CLS offers a wide range of aesthetic services to help you reach your goals. For detailed information and current pricing, please call us at 310-312-1231 and we will be happy to help.
Body Contouring Treatments
Liposculpture with Tickle Lipo and Smartlipo
Do you have stubborn areas of fat? Have diet and exercise taken you only so far in getting rid of bulges? Are you bothered by loose skin with or without fat that hangs in places?
Dr. Kaplan specializes in body contouring and performs two hundred such procedures a year.
As someone with years of experience with different liposuction systems, Dr. Kaplan combines the benefits of Smartlipo and Tickle Lipo into a hybrid minimally-invasive liposuction procedure, performed under local anesthesia!
Dr. Kaplan was the first physician in Los Angeles to adopt Tickle Lipo after it was approved by the FDA in 2009.
This device allows the smoothest and most comfortable fat removal possible (see the before and after gallery!). In selected patients that would benefit from additional skin tightening, Dr. Kaplan adds Smartlipo laser as a step in the liposuction procedure. Together, these two systems offer incredible results!
Why go to a cosmetic or plastic surgeon that performs only a handful of liposuction procedures?
Through experience and the best available technology, Dr. Kaplan is confident that you will see the best possible results.
Areas Treated
Male chest
Upper and lower belly (tummy)
Love handles / flanks
Inner thighs or outer thighs
Upper arms
Can be combined with fat transfer to the buttocks (brazilian butt lift), face, or breasts
Liposculpture Pricing
When comparing liposuction prices, you will find some that are higher and some that are lower. Liposculpture is an art form as well as a medical procedure, so when seeking the lowest price, you may not find the same quality that Dr. Kaplan provides. Dr. Kaplan spends extra time to sculpt the shape you are looking for and is dedicated to patient satisfaction. Financing is available through Carecredit and there are additional options if Carecredit does not approve (call for details). 0% FINANCING Available. Paired areas, such as arms, love handles, etc. are considered as 1 area rather than 2. Full abdomen is 2 areas, upper and lower. Number of Areas:
Per Area Price$2,990.00
Total Price$2,990.00
Per Area Price$1,995.00
Total Price$3,990.00
Per Area Price$1,630.00
Total Price$4,890.00
Per Area Price$1,437.00
Total Price$5,750.00
Iv Sedation
Tickle Lipo & Smartlipo are well-performed under local anesthesia alone. However, occasional patients simply prefer to be asleep during the procedure with the use of IV sedation. Celebrity Laser Spa & Surgery Center is an accredited ambulatory surgery center so IV sedation is available for those who wish to receive it. There is an additional cost due to the involvement of an anesthesiologist. If you feel strongly that you prefer IV sedation, please inform Dr. Kaplan during your consultation so that he can go over this topic with you. Additional benefits:
Patients who receive liposuction at CLS also qualify for "friends and family" discount for 1 year after the procedure on all CLS services (inquire for details)
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
With age, weight gain and weight loss, or pregnancy, the abdomen and can get stretched out and hang over the waistliney.
There may be stretch marks and skin wrinkling as well.
The tummy tuck procedure addresses this problem with liposuction of the upper and lower belly, followed by excision of the unwanted loose skin.
The remaining skin is then brought together at the bikini line. If the amount of skin that needs to be removed is extensive, then the belly button needs to also be repositioned. If not, then this is a "mini-tuck" and often can be accomplished with a shorter incision.
The tummy tuck procedure accomplishes what liposuction alone cannot.
Although modest skin tightening may be achieved with TICKLE LIPO AND/OR SMARTLIPO alone, more severe cases require the loose skin to be removed to achieve a good cosmetic result.
The Process
During your free consultation, Dr. Alex Kaplan will evaluate your cosmetic goals and make a treatment recommendation.
Other treatment options include SMARTLIPO & TICKLE LIPO alone, LIPOSONIX, and ACCENT SKIN TIGHTENING. Patients with severe obesity are not good candidates for body contouring procedures and must first achieve WEIGHT LOSS before such procedures can be considered. Hernias of the abdominal wall are also not able to be repaired during the tummy tuck procedure at Celebrity Laser Spa.
During the pre-operative screening, a full medical history and physical are performed.
Additional testing, such as EKG and blood work are usually recommended as well.
The procedure itself is performed under a combination of sedation or general anesthesia and local anesthetic.
The main mechanism of pain control and comfort after the operation is the local anesthetic, just as with liposuction, which provides pain relief for a number of hours after the end of surgery. 1 or 2 drains are placed which are removed usually at 3-7 days, when drainage is minimal. All stitches are internally dissolving. Steri-strips and absorbent pads are placed on the outside.
Unlike with liposuction, a significantly longer downtime is to be expected with a tummy tuck.
Healing of the incision is very important, so return to work and exercise must be gradual. Silicone strips are recommended for use after 2 weeks to help minimize the appearance of scars.
0% FINANCING Available.
Tummy Tuck procedure
includes liposuction of flanks and abdomen and all follow up appointments.
IV Sedation during procedure by MD anesthesiologist$1,100.00
Fat Transfer
Fat transfer is a technique rapidly growing in popularity for adding roundness to buttocks, hips, breasts or for facial volumizing. The ability to use one's own fat rather than synthetic implants or temporary fillers is very appealing to many people and is available at Celebrity Laser Spa. This procedure can be a stand-alone procedure or an add-on service to liposuction with TICKLE LIPO. Fat that is removed from the hips and belly is then injected into the desired areas during the same visit.
How Fat Harvesting Works
Unwanted fat is removed and collected from such areas as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.
Your fat is processed to remove any contaminants.
Micro-droplets of your purified fat are precisely delivered to your chosen body areas.
Areas Treated
Buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift)
Face (to correct volume loss from aging)
Correction of mild body asymmetries
Fat Transfer Pricing
As add-on to Tickle Lipo
includes platelet rich plasma.
If stand-alone procedure for facial fat transfer
includes platelet rich plasma.
Have you struggled with cellulite?
Cellulite isn't a problem of too much fat, it's a structural problem of the skin and underlying tissues. That's why creams, massage, diet and exercise do not lead to any lasting improvement in cellulite. Only Cellulaze by Cynosure attacks the core problem in cellulite: weakened skin and small pockets of fat, along with tight ligaments that cause dimpling. Cellulaze tightens and thickens the skin, releases bonds that cause dimpling and gives you an overall smoother appearance in just one treatment.
Cellulaze has been proven to provide lasting results.
