Experience warming, playful and meditative Vinyasa flow in a comfortable, non-competitive atmosphere. This class is appropriate for experienced practitioners with a basic knowledge of postures and alignment awareness. Modifications and options for postures will be given.
Yoga - Level 1
Learn basic postures, breathing styles and meditation. More focus on breath and movement connection. Some sun salutations and preparation for inversions. Ideal for the newcomer and those with some experience.
Yoga - Gentle
Gentle stretching, breathing and postures with some restorative poses. Ideal for the beginner and for those with physical limitations.
This class will include more supported postures and pranayama techniques, gentle stretching, and meditation. A wonderful compliment to any level of practice. No experience required.
Tai Chi and Balance Fitness
ChiForLiving teaches forms and balance. Many of the movements can be done anywhere, anytime. All that is needed is a good attitude and willingness to improve physical and mental health through motion. Practicing ChiForLiving teaches balance, enhances leg strength, and improves flexibility and stamina. Due to the concentration needed to perform the movements, the exercise also works as a form of meditation and stress relief. This exercise works the leg, torso, and upper body with many arm movements done with hands above the heart for gentle cardio work. The turning movements generate from the core with hip rotation working the waist and trunk. The stances utilize the large leg muscles. The movement is done slowly, and is soft and flowing. Repetition and regular practice results in improved muscle tone, motor control / coordination and balance, and stimulation of the cardiovascular system.
Awakening Point On-line Store
Awakening Point is excited to offer the following packages for purchase through our secure PayPal account. When you click on the Buy Now button, you will be taken to PayPal where your order will be processed. if you are buying one of these packages as a gift certificate, then you will need to provide the recipient's name and the address where you want the certificate mailed
Yoga Class Packages
Please Select Package
10 Class Package
no expiration date
20 Class Package
no expiration date
Private Yoga Sessions
Please Select Package
One hour in studio private yoga session
90 minute in studio private yoga session
One hour in home private yoga session
90 minute in home private yoga session
Therapeutic Massage
Please Select Package
60 Minute
75 Minute
90 Minute
Raindrop Therapy
Energy Balancing
Self Care Special
30 min of massage and Yoga
Restorative Yoga
90 Minute Class
2 Hours Class
Rejuvenating Restorative Yoga
Women's Wellness Weekend
Please Select Package
Balance for Single
Balance for Double
Yoga Classes
first time students get your 2nd class FREE!
10-class package
no expiration date
20-class package
no expiration date
In studio Private Yoga Session
(per 60 minutes)$75.00
(per 90 minutes )$100.00
In home Private Yoga Session
(per 60 minutes)$100.00
(per 90 minutes)$125.00
Therapeutic Massage
7% NJ sales tax is included in all massage pricing
60 Minute$85.00
75 Minute$100.00
90 Minute$120.00
Energy Balancing
45-60 Minutes$75.00
Raindrop Therapy
Self Care Special
30 minutes Restorative Yoga followed by 30 minutes Therapeutic Massage
Yoga – Gentle
Start Time: 9:15 AM.
Yoga – Gentle
Start Time: 12:45 PM.
Yoga – Level 1
Start Time: 6:00 PM.
Yoga – Mixed Level w/ Mary
Start Time: 10:30 AM.
Yoga – Gentle / Restorative
Start Time: 12:45 PM.
Notes: Classes run 75 minutes unless otherwise notated, Please note class will only be held for two or more students. Instructors and classes subject to change without notification. Call (973)670-7421 for more information.
What is Manual Lymph Drainage?
What is Manual Lymph Drainage?
