A new patient evaluation & treatment takes up to 45 minutes. I will spend most of this time taking a detailed intake so that I can understand what is going on. The remaining time will be spent discussing your treatment plan and giving you your first treatment. If you think it will take more time to elaborate your condition fully, consider booking a follow up immediately after your new patient treatment.
For a 45 Minute$95.00
Followup Treatment
This appointment will last up to 30 minutes where we will discuss your case and then perform the follow-up treatment. For complex cases or you simply want more time please book an additional follow-up treatment immediately following this one.
(per 30 minute)$65.00
If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for any appointment you will forfeit your appointment.
Payment is expected at the time services are rendered unless a signed financial agreement has been prepared in advance.
Payment may be made by cash, check, Visa and Mastercard. A $25.00 fee will be charged on all returned checks. We realize that health needs do not always coincide with financial means. When your treatment requires several visits, we will be happy to give you an estimate of the total treatment length and the approximate costs. If you have a special situation or need, please let us know and we will tailor a payment plan designed for your unique circumstances. All herbs, supplements and supplies must be paid for in full at the time they are dispensed. This is over and above any signed financial agreement.
Any collection costs, including but not limited to, the reasonable attorney's fees of Acupuncture Pain and Stress Center
LLC, arising out of, or in connection with collection of past due balances shall be borne by the patient.
My patients would tell you that, in my practice, I recommend very few general supplements outside of what's necessary to facilitate the healing process. One of the things I ask all my patients when discussing supplements is, "Do you notice when you forget to take [this supplement]." I think if you are going to spend your hard earned money on something and take it every day, that you should feel it. It should make a difference in your life in some way (big or small). With that said there are a handful of supplements I have vetted, that my family and I use. I am now doing the best to have these supplements for sale at my clinic.
SCD Essential Probiotics
SCD Essential Probiotics supply healthy probiotic bacteria, which work to restore balance in the digestive tract while supporting a healthy immune function. We based our probiotic upon ancient fermentation techniques, our probiotics are cultured in a mix of organic molasses; organic juice concentrates (blueberry, cherry, & pomegranate), sea salt and brown rice liquid extract. This proprietary technology delivers a probiotic unmatched in type and activity. This product contain 11 live and active cultures; it is pH Balanced for the digestive tract, and it is easier for your body to assimilate than dry pill- or capsule-packaged probiotics. This is my probiotic of choice for anyone looking to enhance their digestion. Taken on a regular basis, I have had many patients report that this probiotic supplement is making a huge difference.
30-day supply for$20.00
Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO)
Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) this excellent supplement contains balanced amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA), vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K2 and vitamin D. It also contains many other nutrients like CoQ10 and various quinones. Many of my patients report amazing changes in many conditions when taking FCLO on a regular basis including things like, anxiety, quality of skin/hair even helping to regulate hypoglycemia. There are TONS of fish oil supplements on the market but NOTHING ELSE LIKE THIS ONE.
Spirulina cold pressed from Hawaii. Spirulina is a fascinating vegetable like microalgae that contains 60% complete digestible protein and every essential amino acid. It is also an excellent source of gamma linoleic acid (GLA), Vitamins A, K, B12 and Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Minerals, Trace Elements, Chlorophyll and Enzymes. I personally use Spirulina in the stressful phases of my life and when I am tired, but still need to function. For me, spirulina provides a sustained energy. Some people turn to coffee or tea instead I take spirulina. I do not get the jittery ups or the lows once it wears off I just feel a nice subtle constant energy.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO)
What is so special about cod liver oil (fish oil)?
This wonderful supplement contains balanced amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA), vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K2 and vitamin D. It also contains many other nutrients like CoQ10 and various quinones. Some experts have stated that a little as one gram of fish oil per day can reduce cardiovascular mortality in patients with chronic heart failure or who have recently had a heart attack. One thing I try to ask my patients when I see they take a traditional fish oil supplement is, "Do you notice a difference when you forget to take your fish oil." Most Patients answer NO. Try Fermented Cod Liver Oil and You Will Notice a Difference in your Life.
