses, hot pink oriental lilies, red gerberas, and red hypericum is accented with green ivy and lemon leaf. Delivered in a white cylinder planter.
Forever Fuchsia Bouquet
Pretty in pink! A surprise they'll remember forever, this fantasy of fuchsia lilies, roses and carnations is artistically arranged in a sleek contemporary vase. This stunning bouquet features pink oriental lilies, hot pink roses, pink carnations, fuchsia stock, light pink spray roses, pink heather, lemon leaf, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and a small green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a raspberry tapered vase.
Cascading Elegance Bouquet
A dramatic display in jewel-toned roses and hydrangea in a sophisticated vase, this majestic bouquet will take their breath away. Dark pink hydrangea, lavender hydrangea, lavender roses, light lavender roses, red roses, red spray roses, purple carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums, and purple cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with hanging green amaranthus, israeli ruscus, xanadu philodendron leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a glass romanesque vase.
Beautiful Love Bouquet
Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase. This breathtaking bouquet features green hydrangea, pink roses, white roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, pink lisianthus, white stock, pitta negra, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a large gathering vase.
Love Struck Bouquet
A luxurious bouquet that's sure to leave your special someone absolutely love struck! There's no denying the dramatic beauty of these radiant, red hot roses, hydrangea and lilies. This luxe arrangement includes pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, red roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, maroon carnations, pitta negra, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass jordan vase.
Intoxicating Beauty Bouquet
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses, peach roses, peach spray roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, dusty miller, pitta negra, and green ivy. Delivered in a white ceramic cylinder.
Exquisite Elegance Bouquet
Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural bouquet of pale purple orchids, silvery succulents and deep purple hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event! This eye-catching bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender phalaenopsis spray orchids, hanging green amaranthus, bear grass, green ti leaves, and large green echeveria succulents. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase.
Tahitian Tropics Bouquet
From delicate lavender roses to dramatic red ginger, waxy pink anthuriums to shiny philodendron leaves, this Tahitian-inspired bouquet is a tropical fantasy of blooms to brighten any occasion! This tropical arrangement includes dark pink hydrangea, lavender roses, large pink anthuriums, pink ice protea, pink snapdragons, large red ginger, aralia leaves, calathea leaves, xanadu philodendron leaves, hala leaf, green ti leaves, and red ti leaves. Delivered in a large square vase.
Teleflora's Grand Beauty Bouquet
A truly awe-inspiring arrangement, this breathtaking bouquet blends roses, hydrangea and orchids in a pretty palette of pinks. Accented with fresh greens in an elegant gray pot, it's a grand gift they'll never forget! This grand arrangement features dark pink hydrangea, pink cymbidium orchid blossoms, crème roses, hot pink roses, white asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, green trick dianthus, peach hypericum, sword fern, dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Modern Heritage pot.
Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. This feminine bouquet includes light pink spray roses, light pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, pink larkspur, white sinuata statice, dusty miller, israeli ruscus, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a white square vase.
Haute Pink Bouquet
A high-fashion fantasy of roses! When you want to make a grand statement, send this dreamy bouquet of posh pink roses and modern greens. This gorgeous bouquet includes light pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender roses, pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink spray roses, pink lisianthus, dusty miller, huckleberry, sword fern, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and variegated aspidistra leaves. Delivered in a large glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Rhapsody In Purple
A rhapsody of beauty is on stunning display in this arrangement. Gorgeous blossoms are beautifully arranged and delivered in a divine Couture Vase. Purple hydrangea, lavender roses, hot pink spray roses and white freesia arrive in style!
Teleflora's Indulge Her Bouquet
Go glam for Mom with gorgeous lilies and roses in a chic purple hand-blown art glass vase accented with a curling green vine.She'll be thrilled with this delightfully dramatic gift - and love you for knowing she would be. The stunning bouquet includes white lilies, lavender roses and purple stock accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a contemporary hand-blown purple art-glass vase with a green climbing vine motif.
My Perfect Love - Long Stemmed Red Roses
When it comes to romance, the red rose rules! And when it comes to delivering romance in a big way, two dozen gorgeous red roses are a brilliant choice. Twenty-four stunning red roses are arranged with greenery and delivered in a feminine vase.
