Cafe 67 is well known for all its Famous Foods, Quick and Friendly Service, Unique Movie Decor and its convenient location at the end of Highway 67 in Lakeside. Located just off Highway 67 on the southwest corner of Mapleview Street in Lakeside (at the traffic signal). Look for the large corner Cafe 67 Movie Marquee. To all knowledgeable Hot Rodders…The answer is yes! Lyle Fisk created the signage that sits on the cafe’s corner. Cafe 67 was conceived by its owner, Brenda Asaro about five years ago. The cafe came to life in November 2005. Brenda searched for two and a half years in order to find that perfect location for her new restaurant. Her search took her throughout the entire County of San Diego. Upon coming across the cafe’s location in the Lakeside/Santee area Brenda instantly knew that she had found what she had been looking for these past many years. In the real estate world the word is Location, Location, Location. Brenda’s new home for her soon to be restaurant was in Lakeside, California, just off Highway 67.