Many of my patients that I treat for anxiety and attention issues notice a huge difference after a short time of taking FCLO.
Cod liver oil contributes to bone health, preventing bone and muscle pain and joint pain.
Vitamin-rich cod liver oil has been shown to support the health of pregnant women by improving the fatty acid profile of their breast milk to optimize brain health in the infant.
Traditionally, infants were given cod liver oil to support immune health until Dr. Spock began to recommend vaccinations in its place.
Vitamin A has long been shown to aid in vision health in diabetics and non-diabetics alike.
FCLO promotes proper absorption of calcium and magnesium, thereby helping to normalize blood pressure.
Inflammatory conditions like colitis and Crohn's have been shown to improve with the type of omega 3s in FCLO more so than to medications often prescribed.
Taken orally or applied topically, fermented cod liver oil helps to improve the quality of skin, both on the face and for issues of rashes, diaper rash, wrinkles, and more.
The vitamin A in fermented cod liver oil has been shown to be protective against cancer.
The vitamin D in cod liver oil is also very important in preventing tooth decay.(some even claim that a FLCO supplement can help reverse cavities and assist in gum health.)
Why Fermented Cod Liver Oil?
Our foods need to be as unprocessed as possible.
Most companies use chemical or heat extraction
then they purify it so it's the see-through golden color you're used to. But this process strips the oil of almost all its nutrients and makes it basically worthless. These companies then try to add the nurtients back in.
The industrialization of fish oils began around 1850 when oil manufacturers in Norway discovered that rendering (heating) the cod livers enabled them to produce a finished product in days.
This was much faster than allowing the livers to ferment naturally, which took several months. Rendering(heating) the livers also extracted up to twice the amount of oil as natural fermentation. However, industrializing the oil making process had nothing to do with increasing the quality of the oil. The sole focus of industrialization was increased quantity and profits.
Around 1950 the oil industry advanced technologically to the point that manufacturers could produce oil without color
flavor, or odor. Industrializing the oil further also allowed them to clean up the oxidative properties by applying heat-close to 400 degrees F-under nitrogen and pressure. These industrial fish oils were easy to sell, tasted great, and had a long shelf life.
The industrialization of the fish oil industry has resulted in great changes in the oil itself.
What was originally sacred fermented food with a deep and broad nutrient content has become processed oil with a few fatty acids such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Most industrial CLO also contain little to no natural occuring vitamins A and D; however, these vitamins must be added back in a unnatural form to the oil after manufacturing, as they are removed during the manufacturing process.
Real FCLO has thousands of nutrients.
There are many types of vitamin D, not just D3, and the same is true for other fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, E, K, and other quinones. Real FCLO also contains nutrients we do not know how to discuss or measure at this time.
We're planning on introducing Meditation to the clinic in the near future! If you are interested in classes please let me know.
Meditation is a extremely powerful exercise that can be done for many reasons.
Jim Eleczko, LAc meditates daily and has been studying meditation for over 11 years. Since there has been so many reports on meditation in the media we have created a tumblr account to keep you informed of the studies we find interesting. We're planning on introducing Meditation to the clinic in the near future! If you are interested in classes please let me know.
We're planning on introducing Qi Gong to the clinic in the near future! If you are interested in classes please let me know.
(Qi gong) is a powerful form of exercise that uses simple movements
stretching, and breathing to create strong functional health, emotional balance and increase the body's energy.
When you practice a Qigong form you will primarily be doing slow movements or holding static postures.
The focus of Qigong is on breathing, stretching and adding strength to the core and the often neglected stabilizer muscles
Taijiquan (Tai Chi) is an ancient Chinese practice with a martial art foundation.
Although still used by some as a martial art for self-defense, Taiji is now used by millions of people for its proven health benefits. Practitioners report increased energy levels, improved coordination and balance, increased mental clarity, better sleep, less pain, improved digestion, decreased stress, and balanced blood pressure.
Jim Eleczko
LAc was taught this form by Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong who distilled it into 18 movements. This short zen taiji form is focused on the movement of energy for optimal health benefits, it is powerful enough to yield enormous health benefits yet can be performed in the time span of a normal workday break if so desired.