Dreaming In Pink - Long Stemmed Pink Roses
Women really appreciate it when their guys think outside of the box. There's nothing like hot pink roses to prove that you're using your imagination and aren't afraid to let her know. Think of the thanks you'll get when a vase full of vibrant hot pink roses, hand-arranged with ivy and other garden greens is delivered. Your dreams might come true, too.
Teleflora's Park Avenue Centerpiece
Treat your guests to Park Avenue elegance with this dazzling arrangement of crème roses, white hydrangea and white lisianthus presented in a brilliant Mercury Glass Bowl. It's a lovely choice for any special occasion, from weddings to anniversaries. A beautiful Mercury Glass Bowl presents a soft mix of crème roses, white hydrangea and white lisianthus accented with seeded eucalyptus.
Roman Holiday
Want to know the true meaning of a Roman Holiday? If you ask us, it's really a "romance" holiday where true love blossoms! In this case, it's presented gorgeously. Beautiful dark pink hydrangea, red and lavender roses, carnations in dark purple and lavender, hot pink freesia and lavender phlox are perfectly arranged in a simply lovely cylinder vase. Happy holiday!
Teleflora's Aloha Sunset
Aloha is a celebration of joy, gratitude and being in the present. Lovely orchids celebrate the spirit of aloha, especially when mixed with gorgeous roses evocative of a Hawaiian sunset. This stunning arrangement has it all. Beautiful yellow cymbidium orchids, brilliant bi-color roses and tropical leaves all hand-delivered in a striking Couture Vase. It's definitely a departure from the everyday!
Love's Divine Bouquet - Long Stemmed Roses
Love's divine, and roses are too. At almost two feet tall, this beautiful mix of red and white roses - accented with Queen Anne's Lace, and adorned with a bold red ribbon - is a timeless gift for your beloved. Red and white roses accented with Queen Anne's lace and more are delivered in a glass vase accented with a red satin ribbon.
Forever Beloved
Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment. All will be dignified beautifully with this loving gift of roses in a classic urn. 16 red roses are arranged with beautiful eucalyptus and a lovely ming vase. Say it with flowers, when no words will speak the feelings in your heart.
My Fair Lady by Teleflora
Your fair lady will love you for sending her this stunning arrangement. A vision in green and white, this definitely is not your garden-variety bouquet! Graceful white callas mixed with dramatic light and dark greens arrive in a delightful clear glass bunch vase.
Teleflora's Napa Valley Centerpiece
Accent your special occasion with the wild, natural elegance of Napa Valley. Creamy whites and lacy greens are united in a large, French country pot to shabby chic effect. Wondrous white flowers including roses, lisianthus, Queen Anne's lace, hydrangea and bouvardia are gracefully presented with delicate maidenhair fern in a glazed French Country Pot with classic fleur de lis motif.
Teleflora's Say I Love You Bouquet - Dozen Roses
Wow your Valentine with a dozen roses in a magnificent hand-blown art-glass vase etched with an exquisite "rosebud" design. The rest is up to you. Happy Valentine's Day - and night! A dozen roses - hot pink, red and light pink - accented with white limonium and assorted greenery, delivered in a hand-blown art-glass vase with a sculpted "rosebud" design.
Moondance. Romance. Elegance! Captivating callas, white hydrangea, exotic orchids in a stunning tall glass vase create a green and white dream come true. No matter who you send this fabulous arrangement to, you can be sure it will impress! White callas, white hydrangea and green cymbidium orchids arrive in a graceful tall glass vase.
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Awe and wonder. That's what's included in this magical bouquet. It's a beautiful mix of radiant blossoms in a stunning glass vase. Brilliant blue hydrangea, orange roses, light pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink alstroemeria, purple chrysanthemums and more fill a fabulously feminine vase. Send wonder with your lovely wishes!
Cupid's Creation with Red Roses by Teleflora
Classic beauty and romance to spare, thanks to the graceful lines of a Couture Vase filled with stunning roses - the iconic flower of love. Like the arrow released from Cupid's bow, this gorgeous bouquet will go straight to your lover's heart. Exquisite red and pink roses, white and light pink spray roses and greens are perfectly arranged in a lovely Couture Vase. This is an inspired way to celebrate your love.
