Initial Chiropractic Treatment Consultation Without X Rays
1 Hour Appointment: Diagnose and treat musculoskeletal system problems, Identify and treat chronic back and neck pain, Spine realignment and adjustment, Spinal decompression, Laser soft tissue therapy, Therapeutic body massage, Chiropractic exam and adjustment.
Follow Up Chiropractic Treatment Visit Without X Rays
1 Hour Appointment: Diagnose and treat musculoskeletal system problems, Identify and treat chronic back and neck pain, Spine realignment and adjustment, Spinal decompression, Laser soft tissue therapy, Therapeutic body massage, Chiropractic exam and adjustment.
Spinal Decompression
20 Minute Appointment: Professionally trained physical therapists, Relieve pain, Personalized treatment plan, Physical therapy examination, Improve mobility and range of motion, Surgery free pain relief, Non-invasive pain relief.