Patience is required, as 6 months are needed for the full effect of the treatment to be apparent. Typically a 50-90% overall improvement is seen with one treatment.
Small (up to 250 sq cm (38 sq"))
Medium (251-375 sq. cm (58 sq"))
Medium-Large (375-500 sq. cm (77 sq"))
Large (500-750 sq. cm (115 sq"))
X-Large (750-1000 sq. cm (154 sq"))
Precisiontx Neck Lift
PrecisionTx is a one-time one-hour minimally invasive procedure to tighten the skin of the neck.
Until now, the only way to tighten neck skin was with invasive neck lift surgery or with non-invasive energy or laser treatments. Invasive procedures have more downtime and leave scars on the skin. Non-invasive procedures, although safe, produce much less of a result and are less satisfying. PrecisionTx produces results in the neck on the level of surgery without the long scars or downtime.
PrecisionTx uses a fine laser fiber to melt the fat and tighten the skin of the neck.
Pain is controlled through local anesthesia - sedation is not needed for the vast majority of patients. The procedure itself takes about an hour. Afterwards, special dressings are worn on the neck for about 6 days, along with a compression garment at night.
After the procedure, there is usually mild drainage onto dressings.
Pain is mild and controllable with prescription pain medicine. Tapes placed after the procedure must be left on for 6 days for optimal results. Skin tightening is seen right away but also increases over several months.
For neck
can be treated as an "area" as part of SMARTLIPO/TICKLE LIPO.
Liposonix is a new FDA-approved completely non-invasive treatment for fat reduction. Liposonix uses high-intensity focused ultrasound to remove fat.
Liposonix Is
A single one hour treatment
A treatment without needles or incisions
A single treatment that typically leads to a reduction in 1 inch waist circumference or 1 dress size
A perfect procedure for people close to their ideal body weight but who have that last stubborn inch or two
Not a substitute for surgery or liposuction when large quantities of fat are to be removed.
How Liposonix Works
How Liposonix Works
Liposonix uses ultrasound waves that are focused to a point below the skin. The focused beam heats up the fat to 56 degrees Celsius, thus destroying it. Over 8-12 weeks, the destroyed fat is eliminated from the body through the lymphatics and the liver.
Liposonix Pricing
Please note - these prices are based on typical size/shape of the above areas. Additional charges may apply for larger than average individuals and will be clarified during the free consultation.
Love Handles
Lower Abdomen
Upper Abdomen
Male Chest
Inner Thighs
Outer Thighs
Upper Arms
Coolsculpting reduces fat in the belly and loves handles in a single comfortable treatment. Patients can typically expect about a 25% reduction in fat thickness in these areas. Coolsculpting uses the concept that fat cells are more susceptible to cold temperature than other cells, such as skin, muscle and nerve tissue. The fat cells thus preferentially die off after a Coolsculpting treatment.
Results start to be visible by as little as 3 weeks
Most patients can expect a 20-25% reduction in fat thickness
The fat cells are killed off and will not return
Results will be maintained as long as the patient maintains a stable weight and a healthy diet and exercise program
Can be repeated if sufficient fat remains after one treatment
Who Is A Good Candidate For Coolsculpting?
If you can grab a handful of fat then it can fit in the Coolsculpting suction cup
If your fat is internal (cannot be grabbed and is under the muscle layer) then only weight loss will improve it
Patients with fat localized in a "stubborn area" rather than diffuse across a wide area
Those with good skin that is not loose and will retract well after Coolsculpting treatments
What Are Alternative Treatments To Coolsculpting?
Diet and exercise - weight loss
another non-invasive body contouring technology in use at Celebrity Laser Spa. This can treat areas that do not grab as easily, as long as they are at least 1 inch thick.
Smartlipo & Tickle Lipo
this revolutionary procedure can treat both large and small deposits of fat on most areas of the body.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
when excess loose skin is present on the belly, the only answer may be an abdominoplasty. This procedure requires general anesthesia and involves a bikini-line incision.
1 regular area (abdomen)
2 small areas (love handles)
Breast Augmentation
Fat Transfer To Breasts
FAT TRANSFER for natural augmentation of the buttocks has been successfully performed at Celebrity Laser Spa since 2011. Fat removed during liposuction, rather than being discarded, is used to make buttocks bigger. Breast fat transfer conceptually makes more sense than than other form of fat transfer since breast augmentation with implants is already so common. However, Dr. Kaplan delayed starting this procedure until there was more experience with fat transfer to other areas.
Breast Augmentation with Implants
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Alex Kaplan utilizes modern technology and the latest surgical techniques to provide a natural looking result with fewer complications. Schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Kaplan to see if breast augmentation is right for you.
How does the procedure work?
During the consultation with Dr. Kaplan, your desired results and treatment options will be discussed. If you are a good candidate for the breast augmentation procedure, the planned size of the implants, placement and type of implant to be used will be decided. Since anesthesia is used during the procedure, a preoperative health screening with blood tests will also be required before scheduling the surgery. During the procedure, once anesthesia has taken effect, an incision is made behind each breast to create a "pocket" a space within your breast tissues for each breast implant. The breast implants will then be placed in the pockets and positioned for optimal appearance and symmetry. The Keller Funnel is used to make insertion of silicone breast implants safe and easy (see KELLER FUNNEL POST). After comparing both breasts to ensure proper implant placement, the incisions are closed with sutures and skin tapes. At this time Dr.Kaplan does not perform breast reconstruction surgery or breast lifts. During the consultation with Dr. Kaplan, your desired results and treatment options will be discussed. If you are a good candidate for the breast augmentation procedure, the planned size of the implants, placement and type of implant to be used will be decided. Since anesthesia is used during the procedure, a preoperative health screening with blood tests will also be required before scheduling the surgery. During the procedure, once anesthesia has taken effect, an incision is made behind each breast to create a "pocket" a space within your breast tissues for each breast implant. The breast implants will then be placed in the pockets and positioned for optimal appearance and symmetry. The Keller Funnel is used to make insertion of silicone breast implants safe and easy (see KELLER FUNNEL POST). After comparing both breasts to ensure proper implant placement, the incisions are closed with sutures and skin tapes. At this time Dr.Kaplan does not perform breast reconstruction surgery or breast lifts.
Saline or silicone implants?
Silicone implants have a more natural texture and feel which is more appreciable if the implant is placed above the muscle. Under the muscle, it is less important. The incisions have to be somewhat longer to fit the silicone implant and price is somewhat higher also.