Your Majesty
This stunning tropical bouquet really is fit for a queen. It's an elegant mix of vibrant flowers set in a tall vase lined with tropical leaves. It makes a beautiful addition to a modern home or outstanding office décor. A lovely mix of blue hydrangea, green cymbidium orchids, mokara orchids, lavender roses and lots more are delivered in a footed and flared glass vase. Make magic happen for her majesty!
Kensington Gardens by Teleflora
Inspired by one of the world's most incredible gardens, this garden of grace and beauty is delivered in one gorgeous bouquet. Among the beautiful mix of flowers, there is heartfelt hydrangea, lisianthus to show appreciation and delicate sweet pea because they're not just pretty, they are well sweet. White hydrangea, stock and lisianthus mix with light pink oriental lilies, red roses, pink sweet pea, hot pink miniature carnations, seeded eucalyptus and more. And it's all perfectly arranged and delivered in an exclusive Couture Vase. Very pretty. Very proper.
When this tall, green and handsome arrangement arrives at someone's home or office, it is destined to create a Zensation! It's so dramatic, so different, and so delightful. Gorgeous green cymbium orchids and ti leaves stand tall in a striking 19" glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora's Fantasy Found
If you know someone whose fantasies might include something found on a tropical island, you've found their perfect arrangement. Gorgeous yellow cymbidium orchids and leucadendron, red gladioli, lily grass and other tropical greens are delivered in a distinctive keepsake bamboo cube. This gift's a natural.
Queen's Court by Teleflora
When you really want to make a grand impression on someone special, choose this regal arrangement. Roses, in every possible shade of pink, are so beautifully arranged in an exclusive silver Mercury Glass Bowl, there's no doubt you'll be treated like royalty when you send it! Light, medium and hot pink roses and spray roses are hand-arranged with greens in a gorgeous Mercury Glass Bowl. It's perfectly majestic!
Teleflora's Purple Elegance Centerpiece
A masterpiece in purple. This lush, lavender array mixes beautiful blue hydrangea with happy purple tulips and luxurious lavender and pink roses. Presented in an elegant Mercury Glass Bowl, it's an exquisite choice for any important event, from weddings to showers. Purple tulips, blue hydrangea, lavender and pink roses are mixed with delicate ming fern and rich green salal in a magnificent Mercury Glass Bowl.
Teleflora's Seaside Centerpiece
Spend a peaceful afternoon at the seaside with this breathtaking centerpiece. Lush blue hydrangea and delphinium evoke sea and sky, while creamy roses, white lilies and delicate Queen Anne's lace whisper of sand and sea foam. Presented in an antiqued Mercury Glass Vase, it's an elegant choice for weddings and showers. Two shades of blue hydrangea are mixed with crème roses, light blue delphinium, fragrant white oriental lilies, delicate Queen Anne's lace, parvifolia eucalyptus and green pitta negra in a beautiful Mercury Glass Antique Hurricane.
Teleflora's Lush and Lovely
"Lush and lovely" might seem like a bit of an understatement when gazing at this incredible arrangement of luxurious flowers delivered in a divine Mercury Glass Bowl. Let's add "beautiful and breathtaking" to the description. Spectacular red cymbidium orchids, purple mokara orchids, lavender hydrangea, crème roses, dark red spray roses, burgundy dahlias, purple and lavender chrysanthemums and burgundy copper beech arrive in an exclusive Mercury Glass Bowl.
Limelight Bouquet
Certain to garner a lot of attention, this gorgeously green arrangement is a fresh idea for both men and women. Many shades of green display many shades of brilliance. Green roses, gladioli, carnations, lotus pod, leucadendron, bells of Ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, ti leaves, fern and grass create a lively forest-like feeling.
Eternal Love Bouquet
What's more romantic than a dozen red roses? Proclaim your love eternal with this radiant gift of crimson blooms and fresh greens, gathered in a classic keepsake vase. This bouquet features 12 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase.
Plants from Dillio's Cafe, Flowers & Gifts make a long lasting and affordable gift for any occasion. We have a wide selection of all types of plants including house, tropical and indoor plants. We can even deliver your plants to Prattsburgh, NY or nationwide.
