the breast is the universal symbol of femininity, nurturing, love, and sexuality. most women interested in breast augmentation or enlargement are intelligent, successful and well-adjusted individuals who are concerned with inadequate breast size.
the upper eyelid procedure involves removing the excess skin in the shape of a crescent. next, any excess or bulging fat is removed, typically from the areas next to the nose. fine sutures are used to close the incision. the scar blends into the fold above the eye and is very difficult to see.
Brow Lift
indications for a brow (forehead) lift include visible signs of aging, such as deep forehead creases, hooding over the eyes, drooping eyebrows and frown lines above the nose and between the brows. the procedure involves mobilizing and redraping the skin to smooth the forehead, lifting the eyebrows and upper eyelids and minimize frown lines. the brow lift is performed through small incisions in the hair above the forehead.
Abdominoplasty (tummy Tuck)
the typical patient that presents for abdominal contouring complains of extra skin, extra fat, a stretched or loose abdominal wall, stretch marks, and/or poor lower abdominal skin quality. these conditions are often results of pregnancy or weight loss.
Body Lift
a body lift operation is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the sides and back of the hips, thighs and buttocks. many patients that undergo a lower body lift have had significant weight loss, either through gastric bypass surgery, pregnancies, or through diet and exercise.