Here is an informative article written by New Jersey Massage's own Larry Heisler. You can visit their website for additional information on the school, CE for therapists and scheduling appointments with their highly trained staff. The North Jersey Massage Training Center has become the Northeast Headquarters for the famous Florida Manual Lymph Drainage Institute! This is where Mary trained. Incredible Lymph Drainage! We Got The Pictures. By Larry Heisler, M.A., LMT (New Jersey Massage). Manual lymph drainage (MLD) and it's profound effects on health, beauty and anti aging has been enjoyed by Europeans for many decades. MLD is not a massage, massage is directed towards the musculo skeletal system, MLD addresses the lymphatic system and it's pathways. The human body contains between 500 and 700 lymph nodes and these are directly our bodies sanitation system. The lymph are just under the skin and require a very light pumping action to move them along. The aim is to promote the lymph flow not cut it off with deeper strokes. Originally developed by Drs. Emil and Estrid Vodder for the treatment of chronic sinusitis and other immune disorders in the 1930's, MLD according to Massage Magazine is the fourth fastest growing modality in the bodywork industry. With continued research confirming what the Vodder's have extensively researched and taught, we now know your lymph are a key component to your immune system. A healthy, viable lymph system means that your body can drain out foreign invaders, toxins and waste products. Throughout your body there is a virtual road map where the lymph travel and move. Some of the pathways carrying lymph are like smaller side streets in your home neighborhood, others are like larger routes and there are a few main roads and highways. If you know the pathways, the special strokes used in MLD can dramatically speed up the removal of the bodies wastes. This can be especially powerful when the body is overwhelmed with health and nutrition challenges or to prepare for surgery and specifically to speed healing post op. Lymph transports at a speed of 10-12 beats per minute. When you have more waste products (pollutants, tobacco, chemical exposure, excess fats, sugars, alcohol), the lymph system can be especially burdened and travel (detox) can be hampered. To speed up the system or as it is called the lymphangiomotoricity, exercise, diet and breathing exercises can really help and an actual 50 minute MLD session can speed up the process by a factor of 10X's! Thus massage therapists trained in MLD can significantly help drain the bodies wastes clearing up many conditions and boosting the overall immune system and the bodies healing capacity. For instance imagine how effective MLD could be for addressing allergies, ear and throat infections or lymph vessels that are simply engorged by dietary over consumption. MLD drains the excess. That's why MLD is now on the menu for weight loss, allergies, cystic breasts, eczema, diabetic neuropathy, cellulite minimization, fibromyalgia, detox and anti aging to name a few. When it comes to surgery, five MLD sessions before and five sessions after are the standard recommendation. Some patients may be reluctant to pay the extra amount for these ten MLD 50 minute sessions. That's understandable especially when paying for cosmetic surgical procedures out of pocket. But remember MLD clears the drainage pathways dramatically promoting healing and when you see pictures of the results, it's simply amazing. The number one surgical procedure in the United States is liposuction. Unfortunately some physicians are unaware or disregard the lymph during this procedure, very often damaging them and their pathways making healing and recovery much more difficult. Take a look at our first two pictures, week two post op. The gal in the first picture did not have any pre or post op MLD sessions. The gal in the second picture had the prescribed five before and five after.
Yoga Therapy Basics Online Course with Paula Tepedino
Yoga Therapy Basics Online Course with Paula Tepedino
Basics of Yoga Therapy – Online. Fifteen Lessons to study at your own pace and in your own time. Earn Continuing Education Hours to improve your teaching and your practicing if you are student. Email yoga2light@gmail.com to sign up. Watch the Video: https://vimeo.com/237306355.
(per lesson)$75.00
All 15$975.00
Please note Mary's classes will not be held Monday, May 14th through Saturday, May 19th, 2018 as she is on vacation! The regular class schedule will resume Monday, May 21. Memorial Day Weekend – Please note Mary will teach a Mixed Level Yoga Class Saturday, May 26th from 10:30-11:45am. The 12:45pm class WILL NOT BE HELD due to the holiday weekend. Stay safe and thank a veteran.
Now offering MLD Lymphatic Massage
Mary was recently trained in Dr. Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage. You can read more about it here: http://mldinstitute.com/mld-history/ This technique is helpful for managing seasonal allergies, pre and post surgery treatments, lymphedema, sports injury recovery, maintaining a healthy immune system and more! For a limited time, MLD sessions (about 45-50 minutes) are offered at a discounted price.
MLD Sessions (About 45-50 Minutes)$75.00
Young Living Essential Oils
Mary is a distributor of Young Living Essential Oils. If you wish to purchase products, please visit Young Living, click on "Member Sign In". You will be given information on options for registering. Next, click on "Become a Member Now"; choose Distributor or Customer. You will need to enter Mary's Distributor number 1247690.
Adjunct Instructors
Sue Mortimer, RYT, offers Yoga Classes Wednesday and Friday mornings, 9:15-10:30am. Call 973-420-3471 for more information. Stan Cohen offers Tai Chi classes on Mondays. Call (908)246-9600 for more information. Please note these classes are separate from Mary's Yoga Classes and payment is to be made to the individual instructor.
A safe, nurturing place for people from all walks of life to awaken and explore their own being through movement, meditation and bodywork. Where we cultivate a sense of community among all those who enter our doors.