What incisions are used?
Breast implants can be placed under the muscle or under the breast tissue. Small breasted women generally have implants placed under the muscle for a more natural result. There is also theoretically a lower risk of capsular contracture under the muscle. With placement under the breast tissue, there is often better projection of the implant into the lower pole of the breast.
Where is the surgery performed?
All breast augmentation procedures are performed by Dr. Kaplan at his comfortable, on-site, accredited surgery center.
How long does the procedure take?
Cases may differ, but an average breast augmentation surgery lasts one to two hours.
What type of anesthesia will be used?
General anesthesia or IV sedation is used. You can make a decision after discussing your options with Dr. Kaplan and the anesthesiologist on the day of the procedure.
What is an alternative to breast implants?
Another option for breast augmentation available at Celebrity Laser Spa & Surgery Center is breast FAT TRANSFER TO THE BREASTS.
Includes anesthesia, surgery center, pre-op and post-op appointments with Dr. Kaplan.
Saline Implant Procedure
Silicone Implant Procedure
Cosmetic Laser Treatments
Rapid Laser Tattoo Removal
Dr. Alex Kaplan began a medical practice dedicated to tattoo removal in 2005 as the "Tattoo MD." Experience, advanced technology and knowledgeable staff have made Celebrity Laser Spa & Surgery Center (CLS) one of the most popular destinations in the world for laser tattoo removal. CLS is the first practice in Southern California, and currently the only in west Los Angeles, to offer rapid laser tattoo removal with the revolutionary Picosure Laser. Picosure is the first major technologic advance in laser tattoo removal in 20 years, and here is why:
Much faster laser pulse vs. previous Q-switched lasers
Much more thorough ink particle destruction
Much faster removal of most tattoo inks
Much more effective for blues and greens
Will usually clear even resistant tattoos that have stopped fading in response to other lasers
How Laser Tattoo Removal Works
Laser Tattoo removal works by causing the ink in the skin to "fracture."
These smaller ink particles are then removed by the body's immune system. The tattoo is faded gradually with each treatment. The tattoo pigment destruction is much more complete with Picosure than with standard YAG tattoo removal lasers.
Photo is of a Picosure vs. Medlite study patient showing differences between the two lasers after 4 treatments (sides as marked).
Please note that although ink remains on the Picosure side, it is only present in the heaviest linework, which requires more laser treatments than other parts of tattoos.
Nd:Yag (medlite) Tattoo Removal
Although Picosure is the best option for most tattoo removals, CLS also offers conventional (YAG) laser tattoo removal. YAG laser tattoo removal may be utilized over Picosure removal for several reasons:
Red ink
better removed with YAG.
Darkly pigmented skin
more lightening is expected with Picosure than with YAG for black tattoos.
Picosure is priced higher than Medlite.
Laser Tattoo Removal Pricing
0% Financing Available.
1 Treatment(Per Sq. In, $75 minimum)$39.00
6th Inch & Up(Per Sq. In.)$19.00
$300 minimum will cover a tattoo about the size of 4 regular postage stamps.
1 Treatment(Per Sq. In., $300 minimum)$79.00
6th inch & Up(Per Sq. In.)$39.00
Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoos
(per treatment for both)$125.00
Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoos
(per treatment for upper and lower)$350.00
(for uppers or lower)$299.00
5-10 Medlite Treatments
15% OFF, 10 or More Medlite Treatment Package Discount - 20% OFF.
3-5 Picosure Treatment Package discount
15% OFF, 6 or more - 20% OFF.
Large tattoos (20 square inches or more)
custom pricing, please call.
Laser Hair Removal
Safer and Faster Laser Hair Removal at CLS
Laser hair removal is a very popular way for men and women to permanently reduce unwanted hair on any part of the body. Diode lasers, used by most medical spas, provide effective hair reduction in the broadest range of skin and hair colors. CLS distinguishes itself by being one of the only Los Angeles providers of the newest laser hair removal technology the VECTUS. The VECTUS diode laser is the latest advancement in laser hair removal. It is superior over all other diode lasers because of several important features:
Melanin reader
a "Skintel electronic melanin meter" helps to automatically calculate treatment settings for maximum safety and effectiveness (on other diode lasers, settings are manually entered by the provider).
Large spot size and rapid firing
Most large areas, like the back and legs, can be treated in just 30 minutes or less (on other diode lasers, such large area can take 1-2 hours).
Contact cooling
the large sapphire crystal is powerfully chilled to make treatment more comfortable than other diode lasers.
Understanding Hair Growth
Understanding Hair Growth
Laser hair removal requires a series of treatments (usually 6). The reason for this is that most of our hair follicles at any point in time are dormant and not producing hair, except during the active growth phase. The dormant follicles are not affected by laser light. When those hair follicles come out of dormancy into active growth, they can be damaged by the laser light. After several treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart, most follicles can be treated. Typically 80-90% long-term hair reduction can be achieved in good candidates for laser hair removal.
Pricing For Vectus Laser Hair Removal
New Lower Prices! call for details, prices subject to change. Ask about our current specials! 0% Financing.
Men's Full Body
Men's full body package: full back, chest and abdomen, arms, shoulders, neck (front and back).
Single Treatment$893.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$4,463.00
Women's Full Body
Women's full body package: full legs, bikini, chin and lip, arms, under arms.
Single Treatment$823.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$4,113.00
Lips (upper or lower)
Single Treatment$75.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$373.00
Lower lip + chin
Single Treatment$100.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$498.00
Upper + Lower lip + chin
Single Treatment$150.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$747.00
Full Face
Single Treatment$225.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$1,121.00
Neck (front or back)
Single Treatment$125.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$623.00
Center Brow
Single Treatment$50.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$249.00
Sideburns (both)
Single Treatment$100.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$498.00
Underarms (both)
Single Treatment$125.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$623.00
Chest (full)
Single Treatment$200.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$996.00
Chest + Abdomen
Single Treatment$300.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$1,494.00
Single Treatment$125.00–$200.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$622.00–$996.00
Abdomen (full)
Single Treatment$200.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$996.00
Full Legs (both)
Single Treatment$350.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$1,750.00
Lower Legs (Incl. Knee)
Single Treatment$250.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$1,250.00
Thighs (Not Inc. Knee)
Single Treatment$250.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$1,250.00
Feet + toes (both)
Single Treatment$100.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$498.00
Hands + Fingers
Single Treatment$125.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$623.00
Forearms (both)
Single Treatment$200.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$996.00
Full arms (both)
Single Treatment$300.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$1,494.00
Single Treatment$75.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$374.00
Full back
Single Treatment$325.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$1,619.00
Shoulders + Upper back
Single Treatment$200.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$996.00
Lower back
Single Treatment$165.00
Prepay Package of 6 treatments - SAVE 17%$822.00
IPL Photofacials
Exposure to damaging ultraviolet light ages our skin. The face, neck, shoulders, and hands take the greatest dose and develop sun spots, redness, broken capillaries and other color changes. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial is a procedure that targets these abnormal pigments to restore the more uniform color found in youthful skin. IPL works by sending pulses of very intense light that are absorbed in higher amounts by darker pigments. Normal skin is unaffected, while sunspots shrivel and fall off!. This non-invasive procedure is virtually painless but very safe and effective in the right candidate. Although the face is the most popular location to get treatment, any area that concerns you for sun damage can be treated. IPL is also helpful for redness associated with skin conditions such as rosacea.