Forever Yellow Kalanchoes
With their petite yellow blooms and large, shiny leaves, these glorious kalanchoe plants add a ray of sunshine to any room! This pretty arrangement features yellow kalanchoe plants. Delivered in a weathered brown round pot.
Sphere of Tranquility Terrarium
Send them the gift of tranquility with this peaceful terrarium garden of schefflera and dracaena, accented with deep black river rocks. Green schefflera, green compacta dracaena, and variegated green compacta dracaena are arranged with black river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a glass bubble bowl.
Desert Beauty Succulent Garden
Bring the serene beauty of the desert landscape to any room of the house or office with this glorious growing gift. Filled with sculptural succulents, the versatile weathered slate pot is sure to be a favorite. This garden includes green sedum succulents, a large green echeveria succulent, small green echeveria succulents, and small natural river rocks. Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.
Teleflora's Regally Yours Orchid
Add regal beauty to any room of the house or office with this grand, any-occasion gift of an amazing orange cymbidium orchid in a gorgeous pot. This gift features an orange cymbidium orchid with sheet moss. Delivered in a Noble Heritage Urn.
Forever Green Plant Garden
A gift to grow on! Delivered in a modern tapered tray, this living gift of wispy maidenhair fern and sculptural dracaena plants is sure to freshen up any room. This fresh green garden includes green compacta dracaena, variegated green compacta dracaena, maidenhair fern, variegated pothos, large natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a green square tapered tray.
Glorious Gratitude Orchid
Show your gratitude for a special someone with this glorious living gift. Simply presented in a clear glass cylinder, these alluring purple phalaenopsis orchids add natural elegance to any environment. A purple phalaenopsis orchid is arranged with natural river rocks and sheet moss. Delivered in a cylinder vase.
Perfect Chevy Pickup by Teleflora
Give dad the perfect pick-me-up on Father's Day with this perfect pickup! Hand-painted and hand-glazed, this ceramic Chevy hauls a beautiful bounty of living green echeveria plants. It's one of the ways we're commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks! Large green echeveria succulents are arranged with reindeer moss. Delivered in a Chevy Pickup Keepsake.
Teleflora's Chevy Camaro Plant Garden
Speed into Father's Day with a gift that's sure to get his engines going! Dad will love this vintage ceramic Chevy Camaro, bursting with beautiful succulents. This growing garden includes curly willow, green sedum succulent, large echeveria succulent, golden moss fern, and zebra haworthia. Delivered in a '67 Chevy Camaro keepsake.
His Favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of blue, this charming ceramic pickup truck presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '48 Ford Pickup collectible keepsake.
Happy Hydrangea - Pink
Big, beautiful blossoms of pretty petals make the pink hydrangea a popular gift. Always appreciated, this versatile selection is perfect for a birthday, housewarming, thank-you whatever. Beautiful to look at and easy to grow, no wonder it's America's darling. A lovely pink hydrangea is delivered in a fresh white ceramic pot. Simply charming!
Stylish Plant Assortment
What a magical mix of flowering and green plants! This stylish plant assortment is simply stunning. The mix of colors and textures will make any room come alive! Goldfinger crotons, bright yellow and orange kalanchoes along with green nephthytis and ivy are delivered in a modern black container. Stylish beyond words!
Happy Hydrangea - Blue
A timeless classic, the blue hydrangea is the perfect way to say "Happy Anything!" Plus, men love the blue hydrangea just as much as women. So go ahead and plant one on someone who deserves some special treatment. A brilliant blue hydrangea plant is delivered in the perfect white ceramic container. Easy breezy.
Blooming Garden Basket
A sweet, bright flurry of colorful fresh plants celebrates vivid memories and expresses heartfelt sympathy to friends and loved ones. A purple African violet, yellow rose plant, pink azalea, hypoestes and ivy plants are all nestled in a round basket with handle.
Dream Wheels '65 Ford Mustang by Teleflora
This Father's Day, get Dad's motor running with this collectible gift! In the perfect shade of poppy red, this classic ceramic '65 Ford Mustang presents an array of living succulent plants. What a beautiful, fun-filled display for dad's desk or bedroom! This living arrangement includes a variety of succulent plants. Delivered in a '65 Ford Mustang collectible keepsake.
Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket
Sing a song of spring by sending this gorgeous basket full of spring's prettiest plants. Send someone special this sweet mix of bright colors and terrific textures. A purple African violet, yellow begonia, pink kalanchoe and white hypoestes are arranged in a pretty round basket. It's blooming beautiful.
Garden To Go Basket
It's no secret why this garden is such a great gift. An adorable basket is chock full of lovely flowering plants. It's the perfect arrangement for carrying your good wishes. Two beautiful purple African violets and two yellow rose plants are delivered in a delightful Nantucket basket with handles. Go with this garden and you'll be golden.
Sweet Violet Trio
These violets aren't blue! They are lovely lavender and perfectly purple. Three plants in all, looking absolutely beautiful in their cozy rectangular basket. A symbol of enduring admiration, it's no surprise that the African violet has been a favorite for generations. One purple and two lavender velvety African violet plants are delivered in a pretty wicker basket. Be sweet and send this gift today.
Violets and Butterflies
Velvety violets, beautiful butterflies, a radiant ribbon and a basketful of delight. This gift delivers so much and it's perfect for so many occasions. Think birthdays, baby showers, showering someone with love. When it comes to this basket, it's all good! Two pretty African violet plants are nestled into a ribbon-wrapped handled basket. Lovely purple butterflies top off this wonderful gift.
Large Basket Garden
This impressive garden of indoor plants will be a warm welcome to any home or office. And you'll get glowing reviews for sending it. Croton, ivy, pothos, dieffenbachia, schefflera and syngonium plants arrive together in a wicker basket with handle.
Small Garden Dish
A lovely array of cheerful plants is just the right size for a mid-size desk or table. It's also just the right choice for that special someone. Dracaena, ivy, palm, dieffenbachia, peperomia and philodendron plants arrive in a low decorative bowl.
Emerald Garden Basket
You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, dieffenbachia, croton and peperomia plants are perfectly arranged in a distinctive willow rope basket. When it comes to gifts, this one is a gem!
Simply Chic Mixed Plant Basket
Simply captivating. Simply charming. Simply chic. This pretty basket is overflowing with character - and live plants. It's colorful, natural and beautiful. A charming oval wicker basket is full of flowering plants like two miniature lavender African violets, 2 pink kalanchoes, a hot pink cyclamen, a pink primrose and a hypoestes. Not to mention green ivy and maidenhair fern. A fantastic mix for anyone!
Fruits and Blooms Basket
Here's a tasteful gift for any occasion. Fruit and flowers, what could be better than that? A big wicker basket comes overflowing with apples, bananas, pears and oranges that surround a hot pink azalea plant. This basket is ripe for giving!
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy. A pink kalanchoe, hypoestes, green nephthytis and both Boston and maidenhair ferns are delivered in a delightful round wicker basket.
Plants Galore
You don't need a green thumb to love plants galore! Plants, plants and more plants are delivered in a handsome woodchip basket. Easier to care for than pronounce, a hot pink azalea and white hypoestes are joined by dieffenbachia, nephthytis, spathiphyllum and ivy. All are hand-arranged in a pretty wicker basket. It's an abundance of natural beauty.
Teleflora's Peaceful Zen Garden
Thirsting for a gift that is contemporary, beautiful and inspires a soothing sense of calm? Look no further than this exclusive Zen garden. Full of stunning succulents, it's super-low-maintenance. It's awesome for an office and in perfect harmony at home. A total of six succulent plants are arranged with river cane and river rocks in a large brown bamboo container.
Fresh Picked
Whoever is lucky enough to receive this gift will know you've picked it just for them. So delightful. So delicious. So different. It's the perfect blend of beauty and bounty! A live kalanchoe potted plant is surrounded by fresh pears, red and green apples, red grapes and tangerines. Add some wheat stalks and a pretty taffeta ribbon and what you've got is a basket full of goodness.
Serene Retreat
White is just right, especially when delivered in a field of green. This beautiful gift is a garden of delights. Perfectly at home inside a home or office, it's a great gift for all reasons and seasons. A white hypoestes is joined by green dieffenbachia, spathipyhllum, ficus and Boston fern that's delivered in a beautiful plastic dish.
Bountiful Kalanchoe
Bountiful and beautiful, the kalanchoe is one hardy plant that makes a heartfelt gift. It's hand-delivered in a crème ribbed planter. A succulent pink kalanchoe arrives in a distinctive pot. Just lovely.