Palomar Starlux IPL
At Celebrity Laser Spa, we use the Palomar Starlux 500, an industry-standard among IPL devices. Its different handpieces, including the Lux R, Lux Y and Lux G treat different conditions and skin types. Contact cooling through the handpiece increases patient comfort. Compared to its predecessor, the Starlux 300, the 500 has greater power and increased contact cooling. The Starlux is also the machine that we use for LASER HAIR REMOVAL.
Pricing Information
Face (includes neck)
Single Treatment$275.00
Prepay Package of 3 Treatments(save $125.00)$700.00
Single Treatment$150.00
Prepay Package of 3 Treatments(save $75.00)$375.00
Upper chest/decolettage
Single Treatment$275.00
Prepay Package of 3 Treatments(save $125.00)$700.00
Single Treatment$450.00
Prepay Package of 3 Treatments(save $175.00)$1,175.00
Nose (spider veins/redness)
Single Treatment$125.00
Prepay Package of 3 Treatments(save $50.00)$325.00
Fraxel & Fractional Co2
Fraxel Re:store And Smartxide Dot Fractional Co2
Fractional laser resurfacing is the most advanced way to improve aging, wrinkles, sun damage, acne scarring, and other skin texture problems. At Celebrity Laser Spa, there are two kinds of fractional laser treatments that are offered, Fraxel and Smartxide DOT. Fraxel Re:store uses erbium laser and has less downtime, and DOT uses CO2 laser for more powerful resurfacing.
How Fractional Lasers Work
Older lasers for rejuvenation were not fractional. They would treat a wide area of skin at the same time. This limited both the depth and the intensity of the treatment that could be given. With fractional treatment, only a set percentage of the skin surface is treated during each session. Thus, healing is quick and not prone to scarring or loss of normal skin color. With Fraxel, new collagen is formed in the treated areas as the skin remodels. In DOT CO2 treatment, skin is vaporized within the fractional columns, causing immediate tightening of wrinkled skin.
Stem Cell Treatment After Fractional Laser
Stem cells carry powerful growth factors and are highly stimulating to regeneration and healing. In conjunction with the DNA Skin Institute, stem cell therapy is now available as an add-on to Fraxel, Fractional CO2 and Dermapen treatments. 5 days after your procedure, the stem cell solution is applied.
Conditions Treated
Acne scarring
Sun spots
Discoloration and melasma
Stretch marks
General anti-aging rejuvenation
Can be combined with accent radiofrequency skin tightening for loose skin or cellulite
Fraxel Pricing Information
Fractional CO2 for Face
Single Treatment$1,499.00
Fractional CO2 for Face & Neck
Single Treatment$2,249.00
Fractional CO2 for Face, Neck & Chest
Single Treatment$2,749.00
Fraxel Face
3 Tx Package - save 15%; 5 Tx Package - save 25%.
Single Treatment$499.00
Fraxel Neck
3 Tx Package - save 15%; 5 Tx Package - save 25%.
Single Treatment$399.00
Fraxel Upper chest
3 Tx Package - save 15%; 5 Tx Package - save 25%.
Single Treatment$499.00
Fraxel Face and Neck
3 Tx Package - save 15%; 5 Tx Package - save 25%.
Single Treatment$699.00
Scars, Other Areas (small scars)
3 Tx Package - save 10%; 5 Tx Package - save 12%.
Stem Cell Add-On
Single Treatment$99.00
3 Tx Package(/tx as package)$75.00
5 Tx Package(/tx as package)$75.00
Accent Skin Tightening
Skin Tightening with Alma Accent
Most of us have "problem areas" on our bodies where we would like to have firmer and tighter skin. Cellulite is a related issue that is usually difficult to improve with diet and exercise alone. The Accent Radiofrequency Thermotherapy is a revolutionary treatment for skin tightening. Accent treatments are non-invasive and require no anesthesia or downtime. Accent Dual-layer RF Thermotherapy treatments treats loose, wrinkled skin and cellulite anywhere on the body. The treatment is often used for firming thin, loose and crepe-like skin often found on the arms. abdomen and thighs.
How The Accent Dual-layer Rf Thermotherapy Works
Accent Vs. Thermage
Accent is a new alternative in skin treatment based upon Dual-layer RF (radio frequency) Thermotherapy. Unlike Thermage which uses only monopolar radiofrequency, the Accent system uses two types of radiofrequency technology: Unipolar and Bipolar. This unique dual radio frequency combination provides controlled tissue heating to two distinct depths of tissue. Another difference is price. Thermage treatments are usually much more expensive because of the high cost to the provider of parts that must be disposed of after each treatment. Accent treatments involve no disposable parts, thus the lower price that can be offered to the patient.
The Process
Accent treatment provides gentle and thorough heating deep into the skin. Circular motions of the treatment handpiece and non-invasive temperature monitoring ensure that heating is uniform. As the dermis increases in temperature, a natural reaction occurs that promotes the creation of new collagen. The result: a return to the smooth, shapely and elastic skin.
Pricing Information
package of 6 or more treatments is recommended.
Upper Arms
Package of 6 Tx
15% off.
Package of 11 or more Tx
20% off.
Melasma & Rejuvenation
Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Laser skin rejuvenation is the perfect treatment for those looking for a safe, quick procedure to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin.
This procedure is a top choice of celebrities, as well as the working population, who cannot afford time away from work to recover from more intense procedures.
This procedure offers long-lasting results for those wishing to reduce wrinkles, lighten melasma and improve acne scarring and improve the long-term health of their skin. Repeat treatments at intervals are also an ideal way to maintain your skin's youthful vitality.
At CLS we have 2 options for laser rejuvenation: Picosure Focus and MedLite® C6, a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser.
These laser works by stimulating collagen production without destroying the overlying skin cells. As new collagen is formed with each treatment, lines and wrinkles become smoother. Melasma pigments are also disrupted, similar to the action against tattoo pigments. The Picosure Focus works much faster and with more dramatic results but is recommended for lighter skin types (i.e. Caucasian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, light-skinned Hispanic, Arabic, etc.)
Laser rejuvenation is "non-ablative."
This means that it is both safe and their is no downtime. Unlike ablative laser treatments, such as CO2 laser, that work by destroying skin cells, these laser work through a "photo-acoustic" effect that increases patient safety.
Laser skin rejuvenation at Celebrity Laser Spa can
Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
Reduce melasma
Reduce/improve acne scars
Shrink pores
Pricing Information
Picosure Focus for Face
1 treatment$350.00
Package of 3(save 15%)$899.00
Picosure Focus for Full Arms or Legs
1 treatment$575.00
Package of 3(save 15%)$1,499.00
Medlite for Face
1 treatment$125.00
Package of 6 or more Medlite(save $100.00)$650.00
Skin Spot Removal
A pigmented lesion is a skin spot that contains an abnormal concentration of the skin pigment, melanin.
Some lesions can be present at birth and others result from over-exposure to sunlight's damaging ultraviolet radiation. These spots can be unnoticeable but may make one feel that they detract from one's natural beauty, especially if they are large or present on the face.
CLS uses multiple modalities to treat abnormal skin pigmentation and pigmented lesions.
The Medlite C6 Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is one of the most technologically advanced lasers for removing pigmented lesions. It emits laser light that is absorbed by the melanin in the pigmented lesion, causing it to disappear or lighten. For even more effective removal of certain pigmented lesions in light-skinned patients, we now offer the Picosure picosecond laser. We also use the Starlux IPL to treat pigmented lesions, especially sun spots and freckles. The IPL can treat large areas at a time, virtually painlessly.
For lesions that are primarily red or made of capillaries, such as angiomas or port wine stains, the PULSED DYE LASER at CLS is the treatment of choice.
Moles are not removed by the laser or IPL.
They are too thick for effective laser treatment and should be treated by surgical excision. Gradual lightening of the pigmented lesion occurs over the next 4-6 weeks. Pigmented lesions are sometimes removed in only one or two treatments. Some deeper lesions will require more treatments. Some birthmarks may return after a period of several months to a year.
If treating large areas for sun damage, such as the face, neck, chest, etc., it is advantageous to have the treatment done as a photofacial.
This is a rejuvenating and clarifying treatment with the IPL that also addresses sun spots.
Pricing Information
Pricing for individual spot treatment:
Nd:YAG or IPL(per tx if 2 or less)$98.00
Picosure(per tx if 2 or less)$198.00
Spot treatments
Nd:YAG or IPL(for 1st spot, $10.00 each additional)$49.00
Picosure(for 1st spot, $20.00 each additional)$98.00
Pulsed Dye Laser
The pulsed dye laser (PDL) is the most effective treatment for various skin disorders characterized by red discoloration.
These include rosacea, broken capillaries, port wine stains, inflamed acne and red scars. The pulsed dye laser produces yellow light that preferentially affects such red-colored abnormalities in the skin while leaving the surrounding skin relatively less affected. The Celebrity Laser Spa uses the V-Star Pulsed Dye Laser. Each treatment takes only a few minutes. Topical numbing cream and a cold air device (the Zimmer) is used to keep discomfort minimal. Most patients need 1-3 treatments but more severe cases may require more. There is always a chance of incomplete resolution and recurrence.
Temporary bruising is the most common side effect of V-Star PDL treatment.
It is most pronounced in the first few days and generally clears in 3-10 days. There is also a chance of hyperpigmentation, which is darkening of the skin but is almost always temporary and can last several months. Sun protection and occasionally bleaching cream can help prevent and treat hyperpigmentation. More rarely, hypopigmentation, or lightening of the skin, or scarring can also occur and can be permanent. Fortunately, these are very uncommon.
Aftercare consists of applying aquaphor or Intensive Repair for several days until the skin has returned to normal.
If any crusting develops it should be left to fall off on its own without picking. Results of treatment will be apparent once the skin is fully healed.
Pricing Information
Pricing for Pulsed Dye Laser Treatment is the same as for sclerotherapy:
For 15 minute or less
For up to 30 minutes
Skin Tag Removal
Hyfrecator For Skin Tags, Warts, And Other Benign Lesions
Skin lesions, such as warts and skin tags, may not be a threat to health but can be annoying because of their location or appearance. There are many methods for removal of such lesions, including cryotherapy (freezing), simple excision, ablative laser, and hyfrecation (electrodessication). The Conmed 2000 Hyfrecator in use at Celebrity Laser Spa is an ideal method for removing skin tags and similar benign lumps. The hyfrecator works by using electricity to quickly dehydrate the lesion, causing it to fall off within a few days. For small lesions, no anesthsia or only topical numbing cream is adequate.
Conmed Hyfrecator 2000
Lesions Treated At Cls By Hyfrecation
Skin tags
Molluscum contagiosum
Pyogenic granuloma
Telangiectasia (the smallest spider veins)
Pricing Information
1st lesion
Each additional
Up to 15 minutes
if over 5 lesions.
Up to 30 minutes
Botox & Dysport
Dysport & Xeomin
Dysport is a botulinum toxin very similar to Botox and is now approved in the United States. Recommended sites of injection for Dysport are not substantially different from Botox but the price of Dysport is one-third of Botox. Xeomin is also a botulinum toxin made in a more purified manner than the others and shown to be equally effective to Botox.
Why Use Dysport or Xemin?
Since these botulinum toxins are similar but not exactly the same, differences in effect within individual patients are possible. In the end, individuals may have a preference for one brand over the other. At Celebrity Laser Spa, we seek to provide a range of choices for our patients.
Botulinum Toxin For Excessive Sweating
Did you know that excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) has a very effective treatment in the form of botulinum toxin? Some individuals are so burdened by this problem, that social gatherings and business meetings are embarrassing or uncomfortable. You can get months of decreased or normalized sweat production in treated areas. At CLS, we provide Xeomin for excessive sweating for underams, hands, and feet. If you are looking for a permanent solution, then please see the PRECISION TX TREATMENT FOR HYPERHIDROSIS. Treatment starts to take effect at 3 days and is maximal at a week. Typically, 100 units are used to cover both underarms. When purchasing 100 units for this purpose, special pricing of $8.50 per unit applies.