Medium Dish Garden
This low bowl filled with living plants will also carry comfort and compassion for many months to come. Perfect to send to the home or service. One planter arrives filled with dracaena, ivy, palm, spathiphyllum and syngonium plants.
Rainbow Rays Potted Gerbera - Yellow
Friendship, abundant joy, good health… the yellow gerbera conveys these feelings and more. Plus, they are so cheerful you just can't help smiling in their presence. A bright yellow gerbera plant is delivered in a bright yellow glazed terra-cotta pot. You can send a lot of happiness without spending a whole lot of money.
Simply Happy Kalanchoe Plant by Teleflora
With its delicate pink flowers and elegant leaves, this lovely Kalanchoe plant is a fresh, fabulous surprise for any occasion! It's hand-delivered in a gorgeous, glazed ceramic cachepot from Portugal, making this an extra-special gift to be treasured forever. This pretty pink Kalanchoe plant is delivered in a richly glazed cachepot.
Rainbow Rays Potted Gerbera - Red
The word gerbera actually means cheerfulness. And the red gerbera certainly is cheerful. Full of good energy and delightful to behold, it will be a welcome addition to anyone's home. Then later… to anyone's garden! A striking red gerbera is delivered in a brilliant red glazed terra-cotta pot. This is one time when the color red actually means GO!
Rainbow Rays Potted Gerbera - Orange
Distinctly pretty and cheerful, the orange gerbera is a shining gift to send. Easy on the wallet, easy to take care of and super easy to love! A flowering gerbera is delivered in a charming terra-cotta pot. These orange rays guarantee brighter days.
Sweet Azalea Delight
Pretty in pink azaleas are sure to delight! Perfect for birthdays, new babies, brightening someone's day even brightening someone's Valentine's Day! Two sweeter than sweet pink azaleas are delivered in a charming rectangular ribbed planter. Great for inside and grand in the garden, too!
Sweet as a Daisy
It's no wonder so many people are crazy about daisies. Daisy chrysanthemums, that is. This bright yellow plant is so full of sunshine it almost begs for a beach towel! Pretty, very sweet, and it will last a long, long time! A dazzling yellow daisy chrysanthemum is delivered in a terra-cotta pot with its own saucer. A natural delight!
Teleflora's Splendid Orchids
As if beautifully blossoming green cymbidium orchids rising out of dramatic black river rocks weren't splendid enough, this gift takes it up a notch by delivering it all inside a beautiful Noble Heritage Urn. Stunning green cymbidium orchids are delivered in a unique glossy Noble Heritage Urn. It's an especially splendid gift.
Basket of Joy
Whether celebrating the arrival of a bundle of joy, a new job, a new house or anything else that makes life brighter, this is the perfect basket of joy! Ultra-big on beauty and ultra-low on maintenance, it's a simply beautiful gift. Two ivy plants along with white and yellow kalanchoe fill a charming round basket. Could it be any easier to deliver joy?
Delightful Dieffenbachia
This delightful dieffenbachia makes a dashing gift! Rich and relaxing shades of green are on display in this easy-to-care-for leafy plant. A wonderful workplace gift! A beautiful dieffenbachia is delivered in an elegant burgundy square container.
Stately Croton
The croton is dignified and delightful. Its glossy green leaves carry vibrant accents of red and orange, making it the perfect plant for a wide variety of locations. Easy to care for and easy to love, this is one plant that is sure to brighten everyone's day. An impressively graceful croton is delivered in an elegant burgundy footed planter. A grand gesture indeed!
Yellow Trio Basket
This delightful basket holds a plethora of sunny yellow flowering plants! So sweet, it's no wonder a darling little yellow bird has built its nest inside the basket. Two bright yellow miniature rose plants, plus a yellow kalanchoe and begonia are nestled right beside the little bird and her nest. It's all delivered in a charming round basket. It sends three times the cheer!
Amazing Arboricola
Also known as the umbrella plant due to its lovely arching leafy branches, this is an amazing gift. It can last for years and lend its graceful beauty to any home or office. Standing almost three feet tall in its olive green ceramic planter, this arboricola is a natural.