BOTOX (botulinum toxin A) is one of the safest and most popular cosmetic medical procedures in the world. With millions of injections, the predictable results and safety in treating facial wrinkles have won it legions of devotees. In the small doses used in cosmetic treatment, wrinkles are safely minimized for an average of 3 months. The most popular and beneficial areas of injection are in the upper face. At CLS, we offer Botox for wrinkle treatment or prevention for the following areas:
Eyebrow frown lines
Crow's feet around the eyes
Upper nose wrinkles
Wrinkles about the chin or at the edge of the jaw
Forehead wrinkles
Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
BOTOX starts to take effect after 3 or so days and results last an average of 3 months. That means that some individuals will have experience longer effects and some will have shorter. Not all wrinkles can be completely smoothed away with BOTOX and the experts at CLS will help you determine the treatment plan designed for your best outcome.
Botox, Dysport And Xeomin Pricing Information
When shopping around for cosmetic surgery procedures, we understand that the lowest price is often tempting. At Celebrity Laser Spa, however, we don't need to compete on price. We distinguish ourselves from other medical spas based on our excellent reputation and overall service experience that we provide. That being said, you will find that our prices are similar to others in our area and very fair.
Botox (Per Unit)
Dysport (Per Unit)
used in 3:1 ratio compared to Botox.
Xeomin (Per Unit)
used in 1:1 ratio compared to Botox.
Xeomin for Sweating (Per 100 unit vial)
Injectable Fillers
"Dermal fillers" are injectable substances that are the most popular and reliable ways to reduce facial wrinkles and increase lip and facial fullness.
Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane are the most versatile and can be used for lips, wrinkles, and facial rejuvenation. They are made from hyaluronic acid, which is a substance naturally found in the skin. Radiesse is another filler that can be used to smooth wrinkles and fill in deeper areas for augmentation. Juvederm and the hyaluronic acids tend to last 6-12 months, while Radiesse typically lasts longer, 1-2 years.At Celebrity Laser Spa, we use only authentic FDA-approved fillers made by Allergan, Medicis and Merz Aesthetics.
Anesthetic is applied as a topical numbing cream and/or injected into the nerves that give sensation to the area being treated (nerve block), similar to getting a shot at the dentist.
Another alternative is Juvederm Ultra XC or Restylane-L which contain lidocaine anesthetic as part of the filling material, greatly improving comfort for minimal additional cost.
To minimize the risk of bruising, patients should not be on aspirin or other blood thinners prior to treatment.
After treatment, there may be some bruising and swelling that lasts a few days, but often less.
Our aim is to meet your esthetic goals in lip augmentation or wrinkle correction, but to do so in a subtle and not overdone way.
Your satisfaction is our priority. We urge you to come in for a free, no-obligation consultation to see if hyaluronic acid fillers are right for you.
Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used for
Lip plumping
thin or aged lips can be filled for extra volume, poutiness or definition.
Long-lasting mid-face filling with Juvederm Voluma
this filler received FDA approval October, 2013 and is indicated for midface filling/lifting. It lasts up to an astounding 2 years according to the FDA study.
Injectable Fillers Treatments
Juvederm Treatment
Juvederm Voluma promises something new in the world of fillers. It is a long-lasting filler with studies showing that it lasts up to 2 years. It is also a hyaluronic acid gel, which means that results are apparent immediately and that the substance is very smooth with minimal risk of nodule formation. Since it is made from hyaluronic acid, it can be removed with an injection of hyaluronidase enzyme. This is a unique advantage of hyaluronic acid fillers. Juvederm Voluma is primarily used for lifting and restoration of lost volume in the midface, although it can technically be used anywhere Juvederm is. Larger amounts are typically used, compared to filling of the nasolabial folds or when plumping the lips.
Radiesse Treatment
Radiesse® is another safe and effective injectable filler. It differs from hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Juvederm, in being made from calcium hydroxyapatite gel. This is another natural product but lasts significantly longer (typically over a year). It is used primarily for wrinkle filling and facial augmentation not including the lips. Radiesse is our preferred choice of fillers when trying to increase cheekbone prominence, enlarge the chin, smooth out bridge of the nose irregularities, or to provide very long-lasting wrinkle filling. It can even be used for HAND REJUVENATION. Since Radiesse is a natural product, it is not permanent and is gradually replaced by the body's own collagen. Radiesse is made by Merz Aesthetics (the maker of Belotero) and is FDA-approved; Lasts significantly longer than hyaluronic acid fillers or collagens; Less risky then permanent fillers, such as acrylic beads. Anesthetic is applied as a topical numbing cream and/or injected into the nerves that give sensation to the area being treated (nerve block), similar to getting a shot at the dentist. Lidocaine can also be added directly into the Radiesse syringe to minimize discomfort.
Non-surgical Facelift And Augmentation
The supporting skeletal structure of your face is the most important aspect of your appearance. As the face ages, supporting structures may atrophy, causing a "tired" or "hollowed out" appearance. A long-lasting dermal filler, such as Radiesse or Juvederm Voluma, is a great fix for this problem! Cheekbones can be raised in prominence, a chin or nose that is irregular or not projecting enough can be better-defined with this treatment. If you are contemplating plastic surgery, such as a facelift or facial implants, consider Radiesse or Voluma as less invasive alternatives in mild cases.
Microcannulas For Injection
Microcannulas are a new injection technique for placing filler in deeper areas of the face without the use of needles. Blunt tipped microcannulas, as thin as needles, are used to minimize bruising, decrease discomfort and maintain a greater control over the depth of injection. If indicated, your clinician will inform you if a microcannula should be used.
Injectable Fillers At Celebrity Laser Spa
We urge you to CONTACT US to set up a FREE CONSULTATION to see if dermal fillers are right for you. Your injection will be performed by Jeannine or Heather, our Physician Assistants, or by Dr. Kaplan. At CLS, we customize treatment for each individual patient's specific needs. Frequently, an optimal solution for anti-aging treatment includes a combination of Botox and fillers, as well as possibly LASER RESURFACING. We know that you'll be pleased with your results.
Dermal Fillers Pricing Info
0% Financing Available. Contact us for more information or a FREE consultation. Product:
.3 ml Syringe$300.00
1.5 ml Syringe$599.00
Juvederm Ultra XC
1 ml Syringe$525.00
Juvederm Ultra Plus XC
1 ml Syringe$550.00
Juvederm Voluma
1 ml Syringe$799.00
1 ml Syringe$450.00
1 ml Syringe$550.00
Sculptra is an injectable treatment that offers long-lasting rejuvenation to combat wrinkles, drooping and facial atrophy.
Unlike dermal fillers, such as Restylane and Juvederm, Sculptra is considered a "collagen stimulator". That means that rather than plumping up the skin with an injected gel that goes away over time, Sculptra induces the production of new collagen.
Sculptra is provided with a series of injections, 3 vials on average, over several months.
This allows results to be fine-tuned and for effects to be achieved gradually, without an over-done or operated-on look. Results will last typically for at least 26 months.
Sculptra is most remarkable for rebuilding lost facial volume from the loss of bone and fat that occurs with age.
As you can see from the above before and after photo, the result is natural-appearing and smoother. The patient appears to have a more youthful, oval shape of the face.
Sculptra Pricing Information
0% Financing.
1 vials
2 vials
3 or more
Liquid Facelift
What Is A Liquid Facelift?
In your 30s and 40s, a little Botox or Juvederm may be all you want for subtle effects to blot out a wrinkle here or a fold there. However, as additional aging occurs, especially in one's late 40s or 50s, a more dramatic effect is often needed. The Liquid Facial is one such advanced anti-aging technique. This is a combination of Botox and dermal fillers (Radiesse and Juvederm or Restylane) that is used in large volumes for a "wow!" result. When performing the Liquid Facial, our clinicians employ every bit of their extensive experience and expertise. This is not a procedure that novice injectors can offer, since it requires artistry and a thorough understanding of how fillers and Botox can restore volume and lift to the face. The cause of the appearance of aging in the face is the result of the loss of supporting muscle, bone, and fat. The skin sags and hangs more on the collapsing frame, displaying wrinkles and folds. By targeting these skeletal supporting structures with skill and art, a surprising rejuvenation can occur.
The Liquid Facelift contains enough fillers and Botox to offer you a substantial savings over a la carte pricing. More importantly, a comprehensive technique is used that focuses on overall facial rejuvenation rather than an individual line or wrinkle. The package price for a full-face Liquid Facelift is $2500.
Spider Vein Sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy is a quick and simple procedure to remove unwanted spider veins from legs. Spider veins are tiny red or blue veins that are highly visible and superficial, unlike varicose veins. They have many causes, include genetic and hormonal factors. At Celebrity Laser Spa, we offer sclerotherapy with Asclera (polidocanol), as the gold standard treatment for spider veins.
Sclerotherapy Procedure
Each spider vein in the treatment area is injected with Asclera using a tiny needle. The injection is relatively painless and well-tolerated. During a half hour procedure, a large area can be covered. There may be mild bruising or temporary discoloration afterwards. Bandages are then wrapped on the legs to help compress the sites of injection. Asclera has benefits over traditional hypertonic saline in that it can be used on not just spider veins (which are up to 1 mm) but also on larger reticular veins up to 3 mm in thickness! Asclera is the first drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of spider veins in over 40 years!
After each treatment, many veins will disappear, but some may require additional sessions. Injection can be repeated after one month. Some new spider veins may also appear with time, so you may want an occasional touch-up. Since there are many causes of spider veins, we also recommend asking your doctor to see if you have a treatable medical cause of the problem.
Your New Legs
This simple procedure can make an amazing difference in the appearance of your legs. You will have new confidence to wear shorts or skirts that you previously felt too uncomfortable to wear.
Sclerotherapy Pricing Info
30 minute Treatment
15 minute Treatment
Platelet Rich Plasma
Using one's own blood for healing and rejuvenation is a concept that has grown out of wound healing and orthopedic research. Your blood contains red cells, platelets and plasma. When blood is separated into these components, the part that contains plasma and platelets (Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP) is highly beneficial for turning back the clock of aging. Increased smoothness, elasticity and glow are typical benefits. Unlike filler treatments, the effects of PRP are gradual and develop over several weeks. If lost volume or deep wrinkles in the face are the main concern, then treatments like injectable fillers or Sculptra are recommended. During your free consultation, the clinician will review your medical history and esthetic goals to recommend a custom treatment plan for you. PRP is offered in a variety of ways at Celebrity Laser Spa:
Stand-alone injectable treatment for the face, which is the most popular method in Europe
As an add-on procedure with FILLERS such as Juvederm, Radiesse or SCULPTRA - the most popular method in the US
As an add-on treatment after DERMAPEN treatment
Additional tubes of PRP are discounted if obtained during the same blood draw - please call for details.
Stand-alone facial injection
As add-on to Sculptra or filler
As add-on to Dermapen
Skin Resurfacing
Fraxel & Fractional Co2
Dermapen Microneedling
Dermapen is an FDA-approved electronic device that uses multiple fine needles to vertically pierce the skin. This causes collagen remodeling and enhances skin rejuvenation. Unlike needle rollers, Dermapen uses a precisely-controlled stamping method to reach a set depth in the skin while minimizing excess damage to the epidermis. Celebrity Laser Spa is proud to be one of the first medical spas in Los Angeles to offer this treatment.
Aspects of Dermapen Treatment
Clinical Effects
Skin tightening, lifting, rejuvenating
Acne scar remodeling
Fine wrinkle smoothing
Stretch mark flattening and smoothing
Scar remodeling
Treatment Features
Anti-aging serum is applied during the treatment
Aftercare regimen is prescribed
Sun avoidance and sun protection is a must after treatment
Minimal discomfort with treatment
Dermapen Pricing Information
1 Treatment$499.00
Package of 3 Treatments (15% savings)$1,272.00
Package of 5 Treatments (25% savings)$1,870.00
Small Scars, Other Areas
Package of 3 Treatments - save 10%; Package of 5 Treatments - save 12%.
1 Treatment, From$250.00
Stem Cell Add-On
(per treatment)$99.00
Package of 3 Treatments (15% savings)(per tx as package)$75.00
Package of 5 Treatments (25% savings)(per tx as package)$75.00
Peels & Skin Care
Cosmelan By Mesoestetic
Cosmelan is a superior facial peel that effectively treats melasma, facial darkening and hyperpigmentation. Cosmelan treatment at CLS includes a special depigmentation masque followed by a maintenance treatment at home. It is non-invasive, painless and very safe for all skin types. Cosmelan does not contain TCA and can be given any time of the year. Pigmentation problems can be caused by genetics, sun exposure, hormonal changes from pregnancy ("pregnancy mask") or acne scars. They are difficult to treat with lasers and traditional peels, and until Cosmelan, there was no consistently effecitve treatment for these conditions.