Teleflora's Opulent Orchids
Pure elegance. That's what these divine white phalaenopsis orchids deliver. They're beautiful upon arrival, and what's even more beautiful is that these amazing plants are easy to take care of, and can blossom for months. A white phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. Now that's the kind of opulence anyone can appreciate.
Divine Orchid
What could possibly be more divine than one lavender phalaenopsis orchid delivered to your door? Two, of course! Two miniature lavender phalaenopsis orchids are delivered in a dazzling brown footed planter. Divine? Definitely!
Teleflora's Imperial Purple Orchid
Shangri-la might be a fictional place, but this stunning orchid is firmly planted in the most beautiful kind of reality. An exotic lavender phalaenopsis orchid comes delivered in a distinctive cube made of beautiful, natural bamboo. It's easy to take care of and lovely to look at. A lavender phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive bamboo cube. It's almost too good to be true.
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Small
Also known as the peace lily, this dark leafy plant with its delicate white blossoms makes a simply elegant gift. There's nothing small about the sentiment delivered along with this pretty plant. A brilliant green spathiphyllum is delivered in a natural wicker basket. Long live elegance!
Regal Orchids
Grace. Beauty. Prosperity. And love. These are just some of the lovely qualities attached to the exquisite orchid. So imagine the effect of receiving six stunning orchid plants all at once. Magical, right? Two brilliant green miniature phalaenopsis orchids, two lavender miniature phalaenopsis orchids and two dazzling white miniature phalaenopsis orchids are surrounded by white river rocks and delivered in a unique crème ceramic pedestal planter. Give someone the royal treatment!
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Medium
Known for its indoor beauty and ability to clear the air of contaminants, this brilliant green plant with dazzling white blossoms makes a perfect gift for almost any occasion. low-maintenance. High quality. Bet you never knew delivering elegance could be this simple. This spathiphyllum comes in an 8" woven wicker basket. It's a great medium for delivering vitality.
Teleflora's Bromeliad Beauty
Related to the pineapple plant, perhaps because of its sweetness, this gorgeous beauty adds red and tropical greenery to any room. It's delivered in an exclusive bamboo cube, which makes it extra beautiful. A red bromeliad plant is delivered in a brown bamboo cube.
Pretty In Pink Azalea
This pretty azalea serves up a plethora of pink petals. Absolutely stunning as an indoor plant, it can also be planted outside and enjoyed for years to come. What a perfect present! A beautifully robust pink azalea is hand-delivered in a lovely white ceramic ribbed planter. Think pink!
Towering Ficus
Want to send a gift that will tower above the rest? The gorgeous and graceful ficus will more than fit the bill! Easy to take care of, it's a great way to bring the natural beauty of the outside inside. A braided ficus is delivered in an earthy terra-cotta pot. Standing approximately five feet tall, it takes gift giving to new heights!
Teleflora's Good Luck Bamboo
Wealth, prosperity, good fortune know anyone who wouldn't be delighted to receive of all of these? Our exclusive good-luck bamboo not only delivers good luck, it has good karma attached. Delivered in an exclusive natural bamboo cube, it's all about being good to the earth, and being good to each other. A vibrant lucky bamboo plant is delivered in a bamboo cube that's adorned with river rocks. Anyone who receives this gift is definitely lucky!
Sunny Cyclamen
Perennially pretty! This delightful flowering pot will deliver beauty for a long time. The perfectly pink blossoms almost look like birds in flight over a lovely sea of greens. Sure to be appreciated, it's a wonderful housewarming or birthday gift. A beautiful light pink cyclamen plant is delivered in a delightful crème-colored pedestal planter. Send some sun!
Money Tree
Harmonize the five elements within a space, bring good fortune and prosperity, and improve the flow of "chi" with a money tree! The money tree - or Pachira - is thought to bring good luck, and is a thoughtful gift for any home or office. A money tree is planted in a square black container, and adorned around the base with deerfoot moss, plus black and white rocks.
Teleflora's Quiet Expressions
Three of the most popular and most loved of all plants, beautifully presented in a stylish bamboo rectangle is a gift that will bring many days of joy. This mix of spathiphyllum, ivy, dracena and maindenhair fern, accented with river rocks, is delivered in a brown bamboo rectangle