Components of Cosmelan
The Cosmelan Pack
Each Cosmelan treatment pack includes a degreasing solution, the Cosmelan 1 masque (applied at CLS), Cosmelan 2 (at-home maintenance depigmenation treatment), and HydraVital Factor K (a hydrating and moisturizing agent).
Cosmelan Ingredients
Lightening ingredients: Kojic Acid, Azelaic Acid, Arbutin, Phytic Acid, Licorice Extract, Salicylic Acid, Retinol Palmitate; Anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients: Ascorbic Acid, Tocopherol, Bisabolol, Allantoin, Nicotinamide, Aloe Barbadensis,Titanium Dioxide; MD Formula (only available at a medical facility) also contains Hydroquinone, Retinoic Acid.
Your Treatment At Celebrity Laser Spa
Our physician assistant will perform the initial Cosmelan1 masque application. The masque stays on for a number of hours, which varies according to skin type. A complimentary touch up treatment is performed at weeks 2-3. Treatment is continued at home in the following weeks with Cosmelan2. A little redness after treatment is common but is not long-lasting. Mild peeling may also occur but there is typically no downtime from work. An alternative treatment for melasma at Celebrity Laser Spa is LASER SKIN REJUVENATION with the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. This treatment causes gradual dissolution of the melasma pigment over a series of biweekly treatments.
1 Cosmelan Pack (including Application)
Skinmedica Chemical Peels
Level 1 - Illuminize Peel
Cost $100. This is the lightest chemical peel in the SkinMedica line. Appropriate for first-time patients, patients looking for a quick brightening for a special event, or patients looking for a milder superficial treatment to restore brightness and radiance to their skin. Effectively treats mild sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. Benefits include:
Well-tolerated, with no downtime
Increases skin glow and radiance
Tightens skin for a more youthful appearance
Improves skin color, clarity and texture
Little to no visible peeling
Level 2 - Vitalize Peel
Cost $175. This most popular mid-range chemical peel is suitable for all skin types, and it's more aggressive chemicals produce predictable and noticeable improvements after just one treatment. This peel is great for patients looking to improve mild to moderate skin conditions such as sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, acne, acne scarring and melasma. Benefits include:
Well tolerated, with little downtime
Noticeable results after just one peel
Improves acne, hyperpigmentation and melasma
Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles
Skin Care Products
Latisse is a new prescription-only topical medication that has been proven to grow thicker, longer eyelashes.
It is FDA-approved for this purpose. Previously, alternatives included fake lashes or extensions. With Latisse, you can have your own lashes but longer and thicker for roughly the same cost as good extensions.
Latisse is a clear gel that is applied to the eyelid.
After 2-3 weeks, a change in the eyelashes becomes noticeable. As you continue to use it, the eyelashes grow longer and thicker.
At Celebrity Laser Spa, Latisse is available after a brief consultation. We use only authentic Latisse made by Allergan.
3 ml size (regular)$89.00
5 ml size (large)$149.00
A brief walk-in consultation is needed before Latisse can be prescribed and dispensed for the first time.
Please call before coming to ensure that you will be able to be seen when you arrive. Also, please note that clinicians are available Tuesdays-Saturdays.
Le Mieux
Le Mieux Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) is widely recognized by both medical and aesthetic professionals today
Phyto-Nutrient Cleansing Gel
Exfoliating Cleansing Gel
Phyto-Marine Cleansing Lotion
TGF-B Booster
Essence Moisturizer
Bio Cell Rejuvenating Cream
Iso-Cell Recovery Solution
O2 Calming Gel
Vita-C Clear Skin Pad
Bio Cell+Mask (4pc set)
TGF B eye Firming Mask (4pc set)
Psp- skin nourishing technology, clinically demonstrated to help diminish the appearance of skin aging!
Discovered through years of research
in wound healing, PSP®, which stands for 'Processed Skin Cell Proteins', is a patented cosmetic ingredient developed by leading Swiss researchers and available exclusively in NEOCUTIS skincare products.
PSP® is the newest generation of an optimal, naturally balanced blend of skin nourishing proteins and polypeptides.
PSP® harnesses the power of human growth factors and cytokines, to help deliver state-of-the-art skin revitalization.
Skin Bleaching
Improvement in overall skin condition
Improved evenness of skin tone
Reduced appearance of skin discolorations
79% reported improvement in the evenness of skin tone after 12 weeks
95% reported improvement in overall skin condition after 12 weeks
A custom formulation of skin lightener and exfoliant
Doesn't contain hydroquinone
Helps with abnormally pigmented skin and melasma
4% Hydroquinone with or Without Retinoic Acid and Beclomethasone
Time-tested formula for reducing melasma, pigmented lesions and hyperpigmentation
Custom-formulated for Celebrity Laser spa
Acne Products
Retin A 1% (1 Oz)
Availabe at CLS by prescription only
Treats and prevents acne
Proven track-record in multiple studies
Clindamycin Topical Solution (2 Oz)
Availabe at CLS by prescription only
Treats and prevents acne
Powerful antibiotic that destroys the bacteria that cause acne inflammation
Sun Protection & Treatment Aftercare Products
Liquid silicone and silicone patch scar treatment and prevention
Great for preventing hypertrophic scars after cosmetic surgery
Treats keloids and prevents adverse scarring in lacerations and burns
Intensive Repair Ointment
Highly recommended to speed healing after laser tattoo removal
Immediate soothing effect
Solar Protection Formula Spf 58
This super-strength sunblock contains both titanium and zinc oxides in micronized form as well as vitamins E and A and antioxidants.
It is excellent for those with sensitive skin, dries clear on most skin tones, and is water and sweat resistant, making it ideal for all outdoor activities.
We recommend using Solar Protection Formula SPF 58 to help prevent hyperpigmentation after laser procedures and chemical peels.
Tizo3 Spf 40
This super-strength sunblock contains both titanium and zinc oxides in micronized form as well as vitamins E and A and antioxidants. Comes in a smooth matte finish.
TIZO3 offers unparalleled aesthetic elegance while providing superb photoprotective performance.
TIZO3 is specially formulated without "chemical sunscreen" filters to offer UVA/UVB light protection.